- Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words.
- Sea otters have a pouch under their forearm to store their favorite rocks.
- There is a small village in France called "Pussy".
- 50 percent of your hand strength comes from your pinky finger.
- The word "mortgage" comes from a French word that means "death contract".
- A YouTube science channel used mathematics to estimate how much the entire Internet weighs. The whole Internet weighs approximately 50g, the same weight as a strawberry.
- It's harder to get into Walmart than into Harvard. Harvard accepts 4.5% of applicants, but Walmart hires only 2.6%.
- Do you use a loofah in the shower? If so, you're washing with produce: a loofah is actually a vegetable!
- The longest word in the English language is 189,819 letters and would take over 3 hours to pronounce.
- The Twitter bird actually has a name – Larry.
- If you're being drunk or violent in Japan, police will get a futon and roll you into a burrito.
- Cows have "best friends" and get stressed when separated.
- Paraskevidekatriaphobia, fear of Friday the 13th, leads to $800 million in losses annually.
- 7% of religious Americans pray to God about finding a good parking spot.
- A "buttload" is a real measurement of weight.
- The world's tallest structure built with Lego bricks was 114 feet, 11 inches (35 meters) tall.
- The first letters of the months July through to November spell JASON.
- If you are in for a long drive at night, listen to comedians while driving, it's harder to fall asleep while laughing.
- A group of frogs is called an army.
- Cotton candy was invented in 1897... by a dentist.