Legacy Tweaks is a mod that brings back many Legacy Console Edition features as configurable tweaks!
Inspired by Adrenix's Nostalgic Tweaks and Wilyicaro's Legacy4J, Legacy Tweaks brings many old Legacy Console Edition features to Java Edition.
Legacy Tweaks contains over 30 tweaks as of version 0.1.0, including everything from GUIs, tooltips and gameplay features.
Consider joining the ViolaFlower Discord for sneak peeks and updates on development! By joining, you can:
- Get installation help and technical support for all of ViolaFlower's projects
- Get the latest updates about development
- Talk with and collaborate with our team
- And just hang out with the rest of our community!
Legacy Tweaks is available for multiple mod loaders, but Fabric Loader is recommended. If you are using a third-party launcher (such as Prism Launcher), it should have built-in functionality to automatically install mod loaders. Once you have installed your mod loader of choice, simply place Legacy Tweaks into your mods folder like any other mod.
Please use the issue tracker linked at the top of the page if you are experiencing bugs, crashes, or other issues. Be sure to include necessary information like your hardware/software (such as the GPU, CPU, mod version, and OS) to help us identify and resolve issues.
Legacy Tweaks reimplements a lot of old Legacy Console Edition features into Java Edition! Enjoy classic menu's, the gamma system and more!
Unlike other alternatives, Legacy Tweaks is highly customizable. You can disable anything you don't like with just a click of a button!
Legacy Tweaks has very good compatibility when it comes to other mods, with them in most cases working fine!
Legacy Tweaks is available for both Fabric and NeoForge.
Legacy Tweaks aims to update quickly to new Minecraft versions.
Here are a list of different add-ons and modpacks to start your adventure!
The best and most customizable Console Edition modpack, focused on preserving the past while modernizing it for the future.
Want to enjoy Legacy Tweaks with your friends? Use my code raamviot50
for 25% off your first month of any server from BisectHosting, and support me in the process.
➕ Official Add-ons
Created by mzov_jen, PACP is a continuation of the old Programmer Art textures. This resource pack has full support for Legacy Tweaks.
Controlify is the best mod for controller support! With explicit Steam Deck support, gyro controls, and more, it is compatible with Legacy Tweaks. Connecting a controller is as simple as plugging it into your PC! It even has a Legacy Console Edition style mode for more accuracy!
⚔️ Legacy Edition Minigames (LEM)
Legacy Edition Minigames (Website) is a group of servers that re-create old minigames. Unlike Legacy4J, Legacy Tweaks supports LEM out of the box!
For the best gameplay experience with LEM, we recommend using the Console-idated modpack by S_N00B. It is premade and configured for the servers!
- omo50
- DexrnZacAttack
- icanttellyou
- Jab125
- Kyrptonaught
- Permdog99
- mzov_jen
- PeacefulWilliam
- Kaer1a
- Pedro270707/AndroidDr for guidance and assistance in development
- NicSonic for making the legacy-styled "Minecraft: Java Edition" logo
- Agarilmao for helping out with bug testing and general assistance in development