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QuickEQ is a high performance, versatile audio measurement library, providing the foundations for an automated, leading precision, heavily configurable room correction software called Cavern QuickEQ.

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Quick start

Fast Fourier-Transform

The basis of most measurements, the FFT is in the main Cavern library, QuickEQ is not even required. The Measurements class in the Cavern.Utilities namespace has extension methods for float and Complex arrays. The following FFT operations are available on both of them:

  • Complex[] FFT(samples) - Get the FFT of the input.
    • To get the spectrum of a real signal, the FFT1D method is the fastest.
  • void InPlaceFFT(samples) - Transform samples in-place (to spectrum for floats).
  • IFFT and InPlaceIFFT are only available for Complex numbers by definition.

For optimal performance, the second parameter for each function can be an FFTCache instance. These have to be constructed to the exact FFT size, and will improve runtimes for multiple sequential transforms to the fraction of the time without them. For software that run FFTs in multiple threads, using ThreadSafeFFTCaches for each thread is mandatory.


EQ generation including FIR, zero-phase, and peaking filter versions is found in the Cavern.QuickEQ.Equalization namespace. Target curves are available in the Cavern.QuickEQ.EQCurves namespace.

Signal generation

Noise and sweep generation with multichannel timing are available in the Cavern.QuickEQ.SignalGeneration namespace.

Graphing utilities

Displaying the spectrum of a measurement takes 3 steps, all of which are found in Cavern.QuickEQ.GraphUtils:

  • ConvertToGraph - Linear spectra have to be cut and converted to logarithmic scale.
  • ConvertToDecibels - The Y axis also requires a logarithmic transformation.
  • SmoothGraph - To mitigate heavy spectrum fluctuations by the nature of sound, smoothing helps a lot.


For massive performance improvements, compile CavernAmp and place its build next to Cavern.QuickEQ.dll. It doesn't require any code changes, but it only runs on Windows.

Development documents

  • Scripting API with descriptions of all public members for all public classes