Releases: Vonage/vonage-dotnet-sdk
What's New
Dependencies upgrade
- Update
packages (28701c2)
Add EntityId and ContentId on
SmsWorkflow (197513c) -
Support multiArchiveTag when creating an
archive (142c988) -
Support multiArchiveTag on archive
responses (d9b38c2)
- Bump version to
v6.15.5 (0b6decb)
Full Changelog: v6.15.4...v6.15.5
What's Changed
Bug Fixes
Downgrade Stryker to v3.12.0 until v3.13.x is
fixed (e89ee70) -
Downgrade Stryker to v3.12.0 until v3.13.x is
fixed (d978992) -
Use configuration instance instead of singleton in
ApiRequest (779bae0)
- Generate changelog for
v6.15.0 (46187e1)
Implement request for
GetUserConversations (d315f61) -
Implement endpoint construction for
GetUserConversations (91a6132) -
Implement request creation from HalLink for
GetUserConversations (68fbbd5) -
GetUserConversations (fee8589) -
Implement new object VonageUrls to handle multi-region
urls (6ccc249)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main'
- Refactor on Meetings
Client (a37a78f)
Exclude .NET Frameworks from target
frameworks (a0cdb4f) -
Use builder when creating request from a
HalLink (78d2b71) -
Use builder when creating request from a
HalLink (f880710) -
Make builders immutable for
Conversations (25a7648) -
Code cleanup on
tests (e3b8506) -
Clean HalLink
builders (f52d115) -
Clean empty
folders (79ab4d1) -
Add trait on serialization
tests (5d048a6) -
Add missing
traits (72aff33) -
Add legacy traits on
tests (7a56337) -
Remove url information from
Configuration (00197f5) -
Mark urls obsolete in Configuration, in favor of the VonageUrls
property (55c138a) -
Remove uses of
Configuration.VideoApiUrl (f02fc6f) -
Remove uses of
Configuration.RestApiUrl (34b5d40) -
Remove uses of
Configuration.NexmoApiUrl (d19fb8d)
- Bump version to
v6.15.1 (25c5d09)
Full Changelog: v6.15.0...v6.15.1
What's Changed
Bug Fixes
Remove Vonage.Common from workflows (45b1d70)
Broken test due to incompatible target-typed new (5ba9500)
Update changelog (b8d4a5f)
Add migration guide for Video API (1b2bc1f)
Add missing header link in migrations (8af1d00)
Extend support for VideoTokenGenerator (8716a7a)
Implement serialization for CreateConversation (a871912)
Implement CreateConversation (d1e2d9e)
Add net8.0 as target-framework for test projects (#560) (3da8df5)
Implement parsing for DeleteConversation (e36996a)
Implement DeleteConversationRequest (77cf0ce)
Implement DeleteConversation (f4e1396)
Implement GetConversationRequest (90cd652)
Implement serialization for GetConversation (2b29193)
Implement GetConversation (f890405)
Implement builder for GetConversations (cee1ff6)
Implement GetEndpointPath for GetConversations (1edd9e9)
Implement serialization for GetConversations (e519ca9)
Implement GetConversations (d53529f)
Implement BuildRequest on hal link for GetConversations (5008bd0)
Implement request builder for UpdateConversation (46ff578)
Implement serialization for UpdateConversation (5c683e2)
Implement request for UpdateConversation (53a7ee9)
Implement UpdateConversation (e60d8de)
Move Conversation to enable reusability (d6740d7)
- Bump version to v6.15.0 (e311974)
Full Changelog: v6.14.0...v6.15.0
What's Changed
Bug Fixes
Add specific System.Net.Http for Vonage.Common.Test to avoid mismatch when building with
.NetFramework (aa6a2d1) -
Add explicit reference to System.Net.Http for
.NetFramework4.6.2 (5d151b6)
Update changelog after v6.13.0 tag (a89ee57)
changelog (ea21a0c) -
Update readme with available
APIs (13875a8)
Base structure for CreateConversation in Conversations
API (b401dc7) -
Implement CreateConversationResponse
deserialization (98b6539) -
Override .ToString() on
Maybe (09133a0) -
Implement Merge capability on
Maybe (f961208) -
Implement GetFailureUnsafe on
Result (038c24e) -
Add BeEquivalentTo assertions to Maybe and
Result (364d43d) -
Implement builder for Name & DisplayName in
CreateConversation (5b1b575) -
Implement builder for Uri in
CreateConversation (4d012dd) -
Implement builder for Properties in
CreateConversation (7a8c4c1) -
Implement builder for Callback in
CreateConversation (61511f3) -
Implement request validation for
CreateConversation (4250e09) -
Implement default serialization for
CreateConversation (5d92598) -
Implement builder for Numbers in
CreateConversation (51cddd7) -
Support serialization for
CreateConversation (6e6cc78)
- Merge branch 'main' of
- Make changelog workflow dispatch
only (f9466fa)
Use value equality when asserting
properties (68ff008) -
Add invariant culture when parsing
DateTimeOffset (16bcd1b) -
dependencies (128712c)
- Bump version to
v6.14.0 (50cca55)
- Revert "fix: add specific System.Net.Http for Vonage.Common.Test to avoid mismatch when building with .NetFramework"
This reverts commit aa6a2d1.
Full Changelog: v6.13.0...v6.14.0
What's Changed
Bug Fixes
Mutation testing ignoring test value for private key (b861905)
Mutation testing ignoring test value for private key (00d89a3)
Mutation testing ignoring test value for private key (e0552d0)
IDisposable implementation on TestingContext (56ebfb1)
Add git-cliff for changelog generation (0fbfbd8)
Generate changelog using git-cliff (757e4a8)
Update changelog format (dc61d19)
Update changelog (296b723)
Update changelog (4aaa658)
Update changelog (8f7d33d)
Update changelog (4ea6ad3)
Add commit hash in changelog (505329c)
Update changelog (88c2112)
Setup base structure for Number Insight V2 (f906166)
Write main use case for Fraud Check in Number Insight V2 (cf425f3)
Implement builder for FraudCheck (2409d10)
Use PhoneNumber on FraudCheckRequest (8770ef7)
Add BiMap functionality to Result (5e3945c)
Implement serialization for FraudCheckRequest (c927b87)
Implement FraudCheckResponse deserialization (dfc9249)
Implement PerformFraudCheck capability on Number Insight client (a65986e)
Add NumberInsights V2 client in services registration (abf4af3)
Change FraudScoreLabel into an enum (f45bf94)
Change RiskRecommendation to an enum (b0da643)
Change SimSwap status to an enum (e82ac73)
FraudCheck without FraudScore or
SimSwap (4309d11)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main'
(0e25394) -
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main'
Add changelog workflow (83f91a6)
Setup changelog auto update (8a8057e)
Use auth token for changelog workflow (35bff74)
Use PAT for changelog auto update (67d05d4)
Make changelog update on release (2ea9192)
Use BiMap in FraudCheckRequestBuilder (747bfb9)
Test FraudCheck with both Basic and Bearer auth (bbd8a4b)
Reuse authorization value from E2EHelper (4e58812)
E2E tests for FraudCheck (9a27e8f)
Use Maybe on both optionals SimSwap and
FraudScore (7767886)
- Bump version to
v6.13.0 (fc17ed9)
Revert "ci: use auth token for changelog workflow"
This reverts commit 35bff74.
(23084e2) -
Revert "fix: mutation testing ignoring test value for private key"
This reverts commit b861905.
(646d460) -
Revert "fix: mutation testing ignoring test value for private key"
This reverts commit 00d89a3.
Full Changelog: v6.12.3...v6.13.0
What's Changed
- release: bump version to v6.12.3
- release: remove specific assembly version for Vonage
- docs: add whitesource file to solution
Full Changelog: v6.12.1...v6.12.3
What's Changed
- feat: implement implicit operator for VerifyV2 languages
- feat: update supported languages in Meetings API UI settings
- feat: use Uri instead of string for RedirectUrl
- feat: add privacy settings to applications
- feat: add missing features on Voice capabilities
- feat: implement BuildVerificationRequest on StartVerificationResponse
- feat: redirect url on silent auth
- refactor: remove unnecessary dependency for Vonage.Server
- refactor: simplify test setup with private key
- refactor: clean VerifyV2 tests & mutants
- refactor: remove dependency towards Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities
- refactor: update all dependencies
- refactor: update dependencies with net8.0 release
- refactor: prevent exceptions in monads
- refactor: enable bindings redirect (#552)
- refactor: enable bindings redirect (#551)
- refactor: simplify StartVerificationRequest process by removing generics
- fix: incorrect path for Vonage.Server release
- fix: use test class for VideoClient tests to avoid InternalsVisibleTo
- fix: signed Vonage.Server.Test project
- fix: ambiguous reference with System.Net.Http
- fix: reduce timeout for httpClient timeout tests
- fix: result assertion messages
- fix: explicit using for to avoid conflicts with older frameworks (#553)
- ci: parallelize signed and unsigned builds
- ci: remove InternalsVisibleTo in Vonage.Server
- ci: add github action to try generating release packages
- release: bump Vonage.Server version to v7.0.5-beta
- release: bump version to v6.12.1
- release: bump video beta to v7.0.5-beta
- docs: update formatting in readme
- docs: update upcoming breaking changes in next major version, with links to PRs
- doc: add coverage to readme
Full Changelog: v6.12.0...v6.12.1