This repository is being used for work in the Web Platform Incubator Community Group, governed by the W3C Community License Agreement (CLA). To contribute, you must join the CG.
If you are not the sole contributor to a contribution (pull request), please identify all contributors in the pull request's body or in subsequent comments.
To add a contributor (other than yourself, that's automatic), mark them one per line as follows:
If you added a contributor by mistake, you can remove them in a comment with:
If you are making a pull request on behalf of someone else but you had no part in designing the feature, you can remove yourself with the above syntax.
Everyone is welcome to contribute to this specification.
Any simple editorial contribution can simply be done with a GitHub Pull Request. You can even do an inline edit of the file on GitHub.
- the spec uses ReSpec
- the spec is tidied using HTML5 Tidy. For instructions on running HTML5 tidy, see below.
- put comments in front of sections, for better readability with syntax coloring editors
Please make sure you have HTML5 tidy installed, instead of the the one that ships with *nix systems. You can comfirm this by running:
tidy5 --version #HTML Tidy for Mac OS X version 4.9.XX ...
Once you have confirmed (make sure you have committed your changes before running tidy, as the changes are destructive ... in a good way:)):
tidy5 -config tidyconfig.txt -o index.html index.html