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File metadata and controls

212 lines (165 loc) · 9.06 KB


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A Clojure(Script) implementation of the BeerXML 1.0 schema with cross-format support using Metosin's spec-tools. The library endeavors to support the data specification as a clojure spec and includes all optional fields in the core BeerXML spec.

This repository follows the guidelines and standards of the Wall Brew Open Source Policy.

Domain Experience

This documentation and library assumes a moderately advanced level of familiarity with homebrewing- specifically the brewing of beer. If you are unfamiliar with the brewing process, we highly recommend setting this documentation aside and gathering the essential experience and knowledge first. The following resources are great places to begin:

  • The Complete Joy of Home Brewing - Charlie Papazian
  • How to Brew - John J. Palmer
  • The American Homebrewers Association
  • A friend, relative, or neighbor with homebrewing experience
  • A local brewery or local homebrewing supply store


A deployed copy of the most recent version of common-beer-format can be found on clojars. To use it, add the following as a dependency in your project.clj file:

Clojars Project

The next time you build your application, Leiningen or deps.edn should pull it automatically. Alternatively, you may clone or fork the repository to work with it directly.


common-beer-format's public documentation is available on cljdoc. Please note that cljdoc does not currently include clojure specs in auto-generated namespace documentation. Documentation of the specs contained by this library may be found in the Specs article. The original markdown copies of this documentation are located in the doc folder of this repository.


Once the library has been added as a dependency to your project, you can begin utilizing the specs.

To see how the application works, try opening a REPL.

(:require [ :as xml]
          [clj-xml.core :as clj-xml]
          [common-beer-format.core :as cbf]
          [common-beer-format.fermentables :as cbf-fermentables])

(def fermentables-file
  (-> "resources/xml/fermentables.xml"

(cbf/coerce fermentables-file ::cbf-fermentables/fermentables-wrapper)

Once the file is read and parsed, the code above will return something like this:

     {:amount           2.27
      :yield            78.0
      :supplier         "Fussybrewer Malting"
      :color            3.0
      :name             "Pale Malt (2 row) UK"
      :moisture         4.0
      :type             "Grain"
      :notes            "All purpose base malt for English styles"
      :protein          10.2
      :origin           "United Kingdom"
      :coarse-fine-diff 1.5
      :version          1
      :max-in-batch     100.0
      :diastatic-power  45.0}}
     {:amount           0.91
      :yield            70.0
      :supplier         "Fussybrewer Malting"
      :color            2.0
      :name             "Barley, Flaked"
      :moisture         9.0
      :type             "Grain"
      :notes            "Adds body to porters and stouts, must be mashed"
      :protein          13.2
      :origin           "United Kingdom"
      :coarse-fine-diff 1.5
      :version          1
      :max-in-batch     20.0
      :recommend-mash   true
      :diastatic-power  0.0}}
     {:amount           0.45
      :yield            78.0
      :supplier         "Fussybrewer Malting"
      :color            500.0
      :name             "Black Barley"
      :moisture         5.0
      :type             "Grain"
      :notes            "Unmalted roasted barley for stouts, porters"
      :coarse-fine-diff 1.5
      :diastatic-power  0.0
      :protein          13.2
      :max-in-batch     10.0}}]}

This library takes data structured to the BeerXML specification and provides a layer of conformance and coercion.

Specs for the following data types have been provided, as well as several wrappers for container objects:

Core Data Functions

In the core namespace, several utility functions have been provided to allow users of common-beer-format to inherit the utilities in spec-tools. That users may use any function from spec-tools or clojure.spec, with the specs in this library.

Surfaced functions include:

  • conform
  • coerce
  • explain
  • explain-data
  • spec-description

Additional Notes


Since BeerXML was obviously built to XML standards, this data model contains more container objects than either JSON or EDN traditionally. To cleanly interop with Clojure Spec, this required the construction of spec wrappers for forms like the following:

   [{:fermentable ...}
    {:fermentable ...}]}

;; as well as

  {:amount           2.27
   :yield            78.0
   :supplier         "Fussybrewer Malting"
   :color            3.0
   :name             "Pale Malt (2 row) UK"
   :moisture         4.0
   :type             "Grain"
   :notes            "All purpose base malt for English styles"
   :protein          10.2
   :origin           "United Kingdom"
   :coarse-fine-diff 1.5
   :version          1
   :max-in-batch     100.0
   :diastatic-power  45.0}}

Therefore, specs named like ::fermentable and ::fermentables are used to describe the innermost values- meaning a key-value pair of the data describing a fermentable ingredient or a list of fermentable records. To coerce and conform the data containing those elements, one would use ::fermentable-wrapper and ::fermentables-wrapper. That allows the clean interop between the internal data structure of, which defines the data samples above, and the utilities provided by spec-tools.

Pre-Packaged Data

common-beer-format formerly came pre-packaged with many of the most common brewing ingredients used. While this was convenient, it severely bloated this library and its published version. This information is still available; however, it must now be loaded as a separate dependency as of common-beer-format v2.0.0. You can find that data in the common-beer-data repository.

If we've missed an ingredient you'd like to see in common-beer-data, you can fork that repository and open a pull request or suggest it here.

Alternative Representations

In addition to surfacing clojure.spec definitions for the BeerXML schema, this library also provides exported type/schema information in the following formats:

These files are generated from the clojure.spec definitions and are available in the exports directory of this repository.


Copyright © Wall Brew Co

This software is provided for free, public use as outlined in the MIT License