Duration: 2023/03/01 → 2023/08/13 Skills: C++, CMake, ECS
Github ECS Project
Github Log Project
Github Memory Project
- Rebuilding ECS (Entity Component System).
- Language
- C++
- Libraries
- Log Project
- Memory Project
- Rpc (UUID)
- A DOTS-based system under development in Unity.
- What is DOTS?
- Data-Oriented Technology Stack.
- A data-centric programming approach.
- How is it different from OOP?
- Data-centric
- Focuses on optimizing performance and accessing data directly.
- Continuous memory accessibility
- Unlike OOP objects, stores data of the same type in contiguous memory.
- Optimizes memory access patterns to increase cache hit probability.
- Ease of parallel processing
- Allows independent construction of methods (or systems) for different data types.
- Systems operate on data, not objects (entities), enabling separation of objects and systems.
- Data-centric
- What is DOTS?
- Entity Component System (ECS)
- What is an Entity?
- An abstraction representing individual objects such as game objects or characters.
- Serves as a simple identifier (naming) and does not directly hold data.
- Example:
- Entity ID: "John Doe"
- "Abilities" Component - "John Doe"
- "Skills" Component - "John Doe"
- "Weapon" Component - "John Doe"
- In this example, the Entity serves as an identifier for the components.
- Entity ID: "John Doe"
- What is a Component?
- Represents actual data used by entities.
- Identified by Entity ID when attached to an entity.
- Components of the same type should be stored in contiguous memory.
- What is a System?
- Logic that processes and manipulates components.
- Each system has access rights to the components it requires.
- Systems can be processed in parallel, but dependencies between them must be considered.
- Example:
- System: "Render"
- Uses "Render Component"
- System: "Move"
- Uses "Move Component"
- System: "Render"
- What is an Entity?
Sparse Set
- A method of linking Entity IDs with each component.
- Uses a Dense Set to store Entity IDs and a Sparse Set for components.
- Allows rapid access to components in contiguous memory using the Entity ID.
- Related Site: Entt Library on Github
- Groups of entities with similar component compositions.
- Each archetype has a unique component composition.
- Unlike Sparse Set, it doesn't store components in contiguous memory but stores similar types of archetypes in contiguous memory.
- Related Site: Unity's ECS Archetype
Understanding Game Engine Structure
- Need for a continuously usable library.
- Lack of understanding of how the engine's internals work.
- How project files are structured.
- How play, pause, and building within the engine work.
- Whether the engine and the game are developed separately.
- Difficulty in implementing information from UML diagrams of other engines.
Implementation of Independent Systems
- Need for a basic engine to implement functionality like collision and fluid simulation.
Different Approach to ECS
- Issues with Sparse Set:
- Limited to accessing only one component via the Entity ID.
- Not all systems can use just one component.
- Issues with Archetype:
- Even if you want to add just one or two components to a specific archetype, you need to create a new archetype by duplicating data.
- Example:
- When you want to create objects that emit light and render, you need a new "Light Render Archetype."
- This would require duplicating the required components and removing them from the existing archetype.
- Introduction of the "Node" Concept
- Utilize a concept similar to nodes often seen in Unity and Unreal Engine.
- Each node has access rights to specific components, combining concepts from Sparse Set and Archetype.
- Example:
- When creating an object that emits light and renders, you can register both a "Render Node" and a "Light Node" for the same entity.
- This allows the same Transform Component to be used for both.
- Systems that transform data can be restructured or controlled to prevent conflicts if they exist.
- Issues with Sparse Set:
Interface for objects using MyUUID.
class IObject { public: IObject() {}; IObject(MyUUID ID) : m_ID(ID) {}; virtual ~IObject() {}; public: void SetID(MyUUID ID) { m_ID = ID; } MyUUID GetID() { return m_ID; } MyUUID GetID() const { return m_ID; } protected: MyUUID m_ID; };
Interface for objects that ComponentManager stores as IComponent pointers.
class IComponent : public IObject { public: IComponent() {}; IComponent(MyUUID ID) : IObject(ID) {}; virtual ~IComponent() {}; };
Interface for objects that NodeManager stores as INode pointers.
- Check(MemoryPtr& EntityMPtr)
- Checks whether the Entity has the required components via NodeManager.
- Init(MemoryPtr& EntityMPtr)
- Acquires MemoryPtr to the required components via ComponentManager and Entity if the Entity has them.
class INode : public IObject { public: INode() {}; INode(MyUUID ID) : IObject(ID) {} virtual ~INode() {}; public: virtual bool Check(MemoryPtr<Entity>& EntityMPtr) = 0; virtual void Init(MemoryPtr<Entity>& EntityMPtr) = 0; };
- Check(MemoryPtr& EntityMPtr)
Each Node has the same ID as the Entity.
- This is because there can be no duplicate nodes for the same Entity.
Interface for objects that SystemManager stores as ISystem pointers.
- Information about the Node type required by the system.
- Used by Scene's Update function to provide MyUUID Set data based on the required Node types.
Update(float DeltaTime, int SceneIndex, MyUUIDUnSet& NodeIDData) = 0;
- SceneIndex
- Required to process systems within the context of the scene.
class ISystem : public IObject { public: ISystem() {}; ISystem(MyUUID ID) : IObject(ID) {}; virtual ~ISystem() {}; public: virtual void Update(float DeltaTime, int SceneIndex, MyUUIDUnSet& NodeIDData) = 0; virtual void SetNodeType(const std::type_info* Type) = 0; const std::type_info*& GetNodeType() { return m_NodeType; } protected: const std::type_info* m_NodeType; };
- SceneIndex
- Main Role
- Responsible for creating and deleting scenes.
- Scene-Related
- Creates scenes
- Assigns an index to scenes
- Since scenes are not created frequently, UUIDs are unnecessary.
- Accesses scenes using an index.
- Creates scenes
- Main Role
- Main Role
- Responsible for creating and deleting entities.
- Entity-Related
- Creates entities
- Accesses entities using IDs.
- Main Role
- Main Role
- Responsible for creating and deleting components.
- Component-Related
- Creates components
- Accesses components using IDs and type information.
- Retrieves complete type information.
- Retrieves all ID information for a given type.
- For file saving and loading and for UI usage.
- Retrieves all ID information for a given type.
- Main Role
Main Role
- Responsible for creating and deleting systems.
- Creates systems
- Accesses systems using IDs.
- Retrieves all ID information.
- Allows for setting dependencies.
SetDependency(MyUUID& MainID, MyUUID& DependentID)
- ID of the system that is being depended upon.
- ID of the system that depends on another.
Checks if both IDs exist in the SystemManager.
- If not, no action is taken.
Adds the DependencyIDData for the MainID.
- A collection of IDs that depend on the MainID.
Creates a TestIDSet for testing cycle dependencies.
Checks for cycles in the dependency graph using a topological sort.
- If a cycle is detected, the dependency is deleted.
void SystemManager::SetDependency(MyUUID& MainID, MyUUID& DependencyID) { bool Check = HasSystem(MainID) && HasSystem(DependencyID); if (!Check) return; m_DependencyIDData[MainID].insert(DependencyID); MyUUIDUnSet TestIDSet; for (auto [ID, System] : m_ISystemMPtrData) { TestIDSet.insert(ID); } Check = TopologySort(TestIDSet); if (!Check) { DeleteDependency(MainID, DependencyID); } }
DeleteDependency(MyUUID& MainID, MyUUID& DependentID)
- ID of the system that is being depended upon.
- ID of the system that depends on another.
Checks if MainID exists in the SystemManager.
- If not, no action is taken.
Deletes the dependency of DependentID on MainID.
void SystemManager::DeleteDependency(MyUUID& MainID, MyUUID& DependentID) { bool Check = HasSystem(MainID) && HasSystem(DependentID); if (Check) { auto ITR = m_DependencyIDData[MainID].find(DependentID); if (ITR != m_DependencyIDData[MainID].end()) { Log::Info("Erase Dependency %s for %s", typeid(*GetSystem(MainID)).name(), typeid(*GetSystem(DependentID)).name()); m_DependencyIDData[MainID].erase(ITR); } } }
Cycle Graph Detection
TopologySort(MyUUIDUnSet& SystemIDData)
Implements Kahn's algorithm for topological sorting.
- Queue containing valid IDs with an indegree of 0.
- Stores indegree information for each ID.
First assigns an index to IDs with an indegree of 0 and pushes them to TopoQueue.
Iteratively removes IDs from TopoQueue, marks them as visited, and decrements indegrees of dependent IDs.
Continues until TopoQueue is empty.
If the number of assigned indices matches the total number of SystemIDData, the graph is acyclic.
Otherwise, it indicates the presence of cycles.
bool SystemManager::TopologySort(MyUUIDUnSet& SystemIDData) { MyUUIDQueue TopoQueue; DependentIndegreeUnMap TopoIndegreeData = CalculateIndegree(m_DependencyIDData); int Index = 0; for (auto& [ID, Indegree] : TopoIndegreeData) { if (Indegree == 0) { m_SystemIndexData[ID] = ++Index; TopoQueue.push(ID); Indegree--; } } while (!TopoQueue.empty()) { MyUUID& ID = TopoQueue.front(); for (auto& DependencyID : m_DependencyIDData[ID]) { TopoIndegreeData[DependencyID]--; if (TopoIndegreeData[DependencyID] == 0) { m_SystemIndexData[DependencyID] = ++Index; TopoQueue.push(DependencyID); TopoIndegreeData[DependencyID]--; } } TopoQueue.pop(); } if (Index == SystemIDData.size()) return true; else { Log::Warn("This Graph is cyclic"); return false; } }
CalculateIndegree(DependencyIDUnSetUnMap& DependencyIDData)
- Contains DependencyID (dependee) information with DependentID (dependent) data.
- Stores the indegree count for each DependentID.
using DependencyIDUnSetUnMap = MyUUIDUnMap<MyUUIDUnSet>; using DependentIndegreeUnMap = MyUUIDUnMap<int>; SystemManager::DependentIndegreeUnMap SystemManager::CalculateIndegree(DependencyIDUnSetUnMap& DependencyIDData) { DependentIndegreeUnMap DependentIndegreeData; for (auto& [ID, IDData] : DependencyIDData) { DependentIndegreeData[ID] = 0; } for (auto& [ID, IDData] : DependencyIDData) { for (auto& DependencyID : IDData) { DependentIndegreeData[DependencyID]++; } } return DependentIndegreeData; }
- Main Role
- Responsible for creating and deleting nodes.
- Node-Related
- Accesses nodes using IDs.
- Creates nodes through entities.
Creates nodes using the provided entity.
Checks the required components for the node.
- If the check fails, the node is deleted.
- If the check passes, data is recorded in the NodeData.
template MemoryPtr Create(MemoryPtr& Object)
template <typename T> MemoryPtr<T> NodeManager::Create(MemoryPtr<Entity>& Object) { bool Check = HasMPtrMap<T>(); if (!Check) CreateMPtrMap<T>(); MemoryPtr<T> NodeMPtr = MemoryManager::GetHandle().Create<T>(Object->GetID()); Check = NodeMPtr->Check(Object); if (!Check) { MemoryManager::GetHandle().Delete<T>(NodeMPtr); throw Except("NodeManager | %s | This Entity has not components for this node", __FUNCTION__, typeid(T).name()); } NodeMPtr->Init(Object); GetIDData<T>().insert(NodeMPtr->GetID()); GetMPtrMapData<T>()[NodeMPtr->GetID()] = NodeMPtr; return NodeMPtr; }
- Main Role
void Example() { MemoryManager::GetHandle().Init(); // Initializing the System Manager SystemManager::GetHandle().Init(); // Creating each System using the System Manager MemoryPtr<ISystem> Render = SystemManager::GetHandle().Create<RenderSystem>(); MemoryPtr<ISystem> Move = SystemManager::GetHandle().Create<MoveSystem>(); MemoryPtr<ISystem> Collision = SystemManager::GetHandle().Create<CollisionSystem>(); MemoryPtr<ISystem> Physics = SystemManager::GetHandle().Create<PhysicsSystem>(); MemoryPtr<ISystem> Camera = SystemManager::GetHandle().Create<CameraSystem>(); // Setting dependencies for each system SystemManager::GetHandle().SetDependency( Physics->GetID(), Collision->GetID() ); SystemManager::GetHandle().SetDependency( Collision->GetID(), Move->GetID() ); SystemManager::GetHandle().SetDependency( Move->GetID(), Render->GetID() ); SystemManager::GetHandle().SetDependency( Camera->GetID(), Render->GetID() ); // This dependency relation between RenderSystem and PhysicsSystem creates a cyclic graph // Therefore, this relation is deleted by the system manager SystemManager::GetHandle().SetDependency( Render->GetID(), Physics->GetID() ); }
... **01:55:13:478 | WARN This Graph is cyclic 01:55:13:478 | INFO Erase Dependency class RenderSystem for class PhysicsSystem** ...
- Dependent System - Systems they depend on
- Physics System - Collision System
- Collision System - Move System
- Move System - Render System
- Camera System - Render System
- Render System -
- In the current state, a non-cyclic graph is maintained
- Physics System - Collision System, Render System
- Collision System - Move System
- Move System - Render System
- Camera System - Render System
- Render System -
- When Physics System depends on Render System,
a cyclic graph is created
- 01:55:13:478 | WARN This Graph is cyclic
- The dependency of Physics System on Render System is removed by the system manager
- 01:55:13:478 | INFO Erase Dependency class RenderSystem for class PhysicsSystem
- When Physics System depends on Render System,
a cyclic graph is created
- Dependent System - Systems they depend on
void Example() { MemoryManager::GetHandle().Init(); // Initializing System Manager EntityManager::GetHandle().Init(); NodeManager::GetHandle().Init(); ComponentManager::GetHandle().Init(); // Creating an Entity and Registering it in the Main Scene MemoryPtr<Entity> Object = EntityManager::GetHandle().Create(); // Creating a Component MemoryPtr<MeshComponent> Mesh = ComponentManager::GetHandle().Create<MeshComponent>(); // Adding Mesh Component and Transform Component to the Object Entity Object->AddComponent<MeshComponent>( Mesh->GetID() ); // Creating a RenderNode MemoryPtr<RenderNode> Node = NodeManager::GetHandle().Create<RenderNode>( Object ); EntityManager::GetHandle().Destroy(); NodeManager::GetHandle().Destroy(); ComponentManager::GetHandle().Destroy(); MemoryManager::GetHandle().Destroy(); } // RenderNode class class RenderNode : public INode { public : RenderNode() {}; RenderNode( MyUUID ID ) : INode( ID ) {}; virtual ~RenderNode(){}; public : virtual bool Check( MemoryPtr<Entity>& Object ) { if ( !Object->HasComponent<MeshComponent>() ) return false; if ( !Object->HasComponent<TransformComponent>() ) return false; return true; } virtual void Init( MemoryPtr<Entity>& Object ) { if ( !Check( Object ) ) return; Mesh = ComponentManager::GetHandle().GetComponent<MeshComponent>( Object->GetComponent<MeshComponent>() ); Trans = ComponentManager::GetHandle().GetComponent<TransformComponent>( Object->GetComponent<TransformComponent>() ); } public : MemoryPtr<MeshComponent> Mesh; MemoryPtr<TransformComponent> Trans; };
... **02:03:01:812 | INFO Instance | class RenderNode | 0000028478690C20 | Create new 02:03:01:812 | INFO Instance | class RenderNode | 0000028478690C20 | Delete 02:03:01:812 | ERROR NodeManager | NodeManager::Create | This Entity has not components for this node** ...
- A Render Node requires both Mesh Component and Transform Component
- However, the Entity in question has only registered the Mesh Component
void Example() { // ... // // Creating each System using the System Manager MemoryPtr<ISystem> Render = SystemManager::GetHandle().Create<RenderSystem>(); MemoryPtr<ISystem> Physics = SystemManager::GetHandle().Create<PhysicsSystem>(); // Creating a Scene MemoryPtr<Scene> Main = SceneManager::GetHandle().Create(); // Creating an Entity and Registering it in the Main Scene MemoryPtr<Entity> Object = EntityManager::GetHandle().Create(); // ... // // Creating a RenderNode through the Object Entity MemoryPtr<RenderNode> Node_1 = NodeManager::GetHandle().Create<RenderNode>( Object ); Main->RegisterNode<RenderNode>( Node_1->GetID() ); // Registering some systems in the Main Scene Main->RegisterSystem( Render->GetID() ); Main->RegisterSystem( Physics->GetID() ); // Frame in the Scene Main->Update( 0.0f ); // Creating a PhysicsNode through the Object Entity MemoryPtr<PhysicsNode> Node_2 = NodeManager::GetHandle().Create<PhysicsNode>( Object ); Main->RegisterNode<PhysicsNode>( Node_2->GetID() ); // Frame in the Scene Main->Update( 0.0f ); // ... // }
... **02:15:43:771 | INFO RenderSystem Update** 02:15:43:771 | WARN MemoryManager | class PhysicsNode | There isn't existed this type of MemoryPool 02:15:43:771 | INFO MemoryManager | class PhysicsNode | Create new pool ptr list 02:15:43:771 | INFO MemoryManager | class PhysicsNode | Pool Ptr 000002735C2E1AC0 - Start Ptr 000002735C2E7A30 | Create new memory pool 02:15:43:771 | INFO Instance | class PhysicsNode | 000002735C2E7A30 | Create new **02:15:43:772 | INFO PhysicsSystem Update 02:15:43:772 | INFO RenderSystem Update** ...
- The Main Scene has Physics System and Render System registered.
- However, there are no nodes available for the Physics System.
- As a result, the update proceeds from the Main as only the Render System is valid.
- When a Physics Node is added to the Main Scene, the Physics System becomes valid, and the update proceeds.
- While I haven't yet built a complete game engine from scratch, I feel like I have gained a fundamental understanding of how the internal components should be structured.
- In the past, when working on code, I didn't have a clear sense of how to add features or classes, but with this project, I have a direction for designing better solutions when adding systems, nodes, components, or improving functionalities within managers.
- Unlike my previous projects, where I simply added source files to the project and used them, I aimed to create libraries just like in a real engine. I created static and dynamic libraries, and in the future, using libraries with ECS or a game engine that uses ECS should be more convenient with proper configuration using CMake.
- Creating multiple interfaces during this project led me to revisit the concepts of objects and inheritance in object-oriented programming (OOP).
- Originally, for NodeManager and ComponentManager, I used void* or std::any to store MemoryPtr for different types, but I wanted to explore a different approach.
- I created interfaces, INode and IComponent, corresponding to Node and Component, and implemented success or failure of creation based on the inheritance relationship between these interfaces and the current objects, using dynamic_cast. During this process, I gained a deeper understanding of RTTI (Run-Time Type Information) and vtables.
- While overusing RTTI can introduce overhead and affect performance, I believe it's not a significant concern at my current level of development.
- Implementing topological sorting in the System Manager for testing dependencies was an enlightening experience. Prior to this, I simply placed systems in linked lists and allowed users to set dependencies manually.
- Initially, I thought that systems were limited to RenderNode, MoveNode, and CollisionNode, so I felt it would be manageable.
- However, I discovered that topological sorting is used more extensively in games than I initially thought. For instance, it's used in quests with dependencies or checking dependencies for specific character classes, among other scenarios. I realized that if I couldn't implement even the basic dependencies between systems correctly, it would be a problem.
- After implementing dependency checks using a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) and topological sorting for system sequencing, it became clear that this approach was far more convenient than manually creating linked lists. I also grappled with questions like whether to check dependencies once all systems are registered or after each dependency is set.
- When checking dependencies after all systems are registered, if a cyclic graph emerges, it's unclear which system to remove. Therefore, I chose to check dependencies for every system as they are registered and remove dependencies if a cycle is detected.