diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/components/recursion-provider/stories/index.story.js b/packages/block-editor/src/components/recursion-provider/stories/index.story.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..d0a0a2af40b6b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/block-editor/src/components/recursion-provider/stories/index.story.js
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ * WordPress dependencies
+ */
+import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
+import { Warning } from '@wordpress/block-editor';
+ * Internal dependencies
+ */
+import { RecursionProvider, useHasRecursion } from '../';
+// Example recursive block component for the stories
+const RecursiveBlock = ( { uniqueId, blockName, children, depth = 0 } ) => {
+ const hasRecursion = useHasRecursion( uniqueId, blockName );
+ if ( hasRecursion ) {
+ return (
+ { __( 'Block cannot be rendered inside itself.' ) }
+ );
+ }
+ return (
{ __( 'Block Info:' ) }
+ { __( 'UniqueId:' ) } { uniqueId }
+ { blockName && (
+ { __( 'BlockName:' ) } { blockName }
+ ) }
+ { children || __( 'Default Content' ) }
+ { depth === 0 && (
+ { __( 'Nested Content' ) }
+ ) }
+ );
+const meta = {
+ title: 'BlockEditor/RecursionProvider',
+ component: RecursionProvider,
+ parameters: {
+ docs: {
+ canvas: { sourceState: 'shown' },
+ description: {
+ component: __(
+ 'A provider component that helps prevent infinite recursion in blocks by tracking rendered instances.'
+ ),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ argTypes: {
+ uniqueId: {
+ control: { type: 'text' },
+ description: __( 'Unique identifier for the block instance' ),
+ table: {
+ type: { summary: 'any' },
+ },
+ },
+ blockName: {
+ control: { type: 'text' },
+ description: __( 'Optional block name' ),
+ table: {
+ type: { summary: 'string' },
+ defaultValue: { summary: '' },
+ },
+ },
+ children: {
+ control: { type: 'text' },
+ description: __( 'Child content to be rendered' ),
+ table: {
+ type: { summary: 'Element' },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ args: {
+ uniqueId: 'example-block-1',
+ blockName: '',
+ children: __( 'Sample Content' ),
+ },
+export default meta;
+export const Default = {
+ render: ( args ) => ,
+export const WithCustomBlockName = {
+ render: ( args ) => ,
+ args: {
+ uniqueId: 'example-block-2',
+ blockName: 'core/custom-block',
+ children: __( 'Custom Block Content' ),
+ },
+export const MultipleInstances = {
+ render: ( args ) => (
{ __( 'Multiple Independent Instances' ) }
+ ),
+export const RecursionWarning = {
+ render: ( args ) => (
{ __( 'Parent Block' ) }
+ ),