Copy number alteration fingerprint predicts the +clinical response of oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy in metastatic +colorectal cancer
+J.W. and Z.T. contributed equally to this work as joint first +authors; X.L. and X.S.L contributed equally to this work as joint senior +authors.
+If you want to reuse the code in this report, please note the +license below should be followed.
+The code is made available for non commercial research purposes only +under the MIT. However, notwithstanding any provision of the MIT +License, the software currently may not be used for commercial purposes +without explicit written permission after contacting Ziyu Tao or Xue-Song Liu
+PART 1: Data preprocessing
+To develop a stable, effective, and cost-efficient predictive +biomarker for oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy response in metastatic +colorectal cancer patients, we utilized shallow whole-genome +sequencing(sWGS) data to extract copy number alteration(CNA) features. +These features, combined with clinical characteristics, were used to +construct a machine learning model, ultimately resulting in the +development of a highly predictive model known as the CNA +fingerprint.
+1.1 Raw data processing
+suppose i is the sample name,Using follow tools: ### fastp QC
+fastp -i $workdir/$fq1 -I $workdir/$fq2 \
+-o ${i}_fp_1.fq.gz -O ${i}_fp_2.fq.gz
+-h ${i}_fastp.html \
+-w 10
+ +Samtools
+transform sam to bam file
+ +1.1 CNA features calling
+suppose you have got your bam file,Using follow tools:
+CBC segment,the defult genome is hg19,here we use hg38,and binsize as +100
+args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
+#args 1,sample name
+#args 2,path to bam
+#args 3,the output path
+i <- args[1]
+s <- paste0(i,"_sorted.bam")
+#binsize 设置为100
+bins <- getBinAnnotations(binSize=100,genome="hg38")
+readCounts <- binReadCounts(bins,bamfile=paste0(args[2],"/",s))
+readCountsFiltered <- applyFilters(readCounts,residual=TRUE, blacklist=TRUE)
+readCountsFiltered <- estimateCorrection(readCountsFiltered)
+copyNumbers <- correctBins(readCountsFiltered)
+copyNumbersNormalized <- normalizeBins(copyNumbers)
+copyNumbersSmooth <- smoothOutlierBins(copyNumbersNormalized)
+copyNumbersSegmented <- segmentBins(copyNumbersSmooth, transformFun="log2")
+copyNumbersSegmented <- normalizeSegmentedBins(copyNumbersSegmented)
+cellularity and ploidy
+sqm <- squaremodel(copyNumbersSegmented, QDNAseqobjectsample = 1,
+ penalty = 0.65, penploidy = 0.65,
+ ptop = 5.3, pbottom = 1.8, prows = 250,
+ cellularities = seq(50, 100, length.out = 50),
+ sgc = c("X", "Y"),exclude=c())
+mdf <- sqm$minimadf
+mdf <- mdf[order(mdf$error,-mdf$cellularity),]
+ploidy <- mdf$ploidy[1]
+cellularity <- mdf$cellularity[1]
+# Absoult CNA calling
+m<-ACEcall(copyNumbersSegmented, QDNAseqobjectsample = TRUE, scellularity = cellularity,
+ ploidy = ploidy, standard =1, plot = FALSE,
+ qcutoff = -3, subcutoff = 0.2, trncname = FALSE,
+ cap = 12, bottom = 0,
+ onlyautosomes = TRUE
+ )
+#seg <- m[,6]
+segment <- data.frame(copyNumbersSegmented@featureData@data[1:nrow(m),1:3],segment_mean=m$segment_mean)
+segment <- na.omit(segment)
+segment$segment_mean <- round(segment$segment_mean)
+CN features calling here we got the CNA segment files,first we do a +filter,delect all segments with num_marks <10,make the file colnames +as: chr,start,end segval,sample
+PART 2: Model training
+2.1 Training XGBoost model
+Considering the vast number of combinations, it would be advisable to +first conduct parameter searches for a subset, then utilize the +optimized subset to search for other parameters, rather than running all +parameters simultaneously.
+Here, we omit the step of parameter searching and directly present +all the considered parameters.
- We use
to address the issue of +class imbalance. The weight is set as the sum of negative samples +divided by the sum of positive samples.
+train.mat <- readRDS("../data/train_mat.rds")
+dtrain_mat <- train.mat
+colnames(dtrain_mat)[1:(dim(dtrain_mat)[2] - 1)] <- paste0("feature", seq(1:(dim(dtrain_mat)[2] - 1)))
+dtrain_input <- sparse.model.matrix(res ~ ., data = dtrain_mat)[, -1] %>%
+ as.matrix()
+train_label <- dtrain_mat$res == "response"
control <- trainControl(
+ method = "cv",
+ number = 5,
+ classProbs = TRUE,
+ summaryFunction = twoClassSummary
+scale_pos_weight_value <- sum(dtrain_mat3$res == "nonresponse") / sum(dtrain_mat3$res == "response")
+param_grid <- expand.grid(
+ max_depth = c(2:15),
+ eta = c(1e-5, 1e-4, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1),
+ max_delta_step = c(1:30),
+ alpha = c(0, 0.1, 0.5),
+ lambda = c(0, 1, 0.5),
+ gamma = c(0, 1, 5, 10),
+ scale_pos_weight = scale_pos_weight_value,
+ colsample_bytree = seq(0.1, 1, 0.1),
+ subsample = seq(0.5, 1, 0.1),
+ min_child_weight = c(1:10)
+paramlist <- apply(param_grid, 1, as.list)
+for (i in seq_along(paramlist)) {
+ x <- paramlist[[i]]
+ tryCatch(
+ {
+ set.seed(333)
+ xgb_last <- xgboost(
+ data = dtrain_input,
+ label = train_label,
+ objective = "binary:logistic",
+ params = x %>% as.list(),
+ nrounds = 1000,
+ early_stopping_rounds = 20,
+ eval_metric = "auc"
+ )
+ imp <- xgb.importance(model = xgb_last) %>%
+ %>%
+ dplyr::arrange(desc(Gain))
+ headimp <- head(imp, n = 20)
+ headimp$Feature
+ ## ---------------------------------------------------
+ set.seed(333)
+ out <-
+ data = dtrain_input[, colnames(dtrain_input) %in% headimp$Feature] %>% as.matrix(),
+ label = train_label,
+ params = x %>% as.list(),
+ nrounds = 1000,
+ showsd = TRUE,
+ booster = "gbtree",
+ print_every_n = 5,
+ early_stopping_rounds = 100,
+ metrics = c("auc", "aucpr"),
+ verbose = TRUE,
+ nfold = 5,
+ objective = "binary:logistic"
+ )
+ result <- out[["evaluation_log"]]
+ result$best_nround <- out$best_iteration
+ result$params <- out$params %>% list()
+ result$params_input <- list(x)
+ result$i <- i
+ print(x)
+ print(paste0("Here is ", i))
+ if (max(out$evaluation_log$test_auc_mean) > 0.80) {
+ saveRDS(
+ result,
+ file = paste0("/home/data/sde/tzy/project/swgs_coloncaner/script/final/tune_param_top20/iteronehot_", i, "_tune_param.rds")
+ )
+ saveRDS(
+ out,
+ file = paste0("/home/data/sde/tzy/project/swgs_coloncaner/script/final/tune_param_top20/iteronehot_", i, "_out.rds")
+ )
+ }
+ },
+ error = function(e) {
+ message("Error occurred with parameters: ", x, ". Error message: ", e$message)
+ list(error_occurred = TRUE, params = x)
+ }
+ )
2.2 Final model
+The best model is selected based on cross-validation results. The +parameters of final model as followed.
+cvmodel <- readRDS("../data/iteronehot_1587_out.rds")
+cvparam <- readRDS("../data/iteronehot_1587_tune_param.rds")
+[1] 100
+[1] 3
+[1] 0.1
+[1] 8
+[1] 0
+[1] 1
+[1] 5
+[1] 1.2
+[1] 0.7
+[1] 0.6
+[1] 1
+Attention, it has been tested that even with the same seed number, +there may still be differences in feature importance output between +different versions of the tool. To ensure result reproducibility, it is +recommended to run this section using the same version, or +alternatively, directly apply the final model provided by us. The +version of the tool used should be specified at the end.
+dtrain_input <- readRDS("../data/dtrain_input.rds")
+train_label <- readRDS("../data/train_label.rds")
+xgb_last_all <- xgboost(
+ data = dtrain_input,
+ label = train_label,
+ objective = "binary:logistic",
+ params = cvparam[[12]][[11]] %>% as.list(),
+ nrounds = 1000,
+ early_stopping_rounds = 20,
+ eval_metric = c("auc")
+saveRDS(xgb_last_all, file = "../data/xgb_last_all.rds")
+imp <- xgb.importance(model = xgb_last_all) %>%
+ %>%
+ dplyr::arrange(desc(Gain))
+headimp <- head(imp, n = 20)
+xgb_last <- xgboost(
+ data = dtrain_input[, headimp$Feature] %>% as.matrix(),
+ label = train_label,
+ objective = "binary:logistic",
+ params = cvparam[[12]][[11]] %>% as.list(),
+ nrounds = 1000,
+ early_stopping_rounds = 20,
+ eval_metric = c("auc")
+saveRDS(xgb_last, file = "../data/xgb_last.rds")
The feature importances in the model are ranked based on gains.
+xgb_last_all <- readRDS("../data/xgb_last_all.rds")
+importance_all <- xgb.importance(model = xgb_last_all) %>%
+ %>%
+ dplyr::arrange(desc(Gain)) %>%
+ head(n = 20L) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(
+ Feature = case_when(
+ Feature == "feature84" ~ "CN[>8]",
+ Feature == "feature15" ~ "cna_burden",
+ Feature == "feature7" ~ "AFP",
+ Feature == "feature12" ~ "chr[20]AMP",
+ Feature == "feature70" ~ "NC50[>7]",
+ Feature == "feature74" ~ "CNCP[3]",
+ Feature == "feature81" ~ "CN[2]",
+ Feature == "feature5" ~ "CA19-9",
+ Feature == "feature42" ~ "L:LL:9+:BB",
+ Feature == "feature60" ~ "E:HH:2:BB",
+ Feature == "feature75" ~ "CNCP[>4 & <=8]",
+ Feature == "feature52" ~ "E:LL:9+:BB",
+ Feature == "feature47" ~ "E:LL:3:AA",
+ Feature == "feature59" ~ "E:HH:2:AA",
+ Feature == "feature3有" ~ "Cancerous node",
+ Feature == "feature53" ~ "E:LL:5-8:BB",
+ Feature == "feature73" ~ "CNCP[1]",
+ Feature == "feature38" ~ "L:HH:2:AA",
+ Feature == "feature83" ~ "CN[>4 & <=8]",
+ Feature == "feature16" ~ "SS[>8]",
+ .default = Feature
+ )
+ )
[10:50:24] WARNING: src/
+ If you are loading a serialized model (like pickle in Python, RDS in R) generated by
+ older XGBoost, please export the model by calling `Booster.save_model` from that version
+ first, then load it back in current version. See:
+ for more details about differences between saving model and serializing.
+import_allgg <- ggplot(importance_all, aes(x = Gain, y = reorder(Feature, Gain))) +
+ geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "steelblue") +
+ labs(x = "Feature importance", y = "") +
+ theme_bw() +
+ theme(
+ panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
+ panel.background = element_blank()
+ ) +
+ theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))
The feature
+boxplot.df <- train.mat %>%
+ dplyr::select(
+ "CN[>8]",
+ # "chr[20]AMP",
+ "CN[2]",
+ "L:LL:9+:BB",
+ "E:LL:9+:BB",
+ "E:HH:2:AA",
+ "L:HH:2:AA",
+ "res"
+ ) %>%
+ tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "sample") %>%
+ reshape2::melt(id = c("res", "sample")) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(value = as.numeric(value))
+feature_boxplot <- ggplot(boxplot.df, aes(x = res, y = value)) +
+ geom_boxplot(
+ position = position_dodge(width = 0.7)
+ ) +
+ facet_wrap(~variable, scales = "free_y") +
+ geom_signif(
+ comparisons = list(c("response", "nonresponse")),
+ map_signif_level = TRUE,
+ test = "wilcox.test",
+ step_increase = 0.15,
+ y_position = c(9, 12),
+ tip_length = 0.03
+ ) +
+ labs(
+ title = "",
+ x = "",
+ y = "Count",
+ fill = ""
+ ) +
+ theme_bw() +
+ theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) +
+ theme(
+ panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
+ panel.grid.minor = element_blank()
+ )
2.3 Feature distribution
+ace_tally_W <- readRDS("../data/ace_tally_W.rds")
+tcga_tally_W <- readRDS("../data/tcga_tally_W.rds")
+show_catalogue(t(ace_tally_W[, -1]), style = "cosmic", mode = "copynumber", x_label_angle = 90)
+show_catalogue(t(tcga_tally_W[, -1]), style = "cosmic", mode = "copynumber", x_label_angle = 90)
+ace_tally_X <- readRDS("../data/ace_tally_X.rds")
+tcga_tally_X <- readRDS("../data/tcga_tally_X.rds")
+show_catalogue(t(ace_tally_X[, -1]), style = "cosmic", mode = "copynumber", method = "T", x_label_angle = 90)
+show_catalogue(t(tcga_tally_X[, -1]), style = "cosmic", mode = "copynumber", method = "T", x_label_angle = 90)
The W method feature distribution in TCGA mCRCs.
+ +The W method feature distribution in this research.
+ +The X method feature distribution in TCGA mCRCs.
+ +The X method feature distribution in this research.
+ +2.4 5-fold CV
+CV results. Red line indicated the best iteration. Grey line +indicated the standard deviation.
+CV5_evaluate <- cvmodel[["evaluation_log"]] %>%
+ head(50)
+# Fit a curve by calculating the starting and ending positions of the bar chart.
+fit_y1 <- predict(loess(train_auc_mean ~ iter, data = CV5_evaluate))
+fit_y2 <- predict(loess(test_auc_mean ~ iter, data = CV5_evaluate))
+df_bar.auroc <- data.frame(
+ x = CV5_evaluate$iter,
+ y1 = fit_y1,
+ y2 = fit_y2,
+ bar_y1 = CV5_evaluate$train_auc_std,
+ bar_y2 = CV5_evaluate$test_auc_std
+iterauc_plot <- ggplot(CV5_evaluate, aes(x = iter)) +
+ geom_smooth(aes(y = train_auc_mean, color = "Train"), method = "loess", se = FALSE, size = 0.5) +
+ geom_smooth(aes(y = test_auc_mean, color = "Test"), method = "loess", se = FALSE, size = 0.5) +
+ geom_point(aes(y = train_auc_mean), color = "grey", alpha = 0) +
+ geom_point(aes(y = test_auc_mean), color = "grey", alpha = 0) +
+ geom_segment(data = df_bar.auroc, aes(x = x, xend = x, y = y1 - bar_y1 / 2, yend = y1 + bar_y1 / 2), color = "grey", size = 0.5) +
+ geom_segment(data = df_bar.auroc, aes(x = x, xend = x, y = y2 - bar_y2 / 2, yend = y2 + bar_y2 / 2), color = "grey", size = 0.5) +
+ scale_color_manual(values = c("Train" = "blue", "Test" = "green")) +
+ labs(x = "Iterations", y = "Area Under the ROC Curve", color = "Lines") +
+ theme_bw() +
+ ylim(0, 1) +
+ scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 1, by = 0.2), limits = c(0, 1)) +
+ geom_vline(xintercept = 16, linetype = "dashed", color = "red")
+fit_y1_pr <- predict(loess(train_aucpr_mean ~ iter, data = CV5_evaluate))
+fit_y2_pr <- predict(loess(test_aucpr_mean ~ iter, data = CV5_evaluate))
+df_bar.aucpr <- data.frame(
+ x = CV5_evaluate$iter,
+ y1 = fit_y1,
+ y2 = fit_y2,
+ bar_y1 = CV5_evaluate$train_aucpr_std,
+ bar_y2 = CV5_evaluate$test_aucpr_std
+iteraucpr_plot <- ggplot(CV5_evaluate, aes(x = iter)) +
+ geom_smooth(aes(y = train_aucpr_mean, color = "Train"), method = "loess", se = FALSE, size = 0.5) +
+ geom_smooth(aes(y = test_aucpr_mean, color = "Test"), method = "loess", se = FALSE, size = 0.5) +
+ geom_point(aes(y = train_aucpr_mean), color = "grey", alpha = 0) +
+ geom_point(aes(y = test_aucpr_mean), color = "grey", alpha = 0) +
+ geom_segment(data = df_bar.aucpr, aes(x = x, xend = x, y = y1 - bar_y1 / 2, yend = y1 + bar_y1 / 2), color = "grey", size = 0.5) +
+ geom_segment(data = df_bar.aucpr, aes(x = x, xend = x, y = y2 - bar_y2 / 2, yend = y2 + bar_y2 / 2), color = "grey", size = 0.5) +
+ scale_color_manual(values = c("Train" = "blue", "Test" = "green")) +
+ labs(x = "Iterations", y = "Area Under the Precision-Recall Curve", color = "Lines") +
+ theme_bw() +
+ ylim(0, 1) +
+ scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 1, by = 0.2), limits = c(0, 1)) +
+ geom_vline(xintercept = 16, linetype = "dashed", color = "red")
PART 3: Model evaluation
+Final Model Evaluation
+The performance of CNA fingerprint on two independent test sets.
+vali1roc <- readRDS("../data/vali1roc.rds")
+vali2roc <- readRDS("../data/vali2roc.rds")
+ vali1roc,
+ xlim = c(1, 0),
+ col = "darkgreen",
+ main = "ROC Curves of response prediction",
+ grid = c(0.1, 0.1),
+ print.thres.adj = c(0, 1),
+ add = FALSE
+lines(vali2roc, col = "orange")
+ legend = c(
+ "Test1(AUROC=0.832)",
+ "Test2(AUROC=0.914)"
+ ), col = c("darkgreen", "orange"), lty = 1
PART 4: Biomarker comparison
+4.1 HRD Performance Evaluation
+HRDCNA can detect HRD from sWGS. Using the threshold values 0.2 +recommended by the tool guideline.
+# nmfcn_wgs <- sigminercopy(data = cn_wgs, "hg19")
+# saveRDS(nmfcn_wgs, file = "./data/nmfcn_wgs.rds")
+nmfcn_wgs <- readRDS("../data/nmfcn_wgs.rds")
+validation.hrd <- readRDS("../data/validation_for_hrd.rds")
+validation.hrd.all <- validation.hrd %>%
+ dplyr::filter(batch_label %in% c("BATCH1", "BATCH2")) %>%
+ dplyr::select(all_of(colnames(nmfcn_wgs)))
+score_swgs <- HRDprediction(data = validation.hrd.all)
+Test.hrd_label <- validation.hrd %>%
+ dplyr::select(label, sample, batch_label) %>%
+ dplyr::inner_join(score_swgs) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(hrd = ifelse(HRDCNAScore > 0.2, "response", "nonresponse")) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(right = ifelse(hrd == label, "correct", "wrong"))
+Test.hrd_label1 <- Test.hrd_label %>%
+ dplyr::filter(batch_label == "BATCH1")
+Test.hrd_label2 <- Test.hrd_label%>%
+ dplyr::filter(batch_label == "BATCH2")
+test1.hrd <- confusionMatrix(
+ ifelse(Test.hrd_label1$hrd == "response", 1, 0) %>% as.factor(),
+ ifelse(Test.hrd_label1$label == "response", 1, 0) %>% as.factor()
+test2.hrd <- confusionMatrix(
+ ifelse(Test.hrd_label2$hrd == "response", 1, 0) %>% as.factor(),
+ ifelse(Test.hrd_label2$label == "response", 1, 0) %>% as.factor()
+print(paste0("The evaluation of HRD in Test 1 as followed: ", test1.hrd$overall[1]))
[1] "The evaluation of HRD in Test 1 as followed: 0.354838709677419"
+ Accuracy
+ Sensitivity Specificity Pos Pred Value
+ 0.8181818 0.1000000 0.3333333
+ Neg Pred Value Precision Recall
+ 0.5000000 0.3333333 0.8181818
+ F1 Prevalence Detection Rate
+ 0.4736842 0.3548387 0.2903226
+Detection Prevalence Balanced Accuracy
+ 0.8709677 0.4590909
+[1] "The evaluation of HRD in Test 2 as followed: 0.333333333333333"
+ Accuracy
+ Sensitivity Specificity Pos Pred Value
+ 0.8750000 0.0625000 0.3181818
+ Neg Pred Value Precision Recall
+ 0.5000000 0.3181818 0.8750000
+ F1 Prevalence Detection Rate
+ 0.4666667 0.3333333 0.2916667
+Detection Prevalence Balanced Accuracy
+ 0.9166667 0.4687500
+4.2 compare to hotspot mutation
+mut.df.train <- readRDS("../data/mut.df.train.rds")
+ <- confusionMatrix(
+ ifelse(mut.df.train$mutation == "KRASmut", 1, 0) %>% as.factor(),
+ ifelse(mut.df.train$res == "yes", 1, 0) %>% as.factor()
+print(paste0("KRAS evaluation as followed:"))
[1] "KRAS evaluation as followed:"
+ Sensitivity Specificity Pos Pred Value
+ 0.5294118 0.3956044 0.4500000
+ Neg Pred Value Precision Recall
+ 0.4736842 0.4500000 0.5294118
+ F1 Prevalence Detection Rate
+ 0.4864865 0.4829545 0.2556818
+Detection Prevalence Balanced Accuracy
+ 0.5681818 0.4625081 <- confusionMatrix(
+ ifelse(mut.df.train$mutation == "NRASmut", 1, 0) %>% as.factor(),
+ ifelse(mut.df.train$res == "yes", 1, 0) %>% as.factor()
+print(paste0("NRAS evaluation as followed:"))
[1] "NRAS evaluation as followed:"
+ Sensitivity Specificity Pos Pred Value
+ 1.00000000 0.01098901 0.48571429
+ Neg Pred Value Precision Recall
+ 1.00000000 0.48571429 1.00000000
+ F1 Prevalence Detection Rate
+ 0.65384615 0.48295455 0.48295455
+Detection Prevalence Balanced Accuracy
+ 0.99431818 0.50549451 <- confusionMatrix(
+ ifelse(mut.df.train$mutation == "BRAFmut", 1, 0) %>% as.factor(),
+ ifelse(mut.df.train$res == "yes", 1, 0) %>% as.factor())
+print(paste0("BRAF evaluation as followed:"))
[1] "BRAF evaluation as followed:"
+ Sensitivity Specificity Pos Pred Value
+ 0.97647059 0.01098901 0.47976879
+ Neg Pred Value Precision Recall
+ 0.33333333 0.47976879 0.97647059
+ F1 Prevalence Detection Rate
+ 0.64341085 0.48295455 0.47159091
+Detection Prevalence Balanced Accuracy
+ 0.98295455 0.49372980