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Extremly basic explanation of the images in this folder.

1. Select "Giants Engine 9 ..." template

2. "NameOfTexture" will be the name which our exported files will get.
   To change name dubble click on the text.

3. Check "Your assest" to view the assests included.
   GE - Dirt - Shadermask = Only Dirt layer
   GE - Wear - Shadermask = Only Wear layer
   GE - Steel Painted     = Dirt, Wear and base color

4. Not much to explain about it.
   Dirt and Wear amount is shown when "Show X" is checked.

5. When creating an new layer you want to make sure to toggle the maps you want this layer to affect after its been created, all will be selected by default.

6. Select "Giants Engine 9 ..." in Output template and press "Export"