An awesome list of resources about datastar such as articles, posts, videos, talks and more.
Hoping to keep this list updated as much as possible, any new links through PRs are appreciated.
- Datastar Extension for Visual Studio Code
- Datastar Extension for Neovim (nvim-cmp)
- Datastar Plugin for JetBrains
- Datastar Plugin for Craft CMS
- Real-time Hypermedia - Delaney Gillilan - Talk at UtahJS Conf on September 13, 2024
- Hypermedia at 144fps!? - Interview of Delaney Gillilan on hypermedia-tv
- Puffy does Realtime Hypermedia - Patrick Marchand - EuroBSDCon 2024
- Realtime Multiplayer Browser Game Demo - Community Office Hours
- northstar - Boilerplate for creating real-time Hypermedia applications with Datastar and Nats.
- realworld-datastar
- craft-datastar-pokemon-demo - Demo Pokemon site using Craft Datastar / Datastar with Craft CMS
- Datastar - The hypermedia framwork - Official Datastar podcast by the creators.