GOSOC is similar to MQTT. It operates by exchanging a series of control packets in a defined way. This document will describe the format of these packets.
The maximum length of a control packet is 256MB.
const (
// Maximum payload size in bytes (256MiB - 1B).
MaxPayloadSize = (1 << (4 * 7)) - 1
The data representations of GOSOC
are exactly the same as MQTT. Please refer the documents for more information.
A control packet consists of up to four parts, including fixed header, variable header, payload, binary data. Among them variable header, payload and binary data can be empty according to different kinds of packets.
Packet Structure |
Fixed Header |
Variable Header |
Payload |
Binary Data |
The length of a fixed header is fixed as 6 bytes. The structure of a fixed header is shown in the following:
type FixHeader struct {
MsgType uint8 //Message type
remainLen int32 //Remaining length of the packet
flags uint8 //Flags, reserved
The length of a variable header varies from type to type. But once we know the message type of the packet, we will be able to know the length of a variable header according to the rest of the documents.
The following are all the message types that supported.
const (
MsgConnect = 1 //Connect message
MsgConnAck //Response to Connect message
MsgPingReq //Ping-pong message
MsgPingResp //Response to Ping-pong message
MsgDisconnect //Disconnect message
MsgSendReq //Request message
MsgSendResp //Response to Request message
For connect message, it consists of fixed header, variable header and payload. The variable header includes ProtocolName, ProtocolVersion, Flags and KeepAliveTime.
type Connect struct {
header FixHeader //Fixed header
ProtocolName string //Protocol name, GOSOC
ProtocolVersion uint8 //Protocol version, 1
Flags uint8 //The 7th bit is used to mark whether to enable gzip
KeepAliveTime uint16 //Ping-pong message interval
Payload string //JSON
The payload can be a JSON string including login information and token. For example:
"auth_key": "U2FsdGVkX1+MlB0YKIvPd17NI6XSRCQ0daGphqp/vkqZoCEQpBQHr+qPYpO3e67a/88sGOFi5A0Ougd9SUPiKVBZSx2F5o7EtE2VhuSAuI0=",
"token": "42728ff2118430bdff5f9a189e0034ec"
For connack message, it consists of fixed header and variable header. The Flags and ReturnCode are belong to the variable header.
type ConnAck struct {
header FixHeader //Fixed header
Flags uint8 //Reserved
ReturnCode uint8 //Status code
The ReturnCode can be the following types:
const (
RetCodeAccepted = ReturnCode(iota) //Connect successfully
RetCodeServerUnavailable //Server is currently unavailable
RetCodeBadLoginInfo //There are some problems with login information
RetCodeNotAuthorized //The connection hasn't been authorized
RetCodeAlreadyConnected //This happens when the server receives duplicated Connect message
RetCodeConcurrentLogin //This happens when the server receives two concurrent logins from same user
RetCodeBadToken //There are some problems with token
RetCodeInvalidUid //Uid is invalid
For pingreq message, it's designed to be as small as possible. So it only has a fixed header.
type PingReq struct {
header FixHeader //Fixed header
For pingresp message, it's similar to PingReq message.
type PingResp struct {
header FixHeader //Fixed header
For disconnect message, the variable header only consists of Type.
type Disconnect struct {
header FixHeader //Fixed header
Type uint8
The Type can be the following types:
const (
DiscTypeNone = DiscType(iota) //the default one, sent by the client to close connection
DiscTypeKickout //server use this one to ask the client to disconnect immediately
For sendreq message, the variable header consists MessageId and Type. The Type is used as a route similar to http url.
For example, the Type chat.AddMessage
refers that the request should be handled by the AddMessage
action under ChatController. Read the Route section in Go-socket Quick Start for more information.
You need to pay attention that ReplyLevel is not belong to the variable header. It's decided by the 2nd and 3rd bit of flags in the fixed header.
type SendReq struct {
header FixHeader //Fixed header
ReplyLevel ReplyLevel //Reply level(Belongs to fixed header)
MessageId uint16 //Message id
Type string //Request route
Payload string //JSON
Data []byte //binary data
The ReplyLevel can be the following types:
const (
RLevelNoReply = ReplyLevel(iota) //message that don't need to reply
RLevelReplyLater //message that should be replied after the action
Antother thing you need know is that the 4th bit in the flags of fixed header is used to mark whether there is binary data after the payload. The binary data here works similar as attachment in http protocol.
You can use the data
field to perform an upload action here.
For sendresp message, the MessageId is the only field in the variable header. It is required that the sendresp message and its corresponding sendreq message share the same message id, so that the server will pair the sendresp message with the right sendreq message.
type SendResp struct {
header FixHeader //Fixed header
MessageId uint16 //Message id to respond
Payload string //JSON