This application currently relies on bash commands to sync the git repositories that are only available in most Linux and OSX operating systems.
- The Settings file (see Documentation) is configured.
- Synced repositories are cloned on the system and the directory allows read/write permissions.
- The system has Ruby 2.5.0 installed (chruby recommended).
- The system has bundler installed (
gem install bundler --no-doc
). - The system has sqlite3 installed (
apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev
). If you'd like to use a different DBMS, please refer to the default Rails DB configuration.
Once the application source is on the server, run the following commands in order:
bundle install
bundle exec rake db:setup
bundle exec rake user:create
and follow the on-screen prompts to create the initial user account.rails s
- this starts by default on port 3000. Use-p 80
or put the app behind a reverse proxy to serve traffic on a different port.
- Ubuntu 16.04
- Install RVM 2a. sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:rael-gc/rvm 2b. sudo apt-get update 2c. source /etc/profile.d/ 2d. rvm install ruby-2.5.1
- Install basic gems 3a. gem install bundler --no-doc
- Run
cap production deploy
- Postfix is suggested to send email. Otherwise edit the source code to run through a relay instead.
- Add rake task for upgrading/installing. This should include: b. Running db:migrate or db:setup