FedCM is an active exploration into how to evolve the web as a result of the ongoing privacy-oriented changes in browsers (e.g. 1, 2 and 3). FedCM attempts to preserve and elevate identity federation (e.g. OpenID, OAuth and SAML) for a more private Web.
In order to start understanding the landscape of federation, we've started an active exploration into the problem space, potential end states, and possible solutions. These all serve the purpose of providing context, understanding and a shared idea of where we could go. For a more specific document on what can be done right now, please see the Federated Credential Management API proposal.
This explainer has been broken into several sections.
- What is the language being used?
- What's the problem being solved?
- What are some related problems?
- What has been tried previously?
- Description of where we should be and accompaning
FedCM API proposal.
- What alternatives have been explored?
- Potential roadmap to the proposal.
If you'd like to contribute, see the top-level README for details.