- Added "me" to comment navigator - allows scrolling through your own posts on a thread
- RANDNSFW link is now hidden if NSFW filter is on
- Added a few new keyboard navigation features thanks to urhereimnot's contribution
- Added a new option to allow orangered envelope to link to full inbox, instead of /unread (this is off by default), thanks to andytuba's contribution
- Security fixes to prevent XSS attacks via external sources
- Fixed a few issues with Opera - Now REQUIRES Opera 12.10
- Fixed "Show parent on hover", which broke when Reddit's HTML changed
- Fixed doubling up of "full comments" on friends/comments page (also due to reddit change)
- Fixed an issue that broke twitter expandos for some users
- Fixed a bug in Safari related to XHR (thanks Gamefreak)
- Updated snuownd per Gamefreak
- Bugfixes for nested instances of "load more comments" not getting applied RES functions
- Updates for compatibility with newer versions of Firefox Addon SDK (aka jetpack)
- Broke out plugins into separate files
- Using Mutationobserver instead of DOMNodeInserted when available for greater efficiency
- Cleanup of keyboard index storage for greater efficiency
- Some various cleanup to CSS