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base repository: Yudaotor/Riot-Accounts-AutoChangePassword
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: v2.5
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head repository: Yudaotor/Riot-Accounts-AutoChangePassword
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: master
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  • 7 commits
  • 10 files changed
  • 2 contributors

Commits on Aug 21, 2023

  1. Copy the full SHA
    d75ab59 View commit details
  2. Copy the full SHA
    fc86645 View commit details
  3. Update

    Yudaotor authored Aug 21, 2023
    Copy the full SHA
    d778345 View commit details
  4. Update

    Yudaotor authored Aug 21, 2023
    Copy the full SHA
    09252d1 View commit details

Commits on Aug 27, 2023

  1. Copy the full SHA
    8f3b202 View commit details
  2. Copy the full SHA
    ffb1cd5 View commit details
  3. docs: update readme

    Yudaotor committed Aug 27, 2023
    Copy the full SHA
    7b28fa1 View commit details
Showing with 342 additions and 330 deletions.
  1. +64 −60
  2. +2 −12
  3. +131 −128
  4. +37 −11
  5. +8 −9
  6. +3 −3
  7. +3 −2
  8. +3 −2
  9. +52 −35
  10. +39 −68
124 changes: 64 additions & 60 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
import logging
import os
from traceback import format_exc

@@ -7,56 +6,56 @@
from rich import print
from pathlib import Path
from I18n import _, _log
from Logger import log

class Config:
def __init__(self, log: logging.Logger, configPath: str) -> None:
def __init__(self, config_path):
configPath = self.__findConfig(configPath)
self.log = log
if configPath is None:
print("[red]Config file not found")
config_path = self.find_config(config_path)
if config_path is None:
print("[red]Config file not found[/]")
log.error("Config file not found")
input("Press Enter to exit...")
os.kill(os.getpid(), 9)
with open(configPath, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
config = yaml.safe_load(f)
self.newPassword = config.get("newPassword")
self.accountFilePath = config.get("accountFilePath").strip('u202a')
self.accountDelimiter = config.get("accountDelimiter", "----")
self.browser = config.get("browser", "edge")
self.imapServer = config.get("imapServer", "")
self.imapUsername = config.get("imapUsername", "")
self.imapPassword = config.get("imapPassword", "")
self.imapDelay = config.get("imapDelay", 10)
self.language = config.get("language", "zh_CN")
with open(config_path, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
configg = yaml.safe_load(f)
self.new_password = configg.get("newPassword")
self.account_file_path = configg.get("accountFilePath").strip('u202a')
self.account_delimiter = configg.get("accountDelimiter", "----")
self.browser = configg.get("browser", "edge")
self.imap_server = configg.get("imapServer", "")
self.imap_username = configg.get("imapUsername", "")
self.imap_password = configg.get("imapPassword", "")
self.imap_delay = configg.get("imapDelay", 10)
self.language = configg.get("language", "zh_CN")
except (ParserError, KeyError):
log.error("Config file format error")
print("[red]Config file format error")
print("[red]Config file format error[/]")
input("Press Enter to exit...")
os.kill(os.getpid(), 9)
except Exception:
log.error("Config file read error")
print("[red]Config file read error")
print("[red]Config file read error[/]")
input("Press Enter to exit...")
os.kill(os.getpid(), 9)

def __findConfig(self, configPath):
def find_config(self, config_path):
Finds the configuration file at the specified path.
configPath (str): The path to the configuration file.
config_path (str): The path to the configuration file.
Union[Path, None]: The path to the configuration file if it exists, None otherwise.
configPath = Path(configPath)
if configPath.exists():
return configPath
config_path = Path(config_path)
if config_path.exists():
return config_path
return None

@@ -70,69 +69,71 @@ def format(self):
if self.language not in ["zh_CN", "en_US", "zh_TW"]:
self.language = "zh_CN"
print(_("语言格式错误, 已重置为默认值zh_CN", "red", self.language))
valid, message = self.check_password_strength(self.newPassword)
valid, message = self.check_password_strength(self.new_password)
if not valid:
self.log.error(_log("密码强度不足", self.language))
log.error(_log("密码强度不足", self.language))
input("Press Enter to exit...")
os.kill(os.getpid(), 9)
if isinstance(self.imapDelay, str):
if isinstance(self.imap_delay, str):
self.imapDelay = int(self.imapDelay)
self.imap_delay = int(self.imap_delay)
except ValueError:
self.imapDelay = 10
self.imap_delay = 10
print(_("延迟格式错误, 已重置为默认值10", "red", self.language))
elif not isinstance(self.imapDelay, int):
self.imapDelay = 10
elif not isinstance(self.imap_delay, int):
self.imap_delay = 10
print(_("延迟格式错误, 已重置为默认值10", "red", self.language))

if isinstance(self.accountDelimiter, str):
if self.accountDelimiter == "":
self.accountDelimiter = "----"
if isinstance(self.account_delimiter, str):
if self.account_delimiter == "":
self.account_delimiter = "----"
print(_("分隔符格式错误, 已重置为默认值----", "red", self.language))
logging.error(_log("分隔符格式错误, 已重置为默认值----", self.language))
self.accountDelimiter = "----"
log.error(_log("分隔符格式错误, 已重置为默认值----", self.language))
self.account_delimiter = "----"

if isinstance(self.browser, str):
if self.browser not in ["edge", "chrome"]:
print(_("浏览器格式错误, 已重置为默认值edge", "red", self.language))
logging.error(_log("浏览器格式错误, 已重置为默认值edge", self.language))
log.error(_log("浏览器格式错误, 已重置为默认值edge", self.language))
self.browser = "edge"
print(_("浏览器格式错误, 已重置为默认值edge", "red", self.language))
logging.error(_log("浏览器格式错误, 已重置为默认值edge", self.language))
log.error(_log("浏览器格式错误, 已重置为默认值edge", self.language))
self.browser = "edge"
if isinstance(self.imapServer, str):
if self.imapServer == "":
self.imapServer = ""
if isinstance(self.imap_server, str):
if self.imap_server == "":
self.imap_server = ""
print(_("imap服务器格式错误, 已重置为空", "red", self.language))
logging.error(_log("imap服务器格式错误, 已重置为空", self.language))
self.imapServer = ""
if isinstance(self.imapUsername, str):
if self.imapUsername == "":
self.imapUsername = ""
log.error(_log("imap服务器格式错误, 已重置为空", self.language))
self.imap_server = ""
if isinstance(self.imap_username, str):
if self.imap_username == "":
self.imap_username = ""
print(_("imap用户名格式错误, 已重置为空", "red", self.language))
logging.error(_log("imap用户名格式错误, 已重置为空", self.language))
self.imapUsername = ""
if isinstance(self.imapPassword, str):
if self.imapPassword == "":
self.imapPassword = ""
log.error(_log("imap用户名格式错误, 已重置为空", self.language))
self.imap_username = ""
if isinstance(self.imap_password, str):
if self.imap_password == "":
self.imap_password = ""
print(_("imap密码格式错误, 已重置为空", "red", self.language))
logging.error(_log("imap密码格式错误, 已重置为空", self.language))
self.imapPassword = ""
if self.imapServer == "":
log.error(_log("imap密码格式错误, 已重置为空", self.language))
self.imap_password = ""
if self.imap_server == "":
print(_("检测到您使用的是QQ邮箱, 请注意QQ邮箱的IMAP功能需要手动开启,以及需要的是授权码而非密码", "yellow", self.language))
logging.warning(_log("检测到您使用的是QQ邮箱, 请注意QQ邮箱的IMAP功能需要手动开启,以及需要的是授权码而非密码", self.language))
elif self.imapServer == "" or self.imapServer == "":
log.warning(_log("检测到您使用的是QQ邮箱, 请注意QQ邮箱的IMAP功能需要手动开启,以及需要的是授权码而非密码", self.language))
elif self.imap_server == "" or self.imap_server == "":
print(_("检测到您使用的是网易邮箱, 请注意网易邮箱的IMAP功能需要手动开启,以及需要的是授权码而非密码", "yellow", self.language))
logging.warning(_log("检测到您使用的是网易邮箱, 请注意网易邮箱的IMAP功能需要手动开启,以及需要的是授权码而非密码", self.language))
if self.imapServer == "":
log.warning(_log("检测到您使用的是网易邮箱, 请注意网易邮箱的IMAP功能需要手动开启,以及需要的是授权码而非密码", self.language))
if self.imap_server == "":
print(_("检测到您使用的是谷歌邮箱, 请注意谷歌邮箱不可用 但是可以通过在谷歌邮箱设置中配置转发到其他可以支持的邮箱来获取验证码", "yellow", self.language))
logging.warning(_log("检测到您使用的是谷歌邮箱, 请注意谷歌邮箱不可用 但是可以通过在谷歌邮箱设置中配置转发到其他可以支持的邮箱来获取验证码", self.language))
log.warning(_log("检测到您使用的是谷歌邮箱, 请注意谷歌邮箱不可用 但是可以通过在谷歌邮箱设置中配置转发到其他可以支持的邮箱来获取验证码", self.language))
if self.imap_server:
print(_("读取邮件延迟当前为: ", color='bold yellow', lang=self.language) + str(self.imap_delay) + _("秒", color='bold yellow', lang=self.language))"读取邮件延迟当前为: ", self.language) + str(self.imap_delay) + _log("秒", self.language))

def check_password_strength(self, password):
if len(password) < 8:
@@ -141,3 +142,6 @@ def check_password_strength(self, password):
if not any(char.isalpha() for char in password) or not any(char.isnumeric() or not char.isalnum() for char in password):
return False, _("密码必须包含至少一个字母和一个非字母字符", color="red", lang=self.language)
return True, ""

config = Config("./config.yaml")
14 changes: 2 additions & 12 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -6,19 +6,9 @@ class Export:
def __init__(self, delimiter):
self.delimiter = delimiter

def writeSuccAcc(self, username, password):
Writes the successful account details to a file.
username (str): The username of the successful account.
password (str): The password of the successful account.
def write_success_acc(self, username, password, email_verify=""):
with open('./newAccounts/' + time.strftime("%Y%m%d-") + 'accounts.txt', 'a') as f:
with open('./newAccounts/' + email_verify + time.strftime("%Y%m%d-") + 'accounts.txt', 'a', encoding="utf-8") as f:
except Exception: