I'm really glad you're reading this, because we need volunteer developers to help this project come to fruition and I hope you all learn something new along the way.
If you haven't already, come find us in Discord (https://discord.gg/du6tZtd). We want you working on things you're excited about.
Please send a GitHub Pull Request to https://github.com/Zevphyr/Collab-web/new/master with a clear list of what you've done (read more about pull requests: https://help.github.com/en/articles/about-pull-requests). Please retrict it to one feature per commit.
Where possible and within reason, keep your code compatible for use across Operating Systems; it should ideally work cross platform with no loss of function or tedious workarounds.
Always write a clear log message for your commits. One-line messages are fine for small changes, but bigger changes should look like this:
$ git commit -m "title"
"A paragraph describing what changed and its impact."
The current version of this application at the time of writing is "1.0.0"; When commiting, the title should be held to this format:
Valkyr 1[Major Revision].0[feature].0[bugfix]
A commit to fix a bug or other minor QOL improvement would appear as:
Valkyr 1.0.1
Thank you!