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Specs of ayr

What follows is an in-depth look at the specs of the ayr array language, so any individual can gain knowledge of how the language works.

Table of Contents

Array Model

ayr uses the based array model, similar to BQN. Values can be scalars, vectors, matrices, etc. These correspond to rank 0, 1, and 2 data respectively.
Note: higher rank data will be supported in the future

Example Code

    <2 3 6
[ 2 3 6 ]
    1 2 3 ; _4 5 11
 1  2  3
_4  5 11

Basic syntax

General types come in the form of signed floats and strings, which may or may not be scalar values. A vector, similar to APL, is denoted with a series of these general values separated by spaces. To create a matrix, you can currently use ; to separate vectors or grouping (()) similar to how APL generally does it.

Incomplete operations within groups or assigned to a variable are called Trains. Binders are left-assosciative, while symbols are right-assosciative.

ayr also supports block syntax, which can take one or two variables. The right variable is y, and the left is x. For example:

    {{ 3 * y }} 4

These can be used in any place any other symbol or group could also be used.

NL. can be used as a line separator, and DS. is used to denote comments

Data Types


Numbers are the basis of an array language. ayr supports an array of numeric literals, and will support more in the future.
In short, the rules can be summarized by this regex:


_ represents a negative sign. Literal floats and scientific notation are supported. For example,


ayr also supports rational literals, such as 5r4 (5/4) and r3 (1/3)


Furthermore, ayr supports strings, albeit in a form nearly indistinguishable from numbers. For example, 'hello world' + 3 will print a string where each character is offset from 3 by the string hello world. Character matrices and higher rank data is also supported. To display a string in numeric form, you can use the + prefix.

Ranked Data

Data in general within ayr, like other array languages, is in the form of arrays. For instance, strings are just arrays of numbers. Every array has rank; that is, the shape of the array. For example, an array of rank 3 2 would look like this:

0 0 0
0 0 0

As an array gains dimensions, these are represented by a new number being appended to the rank, representing the depth in that dimension. This array has 3 rows and 2 columns. An array that contains two 3 2 arrays would have the shape 3 2 2, and so on.
These could also be referred to as axes: the first axes is the newest dimension; in this case being the columns. A one dimensional array's first axes would be its row.

Symbols and Binders

A symbol refers to a built in ascii symbol that denotes a monadic/dyadic operation. A binder refers to a symbol that monadically and/or dyadically takes a symbol and does something with them. For example, take the + (add) symbol, - (subtract/negate) symbol, > (first) symbol, and the & (atop) binder:

    1 2 + 3
4 5
    > 1 2 3
    1 2 3 -&+ 4 5 6
_5 _7 _9

Control Flow

Basic control flow can be achieved in ayr through the use of :. In general,


is equivalent to JS'

if (COND) { IF }
else { ELSE }

User Functions

User functions refer to, as the name implies, functions defined by the user. For instance,

    add: +
    4 add 5

They are defined with the syntax <name> : <expression>. These can be constant values, incomplete trains, blocks, etc.


There are two types of trains: partial trains and J-style trains. First the default, J-style:
Key: lowercase letters represent symbols and uppercase represent immediates

(f g) A          -> f g A
A (f g) B        -> A f g B
(A f) B          -> A f B
(f g h) A        -> (f A) g h A
A (f g h) B      -> (A f B) g A h B
(f g h i) A      -> f (g A) h i A

Note that this is not an exhaustive list, there may be some edge cases not included.

Furthermore, there are currently 3 tokens used in J-style trains that have special meaning:

([: f g)         -> f & g
(]: f g)         -> f &: g
(`: f)           -> f`

Partial trains are also present in ayr, and are usable by prefixing a train with :. For example:

(: f g h) A      -> f g h A
A (: f g h) B    -> f g A h B

Partial trains, of course, support constants within them too.


Symbol Monadic Rank Dyadic Rank Notes
+ Abs 0 Add 0 0 Str(m): converts to nums
+: Double 0 Abs Add 0 0
- Negate 0 Subtract 0 0 Str(m): swaps case
-. Permute 99 Unintersect 99 99
-: Halve 0 Abs Diff 0 0
* Signum 0 Multiply 0 0 Str(m): case sig (1 _1 0 = *'Ab ')
*. Factors 0 LCM 0 0
*: Square 0 N * |N| 0 0
% Reciprocal 0 Divide 0 0
%: Square Rt 0 Nth Root 0 0
| Boolean Not 0 Residue 0 0
|. Reverse 1 Rotate 0 1
|: Descend 0 Axes 1 99
! Factorial 0 Binomial 0 0
< Cover 99 Less Than 0 0
<. Sort Ascending 1 Nor 0 0
<: Grade Up 1 Less/Eq 0 0
> Uncover 99 Greater Than 0 0
>. Sort Descending 1 Nand 0 0
>: Grade Down 1 Greater/Eq 0 0
^ Exp 0 Pow 0 0
^. Up Reverse 99 And 0 0
^: Ceiling 0 Max 0 0 Str(m): uppercase
$ Shape 99 Reshape 99 99
[ Identity 99 Left 99 99
[. Nudge Left 1 Couple 99 99
] Identity 99 Right 99 99
]. Nudge 1 Couple Back 99 99
? Dedup Sieve 99 Group 99 1
?. Roll 0 Deal 1 99
?: Shuffle 1 Without 99 99 m: [#(:,^./^./&,&~:\)
= Transpose 2 Equality 0 0
=. All Equal 99 Xor 0 0
=: Eval 99 Match 99 99
~ One-Range 0 Index 99 99 Str(m): alphabet upto arg
~. Indices 99 Interval Ind 0 1
~: Unique 99 Unequality 0 0
, Ravel 99 Concatenate 1 1
,. Determinant 2 Dot Product 1 1
,: Enlist 99 Membership 99 99 1 = 'a' ,: 'hola'
; Mold 1 Laminate 99 99
;: Squish 99 Group 99 1 0s denote new group
# Tally 99 Replicate 99 1
#. Decode Binary 0 Decode 0 1
#: Encode Binary 0 Encode 1 0
{ Increment 0 Take 99 99
{: Head 99 Composite 2 1
{. Catalogue 1 Union 1 1
} Decrement 0 Drop 99 99
}: Tail 99 Count 99 99
`. Format 0 Format 0 99
B: Encode Binary+ 0 Encode+ 1 0
E. N/A N/A Match 99 99
I. 0-range 0 Wrapping Index 99 99
i. Unindices 1 CTX Unindices 99 1 (d) case takes orig shape of data on left
i: Identity 0 Index Of 99 99 By items
K. Keys 99 Group+ 99 1 m: ⊢∘⊂⌸, d: #$.&?
v. Nth Prime 0 Or 0 0
v: Floor 0 Min 0 0 Str(m): lowercase

Monadic B: is equivalent to :;(-`"&:(^:/)#")&.((],`0#[)")#: when >r0 data is passed.
Dyadic B: is equivalent to #:= when >r0 data is passed on the right.


Binder Usage Monadic Rank Dyadic Rank Notes
" u" Each 0 Each 0 0
". u".v Repeat 99 Repeat 99 99
": u": Tie 99 Tie 99 99
& u&v Compose N/A Atop N/A Binds if immediate
&. u&.v Before N/A Before N/A Binds if immediate
&: u&:v Hook N/A Hook N/A Binds if immediate
` u` Commute N/A Flip N/A u&`v is v&u
/ u/ Reduce 1 N-wise Reduce 0 1
/: u/: Diagonals 2 Each left 99 99
/. u/. Reduce First 99 Sort Up 99 99
\ u\ Scan 1 Table 1 1
\: u\: Antidiagonals 2 Each right 99 99
\. u\. Suffixes 1 Sort Down 99 99
@ u@v Compose N/A Over N/A Rank if right arg is immediate
@: u@: Zip Self N/A Zip 99 99 Allows uneven args
@. [email protected] At 99 At 99 99 Depth if right arg is immediate
}. u}. Runs 99 Amend TODO
;. u;.y Cut 99 N/A N/A
$: u$: Fixpoint 99 Repeat(n) 0 99 d: takes left arg, not operand
$. u$. Filter 99 Filter 99 99 d: pass left arg to each check

Library Builtins

put A   ->    print A
A put B ->    print B A times
jn A    ->    join vector of strings A on spaces
A jn B  ->    join vector of strings B with separator A
sp A    ->    split vector A on spaces
A sp B  ->    split vector B on character A
su A    ->    >. A
A su B  ->    B~>:A
sd A    ->    <. A
A sd B  ->    B~<:A

I       ->    the input
V.      ->    all vowels, capitalized
A.      ->    all letters, capitalized
C.      ->    all consonants, capitalized