Get the detailed information about the plotting from the below-mentioned websites for Gnuplot and Tcpstat.
Generate pcap for required duration if the original capture file is too large (optional)
timeout 10 tcpdump -r sample-point-F-202001011400.pcap -w sample.pcap
The dataset used above can be downloaded from MAWI Working Group Traffic Archive
Generate the traffic data points
tcpstat -o "%R\t%b\n" -r sample.pcap > stat.dat
Remove the last line from generated data file (to avoid incomplete data point)
sed -i '$ d' stat.dat
Create Gnuplot script
nano gnuplot.script
# Set linestyle 1 to blue (#0060ad)
set term png
set out ARG2
set style line 1 \
linecolor rgb '#0060ad' \
linetype 1 linewidth 2 \
pointtype 7 pointsize 1.5
set format y '%.0s%cb'
plot ARG1 with linespoints linestyle 1
set out
Run Gnuplot
gnuplot -c gnuplot.script stat.dat test.png