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Kazm Tests

Categorized by functionality. Cases that are meant to pass are named test-*.kazm.

Cases that are meant to fail are named fail-*.kazm.


fail-failed_test_name.kazm What is the test doing wrong

test-passed_test_name.kazm what the test is doing

Arrays -- Fail Cases

fail-arr_assign_out_of_bounds.kazm assign to negative array index

fail-arr_index.kazm assign to array index exceeding array length

fail-arr_out_of_bounds.kazm access array index exceeding array length

fail-arr_wrong_type.kazm declare bool array init to int array

fail-arr_wrong_length.kazm declare array of length 4 and initialize with array of length 3

fail-array_mult_types.kazm declare int array and initialize with non-int array elements

fail-bad_type_arr.kazm declare bool array and initialize to string

Arrays -- Pass Cases

test-arr_all.kazm Overview of array functionalities

test-arr_assign.kazm Print out elements of array before/after reassign

test-arr_decl.kazm Arr decl without init

test-arr_init_decl.kazm Arr decl with init

test-arr_length.kazm Test arr.length

test-arr_lit.kazm Array init after decl

test-arr_lit2.kazm just array literal

test-arr_print.kazm iterate over array and print

test-arr_read_elem.kazm read elements of array

test-reassign_whole_array.kazm reassign to new arr

test-char_arr2.kazm char array and print elems and length

test-sorting_arr.kazm sorting algo

test-string_arr.kazm string arr

Classes -- Fail Cases

fail-undefined_class.kazm Using class type not created

fail-member_fxn_me_access.kazm Try to access class data member without 'me'

Classes -- Pass Cases

test-class_arg.kazm access data member of class passed in as fxn arg

test-class_assign.kazm assign to class data member in main

test-class_constructors.kazm class xtor

test-class_member_access.kazm use 'me' in class member fxn

test-class_method_param.kazm class member fxn takes in class as param

test-class_name_mangling.kazm diff classes, same member fxn name

test-modify_class_in_func.kazm pass class member as param and change member

test-mult_classes.kazm mult classes

test-sample_method.kazm class member fxn

test-simple_methods.kazm class and me

test-team_project.kazm first class

Literals -- Fail Cases

fail-divby0.kazm divide integer by 0 and print result

fail-divby0double.kazm divide double by 0 and print result

fail-divbyzero.kazm divide integer by 0

fail-int_type.kazm declare int and initialize with double

fail-mod.kazm modular arithmetic with double

fail-modby0.kazm modular arithmetic with 0 as divisor

fail-type_check.kazm declare string and initialize with int

fail-int_length.kazm declare int and attempt to access its length

Literals -- Pass Cases

test-add_double.kazm Add double var to double literal

test-add_double2.kazm Add positive and negative double vars

test-add_double3.kazm assign double to previous double var

test-add_int.kazm Add pos and neg int vars

test-add_int2.kazm Add ints

test-bool_EQ.kazm Check boolean ==

test-bool_init_decl.kazm Check boolean ==

test-bool_NEQ.kazm check boolean !=

test-bool_not.kazm check boolean !

test-bool.kazm check boolean !(!expr)

test-char.kazm char literal

test-char2.kazm reassign char var

test-default_char.kazm default of char

test-default_string.kazm default of string

test-default_bool.kazm default of bool

test-default_double.kazm default of double

test-default_int.kazm default of int

test-double_init_decl.kazm decl + init of double

test-double_subtract.kazm subtraction with double

test-neg_double.kazm neg double

test-neg_int.kazm neg int

test-simple_assign.kazm simple assign to double

test-string_lit.kazm early test hello world string lit

test-string_var.kazm reassign string var

test-string.kazm string var and lit

Functions -- Fail Cases

fail-no_main.kazm File with no 'main' fxn

fail-dup_fxn.kazm Functions with same name twice

fail-function_type_args.kazm call fxn w/ wrong type of param

fail-num_fxn_args.kazm define function with 2 arguments and pass 3

fail-function_sig_mismatch.kazm call fxn w/ wrong type of param

fail-fxn-param_type.kazm use int_println with double

fail-wrong_return_type.kazm declare function return type int and return double

fail-main_fxn_type.kazm main declared with type string

fail-unknown_var_class.kazm print undeclared int

fail-void_main.kazm main declared with void return type

fail-fxn_in_main.kazm fxn in fxn

Functions -- Pass Cases

test-function_call_expr.kazm fxn call with expr as int

test-fxn_argless.kazm calling other func in main

test-fxn_int_arg.kazm fxn with int arg called in main

test-hello_world.kazm hello world

test-no_return_main.kazm main w no return int

test-simple_int_arg.kazm early test - int param in arg

test-void_return.kazm call void fxn in main

Operators -- Fail Cases

fail-stmts_after_return.kazm statements after return

fail-int_double_eq.kazm comparing int to double

fail-string_append.kazm illegal string + string

Operators & Control Flows -- Pass Cases

test-int_div.kazm division without remainder

test-int_divide.kazm division with remainder (9/4) --> 2

test-int_eq.kazm int ==

test-int_eq_neq.kazm int == and !=

test-int_GEQ.kazm int GEQ

test-int_greater.kazm int >

test-int_init_decl.kazm print neg num

test-int_LEQ.kazm int LEQ

test-int_LT.kazm int LT

test-int_mult.kazm int *

test-int_neq.kazm int NEQ

test-int_subtract.kazm int subtract negative num

test-math_w_parenth.kazm arithmetic expr with ()

test-mod.kazm mod

test-and.kazm Boolean logic with bools

test-and2.kazm Boolean logic with bools

test-arithmetic.kazm Longer math expression

test-empty_if.kazm if (true)

test-empty_return.kazm return;

test-NEQ.kazm int bool !=

test-nested_if_else.kazm nested if/else

test-nested_ifs.kazm nested 'if' with next_int()

test-nested_while.kazm nested while

test-nested_ifs.kazm nested ifs

test-or.kazm boolean or

test-or2.kazm boolean or

test-or3.kazm boolean or

test-return_in_if.kazm return in if

test-unary_not.kazm !

test-while_return.kazm return in while

test-while_with_var.kazm while with var

test-while.kazm while

test-nest_if.kazm test nested ifs

Parse - Fail Cases

fail-parse.kazm While instead of while

fail-parse2.kazm Main instead of main

fail-comment_eof.kazm multiline comment through eof

fail-bad_var_name.kazm var name uppercase

fail-bad_class_name.kazm class naming convention

fail-bad_var_name.kazm bad var name

fail-comment_eof.kazm comment through eof

fail-fxn_bad_name.kazm bad fxn name

fail-mult_decl.kazm char a, b, c

Scope -- Fail Cases

fail-if_scope2.kazm declare variable in if and use in else

fail-scope.kazm declare variable in inner {} and try to use outside of scope

fail-stmts_after_return.kazm statements after return

Scope -- Pass Cases

test-change_in_other_scope.kazm change variable and new scope and check result

test-extra_scope.kazm { inside {} for new scope }

test-scope_checking.kazm scope check

test-scopes.kazm scope check

fail-twice_scope_var.kazm int a in nested scope and parent scope

test-if_scope.kazm scope of var in 'if' stmt

test-if_scope3.kazm scope var in 'if' stmt

General -- Fail Cases

General -- Pass Cases

test-a_bit_of_everything.kazm Generic Tester w/ classes and arrays

test-codegen.kazm test codegen works

test-fib.kazm fib recursion in kazm

test-for_loop.kazm for loop

test-for.kazm for loop with array

test-multi_comment.kazm /**/ over lines

test-reassign.kazm reassign

test-recursion.kazm exponent recursion

test-sast.kazm early testing

test-single_comment.kazm single comment

test-whitespace.kazm whitespace