(method: string, params: Array): Promise;
+interface VotingBalanceProof {
+ underlyingAsset: string;
+ slot: string;
+ proof: string;
+export class VotingMachineService {
+ private readonly _interface;
+ constructor(private readonly votingMachineContractAddress: string) {
+ this._interface = VotingMachine__factory.createInterface();
+ }
+ generateSubmitVoteTxData = async (
+ user: string,
+ proposalId: number,
+ support: boolean,
+ votingProofs: VotingBalanceProof[]
+ ) => {
+ const tx: PopulatedTransaction = {};
+ const txData = this._interface.encodeFunctionData('submitVote', [
+ proposalId,
+ support,
+ votingProofs,
+ ]);
+ tx.to = this.votingMachineContractAddress;
+ tx.from = user;
+ tx.data = txData;
+ tx.gasLimit = BigNumber.from(1000000);
+ return tx;
+ };
+ generateSubmitVoteBySignatureTxData = async (
+ user: string,
+ proposalId: number,
+ support: boolean,
+ votingProofs: VotingBalanceProof[],
+ signature: string
+ ) => {
+ const { v, r, s } = splitSignature(signature);
+ const tx: PopulatedTransaction = {};
+ const txData = this._interface.encodeFunctionData('submitVoteBySignature', [
+ proposalId,
+ user,
+ support,
+ votingProofs,
+ v,
+ r,
+ s,
+ ]);
+ tx.to = this.votingMachineContractAddress;
+ tx.from = user;
+ tx.data = txData;
+ tx.gasLimit = BigNumber.from(1000000);
+ return tx;
+ };
diff --git a/src/components/transactions/GovVote/temporary/typechain/VotingMachine.ts b/src/components/transactions/GovVote/temporary/typechain/VotingMachine.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d2ae9f7b58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/transactions/GovVote/temporary/typechain/VotingMachine.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,1263 @@
+/* Autogenerated file. Do not edit manually. */
+/* eslint-disable */
+import type {
+ BaseContract,
+ BigNumber,
+ BigNumberish,
+ BytesLike,
+ CallOverrides,
+ ContractTransaction,
+ Overrides,
+ PopulatedTransaction,
+ Signer,
+ utils,
+} from 'ethers';
+import type { FunctionFragment, Result, EventFragment } from '@ethersproject/abi';
+import type { Listener, Provider } from '@ethersproject/providers';
+import type { TypedEventFilter, TypedEvent, TypedListener, OnEvent } from './common';
+export declare namespace IVotingMachineWithProofs {
+ export type VotingAssetWithSlotStruct = {
+ underlyingAsset: string;
+ slot: BigNumberish;
+ };
+ export type VotingAssetWithSlotStructOutput = [string, BigNumber] & {
+ underlyingAsset: string;
+ slot: BigNumber;
+ };
+ export type ProposalWithoutVotesStruct = {
+ id: BigNumberish;
+ sentToGovernance: boolean;
+ startTime: BigNumberish;
+ endTime: BigNumberish;
+ votingClosedAndSentTimestamp: BigNumberish;
+ forVotes: BigNumberish;
+ againstVotes: BigNumberish;
+ creationBlockNumber: BigNumberish;
+ votingClosedAndSentBlockNumber: BigNumberish;
+ };
+ export type ProposalWithoutVotesStructOutput = [
+ BigNumber,
+ boolean,
+ number,
+ number,
+ number,
+ BigNumber,
+ BigNumber,
+ BigNumber,
+ BigNumber
+ ] & {
+ id: BigNumber;
+ sentToGovernance: boolean;
+ startTime: number;
+ endTime: number;
+ votingClosedAndSentTimestamp: number;
+ forVotes: BigNumber;
+ againstVotes: BigNumber;
+ creationBlockNumber: BigNumber;
+ votingClosedAndSentBlockNumber: BigNumber;
+ };
+ export type ProposalVoteConfigurationStruct = {
+ votingDuration: BigNumberish;
+ l1ProposalBlockHash: BytesLike;
+ };
+ export type ProposalVoteConfigurationStructOutput = [number, string] & {
+ votingDuration: number;
+ l1ProposalBlockHash: string;
+ };
+ export type VoteStruct = { support: boolean; votingPower: BigNumberish };
+ export type VoteStructOutput = [boolean, BigNumber] & {
+ support: boolean;
+ votingPower: BigNumber;
+ };
+ export type VotingBalanceProofStruct = {
+ underlyingAsset: string;
+ slot: BigNumberish;
+ proof: BytesLike;
+ };
+ export type VotingBalanceProofStructOutput = [string, BigNumber, string] & {
+ underlyingAsset: string;
+ slot: BigNumber;
+ proof: string;
+ };
+ export type SignatureParamsStruct = {
+ v: BigNumberish;
+ r: BytesLike;
+ s: BytesLike;
+ };
+ export type SignatureParamsStructOutput = [number, string, string] & {
+ v: number;
+ r: string;
+ s: string;
+ };
+export interface VotingMachineInterface extends utils.Interface {
+ functions: {
+ 'CROSS_CHAIN_CONTROLLER()': FunctionFragment;
+ 'DATA_WAREHOUSE()': FunctionFragment;
+ 'DOMAIN_SEPARATOR()': FunctionFragment;
+ 'GOVERNANCE()': FunctionFragment;
+ 'L1_VOTING_PORTAL()': FunctionFragment;
+ 'L1_VOTING_PORTAL_CHAIN_ID()': FunctionFragment;
+ 'NAME()': FunctionFragment;
+ 'REPRESENTATIVES_SLOT()': FunctionFragment;
+ 'VOTE_SUBMITTED_TYPEHASH()': FunctionFragment;
+ 'VOTING_ASSET_WITH_SLOT_RAW()': FunctionFragment;
+ 'VOTING_STRATEGY()': FunctionFragment;
+ 'closeAndSendVote(uint256)': FunctionFragment;
+ 'decodeMessage(bytes)': FunctionFragment;
+ 'decodeProposalMessage(bytes)': FunctionFragment;
+ 'decodeVoteMessage(bytes)': FunctionFragment;
+ 'eip712Domain()': FunctionFragment;
+ 'getGasLimit()': FunctionFragment;
+ 'getProposalById(uint256)': FunctionFragment;
+ 'getProposalState(uint256)': FunctionFragment;
+ 'getProposalVoteConfiguration(uint256)': FunctionFragment;
+ 'getProposalsVoteConfigurationIds(uint256,uint256)': FunctionFragment;
+ 'getUserProposalVote(address,uint256)': FunctionFragment;
+ 'owner()': FunctionFragment;
+ 'receiveCrossChainMessage(address,uint256,bytes)': FunctionFragment;
+ 'renounceOwnership()': FunctionFragment;
+ 'startProposalVote(uint256)': FunctionFragment;
+ 'submitVote(uint256,bool,(address,uint128,bytes)[])': FunctionFragment;
+ 'submitVoteAsRepresentative(uint256,bool,address,bytes,(address,uint128,bytes)[])': FunctionFragment;
+ 'submitVoteAsRepresentativeBySignature(uint256,address,address,bool,bytes,(address,uint128,bytes)[],(uint8,bytes32,bytes32))': FunctionFragment;
+ 'submitVoteBySignature(uint256,address,bool,(address,uint128,bytes)[],uint8,bytes32,bytes32)': FunctionFragment;
+ 'transferOwnership(address)': FunctionFragment;
+ 'updateGasLimit(uint256)': FunctionFragment;
+ };
+ getFunction(
+ nameOrSignatureOrTopic:
+ | 'NAME'
+ | 'closeAndSendVote'
+ | 'decodeMessage'
+ | 'decodeProposalMessage'
+ | 'decodeVoteMessage'
+ | 'eip712Domain'
+ | 'getGasLimit'
+ | 'getProposalById'
+ | 'getProposalState'
+ | 'getProposalVoteConfiguration'
+ | 'getProposalsVoteConfigurationIds'
+ | 'getUserProposalVote'
+ | 'owner'
+ | 'receiveCrossChainMessage'
+ | 'renounceOwnership'
+ | 'startProposalVote'
+ | 'submitVote'
+ | 'submitVoteAsRepresentative'
+ | 'submitVoteAsRepresentativeBySignature'
+ | 'submitVoteBySignature'
+ | 'transferOwnership'
+ | 'updateGasLimit'
+ ): FunctionFragment;
+ encodeFunctionData(functionFragment: 'CROSS_CHAIN_CONTROLLER', values?: undefined): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(functionFragment: 'DATA_WAREHOUSE', values?: undefined): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(functionFragment: 'DOMAIN_SEPARATOR', values?: undefined): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(functionFragment: 'GOVERNANCE', values?: undefined): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(functionFragment: 'L1_VOTING_PORTAL', values?: undefined): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(functionFragment: 'L1_VOTING_PORTAL_CHAIN_ID', values?: undefined): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(functionFragment: 'NAME', values?: undefined): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(functionFragment: 'REPRESENTATIVES_SLOT', values?: undefined): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(
+ values?: undefined
+ ): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(functionFragment: 'VOTE_SUBMITTED_TYPEHASH', values?: undefined): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(functionFragment: 'VOTING_ASSET_WITH_SLOT_RAW', values?: undefined): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(
+ values?: undefined
+ ): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(functionFragment: 'VOTING_STRATEGY', values?: undefined): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(functionFragment: 'closeAndSendVote', values: [BigNumberish]): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(functionFragment: 'decodeMessage', values: [BytesLike]): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(functionFragment: 'decodeProposalMessage', values: [BytesLike]): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(functionFragment: 'decodeVoteMessage', values: [BytesLike]): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(functionFragment: 'eip712Domain', values?: undefined): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(functionFragment: 'getGasLimit', values?: undefined): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(functionFragment: 'getProposalById', values: [BigNumberish]): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(functionFragment: 'getProposalState', values: [BigNumberish]): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(
+ functionFragment: 'getProposalVoteConfiguration',
+ values: [BigNumberish]
+ ): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(
+ functionFragment: 'getProposalsVoteConfigurationIds',
+ values: [BigNumberish, BigNumberish]
+ ): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(
+ functionFragment: 'getUserProposalVote',
+ values: [string, BigNumberish]
+ ): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(functionFragment: 'owner', values?: undefined): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(
+ functionFragment: 'receiveCrossChainMessage',
+ values: [string, BigNumberish, BytesLike]
+ ): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(functionFragment: 'renounceOwnership', values?: undefined): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(functionFragment: 'startProposalVote', values: [BigNumberish]): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(
+ functionFragment: 'submitVote',
+ values: [BigNumberish, boolean, IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingBalanceProofStruct[]]
+ ): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(
+ functionFragment: 'submitVoteAsRepresentative',
+ values: [
+ BigNumberish,
+ boolean,
+ string,
+ BytesLike,
+ IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingBalanceProofStruct[]
+ ]
+ ): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(
+ functionFragment: 'submitVoteAsRepresentativeBySignature',
+ values: [
+ BigNumberish,
+ string,
+ string,
+ boolean,
+ BytesLike,
+ IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingBalanceProofStruct[],
+ IVotingMachineWithProofs.SignatureParamsStruct
+ ]
+ ): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(
+ functionFragment: 'submitVoteBySignature',
+ values: [
+ BigNumberish,
+ string,
+ boolean,
+ IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingBalanceProofStruct[],
+ BigNumberish,
+ BytesLike,
+ BytesLike
+ ]
+ ): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(functionFragment: 'transferOwnership', values: [string]): string;
+ encodeFunctionData(functionFragment: 'updateGasLimit', values: [BigNumberish]): string;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'CROSS_CHAIN_CONTROLLER', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'DATA_WAREHOUSE', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'DOMAIN_SEPARATOR', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'GOVERNANCE', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'L1_VOTING_PORTAL', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'L1_VOTING_PORTAL_CHAIN_ID', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'NAME', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'REPRESENTATIVES_SLOT', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(
+ data: BytesLike
+ ): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'VOTE_SUBMITTED_TYPEHASH', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'VOTING_ASSET_WITH_SLOT_RAW', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(
+ data: BytesLike
+ ): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'VOTING_STRATEGY', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'closeAndSendVote', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'decodeMessage', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'decodeProposalMessage', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'decodeVoteMessage', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'eip712Domain', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'getGasLimit', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'getProposalById', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'getProposalState', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'getProposalVoteConfiguration', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(
+ functionFragment: 'getProposalsVoteConfigurationIds',
+ data: BytesLike
+ ): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'getUserProposalVote', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'owner', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'receiveCrossChainMessage', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'renounceOwnership', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'startProposalVote', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'submitVote', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'submitVoteAsRepresentative', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(
+ functionFragment: 'submitVoteAsRepresentativeBySignature',
+ data: BytesLike
+ ): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'submitVoteBySignature', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'transferOwnership', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ decodeFunctionResult(functionFragment: 'updateGasLimit', data: BytesLike): Result;
+ events: {
+ 'EIP712DomainChanged()': EventFragment;
+ 'GasLimitUpdated(uint256)': EventFragment;
+ 'IncorrectTypeMessageReceived(address,uint256,bytes,bytes)': EventFragment;
+ 'MessageReceived(address,uint256,bool,uint8,bytes,bytes)': EventFragment;
+ 'OwnershipTransferred(address,address)': EventFragment;
+ 'ProposalResultsSent(uint256,uint256,uint256)': EventFragment;
+ 'ProposalVoteConfigurationBridged(uint256,bytes32,uint24,bool)': EventFragment;
+ 'ProposalVoteStarted(uint256,bytes32,uint256,uint256)': EventFragment;
+ 'VoteEmitted(uint256,address,bool,uint256)': EventFragment;
+ };
+ getEvent(nameOrSignatureOrTopic: 'EIP712DomainChanged'): EventFragment;
+ getEvent(nameOrSignatureOrTopic: 'GasLimitUpdated'): EventFragment;
+ getEvent(nameOrSignatureOrTopic: 'IncorrectTypeMessageReceived'): EventFragment;
+ getEvent(nameOrSignatureOrTopic: 'MessageReceived'): EventFragment;
+ getEvent(nameOrSignatureOrTopic: 'OwnershipTransferred'): EventFragment;
+ getEvent(nameOrSignatureOrTopic: 'ProposalResultsSent'): EventFragment;
+ getEvent(nameOrSignatureOrTopic: 'ProposalVoteConfigurationBridged'): EventFragment;
+ getEvent(nameOrSignatureOrTopic: 'ProposalVoteStarted'): EventFragment;
+ getEvent(nameOrSignatureOrTopic: 'VoteEmitted'): EventFragment;
+export interface EIP712DomainChangedEventObject {}
+export type EIP712DomainChangedEvent = TypedEvent<[], EIP712DomainChangedEventObject>;
+export type EIP712DomainChangedEventFilter = TypedEventFilter;
+export interface GasLimitUpdatedEventObject {
+ gasLimit: BigNumber;
+export type GasLimitUpdatedEvent = TypedEvent<[BigNumber], GasLimitUpdatedEventObject>;
+export type GasLimitUpdatedEventFilter = TypedEventFilter;
+export interface IncorrectTypeMessageReceivedEventObject {
+ originSender: string;
+ originChainId: BigNumber;
+ message: string;
+ reason: string;
+export type IncorrectTypeMessageReceivedEvent = TypedEvent<
+ [string, BigNumber, string, string],
+ IncorrectTypeMessageReceivedEventObject
+export type IncorrectTypeMessageReceivedEventFilter =
+ TypedEventFilter;
+export interface MessageReceivedEventObject {
+ originSender: string;
+ originChainId: BigNumber;
+ delivered: boolean;
+ messageType: number;
+ message: string;
+ reason: string;
+export type MessageReceivedEvent = TypedEvent<
+ [string, BigNumber, boolean, number, string, string],
+ MessageReceivedEventObject
+export type MessageReceivedEventFilter = TypedEventFilter;
+export interface OwnershipTransferredEventObject {
+ previousOwner: string;
+ newOwner: string;
+export type OwnershipTransferredEvent = TypedEvent<
+ [string, string],
+ OwnershipTransferredEventObject
+export type OwnershipTransferredEventFilter = TypedEventFilter;
+export interface ProposalResultsSentEventObject {
+ proposalId: BigNumber;
+ forVotes: BigNumber;
+ againstVotes: BigNumber;
+export type ProposalResultsSentEvent = TypedEvent<
+ [BigNumber, BigNumber, BigNumber],
+ ProposalResultsSentEventObject
+export type ProposalResultsSentEventFilter = TypedEventFilter;
+export interface ProposalVoteConfigurationBridgedEventObject {
+ proposalId: BigNumber;
+ blockHash: string;
+ votingDuration: number;
+ voteCreated: boolean;
+export type ProposalVoteConfigurationBridgedEvent = TypedEvent<
+ [BigNumber, string, number, boolean],
+ ProposalVoteConfigurationBridgedEventObject
+export type ProposalVoteConfigurationBridgedEventFilter =
+ TypedEventFilter;
+export interface ProposalVoteStartedEventObject {
+ proposalId: BigNumber;
+ l1BlockHash: string;
+ startTime: BigNumber;
+ endTime: BigNumber;
+export type ProposalVoteStartedEvent = TypedEvent<
+ [BigNumber, string, BigNumber, BigNumber],
+ ProposalVoteStartedEventObject
+export type ProposalVoteStartedEventFilter = TypedEventFilter;
+export interface VoteEmittedEventObject {
+ proposalId: BigNumber;
+ voter: string;
+ support: boolean;
+ votingPower: BigNumber;
+export type VoteEmittedEvent = TypedEvent<
+ [BigNumber, string, boolean, BigNumber],
+ VoteEmittedEventObject
+export type VoteEmittedEventFilter = TypedEventFilter;
+export interface VotingMachine extends BaseContract {
+ connect(signerOrProvider: Signer | Provider | string): this;
+ attach(addressOrName: string): this;
+ deployed(): Promise;
+ interface: VotingMachineInterface;
+ queryFilter(
+ event: TypedEventFilter,
+ fromBlockOrBlockhash?: string | number | undefined,
+ toBlock?: string | number | undefined
+ ): Promise>;
+ listeners(
+ eventFilter?: TypedEventFilter
+ ): Array>;
+ listeners(eventName?: string): Array;
+ removeAllListeners(eventFilter: TypedEventFilter): this;
+ removeAllListeners(eventName?: string): this;
+ off: OnEvent;
+ on: OnEvent;
+ once: OnEvent;
+ removeListener: OnEvent;
+ functions: {
+ CROSS_CHAIN_CONTROLLER(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise<[string]>;
+ DATA_WAREHOUSE(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise<[string]>;
+ DOMAIN_SEPARATOR(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise<[string]>;
+ GOVERNANCE(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise<[string]>;
+ L1_VOTING_PORTAL(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise<[string]>;
+ L1_VOTING_PORTAL_CHAIN_ID(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise<[BigNumber]>;
+ NAME(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise<[string]>;
+ REPRESENTATIVES_SLOT(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise<[BigNumber]>;
+ VOTE_SUBMITTED_BY_REPRESENTATIVE_TYPEHASH(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise<[string]>;
+ VOTE_SUBMITTED_TYPEHASH(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise<[string]>;
+ VOTING_ASSET_WITH_SLOT_RAW(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise<[string]>;
+ VOTING_ASSET_WITH_SLOT_TYPEHASH(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise<[string]>;
+ VOTING_STRATEGY(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise<[string]>;
+ closeAndSendVote(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ decodeMessage(message: BytesLike, overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise<[number, string]>;
+ decodeProposalMessage(
+ message: BytesLike,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise<[BigNumber, string, number]>;
+ decodeVoteMessage(
+ message: BytesLike,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise<
+ [BigNumber, string, boolean, IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingAssetWithSlotStructOutput[]]
+ >;
+ eip712Domain(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise<
+ [string, string, string, BigNumber, string, string, BigNumber[]] & {
+ fields: string;
+ name: string;
+ version: string;
+ chainId: BigNumber;
+ verifyingContract: string;
+ salt: string;
+ extensions: BigNumber[];
+ }
+ >;
+ getGasLimit(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise<[BigNumber]>;
+ getProposalById(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise<[IVotingMachineWithProofs.ProposalWithoutVotesStructOutput]>;
+ getProposalState(proposalId: BigNumberish, overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise<[number]>;
+ getProposalVoteConfiguration(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise<[IVotingMachineWithProofs.ProposalVoteConfigurationStructOutput]>;
+ getProposalsVoteConfigurationIds(
+ skip: BigNumberish,
+ size: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise<[BigNumber[]]>;
+ getUserProposalVote(
+ user: string,
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise<[IVotingMachineWithProofs.VoteStructOutput]>;
+ owner(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise<[string]>;
+ receiveCrossChainMessage(
+ originSender: string,
+ originChainId: BigNumberish,
+ messageWithType: BytesLike,
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ renounceOwnership(overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }): Promise;
+ startProposalVote(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ submitVote(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ support: boolean,
+ votingBalanceProofs: IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingBalanceProofStruct[],
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ submitVoteAsRepresentative(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ support: boolean,
+ voter: string,
+ proofOfRepresentation: BytesLike,
+ votingBalanceProofs: IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingBalanceProofStruct[],
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ submitVoteAsRepresentativeBySignature(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ voter: string,
+ representative: string,
+ support: boolean,
+ proofOfRepresentation: BytesLike,
+ votingBalanceProofs: IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingBalanceProofStruct[],
+ signatureParams: IVotingMachineWithProofs.SignatureParamsStruct,
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ submitVoteBySignature(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ voter: string,
+ support: boolean,
+ votingBalanceProofs: IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingBalanceProofStruct[],
+ v: BigNumberish,
+ r: BytesLike,
+ s: BytesLike,
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ transferOwnership(
+ newOwner: string,
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ updateGasLimit(
+ gasLimit: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ };
+ CROSS_CHAIN_CONTROLLER(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ DATA_WAREHOUSE(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ DOMAIN_SEPARATOR(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ GOVERNANCE(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ L1_VOTING_PORTAL(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ L1_VOTING_PORTAL_CHAIN_ID(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ NAME(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ REPRESENTATIVES_SLOT(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ VOTE_SUBMITTED_BY_REPRESENTATIVE_TYPEHASH(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ VOTE_SUBMITTED_TYPEHASH(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ VOTING_ASSET_WITH_SLOT_RAW(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ VOTING_ASSET_WITH_SLOT_TYPEHASH(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ VOTING_STRATEGY(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ closeAndSendVote(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ decodeMessage(message: BytesLike, overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise<[number, string]>;
+ decodeProposalMessage(
+ message: BytesLike,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise<[BigNumber, string, number]>;
+ decodeVoteMessage(
+ message: BytesLike,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise<
+ [BigNumber, string, boolean, IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingAssetWithSlotStructOutput[]]
+ >;
+ eip712Domain(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise<
+ [string, string, string, BigNumber, string, string, BigNumber[]] & {
+ fields: string;
+ name: string;
+ version: string;
+ chainId: BigNumber;
+ verifyingContract: string;
+ salt: string;
+ extensions: BigNumber[];
+ }
+ >;
+ getGasLimit(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ getProposalById(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise;
+ getProposalState(proposalId: BigNumberish, overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ getProposalVoteConfiguration(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise;
+ getProposalsVoteConfigurationIds(
+ skip: BigNumberish,
+ size: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise;
+ getUserProposalVote(
+ user: string,
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise;
+ owner(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ receiveCrossChainMessage(
+ originSender: string,
+ originChainId: BigNumberish,
+ messageWithType: BytesLike,
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ renounceOwnership(overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }): Promise;
+ startProposalVote(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ submitVote(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ support: boolean,
+ votingBalanceProofs: IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingBalanceProofStruct[],
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ submitVoteAsRepresentative(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ support: boolean,
+ voter: string,
+ proofOfRepresentation: BytesLike,
+ votingBalanceProofs: IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingBalanceProofStruct[],
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ submitVoteAsRepresentativeBySignature(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ voter: string,
+ representative: string,
+ support: boolean,
+ proofOfRepresentation: BytesLike,
+ votingBalanceProofs: IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingBalanceProofStruct[],
+ signatureParams: IVotingMachineWithProofs.SignatureParamsStruct,
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ submitVoteBySignature(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ voter: string,
+ support: boolean,
+ votingBalanceProofs: IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingBalanceProofStruct[],
+ v: BigNumberish,
+ r: BytesLike,
+ s: BytesLike,
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ transferOwnership(
+ newOwner: string,
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ updateGasLimit(
+ gasLimit: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ callStatic: {
+ CROSS_CHAIN_CONTROLLER(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ DATA_WAREHOUSE(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ DOMAIN_SEPARATOR(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ GOVERNANCE(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ L1_VOTING_PORTAL(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ L1_VOTING_PORTAL_CHAIN_ID(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ NAME(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ REPRESENTATIVES_SLOT(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ VOTE_SUBMITTED_BY_REPRESENTATIVE_TYPEHASH(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ VOTE_SUBMITTED_TYPEHASH(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ VOTING_ASSET_WITH_SLOT_RAW(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ VOTING_ASSET_WITH_SLOT_TYPEHASH(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ VOTING_STRATEGY(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ closeAndSendVote(proposalId: BigNumberish, overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ decodeMessage(message: BytesLike, overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise<[number, string]>;
+ decodeProposalMessage(
+ message: BytesLike,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise<[BigNumber, string, number]>;
+ decodeVoteMessage(
+ message: BytesLike,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise<
+ [BigNumber, string, boolean, IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingAssetWithSlotStructOutput[]]
+ >;
+ eip712Domain(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise<
+ [string, string, string, BigNumber, string, string, BigNumber[]] & {
+ fields: string;
+ name: string;
+ version: string;
+ chainId: BigNumber;
+ verifyingContract: string;
+ salt: string;
+ extensions: BigNumber[];
+ }
+ >;
+ getGasLimit(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ getProposalById(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise;
+ getProposalState(proposalId: BigNumberish, overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ getProposalVoteConfiguration(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise;
+ getProposalsVoteConfigurationIds(
+ skip: BigNumberish,
+ size: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise;
+ getUserProposalVote(
+ user: string,
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise;
+ owner(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ receiveCrossChainMessage(
+ originSender: string,
+ originChainId: BigNumberish,
+ messageWithType: BytesLike,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise;
+ renounceOwnership(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ startProposalVote(proposalId: BigNumberish, overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ submitVote(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ support: boolean,
+ votingBalanceProofs: IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingBalanceProofStruct[],
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise;
+ submitVoteAsRepresentative(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ support: boolean,
+ voter: string,
+ proofOfRepresentation: BytesLike,
+ votingBalanceProofs: IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingBalanceProofStruct[],
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise;
+ submitVoteAsRepresentativeBySignature(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ voter: string,
+ representative: string,
+ support: boolean,
+ proofOfRepresentation: BytesLike,
+ votingBalanceProofs: IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingBalanceProofStruct[],
+ signatureParams: IVotingMachineWithProofs.SignatureParamsStruct,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise;
+ submitVoteBySignature(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ voter: string,
+ support: boolean,
+ votingBalanceProofs: IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingBalanceProofStruct[],
+ v: BigNumberish,
+ r: BytesLike,
+ s: BytesLike,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise;
+ transferOwnership(newOwner: string, overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ updateGasLimit(gasLimit: BigNumberish, overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ };
+ filters: {
+ 'EIP712DomainChanged()'(): EIP712DomainChangedEventFilter;
+ EIP712DomainChanged(): EIP712DomainChangedEventFilter;
+ 'GasLimitUpdated(uint256)'(gasLimit?: BigNumberish | null): GasLimitUpdatedEventFilter;
+ GasLimitUpdated(gasLimit?: BigNumberish | null): GasLimitUpdatedEventFilter;
+ 'IncorrectTypeMessageReceived(address,uint256,bytes,bytes)'(
+ originSender?: string | null,
+ originChainId?: BigNumberish | null,
+ message?: null,
+ reason?: null
+ ): IncorrectTypeMessageReceivedEventFilter;
+ IncorrectTypeMessageReceived(
+ originSender?: string | null,
+ originChainId?: BigNumberish | null,
+ message?: null,
+ reason?: null
+ ): IncorrectTypeMessageReceivedEventFilter;
+ 'MessageReceived(address,uint256,bool,uint8,bytes,bytes)'(
+ originSender?: string | null,
+ originChainId?: BigNumberish | null,
+ delivered?: boolean | null,
+ messageType?: null,
+ message?: null,
+ reason?: null
+ ): MessageReceivedEventFilter;
+ MessageReceived(
+ originSender?: string | null,
+ originChainId?: BigNumberish | null,
+ delivered?: boolean | null,
+ messageType?: null,
+ message?: null,
+ reason?: null
+ ): MessageReceivedEventFilter;
+ 'OwnershipTransferred(address,address)'(
+ previousOwner?: string | null,
+ newOwner?: string | null
+ ): OwnershipTransferredEventFilter;
+ OwnershipTransferred(
+ previousOwner?: string | null,
+ newOwner?: string | null
+ ): OwnershipTransferredEventFilter;
+ 'ProposalResultsSent(uint256,uint256,uint256)'(
+ proposalId?: BigNumberish | null,
+ forVotes?: null,
+ againstVotes?: null
+ ): ProposalResultsSentEventFilter;
+ ProposalResultsSent(
+ proposalId?: BigNumberish | null,
+ forVotes?: null,
+ againstVotes?: null
+ ): ProposalResultsSentEventFilter;
+ 'ProposalVoteConfigurationBridged(uint256,bytes32,uint24,bool)'(
+ proposalId?: BigNumberish | null,
+ blockHash?: BytesLike | null,
+ votingDuration?: null,
+ voteCreated?: boolean | null
+ ): ProposalVoteConfigurationBridgedEventFilter;
+ ProposalVoteConfigurationBridged(
+ proposalId?: BigNumberish | null,
+ blockHash?: BytesLike | null,
+ votingDuration?: null,
+ voteCreated?: boolean | null
+ ): ProposalVoteConfigurationBridgedEventFilter;
+ 'ProposalVoteStarted(uint256,bytes32,uint256,uint256)'(
+ proposalId?: BigNumberish | null,
+ l1BlockHash?: BytesLike | null,
+ startTime?: null,
+ endTime?: null
+ ): ProposalVoteStartedEventFilter;
+ ProposalVoteStarted(
+ proposalId?: BigNumberish | null,
+ l1BlockHash?: BytesLike | null,
+ startTime?: null,
+ endTime?: null
+ ): ProposalVoteStartedEventFilter;
+ 'VoteEmitted(uint256,address,bool,uint256)'(
+ proposalId?: BigNumberish | null,
+ voter?: string | null,
+ support?: boolean | null,
+ votingPower?: null
+ ): VoteEmittedEventFilter;
+ VoteEmitted(
+ proposalId?: BigNumberish | null,
+ voter?: string | null,
+ support?: boolean | null,
+ votingPower?: null
+ ): VoteEmittedEventFilter;
+ };
+ estimateGas: {
+ CROSS_CHAIN_CONTROLLER(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ DATA_WAREHOUSE(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ DOMAIN_SEPARATOR(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ GOVERNANCE(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ L1_VOTING_PORTAL(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ L1_VOTING_PORTAL_CHAIN_ID(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ NAME(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ REPRESENTATIVES_SLOT(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ VOTE_SUBMITTED_BY_REPRESENTATIVE_TYPEHASH(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ VOTE_SUBMITTED_TYPEHASH(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ VOTING_ASSET_WITH_SLOT_RAW(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ VOTING_ASSET_WITH_SLOT_TYPEHASH(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ VOTING_STRATEGY(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ closeAndSendVote(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ decodeMessage(message: BytesLike, overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ decodeProposalMessage(message: BytesLike, overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ decodeVoteMessage(message: BytesLike, overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ eip712Domain(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ getGasLimit(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ getProposalById(proposalId: BigNumberish, overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ getProposalState(proposalId: BigNumberish, overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ getProposalVoteConfiguration(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise;
+ getProposalsVoteConfigurationIds(
+ skip: BigNumberish,
+ size: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise;
+ getUserProposalVote(
+ user: string,
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise;
+ owner(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ receiveCrossChainMessage(
+ originSender: string,
+ originChainId: BigNumberish,
+ messageWithType: BytesLike,
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ renounceOwnership(overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }): Promise;
+ startProposalVote(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ submitVote(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ support: boolean,
+ votingBalanceProofs: IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingBalanceProofStruct[],
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ submitVoteAsRepresentative(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ support: boolean,
+ voter: string,
+ proofOfRepresentation: BytesLike,
+ votingBalanceProofs: IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingBalanceProofStruct[],
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ submitVoteAsRepresentativeBySignature(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ voter: string,
+ representative: string,
+ support: boolean,
+ proofOfRepresentation: BytesLike,
+ votingBalanceProofs: IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingBalanceProofStruct[],
+ signatureParams: IVotingMachineWithProofs.SignatureParamsStruct,
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ submitVoteBySignature(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ voter: string,
+ support: boolean,
+ votingBalanceProofs: IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingBalanceProofStruct[],
+ v: BigNumberish,
+ r: BytesLike,
+ s: BytesLike,
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ transferOwnership(
+ newOwner: string,
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ updateGasLimit(
+ gasLimit: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ };
+ populateTransaction: {
+ CROSS_CHAIN_CONTROLLER(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ DATA_WAREHOUSE(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ DOMAIN_SEPARATOR(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ GOVERNANCE(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ L1_VOTING_PORTAL(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ L1_VOTING_PORTAL_CHAIN_ID(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ NAME(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ REPRESENTATIVES_SLOT(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise;
+ VOTE_SUBMITTED_TYPEHASH(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ VOTING_ASSET_WITH_SLOT_RAW(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ VOTING_ASSET_WITH_SLOT_TYPEHASH(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ VOTING_STRATEGY(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ closeAndSendVote(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ decodeMessage(message: BytesLike, overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ decodeProposalMessage(
+ message: BytesLike,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise;
+ decodeVoteMessage(message: BytesLike, overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ eip712Domain(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ getGasLimit(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ getProposalById(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise;
+ getProposalState(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise;
+ getProposalVoteConfiguration(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise;
+ getProposalsVoteConfigurationIds(
+ skip: BigNumberish,
+ size: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise;
+ getUserProposalVote(
+ user: string,
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: CallOverrides
+ ): Promise;
+ owner(overrides?: CallOverrides): Promise;
+ receiveCrossChainMessage(
+ originSender: string,
+ originChainId: BigNumberish,
+ messageWithType: BytesLike,
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ renounceOwnership(overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }): Promise;
+ startProposalVote(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ submitVote(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ support: boolean,
+ votingBalanceProofs: IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingBalanceProofStruct[],
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ submitVoteAsRepresentative(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ support: boolean,
+ voter: string,
+ proofOfRepresentation: BytesLike,
+ votingBalanceProofs: IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingBalanceProofStruct[],
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ submitVoteAsRepresentativeBySignature(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ voter: string,
+ representative: string,
+ support: boolean,
+ proofOfRepresentation: BytesLike,
+ votingBalanceProofs: IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingBalanceProofStruct[],
+ signatureParams: IVotingMachineWithProofs.SignatureParamsStruct,
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ submitVoteBySignature(
+ proposalId: BigNumberish,
+ voter: string,
+ support: boolean,
+ votingBalanceProofs: IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingBalanceProofStruct[],
+ v: BigNumberish,
+ r: BytesLike,
+ s: BytesLike,
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ transferOwnership(
+ newOwner: string,
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ updateGasLimit(
+ gasLimit: BigNumberish,
+ overrides?: Overrides & { from?: string }
+ ): Promise;
+ };
diff --git a/src/components/transactions/GovVote/temporary/typechain/common.ts b/src/components/transactions/GovVote/temporary/typechain/common.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..632c3083df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/transactions/GovVote/temporary/typechain/common.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+/* Autogenerated file. Do not edit manually. */
+/* eslint-disable */
+import type { Listener } from '@ethersproject/providers';
+import type { Event, EventFilter } from 'ethers';
+export interface TypedEvent = any, TArgsObject = any> extends Event {
+ args: TArgsArray & TArgsObject;
+export interface TypedEventFilter<_TEvent extends TypedEvent> extends EventFilter {}
+export interface TypedListener {
+ (...listenerArg: [...__TypechainArgsArray, TEvent]): void;
+type __TypechainArgsArray = T extends TypedEvent ? U : never;
+export interface OnEvent {
+ (
+ eventFilter: TypedEventFilter,
+ listener: TypedListener
+ ): TRes;
+ (eventName: string, listener: Listener): TRes;
+export type MinEthersFactory = {
+ deploy(...a: ARGS[]): Promise;
+export type GetContractTypeFromFactory = F extends MinEthersFactory ? C : never;
+export type GetARGsTypeFromFactory = F extends MinEthersFactory
+ ? Parameters
+ : never;
diff --git a/src/components/transactions/GovVote/temporary/typechain/factory/VotingMachine__factory.ts b/src/components/transactions/GovVote/temporary/typechain/factory/VotingMachine__factory.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d967d28e24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/transactions/GovVote/temporary/typechain/factory/VotingMachine__factory.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,1156 @@
+/* Autogenerated file. Do not edit manually. */
+/* eslint-disable */
+import { Contract, Signer, utils } from 'ethers';
+import type { Provider } from '@ethersproject/providers';
+import type { VotingMachine, VotingMachineInterface } from '../VotingMachine';
+const _abi = [
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'address',
+ name: 'crossChainController',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'gasLimit',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'l1VotingPortalChainId',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'contract IVotingStrategy',
+ name: 'votingStrategy',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'address',
+ name: 'l1VotingPortal',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'address',
+ name: 'governance',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: 'nonpayable',
+ type: 'constructor',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: 'ECDSAInvalidSignature',
+ type: 'error',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'length',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ ],
+ name: 'ECDSAInvalidSignatureLength',
+ type: 'error',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'bytes32',
+ name: 's',
+ type: 'bytes32',
+ },
+ ],
+ name: 'ECDSAInvalidSignatureS',
+ type: 'error',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: 'InvalidShortString',
+ type: 'error',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'string',
+ name: 'str',
+ type: 'string',
+ },
+ ],
+ name: 'StringTooLong',
+ type: 'error',
+ },
+ {
+ anonymous: false,
+ inputs: [],
+ name: 'EIP712DomainChanged',
+ type: 'event',
+ },
+ {
+ anonymous: false,
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'gasLimit',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ ],
+ name: 'GasLimitUpdated',
+ type: 'event',
+ },
+ {
+ anonymous: false,
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: 'address',
+ name: 'originSender',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'originChainId',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: 'bytes',
+ name: 'message',
+ type: 'bytes',
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: 'bytes',
+ name: 'reason',
+ type: 'bytes',
+ },
+ ],
+ name: 'IncorrectTypeMessageReceived',
+ type: 'event',
+ },
+ {
+ anonymous: false,
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: 'address',
+ name: 'originSender',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'originChainId',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: 'bool',
+ name: 'delivered',
+ type: 'bool',
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: 'enum IVotingPortal.MessageType',
+ name: 'messageType',
+ type: 'uint8',
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: 'bytes',
+ name: 'message',
+ type: 'bytes',
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: 'bytes',
+ name: 'reason',
+ type: 'bytes',
+ },
+ ],
+ name: 'MessageReceived',
+ type: 'event',
+ },
+ {
+ anonymous: false,
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: 'address',
+ name: 'previousOwner',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: 'address',
+ name: 'newOwner',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ ],
+ name: 'OwnershipTransferred',
+ type: 'event',
+ },
+ {
+ anonymous: false,
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'proposalId',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'forVotes',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'againstVotes',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ ],
+ name: 'ProposalResultsSent',
+ type: 'event',
+ },
+ {
+ anonymous: false,
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'proposalId',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: 'bytes32',
+ name: 'blockHash',
+ type: 'bytes32',
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: 'uint24',
+ name: 'votingDuration',
+ type: 'uint24',
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: 'bool',
+ name: 'voteCreated',
+ type: 'bool',
+ },
+ ],
+ name: 'ProposalVoteConfigurationBridged',
+ type: 'event',
+ },
+ {
+ anonymous: false,
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'proposalId',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: 'bytes32',
+ name: 'l1BlockHash',
+ type: 'bytes32',
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'startTime',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'endTime',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ ],
+ name: 'ProposalVoteStarted',
+ type: 'event',
+ },
+ {
+ anonymous: false,
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'proposalId',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: 'address',
+ name: 'voter',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: 'bool',
+ name: 'support',
+ type: 'bool',
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'votingPower',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ ],
+ name: 'VoteEmitted',
+ type: 'event',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'address',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: 'view',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'contract IDataWarehouse',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: 'view',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'bytes32',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'bytes32',
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: 'view',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: 'GOVERNANCE',
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'address',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: 'view',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: 'L1_VOTING_PORTAL',
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'address',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: 'view',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: 'view',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: 'NAME',
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'string',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'string',
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: 'view',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: 'view',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'bytes32',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'bytes32',
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: 'view',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'bytes32',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'bytes32',
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: 'view',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'string',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'string',
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: 'view',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'bytes32',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'bytes32',
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: 'view',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'contract IVotingStrategy',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: 'view',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'proposalId',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ ],
+ name: 'closeAndSendVote',
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: 'nonpayable',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'bytes',
+ name: 'message',
+ type: 'bytes',
+ },
+ ],
+ name: 'decodeMessage',
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'enum IVotingPortal.MessageType',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'uint8',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'bytes',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'bytes',
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: 'pure',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'bytes',
+ name: 'message',
+ type: 'bytes',
+ },
+ ],
+ name: 'decodeProposalMessage',
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'bytes32',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'bytes32',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint24',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'uint24',
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: 'pure',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'bytes',
+ name: 'message',
+ type: 'bytes',
+ },
+ ],
+ name: 'decodeVoteMessage',
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'address',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'bool',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'bool',
+ },
+ {
+ components: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'address',
+ name: 'underlyingAsset',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint128',
+ name: 'slot',
+ type: 'uint128',
+ },
+ ],
+ internalType: 'struct IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingAssetWithSlot[]',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'tuple[]',
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: 'pure',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: 'eip712Domain',
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'bytes1',
+ name: 'fields',
+ type: 'bytes1',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'string',
+ name: 'name',
+ type: 'string',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'string',
+ name: 'version',
+ type: 'string',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'chainId',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'address',
+ name: 'verifyingContract',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'bytes32',
+ name: 'salt',
+ type: 'bytes32',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256[]',
+ name: 'extensions',
+ type: 'uint256[]',
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: 'view',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: 'getGasLimit',
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: 'view',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'proposalId',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ ],
+ name: 'getProposalById',
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ components: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'id',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'bool',
+ name: 'sentToGovernance',
+ type: 'bool',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint40',
+ name: 'startTime',
+ type: 'uint40',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint40',
+ name: 'endTime',
+ type: 'uint40',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint40',
+ name: 'votingClosedAndSentTimestamp',
+ type: 'uint40',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint128',
+ name: 'forVotes',
+ type: 'uint128',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint128',
+ name: 'againstVotes',
+ type: 'uint128',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'creationBlockNumber',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'votingClosedAndSentBlockNumber',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ ],
+ internalType: 'struct IVotingMachineWithProofs.ProposalWithoutVotes',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'tuple',
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: 'view',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'proposalId',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ ],
+ name: 'getProposalState',
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'enum IVotingMachineWithProofs.ProposalState',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'uint8',
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: 'view',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'proposalId',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ ],
+ name: 'getProposalVoteConfiguration',
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ components: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint24',
+ name: 'votingDuration',
+ type: 'uint24',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'bytes32',
+ name: 'l1ProposalBlockHash',
+ type: 'bytes32',
+ },
+ ],
+ internalType: 'struct IVotingMachineWithProofs.ProposalVoteConfiguration',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'tuple',
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: 'view',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'skip',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'size',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ ],
+ name: 'getProposalsVoteConfigurationIds',
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256[]',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'uint256[]',
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: 'view',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'address',
+ name: 'user',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'proposalId',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ ],
+ name: 'getUserProposalVote',
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ components: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'bool',
+ name: 'support',
+ type: 'bool',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint248',
+ name: 'votingPower',
+ type: 'uint248',
+ },
+ ],
+ internalType: 'struct IVotingMachineWithProofs.Vote',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'tuple',
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: 'view',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: 'owner',
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'address',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: 'view',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'address',
+ name: 'originSender',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'originChainId',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'bytes',
+ name: 'messageWithType',
+ type: 'bytes',
+ },
+ ],
+ name: 'receiveCrossChainMessage',
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: 'nonpayable',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: 'renounceOwnership',
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: 'nonpayable',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'proposalId',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ ],
+ name: 'startProposalVote',
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: '',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: 'nonpayable',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'proposalId',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'bool',
+ name: 'support',
+ type: 'bool',
+ },
+ {
+ components: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'address',
+ name: 'underlyingAsset',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint128',
+ name: 'slot',
+ type: 'uint128',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'bytes',
+ name: 'proof',
+ type: 'bytes',
+ },
+ ],
+ internalType: 'struct IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingBalanceProof[]',
+ name: 'votingBalanceProofs',
+ type: 'tuple[]',
+ },
+ ],
+ name: 'submitVote',
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: 'nonpayable',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'proposalId',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'bool',
+ name: 'support',
+ type: 'bool',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'address',
+ name: 'voter',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'bytes',
+ name: 'proofOfRepresentation',
+ type: 'bytes',
+ },
+ {
+ components: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'address',
+ name: 'underlyingAsset',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint128',
+ name: 'slot',
+ type: 'uint128',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'bytes',
+ name: 'proof',
+ type: 'bytes',
+ },
+ ],
+ internalType: 'struct IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingBalanceProof[]',
+ name: 'votingBalanceProofs',
+ type: 'tuple[]',
+ },
+ ],
+ name: 'submitVoteAsRepresentative',
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: 'nonpayable',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'proposalId',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'address',
+ name: 'voter',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'address',
+ name: 'representative',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'bool',
+ name: 'support',
+ type: 'bool',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'bytes',
+ name: 'proofOfRepresentation',
+ type: 'bytes',
+ },
+ {
+ components: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'address',
+ name: 'underlyingAsset',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint128',
+ name: 'slot',
+ type: 'uint128',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'bytes',
+ name: 'proof',
+ type: 'bytes',
+ },
+ ],
+ internalType: 'struct IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingBalanceProof[]',
+ name: 'votingBalanceProofs',
+ type: 'tuple[]',
+ },
+ {
+ components: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint8',
+ name: 'v',
+ type: 'uint8',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'bytes32',
+ name: 'r',
+ type: 'bytes32',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'bytes32',
+ name: 's',
+ type: 'bytes32',
+ },
+ ],
+ internalType: 'struct IVotingMachineWithProofs.SignatureParams',
+ name: 'signatureParams',
+ type: 'tuple',
+ },
+ ],
+ name: 'submitVoteAsRepresentativeBySignature',
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: 'nonpayable',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'proposalId',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'address',
+ name: 'voter',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'bool',
+ name: 'support',
+ type: 'bool',
+ },
+ {
+ components: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'address',
+ name: 'underlyingAsset',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint128',
+ name: 'slot',
+ type: 'uint128',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'bytes',
+ name: 'proof',
+ type: 'bytes',
+ },
+ ],
+ internalType: 'struct IVotingMachineWithProofs.VotingBalanceProof[]',
+ name: 'votingBalanceProofs',
+ type: 'tuple[]',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint8',
+ name: 'v',
+ type: 'uint8',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'bytes32',
+ name: 'r',
+ type: 'bytes32',
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: 'bytes32',
+ name: 's',
+ type: 'bytes32',
+ },
+ ],
+ name: 'submitVoteBySignature',
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: 'nonpayable',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'address',
+ name: 'newOwner',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ ],
+ name: 'transferOwnership',
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: 'nonpayable',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: 'uint256',
+ name: 'gasLimit',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ ],
+ name: 'updateGasLimit',
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: 'nonpayable',
+ type: 'function',
+ },
+] as const;
+export class VotingMachine__factory {
+ static readonly abi = _abi;
+ static createInterface(): VotingMachineInterface {
+ return new utils.Interface(_abi) as VotingMachineInterface;
+ }
+ static connect(address: string, signerOrProvider: Signer | Provider): VotingMachine {
+ return new Contract(address, _abi, signerOrProvider) as VotingMachine;
+ }
diff --git a/src/helpers/types.ts b/src/helpers/types.ts
index ae43253b83..33599f8b25 100644
--- a/src/helpers/types.ts
+++ b/src/helpers/types.ts
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ export type EmodeCategory = {
assets: string[];
-export enum DelegationType {
- VOTING = '0',
- BOTH = '2',
+export enum GovernancePowerTypeApp {
+ ALL,
export enum CollateralType {
diff --git a/src/helpers/useGovernanceDelegate.tsx b/src/helpers/useGovernanceDelegate.tsx
index e9d4df6ee7..99013712bd 100644
--- a/src/helpers/useGovernanceDelegate.tsx
+++ b/src/helpers/useGovernanceDelegate.tsx
@@ -2,45 +2,49 @@ import {
+ tEthereumAddress,
} from '@aave/contract-helpers';
import { SignatureLike } from '@ethersproject/bytes';
import { TransactionResponse } from '@ethersproject/providers';
-import { utils } from 'ethers';
+import { BigNumber, ethers, PopulatedTransaction, utils } from 'ethers';
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { DelegationTokenType } from 'src/components/transactions/GovDelegation/DelegationTokenSelector';
import { useModalContext } from 'src/hooks/useModal';
import { useWeb3Context } from 'src/libs/hooks/useWeb3Context';
+import META_DELEGATE_HELPER_ABI from 'src/meta-batch-helper.json';
import { useRootStore } from 'src/store/root';
import { getErrorTextFromError, TxAction } from 'src/ui-config/errorMapping';
-import { governanceConfig } from 'src/ui-config/governanceConfig';
+import { governanceV3Config } from 'src/ui-config/governanceConfig';
-import { DelegationType } from './types';
+import { GovernancePowerTypeApp } from './types';
import { MOCK_SIGNED_HASH } from './useTransactionHandler';
export const useGovernanceDelegate = (
delegationTokenType: DelegationTokenType,
- delegationType: DelegationType,
+ delegationType: GovernancePowerTypeApp,
skip: boolean,
delegatee: string
) => {
const delegateByType = useRootStore((state) => state.delegateByType);
const delegate = useRootStore((state) => state.delegate);
const getTokenNonce = useRootStore((state) => state.getTokenNonce);
- const delegateTokensBySig = useRootStore((state) => state.delegateTokensBySig);
- const delegateTokensByTypeBySig = useRootStore((state) => state.delegateTokensByTypeBySig);
+ // const delegateTokensBySig = useRootStore((state) => state.delegateTokensBySig);
+ // const delegateTokensByTypeBySig = useRootStore((state) => state.delegateTokensByTypeBySig);
const user = useRootStore((state) => state.account);
- const { signTxData, sendTx, getTxError } = useWeb3Context();
+ const { signTxData, sendTx, provider, chainId: connectedChainId, getTxError } = useWeb3Context();
const [signatures, setSignatures] = useState([]);
const [actionTx, setActionTx] = useState();
- const [aaveNonce, setAaveNonce] = useState(0);
- const [stkAaveNonce, setStkAaveNonce] = useState(0);
+ // const [aaveNonce, setAaveNonce] = useState(0);
+ // const [stkAaveNonce, setStkAaveNonce] = useState(0);
+ // const [aAaveNonce, setAAaveNonce] = useState(0);
const [deadline, setDeadline] = useState(Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000 + 3600).toString());
- const prepareDelegateSignature = useRootStore((state) => state.prepareDelegateSignature);
- const prepareDelegateByTypeSignature = useRootStore(
- (state) => state.prepareDelegateByTypeSignature
- );
+ // const prepareDelegateSignature = useRootStore((state) => state.prepareDelegateSignature);
+ // const prepareDelegateByTypeSignature = useRootStore(
+ // (state) => state.prepareDelegateByTypeSignature
+ // );
- const isSignatureAction = delegationTokenType === DelegationTokenType.BOTH;
+ const isSignatureAction = delegationTokenType === DelegationTokenType.ALL;
const {
@@ -86,65 +90,123 @@ export const useGovernanceDelegate = (
+ interface DelegateParam {
+ delegator: string;
+ delegatee: string;
+ underlyingAsset: string;
+ deadline: string;
+ v: number;
+ r: string;
+ s: string;
+ delegationType: number;
+ }
const action = async () => {
if (isSignatureAction) {
setMainTxState({ ...mainTxState, loading: true });
const { v: v1, r: r1, s: s1 } = utils.splitSignature(signatures[0]);
const { v: v2, r: r2, s: s2 } = utils.splitSignature(signatures[1]);
- let txs: EthereumTransactionTypeExtended[] = [];
- if (delegationType === DelegationType.BOTH) {
- txs = await delegateTokensBySig({
- user,
- tokens: [governanceConfig.aaveTokenAddress, governanceConfig.stkAaveTokenAddress],
- data: [
- {
- delegatee,
- nonce: aaveNonce,
- expiry: deadline,
- v: v1,
- r: r1,
- s: s1,
- },
- {
- delegatee,
- nonce: stkAaveNonce,
- expiry: deadline,
- v: v2,
- r: r2,
- s: s2,
- },
- ],
- });
+ const { v: v3, r: r3, s: s3 } = utils.splitSignature(signatures[2]);
+ let txs: DelegateParam[] = [];
+ let txData: PopulatedTransaction;
+ if (delegationType === GovernancePowerTypeApp.ALL) {
+ // NOTE: Delegation for Voting & Proposition
+ txs = [
+ {
+ delegator: user,
+ delegatee,
+ underlyingAsset: governanceV3Config.votingAssets.aaveTokenAddress,
+ deadline,
+ v: v1,
+ r: r1,
+ s: s1,
+ delegationType: delegationType,
+ },
+ {
+ delegator: user,
+ delegatee,
+ underlyingAsset: governanceV3Config.votingAssets.stkAaveTokenAddress,
+ deadline,
+ v: v2,
+ r: r2,
+ s: s2,
+ delegationType: delegationType,
+ },
+ {
+ delegator: user,
+ delegatee,
+ underlyingAsset: governanceV3Config.votingAssets.aAaveTokenAddress,
+ deadline,
+ v: v3,
+ r: r3,
+ s: s3,
+ delegationType: delegationType,
+ },
+ ];
+ // TODO Utilities
+ const metaDelegateHelperContract = new ethers.Contract(
+ governanceV3Config.addresses.GOVERNANCE_META_HELPER,
+ provider
+ );
+ txData = await metaDelegateHelperContract.populateTransaction.batchMetaDelegate(txs);
+ txData.gasLimit = BigNumber.from(10000000);
} else {
- txs = await delegateTokensByTypeBySig({
- user,
- tokens: [governanceConfig.aaveTokenAddress, governanceConfig.stkAaveTokenAddress],
- data: [
- {
- delegatee,
- nonce: aaveNonce,
- expiry: deadline,
- delegationType,
- v: v1,
- r: r1,
- s: s1,
- },
- {
- delegatee,
- nonce: stkAaveNonce,
- expiry: deadline,
- delegationType,
- v: v2,
- r: r2,
- s: s2,
- },
- ],
- });
+ // NOTE: Delegation for only Voting or Proposition
+ txs = [
+ {
+ delegator: user,
+ delegatee,
+ underlyingAsset: governanceV3Config.votingAssets.aaveTokenAddress,
+ deadline,
+ v: v1,
+ r: r1,
+ s: s1,
+ delegationType: delegationType,
+ },
+ {
+ delegator: user,
+ delegatee,
+ underlyingAsset: governanceV3Config.votingAssets.stkAaveTokenAddress,
+ deadline,
+ v: v2,
+ r: r2,
+ s: s2,
+ delegationType: delegationType,
+ },
+ {
+ delegator: user,
+ delegatee,
+ underlyingAsset: governanceV3Config.votingAssets.aAaveTokenAddress,
+ deadline,
+ v: v3,
+ r: r3,
+ s: s3,
+ delegationType: delegationType,
+ },
+ ];
+ // TODO Utilities
+ const metaDelegateHelperContract = new ethers.Contract(
+ governanceV3Config.addresses.GOVERNANCE_META_HELPER,
+ provider
+ );
+ txData = await metaDelegateHelperContract.populateTransaction.batchMetaDelegate(txs);
+ txData.gasLimit = BigNumber.from(10000000);
- const params = await txs[0].tx();
- delete params.gasPrice;
return processTx({
- tx: () => sendTx(params),
+ tx: () => sendTx(txData),
successCallback: (txnResponse: TransactionResponse) => {
txHash: txnResponse.hash,
@@ -189,41 +251,150 @@ export const useGovernanceDelegate = (
+ interface DelegateMetaSigParams {
+ underlyingAsset: tEthereumAddress;
+ delegatee: tEthereumAddress;
+ delegationType: GovernancePowerTypeApp;
+ delegator: tEthereumAddress;
+ increaseNonce: boolean;
+ governanceTokenName: string;
+ nonce: string;
+ // connectedChainId: number;
+ deadline: string;
+ }
+ // TODO Move to utilities
+ const delegateMetaSig = ({
+ underlyingAsset,
+ delegatee,
+ delegationType,
+ delegator,
+ increaseNonce,
+ governanceTokenName,
+ nonce,
+ // connectedChainId,
+ deadline,
+ }: DelegateMetaSigParams) => {
+ const isAllDelegate = Number(delegationType) === Number(GovernancePowerTypeApp.ALL);
+ const sigBaseType = [
+ { name: 'nonce', type: 'uint256' },
+ { name: 'deadline', type: 'uint256' },
+ ];
+ const sigParametersType = [
+ { name: 'delegator', type: 'address' },
+ { name: 'delegatee', type: 'address' },
+ ];
+ const sigDelegationTypeType = [{ name: 'delegationType', type: 'uint8' }];
+ const typesData = {
+ delegator: delegator,
+ delegatee: delegatee,
+ nonce: BigInt(increaseNonce ? Number(nonce) + 1 : nonce).toString(),
+ deadline,
+ };
+ const eIP712DomainType = {
+ EIP712Domain: [
+ {
+ name: 'name',
+ type: 'string',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'version',
+ type: 'string',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'chainId',
+ type: 'uint256',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'verifyingContract',
+ type: 'address',
+ },
+ ],
+ };
+ const typeData = {
+ domain: {
+ name: governanceTokenName,
+ version: '2',
+ chainId: connectedChainId,
+ verifyingContract: underlyingAsset,
+ },
+ types: isAllDelegate
+ ? {
+ ...eIP712DomainType,
+ Delegate: [...sigParametersType, ...sigBaseType],
+ }
+ : {
+ ...eIP712DomainType,
+ DelegateByType: [...sigParametersType, ...sigDelegationTypeType, ...sigBaseType],
+ },
+ primaryType: isAllDelegate ? 'Delegate' : 'DelegateByType',
+ message: isAllDelegate ? { ...typesData } : { ...typesData, delegationType },
+ };
+ return JSON.stringify(typeData);
+ };
const signMetaTxs = async () => {
- if (delegationTokenType === DelegationTokenType.BOTH) {
+ if (delegationTokenType === DelegationTokenType.ALL) {
setApprovalTxState({ ...approvalTxState, loading: true });
- const [aaveNonce, stkAaveNonce] = await Promise.all([
- getTokenNonce(user, governanceConfig.aaveTokenAddress),
- getTokenNonce(user, governanceConfig.stkAaveTokenAddress),
+ const [aaveNonce, stkAaveNonce, aAaveNonce] = await Promise.all([
+ getTokenNonce(user, governanceV3Config.votingAssets.aaveTokenAddress),
+ getTokenNonce(user, governanceV3Config.votingAssets.stkAaveTokenAddress),
+ getTokenNonce(user, governanceV3Config.votingAssets.aAaveTokenAddress),
const deadline = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000 + 3600).toString();
- setAaveNonce(aaveNonce);
- setStkAaveNonce(stkAaveNonce);
- const txs = [
+ // setAaveNonce(aaveNonce);
+ // setStkAaveNonce(stkAaveNonce);
+ // setAAaveNonce(aAaveNonce);
+ const delegationParameters = [
- delegatee,
+ delegator: user,
+ delegatee: delegatee,
+ underlyingAsset: governanceV3Config.votingAssets.aaveTokenAddress,
+ deadline,
nonce: String(aaveNonce),
- governanceToken: governanceConfig.aaveTokenAddress,
- governanceTokenName: 'Aave Token',
- expiry: deadline,
+ delegationType: delegationType,
+ governanceTokenName: 'Aave token V3',
+ increaseNonce: false,
- delegatee,
+ delegator: user,
+ delegatee: delegatee,
+ underlyingAsset: governanceV3Config.votingAssets.stkAaveTokenAddress,
+ deadline,
nonce: String(stkAaveNonce),
- governanceToken: governanceConfig.stkAaveTokenAddress,
+ delegationType: delegationType,
governanceTokenName: 'Staked Aave',
- expiry: deadline,
+ increaseNonce: false,
+ },
+ {
+ delegator: user,
+ delegatee: delegatee,
+ underlyingAsset: governanceV3Config.votingAssets.aAaveTokenAddress,
+ governanceTokenName: 'Aave Ethereum AAVE',
+ deadline,
+ nonce: String(aAaveNonce),
+ delegationType: delegationType,
+ increaseNonce: false,
const unsignedPayloads: string[] = [];
- for (const tx of txs) {
- if (delegationType !== DelegationType.BOTH) {
- const payload = await prepareDelegateByTypeSignature({ ...tx, type: delegationType });
+ for (const tx of delegationParameters) {
+ if (delegationType !== GovernancePowerTypeApp.ALL) {
+ const payload = delegateMetaSig(tx);
+ // const payload = await prepareDelegateByTypeSignature({ ...tx, type: delegationType });
} else {
- const payload = await prepareDelegateSignature(tx);
+ // TODO Check what is required here
+ const payload = await delegateMetaSig(tx);
@@ -259,7 +430,7 @@ export const useGovernanceDelegate = (
const timeout = setTimeout(async () => {
- if (delegationTokenType === DelegationTokenType.BOTH) {
+ if (delegationTokenType === DelegationTokenType.ALL) {
const gas = gasLimitRecommendations[ProtocolAction.default];
@@ -269,22 +440,35 @@ export const useGovernanceDelegate = (
} else {
let txs: EthereumTransactionTypeExtended[] = [];
- if (delegationType === DelegationType.BOTH) {
+ if (delegationType === GovernancePowerTypeApp.ALL) {
+ // TODO check if this is working as normal
txs = await delegate({
delegationTokenType === DelegationTokenType.AAVE
- ? governanceConfig.aaveTokenAddress
- : governanceConfig.stkAaveTokenAddress,
+ ? governanceV3Config.votingAssets.aaveTokenAddress
+ : delegationTokenType === DelegationTokenType.STKAAVE
+ ? governanceV3Config.votingAssets.stkAaveTokenAddress
+ : governanceV3Config.votingAssets.aAaveTokenAddress,
+ // delegationTokenType === DelegationTokenType.AAVE
+ // ? governanceConfig.aaveTokenAddress
+ // : governanceConfig.stkAaveTokenAddress,
} else {
+ // TODO check if this is working as normal
txs = await delegateByType({
- delegationType,
+ delegationType: delegationType.toString(),
delegationTokenType === DelegationTokenType.AAVE
- ? governanceConfig.aaveTokenAddress
- : governanceConfig.stkAaveTokenAddress,
+ ? governanceV3Config.votingAssets.aaveTokenAddress
+ : delegationTokenType === DelegationTokenType.STKAAVE
+ ? governanceV3Config.votingAssets.stkAaveTokenAddress
+ : governanceV3Config.votingAssets.aAaveTokenAddress,
+ // delegationTokenType === DelegationTokenType.AAVE
+ // ? governanceConfig.aaveTokenAddress
+ // : governanceConfig.stkAaveTokenAddress,
diff --git a/src/hooks/governance/useGovernanceTokens.ts b/src/hooks/governance/useGovernanceTokens.ts
index 76d86b011b..2ce1149e4b 100644
--- a/src/hooks/governance/useGovernanceTokens.ts
+++ b/src/hooks/governance/useGovernanceTokens.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query';
import { useRootStore } from 'src/store/root';
+import { governanceV3Config } from 'src/ui-config/governanceConfig';
import { POLLING_INTERVAL, queryKeysFactory } from 'src/ui-config/queries';
import { useSharedDependencies } from 'src/ui-config/SharedDependenciesProvider';
@@ -7,9 +8,14 @@ export const useGovernanceTokens = () => {
const { governanceWalletBalanceService } = useSharedDependencies();
const currentMarketData = useRootStore((store) => store.currentMarketData);
const user = useRootStore((store) => store.account);
return useQuery({
queryFn: () =>
- governanceWalletBalanceService.getGovernanceTokensBalance(currentMarketData, user),
+ governanceWalletBalanceService.getGovernanceTokensBalance(
+ governanceV3Config.coreChainId,
+ governanceV3Config.addresses.WALLET_BALANCE_PROVIDER,
+ user
+ ),
queryKey: queryKeysFactory.governanceTokens(user, currentMarketData),
enabled: !!user,
refetchInterval: POLLING_INTERVAL,
diff --git a/src/hooks/governance/useGovernanceTokensAndPowers.ts b/src/hooks/governance/useGovernanceTokensAndPowers.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4a8e2bb50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/hooks/governance/useGovernanceTokensAndPowers.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import { QueryObserverResult, RefetchOptions, RefetchQueryFilters } from '@tanstack/react-query';
+import { Powers } from 'src/services/GovernanceService';
+import { GovernanceTokensBalance } from 'src/services/WalletBalanceService';
+import { MarketDataType } from 'src/ui-config/marketsConfig';
+import { useGovernanceTokens } from './useGovernanceTokens';
+import { usePowers } from './usePowers';
+interface GovernanceTokensAndPowers extends Powers, GovernanceTokensBalance {
+ isAaveTokenWithDelegatedPower: boolean;
+ isStkAaveTokenWithDelegatedPower: boolean;
+ isAAaveTokenWithDelegatedPower: boolean;
+ refetchPowers: (
+ options?: (RefetchOptions & RefetchQueryFilters) | undefined
+ ) => Promise>;
+export const useGovernanceTokensAndPowers = (
+ marketData: MarketDataType
+): GovernanceTokensAndPowers | undefined => {
+ const { data: powers, refetch: refetchPowers } = usePowers(marketData);
+ const { data: governanceTokens } = useGovernanceTokens();
+ if (!powers || !governanceTokens) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return {
+ ...powers,
+ ...governanceTokens,
+ isAAaveTokenWithDelegatedPower:
+ powers?.aaveTokenPower.votingPower.gt(governanceTokens.aAave) || false,
+ isAaveTokenWithDelegatedPower:
+ powers?.aaveTokenPower.votingPower.gt(governanceTokens.aave) || false,
+ isStkAaveTokenWithDelegatedPower:
+ powers?.stkAaveTokenPower.votingPower.gt(governanceTokens.stkAave) || false,
+ refetchPowers,
+ };
diff --git a/src/hooks/governance/usePayloadsData.ts b/src/hooks/governance/usePayloadsData.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b4e6694d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/hooks/governance/usePayloadsData.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+import { ChainId, Payload } from '@aave/contract-helpers';
+import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query';
+import { GovernanceV3Service } from 'src/services/GovernanceV3Service';
+import { useSharedDependencies } from 'src/ui-config/SharedDependenciesProvider';
+type PayloadParams = {
+ payloadControllerAddress: string;
+ payloadId: number;
+ chainId: ChainId;
+type PayloadData = {
+ [key in ChainId]: {
+ [payloadsControllerAddres: string]: number[];
+ };
+export const usePayloadsData = (params: PayloadParams[]) => {
+ const { governanceV3Service } = useSharedDependencies();
+ return useQuery({
+ queryFn: () => fetchPayloadsData(params, governanceV3Service),
+ queryKey: ['payloadsData'], // TODO
+ enabled: !!params.length,
+ });
+async function fetchPayloadsData(params: PayloadParams[], service: GovernanceV3Service) {
+ const payloadsByChainId: PayloadData = params.reduce(
+ (acc, { chainId, payloadControllerAddress, payloadId }) => {
+ if (!acc[chainId]) {
+ acc[chainId] = {};
+ }
+ if (!acc[chainId][payloadControllerAddress]) {
+ acc[chainId][payloadControllerAddress] = [];
+ }
+ acc[chainId][payloadControllerAddress].push(payloadId);
+ return acc;
+ },
+ {} as PayloadData
+ );
+ const promises: Promise[] = [];
+ Object.entries(payloadsByChainId).forEach(([chainId, payloads]) => {
+ const chainIdKey = +chainId;
+ Object.entries(payloads).forEach(([payloadControllerAddress, payloadIds]) => {
+ promises.push(service.getPayloadsData(payloadControllerAddress, payloadIds, chainIdKey));
+ });
+ });
+ const data = await Promise.all(promises);
+ console.log(data.flat());
+ return data.flat();
diff --git a/src/hooks/governance/usePowers.ts b/src/hooks/governance/usePowers.ts
index e47111b5b7..de6cebea08 100644
--- a/src/hooks/governance/usePowers.ts
+++ b/src/hooks/governance/usePowers.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query';
import { useRootStore } from 'src/store/root';
+import { governanceV3Config } from 'src/ui-config/governanceConfig';
import { MarketDataType } from 'src/ui-config/marketsConfig';
import { POLLING_INTERVAL, queryKeysFactory } from 'src/ui-config/queries';
import { useSharedDependencies } from 'src/ui-config/SharedDependenciesProvider';
@@ -8,7 +9,7 @@ export const usePowers = (marketData: MarketDataType) => {
const { governanceService } = useSharedDependencies();
const user = useRootStore((store) => store.account);
return useQuery({
- queryFn: () => governanceService.getPowers(marketData, user),
+ queryFn: () => governanceService.getPowers(governanceV3Config.coreChainId, user),
queryKey: queryKeysFactory.powers(user, marketData),
enabled: !!user,
refetchInterval: POLLING_INTERVAL,
diff --git a/src/hooks/governance/useProposal.ts b/src/hooks/governance/useProposal.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f72da3cb44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/hooks/governance/useProposal.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+import { ProposalData, VotingMachineProposal } from '@aave/contract-helpers';
+import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query';
+import request, { gql } from 'graphql-request';
+import { GovernanceV3Service } from 'src/services/GovernanceV3Service';
+import { VotingMachineService } from 'src/services/VotingMachineService';
+import { useRootStore } from 'src/store/root';
+import { governanceV3Config } from 'src/ui-config/governanceConfig';
+import { useSharedDependencies } from 'src/ui-config/SharedDependenciesProvider';
+export type SubgraphProposal = {
+ proposalId: string;
+ ipfsHash: string;
+ title: string;
+ shortDescription: string;
+ description: string;
+ author: string;
+ discussions: string;
+export interface EnhancedProposal {
+ proposal: SubgraphProposal;
+ proposalData: ProposalData;
+ votingMachineData: VotingMachineProposal;
+const getProposalQuery = gql`
+ query getProposals($proposalId: Int!) {
+ proposalCreateds(where: { proposalId: $proposalId }) {
+ proposalId
+ ipfsHash
+ title
+ shortDescription
+ description
+ author
+ discussions
+ }
+ }
+export const getProposal = async (proposalId: number) => {
+ const result = await request<{ proposalCreateds: SubgraphProposal[] }>(
+ governanceV3Config.governanceCoreSubgraphUrl,
+ getProposalQuery,
+ {
+ proposalId,
+ }
+ );
+ return result.proposalCreateds[0];
+async function fetchProposal(
+ proposalId: number,
+ governanceV3Service: GovernanceV3Service,
+ votingMachineService: VotingMachineService,
+ user?: string
+): Promise {
+ const proposal = await getProposal(proposalId);
+ const proposalData = (await governanceV3Service.getProposalsData(+proposalId, +proposalId, 1))[0];
+ const votingMachineData = (
+ await votingMachineService.getProposalsData(
+ [
+ {
+ id: +proposalData.id,
+ snapshotBlockHash: proposalData.proposalData.snapshotBlockHash,
+ chainId: proposalData.votingChainId,
+ votingPortalAddress: proposalData.proposalData.votingPortal,
+ },
+ ],
+ user
+ )
+ )[0];
+ return {
+ proposal,
+ proposalData,
+ votingMachineData,
+ };
+export const useProposal = (proposalId: number) => {
+ const { governanceV3Service, votingMachineSerivce } = useSharedDependencies();
+ const user = useRootStore((store) => store.account);
+ return useQuery({
+ queryFn: () => fetchProposal(proposalId, governanceV3Service, votingMachineSerivce, user),
+ queryKey: ['governance_proposal', proposalId, user],
+ refetchOnMount: false,
+ refetchOnReconnect: false,
+ });
diff --git a/src/hooks/governance/useProposalVotes.ts b/src/hooks/governance/useProposalVotes.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c780b20a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/hooks/governance/useProposalVotes.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+import { ChainId } from '@aave/contract-helpers';
+import { normalizeBN } from '@aave/math-utils';
+import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query';
+import request, { gql } from 'graphql-request';
+import { governanceV3Config } from 'src/ui-config/governanceConfig';
+export type ProposalVote = {
+ proposalId: string;
+ support: boolean;
+ voter: string;
+ votingPower: string;
+export interface ProposalVotes {
+ yaeVotes: ProposalVote[];
+ nayVotes: ProposalVote[];
+ combinedVotes: ProposalVote[];
+ isFetching: boolean;
+const getProposalVotes = gql`
+ query getProposalVotes($proposalId: String!) {
+ voteEmitteds(where: { proposalId: $proposalId }) {
+ proposalId
+ support
+ voter
+ votingPower
+ }
+ }
+export const useProposalVotesQuery = ({
+ proposalId,
+ votingChainId,
+}: {
+ proposalId: string;
+ votingChainId: ChainId | undefined;
+}) => {
+ return useQuery({
+ queryFn: () =>
+ request<{ voteEmitteds: ProposalVote[] }>(
+ governanceV3Config.votingChainConfig[votingChainId as ChainId].subgraphUrl,
+ getProposalVotes,
+ {
+ proposalId,
+ }
+ ),
+ queryKey: ['proposalVotes', proposalId],
+ enabled: votingChainId !== undefined,
+ refetchOnMount: false,
+ refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
+ refetchOnReconnect: false,
+ select: (data) =>
+ data.voteEmitteds.map((vote) => ({
+ ...vote,
+ votingPower: normalizeBN(vote.votingPower, 18).toString(),
+ })),
+ });
+const sortByVotingPower = (a: ProposalVote, b: ProposalVote) => {
+ return a.votingPower < b.votingPower ? 1 : a.votingPower > b.votingPower ? -1 : 0;
+export const useProposalVotes = ({
+ proposalId,
+ votingChainId,
+}: {
+ proposalId: string;
+ votingChainId: ChainId | undefined;
+}): ProposalVotes => {
+ const { data, isFetching } = useProposalVotesQuery({ proposalId, votingChainId });
+ return {
+ yaeVotes: data?.filter((vote) => vote.support === true).sort(sortByVotingPower) || [],
+ nayVotes: data?.filter((vote) => vote.support === false).sort(sortByVotingPower) || [],
+ combinedVotes: data?.sort(sortByVotingPower) || [],
+ isFetching,
+ };
diff --git a/src/hooks/governance/useProposals.ts b/src/hooks/governance/useProposals.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..525e15fc91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/hooks/governance/useProposals.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+import { useInfiniteQuery, useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query';
+import request, { gql } from 'graphql-request';
+import { GovernanceV3Service } from 'src/services/GovernanceV3Service';
+import { VotingMachineService } from 'src/services/VotingMachineService';
+import { governanceV3Config } from 'src/ui-config/governanceConfig';
+import { useSharedDependencies } from 'src/ui-config/SharedDependenciesProvider';
+export type SubgraphProposal = {
+ proposalId: string;
+ ipfsHash: string;
+ title: string;
+ shortDescription: string;
+ description: string;
+ author: string;
+ discussions: string;
+const getProposalsQuery = gql`
+ query getProposals($first: Int!, $skip: Int!) {
+ proposalCreateds(orderBy: proposalId, orderDirection: desc, first: $first, skip: $skip) {
+ proposalId
+ ipfsHash
+ title
+ shortDescription
+ description
+ author
+ discussions
+ }
+ }
+export const getProposals = (first: number, skip: number) =>
+ request<{ proposalCreateds: SubgraphProposal[] }>(
+ governanceV3Config.governanceCoreSubgraphUrl,
+ getProposalsQuery,
+ {
+ first,
+ skip,
+ }
+ );
+const PAGE_SIZE = 10;
+async function fetchProposals(
+ pageParam: number,
+ governanceV3Service: GovernanceV3Service,
+ votingMachineSerivce: VotingMachineService
+) {
+ const result = await getProposals(PAGE_SIZE, pageParam * PAGE_SIZE);
+ const proposals = result.proposalCreateds;
+ const fromId = proposals[0].proposalId;
+ const toId = proposals[proposals.length - 1].proposalId;
+ const proposalData = await governanceV3Service.getProposalsData(+fromId, +toId, PAGE_SIZE);
+ const votingMachineParams =
+ proposalData?.map((p) => ({
+ id: +p.id,
+ snapshotBlockHash: p.proposalData.snapshotBlockHash,
+ chainId: p.votingChainId,
+ votingPortalAddress: p.proposalData.votingPortal,
+ })) ?? [];
+ const votingMachingData = await votingMachineSerivce.getProposalsData(votingMachineParams);
+ return {
+ proposals,
+ proposalData,
+ votingMachingData,
+ };
+export const useProposals = (totalCount: number) => {
+ const { governanceV3Service, votingMachineSerivce } = useSharedDependencies();
+ return useInfiniteQuery({
+ queryFn: async ({ pageParam = 0 }) => {
+ return fetchProposals(pageParam, governanceV3Service, votingMachineSerivce);
+ },
+ queryKey: ['proposals'],
+ enabled: totalCount > 0,
+ refetchOnMount: false,
+ refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
+ refetchOnReconnect: false,
+ getNextPageParam: (lastPage, allPages) => {
+ if (lastPage.proposals.length < PAGE_SIZE) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return allPages.length;
+ },
+ });
+export const useGetProposalCount = () => {
+ const { governanceV3Service } = useSharedDependencies();
+ return useQuery({
+ queryFn: () => governanceV3Service.getProposalCount(),
+ queryKey: ['proposalCount'],
+ enabled: true,
+ initialData: 0,
+ // staleTime: Infinity, ????
+ });
+export const useGetProposalsData = ({
+ fromId,
+ toId,
+ limit,
+ enabled,
+}: {
+ fromId: number;
+ toId: number;
+ limit: number;
+ enabled: boolean;
+}) => {
+ const { governanceV3Service } = useSharedDependencies();
+ return useQuery({
+ queryFn: () => governanceV3Service.getProposalsData(fromId, toId, limit),
+ queryKey: ['proposalsData', fromId, toId],
+ enabled: enabled,
+ refetchOnMount: false,
+ refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
+ refetchOnReconnect: false,
+ // staleTime: Infinity, ????
+ });
+// voting configs should rarely be changed, so set cache time to infinity
+export const useGetVotingConfig = () => {
+ const { governanceV3Service } = useSharedDependencies();
+ return useQuery({
+ queryFn: () => governanceV3Service.getVotingConfig(),
+ queryKey: ['votingConfig'],
+ refetchOnMount: false,
+ refetchOnReconnect: false,
+ staleTime: Infinity,
+ });
diff --git a/src/hooks/governance/useRepresentatives.ts b/src/hooks/governance/useRepresentatives.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2221c0f857
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/hooks/governance/useRepresentatives.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query';
+import { useSharedDependencies } from 'src/ui-config/SharedDependenciesProvider';
+export const useRepresentatives = (user: string) => {
+ const { governanceV3Service } = useSharedDependencies();
+ return useQuery({
+ queryFn: () => governanceV3Service.getRepresentationData(user),
+ queryKey: ['governance', user, 'representatives'],
+ enabled: !!user,
+ });
diff --git a/src/hooks/governance/useVoteOnProposal.ts b/src/hooks/governance/useVoteOnProposal.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 9579b12322..0000000000
--- a/src/hooks/governance/useVoteOnProposal.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query';
-import { useRootStore } from 'src/store/root';
-import { MarketDataType } from 'src/ui-config/marketsConfig';
-import { queryKeysFactory } from 'src/ui-config/queries';
-import { useSharedDependencies } from 'src/ui-config/SharedDependenciesProvider';
-export const useVoteOnProposal = (marketData: MarketDataType, proposalId: number) => {
- const { governanceService } = useSharedDependencies();
- const user = useRootStore((store) => store.account);
- return useQuery({
- queryFn: () => governanceService.getVoteOnProposal(marketData, user, proposalId),
- queryKey: queryKeysFactory.voteOnProposal(user, proposalId, marketData),
- enabled: !!user,
- });
diff --git a/src/hooks/governance/useVotingPowerAt.ts b/src/hooks/governance/useVotingPowerAt.ts
index 2649c5247b..733083bf8c 100644
--- a/src/hooks/governance/useVotingPowerAt.ts
+++ b/src/hooks/governance/useVotingPowerAt.ts
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query';
import { useRootStore } from 'src/store/root';
-import { MarketDataType } from 'src/ui-config/marketsConfig';
import { queryKeysFactory } from 'src/ui-config/queries';
import { useSharedDependencies } from 'src/ui-config/SharedDependenciesProvider';
-export const useVotingPowerAt = (marketData: MarketDataType, strategy: string, block: number) => {
- const { governanceService } = useSharedDependencies();
+export const useVotingPowerAt = (blockhash: string, votingAssets: string[]) => {
+ const { governanceV3Service } = useSharedDependencies();
const user = useRootStore((store) => store.account);
return useQuery({
- queryFn: () => governanceService.getVotingPowerAt(marketData, user, strategy, block),
- queryKey: queryKeysFactory.votingPowerAt(user, strategy, block, marketData),
+ queryFn: () => governanceV3Service.getVotingPowerAt(blockhash, user, votingAssets),
+ queryKey: queryKeysFactory.votingPowerAt(user, blockhash, votingAssets),
enabled: !!user,
diff --git a/src/hooks/useIsContractAddress.ts b/src/hooks/useIsContractAddress.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0a0f3cc4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/hooks/useIsContractAddress.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query';
+import { useRootStore } from 'src/store/root';
+import { getProvider } from 'src/utils/marketsAndNetworksConfig';
+export const useIsContractAddress = (address: string) => {
+ const chainId = useRootStore((store) => store.currentChainId);
+ const provider = getProvider(chainId);
+ return useQuery({
+ queryFn: () => provider.getCode(address),
+ queryKey: ['isContractAddress', address],
+ enabled: true,
+ staleTime: Infinity,
+ select: (data) => data !== '0x',
+ });
diff --git a/src/hooks/useModal.tsx b/src/hooks/useModal.tsx
index 2814ddb1d2..3f78630b51 100644
--- a/src/hooks/useModal.tsx
+++ b/src/hooks/useModal.tsx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { InterestRate } from '@aave/contract-helpers';
+import { ChainId, InterestRate } from '@aave/contract-helpers';
import { createContext, useContext, useState } from 'react';
import { EmodeModalType } from 'src/components/transactions/Emode/EmodeModalContent';
import { useWeb3Context } from 'src/libs/hooks/useWeb3Context';
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import { useRootStore } from 'src/store/root';
import { TxErrorType } from 'src/ui-config/errorMapping';
import { GENERAL } from 'src/utils/mixPanelEvents';
+import { EnhancedProposal } from './governance/useProposal';
export enum ModalType {
@@ -28,11 +30,12 @@ export enum ModalType {
+ GovRepresentatives,
export interface ModalArgsType {
underlyingAsset?: string;
- proposalId?: number;
+ proposal?: EnhancedProposal;
support?: boolean;
power?: string;
icon?: string;
@@ -40,6 +43,7 @@ export interface ModalArgsType {
currentRateMode?: InterestRate;
emode?: EmodeModalType;
isFrozen?: boolean;
+ representatives?: Array<{ chainId: ChainId; representative: string }>;
export type TxStateType = {
@@ -99,8 +103,11 @@ export interface ModalContextType {
openGovDelegation: () => void;
openRevokeGovDelegation: () => void;
openV3Migration: () => void;
- openGovVote: (proposalId: number, support: boolean, power: string) => void;
+ openGovVote: (proposal: EnhancedProposal, support: boolean, power: string) => void;
openSwitch: (underlyingAsset?: string) => void;
+ openGovRepresentatives: (
+ representatives: Array<{ chainId: ChainId; representative: string }>
+ ) => void;
close: () => void;
type?: ModalType;
args: T;
@@ -289,14 +296,19 @@ export const ModalContextProvider: React.FC = ({ children }) => {
trackEvent(GENERAL.OPEN_MODAL, { modal: 'Revoke Governance Delegation' });
- openGovVote: (proposalId, support, power) => {
+ openGovVote: (proposal, support, power) => {
modal: 'Vote',
- proposalId: proposalId,
+ proposalId: proposal.proposalData.id,
voteSide: support,
- setArgs({ proposalId, support, power });
+ setArgs({ proposal, support, power });
+ },
+ openGovRepresentatives: (representatives) => {
+ trackEvent(GENERAL.OPEN_MODAL, { modal: 'Representatives' });
+ setType(ModalType.GovRepresentatives);
+ setArgs({ representatives });
openV3Migration: () => {
trackEvent(GENERAL.OPEN_MODAL, { modal: 'V2->V3 Migration' });
diff --git a/src/locales/en/messages.js b/src/locales/en/messages.js
index ff4aff6f97..3e6172bc24 100644
--- a/src/locales/en/messages.js
+++ b/src/locales/en/messages.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-/*eslint-disable*/module.exports={messages:{"...":"...",".CSV":".CSV",".JSON":".JSON","<0><1><2/>1>Add <3/> stkAAVE0> to borrow at <4/> (max discount)":"<0><1><2/>1>Add <3/> stkAAVE0> to borrow at <4/> (max discount)","<0><1><2/>1>Add stkAAVE0> to see borrow rate with discount":"<0><1><2/>1>Add stkAAVE0> to see borrow rate with discount","<0>Ampleforth0> is a rebasing asset. Visit the <1>documentation1> to learn more.":"<0>Ampleforth0> is a rebasing asset. Visit the <1>documentation1> to learn more.","<0>Attention:0> Parameter changes via governance can alter your account health factor and risk of liquidation. Follow the <1>Aave governance forum1> for updates.":"<0>Attention:0> Parameter changes via governance can alter your account health factor and risk of liquidation. Follow the <1>Aave governance forum1> for updates.","<0>Slippage tolerance 0><1>{selectedSlippage}% 1><2>{0}2>":["<0>Slippage tolerance 0><1>",["selectedSlippage"],"% 1><2>",["0"],"2>"],"AAVE holders (Ethereum network only) can stake their AAVE in the Safety Module to add more security to the protocol and earn Safety Incentives. In the case of a shortfall event, up to 30% of your stake can be slashed to cover the deficit, providing an additional layer of protection for the protocol.":"AAVE holders (Ethereum network only) can stake their AAVE in the Safety Module to add more security to the protocol and earn Safety Incentives. In the case of a shortfall event, up to 30% of your stake can be slashed to cover the deficit, providing an additional layer of protection for the protocol.","APR":"APR","APY":"APY","APY change":"APY change","APY type":"APY type","APY type change":"APY type change","APY with discount applied":"APY with discount applied","APY, borrow rate":"APY, borrow rate","APY, stable":"APY, stable","APY, variable":"APY, variable","AToken supply is not zero":"AToken supply is not zero","Aave Governance":"Aave Governance","Aave aToken":"Aave aToken","Aave debt token":"Aave debt token","Aave is a fully decentralized, community governed protocol by the AAVE token-holders. AAVE token-holders collectively discuss, propose, and vote on upgrades to the protocol. AAVE token-holders (Ethereum network only) can either vote themselves on new proposals or delagate to an address of choice. To learn more check out the Governance":"Aave is a fully decentralized, community governed protocol by the AAVE token-holders. AAVE token-holders collectively discuss, propose, and vote on upgrades to the protocol. AAVE token-holders (Ethereum network only) can either vote themselves on new proposals or delagate to an address of choice. To learn more check out the Governance","Aave per month":"Aave per month","About GHO":"About GHO","Account":"Account","Action cannot be performed because the reserve is frozen":"Action cannot be performed because the reserve is frozen","Action cannot be performed because the reserve is paused":"Action cannot be performed because the reserve is paused","Action requires an active reserve":"Action requires an active reserve","Activate Cooldown":"Activate Cooldown","Add stkAAVE to see borrow APY with the discount":"Add stkAAVE to see borrow APY with the discount","Add to wallet":"Add to wallet","Add {0} to wallet to track your balance.":["Add ",["0"]," to wallet to track your balance."],"Address is not a contract":"Address is not a contract","Addresses":"Addresses","Addresses ({0})":["Addresses (",["0"],")"],"All Assets":"All Assets","All done!":"All done!","All proposals":"All proposals","All transactions":"All transactions","Allowance required action":"Allowance required action","Allows you to decide whether to use a supplied asset as collateral. An asset used as collateral will affect your borrowing power and health factor.":"Allows you to decide whether to use a supplied asset as collateral. An asset used as collateral will affect your borrowing power and health factor.","Allows you to switch between <0>variable0> and <1>stable1> interest rates, where variable rate can increase and decrease depending on the amount of liquidity in the reserve, and stable rate will stay the same for the duration of your loan.":"Allows you to switch between <0>variable0> and <1>stable1> interest rates, where variable rate can increase and decrease depending on the amount of liquidity in the reserve, and stable rate will stay the same for the duration of your loan.","Amount":"Amount","Amount claimable":"Amount claimable","Amount in cooldown":"Amount in cooldown","Amount must be greater than 0":"Amount must be greater than 0","Amount to unstake":"Amount to unstake","An error has occurred fetching the proposal metadata from IPFS.":"An error has occurred fetching the proposal metadata from IPFS.","Approve Confirmed":"Approve Confirmed","Approve with":"Approve with","Approve {symbol} to continue":["Approve ",["symbol"]," to continue"],"Approving {symbol}...":["Approving ",["symbol"],"..."],"Array parameters that should be equal length are not":"Array parameters that should be equal length are not","Asset":"Asset","Asset can be only used as collateral in isolation mode with limited borrowing power. To enter isolation mode, disable all other collateral.":"Asset can be only used as collateral in isolation mode with limited borrowing power. To enter isolation mode, disable all other collateral.","Asset can only be used as collateral in isolation mode only.":"Asset can only be used as collateral in isolation mode only.","Asset cannot be migrated because you have isolated collateral in {marketName} v3 Market which limits borrowable assets. You can manage your collateral in <0>{marketName} V3 Dashboard0>":["Asset cannot be migrated because you have isolated collateral in ",["marketName"]," v3 Market which limits borrowable assets. You can manage your collateral in <0>",["marketName"]," V3 Dashboard0>"],"Asset cannot be migrated due to insufficient liquidity or borrow cap limitation in {marketName} v3 market.":["Asset cannot be migrated due to insufficient liquidity or borrow cap limitation in ",["marketName"]," v3 market."],"Asset cannot be migrated due to supply cap restriction in {marketName} v3 market.":["Asset cannot be migrated due to supply cap restriction in ",["marketName"]," v3 market."],"Asset cannot be migrated to {marketName} V3 Market due to E-mode restrictions. You can disable or manage E-mode categories in your <0>V3 Dashboard0>":["Asset cannot be migrated to ",["marketName"]," V3 Market due to E-mode restrictions. You can disable or manage E-mode categories in your <0>V3 Dashboard0>"],"Asset cannot be migrated to {marketName} v3 Market since collateral asset will enable isolation mode.":["Asset cannot be migrated to ",["marketName"]," v3 Market since collateral asset will enable isolation mode."],"Asset cannot be used as collateral.":"Asset cannot be used as collateral.","Asset category":"Asset category","Asset is frozen in {marketName} v3 market, hence this position cannot be migrated.":["Asset is frozen in ",["marketName"]," v3 market, hence this position cannot be migrated."],"Asset is not borrowable in isolation mode":"Asset is not borrowable in isolation mode","Asset is not listed":"Asset is not listed","Asset supply is limited to a certain amount to reduce protocol exposure to the asset and to help manage risks involved.":"Asset supply is limited to a certain amount to reduce protocol exposure to the asset and to help manage risks involved.","Assets":"Assets","Assets to borrow":"Assets to borrow","Assets to supply":"Assets to supply","Assets with zero LTV ({assetsBlockingWithdraw}) must be withdrawn or disabled as collateral to perform this action":["Assets with zero LTV (",["assetsBlockingWithdraw"],") must be withdrawn or disabled as collateral to perform this action"],"At a discount":"At a discount","Author":"Author","Available":"Available","Available assets":"Available assets","Available liquidity":"Available liquidity","Available on":"Available on","Available rewards":"Available rewards","Available to borrow":"Available to borrow","Available to supply":"Available to supply","Back to Dashboard":"Back to Dashboard","Balance":"Balance","Balance to revoke":"Balance to revoke","Be careful - You are very close to liquidation. Consider depositing more collateral or paying down some of your borrowed positions":"Be careful - You are very close to liquidation. Consider depositing more collateral or paying down some of your borrowed positions","Be mindful of the network congestion and gas prices.":"Be mindful of the network congestion and gas prices.","Because this asset is paused, no actions can be taken until further notice":"Because this asset is paused, no actions can be taken until further notice","Before supplying":"Before supplying","Blocked Address":"Blocked Address","Borrow":"Borrow","Borrow APY":"Borrow APY","Borrow APY rate":"Borrow APY rate","Borrow APY, variable":"Borrow APY, variable","Borrow amount to reach {0}% utilization":["Borrow amount to reach ",["0"],"% utilization"],"Borrow and repay in same block is not allowed":"Borrow and repay in same block is not allowed","Borrow apy":"Borrow apy","Borrow balance":"Borrow balance","Borrow balance after repay":"Borrow balance after repay","Borrow balance after switch":"Borrow balance after switch","Borrow cap":"Borrow cap","Borrow cap is exceeded":"Borrow cap is exceeded","Borrow info":"Borrow info","Borrow power used":"Borrow power used","Borrow rate APY":"Borrow rate APY","Borrow rate change":"Borrow rate change","Borrow {symbol}":["Borrow ",["symbol"]],"Borrowed":"Borrowed","Borrowed asset amount":"Borrowed asset amount","Borrowing is currently unavailable for {0}.":["Borrowing is currently unavailable for ",["0"],"."],"Borrowing is disabled due to an Aave community decision. <0>More details0>":"Borrowing is disabled due to an Aave community decision. <0>More details0>","Borrowing is not enabled":"Borrowing is not enabled","Borrowing is unavailable because you’re using Isolation mode. To manage Isolation mode visit your <0>Dashboard0>.":"Borrowing is unavailable because you’re using Isolation mode. To manage Isolation mode visit your <0>Dashboard0>.","Borrowing is unavailable because you’ve enabled Efficiency Mode (E-Mode) and Isolation mode. To manage E-Mode and Isolation mode visit your <0>Dashboard0>.":"Borrowing is unavailable because you’ve enabled Efficiency Mode (E-Mode) and Isolation mode. To manage E-Mode and Isolation mode visit your <0>Dashboard0>.","Borrowing is unavailable because you’ve enabled Efficiency Mode (E-Mode) for {0} category. To manage E-Mode categories visit your <0>Dashboard0>.":["Borrowing is unavailable because you’ve enabled Efficiency Mode (E-Mode) for ",["0"]," category. To manage E-Mode categories visit your <0>Dashboard0>."],"Borrowing of this asset is limited to a certain amount to minimize liquidity pool insolvency.":"Borrowing of this asset is limited to a certain amount to minimize liquidity pool insolvency.","Borrowing power and assets are limited due to Isolation mode.":"Borrowing power and assets are limited due to Isolation mode.","Borrowing this amount will reduce your health factor and increase risk of liquidation.":"Borrowing this amount will reduce your health factor and increase risk of liquidation.","Borrowing {symbol}":["Borrowing ",["symbol"]],"Both":"Both","Buy Crypto With Fiat":"Buy Crypto With Fiat","Buy Crypto with Fiat":"Buy Crypto with Fiat","Buy {cryptoSymbol} with Fiat":["Buy ",["cryptoSymbol"]," with Fiat"],"COPIED!":"COPIED!","COPY IMAGE":"COPY IMAGE","Can be collateral":"Can be collateral","Can be executed":"Can be executed","Cancel":"Cancel","Cannot disable E-Mode":"Cannot disable E-Mode","Choose how much voting/proposition power to give to someone else by delegating some of your AAVE or stkAAVE balance. Your tokens will remain in your account, but your delegate will be able to vote or propose on your behalf. If your AAVE or stkAAVE balance changes, your delegate's voting/proposition power will be automatically adjusted.":"Choose how much voting/proposition power to give to someone else by delegating some of your AAVE or stkAAVE balance. Your tokens will remain in your account, but your delegate will be able to vote or propose on your behalf. If your AAVE or stkAAVE balance changes, your delegate's voting/proposition power will be automatically adjusted.","Choose one of the on-ramp services":"Choose one of the on-ramp services","Claim":"Claim","Claim all":"Claim all","Claim all rewards":"Claim all rewards","Claim {0}":["Claim ",["0"]],"Claim {symbol}":["Claim ",["symbol"]],"Claimable AAVE":"Claimable AAVE","Claimed":"Claimed","Claiming":"Claiming","Claiming {symbol}":["Claiming ",["symbol"]],"Close":"Close","Collateral":"Collateral","Collateral balance after repay":"Collateral balance after repay","Collateral change":"Collateral change","Collateral is (mostly) the same currency that is being borrowed":"Collateral is (mostly) the same currency that is being borrowed","Collateral to repay with":"Collateral to repay with","Collateral usage":"Collateral usage","Collateral usage is limited because of Isolation mode.":"Collateral usage is limited because of Isolation mode.","Collateral usage is limited because of isolation mode.":"Collateral usage is limited because of isolation mode.","Collateral usage is limited because of isolation mode. <0>Learn More0>":"Collateral usage is limited because of isolation mode. <0>Learn More0>","Collateralization":"Collateralization","Collector Contract":"Collector Contract","Collector Info":"Collector Info","Connect wallet":"Connect wallet","Cooldown period":"Cooldown period","Cooldown period warning":"Cooldown period warning","Cooldown time left":"Cooldown time left","Cooldown to unstake":"Cooldown to unstake","Cooling down...":"Cooling down...","Copy address":"Copy address","Copy error message":"Copy error message","Copy error text":"Copy error text","Covered debt":"Covered debt","Created":"Created","Current LTV":"Current LTV","Current differential":"Current differential","Current v2 Balance":"Current v2 Balance","Current v2 balance":"Current v2 balance","Current votes":"Current votes","Dark mode":"Dark mode","Dashboard":"Dashboard","Data couldn't be fetched, please reload graph.":"Data couldn't be fetched, please reload graph.","Debt":"Debt","Debt ceiling is exceeded":"Debt ceiling is exceeded","Debt ceiling is not zero":"Debt ceiling is not zero","Debt ceiling limits the amount possible to borrow against this asset by protocol users. Debt ceiling is specific to assets in isolation mode and is denoted in USD.":"Debt ceiling limits the amount possible to borrow against this asset by protocol users. Debt ceiling is specific to assets in isolation mode and is denoted in USD.","Delegated power":"Delegated power","Details":"Details","Developers":"Developers","Differential":"Differential","Disable E-Mode":"Disable E-Mode","Disable testnet":"Disable testnet","Disable {symbol} as collateral":["Disable ",["symbol"]," as collateral"],"Disabled":"Disabled","Disabling E-Mode":"Disabling E-Mode","Disabling this asset as collateral affects your borrowing power and Health Factor.":"Disabling this asset as collateral affects your borrowing power and Health Factor.","Disconnect Wallet":"Disconnect Wallet","Discord channel":"Discord channel","Discount":"Discount","Discount applied for <0/> staking AAVE":"Discount applied for <0/> staking AAVE","Discount model parameters":"Discount model parameters","Discount parameters are decided by the Aave community and may be changed over time. Check Governance for updates and vote to participate. <0>Learn more0>":"Discount parameters are decided by the Aave community and may be changed over time. Check Governance for updates and vote to participate. <0>Learn more0>","Discountable amount":"Discountable amount","Docs":"Docs","Download":"Download","Due to internal stETH mechanics required for rebasing support, it is not possible to perform a collateral switch where stETH is the source token.":"Due to internal stETH mechanics required for rebasing support, it is not possible to perform a collateral switch where stETH is the source token.","Due to the Horizon bridge exploit, certain assets on the Harmony network are not at parity with Ethereum, which affects the Aave V3 Harmony market.":"Due to the Horizon bridge exploit, certain assets on the Harmony network are not at parity with Ethereum, which affects the Aave V3 Harmony market.","E-Mode":"E-Mode","E-Mode Category":"E-Mode Category","E-Mode category":"E-Mode category","E-Mode increases your LTV for a selected category of assets up to 97%. <0>Learn more0>":"E-Mode increases your LTV for a selected category of assets up to 97%. <0>Learn more0>","E-Mode increases your LTV for a selected category of assets up to<0/>. <1>Learn more1>":"E-Mode increases your LTV for a selected category of assets up to<0/>. <1>Learn more1>","E-Mode increases your LTV for a selected category of assets, meaning that when E-mode is enabled, you will have higher borrowing power over assets of the same E-mode category which are defined by Aave Governance. You can enter E-Mode from your <0>Dashboard0>. To learn more about E-Mode and applied restrictions in <1>FAQ1> or <2>Aave V3 Technical Paper2>.":"E-Mode increases your LTV for a selected category of assets, meaning that when E-mode is enabled, you will have higher borrowing power over assets of the same E-mode category which are defined by Aave Governance. You can enter E-Mode from your <0>Dashboard0>. To learn more about E-Mode and applied restrictions in <1>FAQ1> or <2>Aave V3 Technical Paper2>.","Effective interest rate":"Effective interest rate","Efficiency mode (E-Mode)":"Efficiency mode (E-Mode)","Emode":"Emode","Enable E-Mode":"Enable E-Mode","Enable {symbol} as collateral":["Enable ",["symbol"]," as collateral"],"Enabled":"Enabled","Enabling E-Mode":"Enabling E-Mode","Enabling E-Mode only allows you to borrow assets belonging to the selected category. Please visit our <0>FAQ guide0> to learn more about how it works and the applied restrictions.":"Enabling E-Mode only allows you to borrow assets belonging to the selected category. Please visit our <0>FAQ guide0> to learn more about how it works and the applied restrictions.","Enabling this asset as collateral increases your borrowing power and Health Factor. However, it can get liquidated if your health factor drops below 1.":"Enabling this asset as collateral increases your borrowing power and Health Factor. However, it can get liquidated if your health factor drops below 1.","Ended":"Ended","Ends":"Ends","English":"English","Enter ETH address":"Enter ETH address","Enter an amount":"Enter an amount","Error connecting. Try refreshing the page.":"Error connecting. Try refreshing the page.","Estimated compounding interest, including discount for Staking {0}AAVE in Safety Module.":["Estimated compounding interest, including discount for Staking ",["0"],"AAVE in Safety Module."],"Exceeds the discount":"Exceeds the discount","Executed":"Executed","Expected amount to repay":"Expected amount to repay","Expires":"Expires","Export data to":"Export data to","FAQ":"FAQ","FAQS":"FAQS","Failed to load proposal voters. Please refresh the page.":"Failed to load proposal voters. Please refresh the page.","Faucet":"Faucet","Faucet {0}":["Faucet ",["0"]],"Fetching data...":"Fetching data...","Filter":"Filter","Fixed":"Fixed","Fixed rate":"Fixed rate","Flashloan is disabled for this asset, hence this position cannot be migrated.":"Flashloan is disabled for this asset, hence this position cannot be migrated.","For repayment of a specific type of debt, the user needs to have debt that type":"For repayment of a specific type of debt, the user needs to have debt that type","Forum discussion":"Forum discussion","French":"French","Funds in the Safety Module":"Funds in the Safety Module","GHO is a native decentralized, collateral-backed digital asset pegged to USD. It is created by users via borrowing against multiple collateral. When user repays their GHO borrow position, the protocol burns that user's GHO. All the interest payments accrued by minters of GHO would be directly transferred to the AaveDAO treasury.":"GHO is a native decentralized, collateral-backed digital asset pegged to USD. It is created by users via borrowing against multiple collateral. When user repays their GHO borrow position, the protocol burns that user's GHO. All the interest payments accrued by minters of GHO would be directly transferred to the AaveDAO treasury.","Get ABP Token":"Get ABP Token","Global settings":"Global settings","Go Back":"Go Back","Go to Balancer Pool":"Go to Balancer Pool","Go to V3 Dashboard":"Go to V3 Dashboard","Governance":"Governance","Greek":"Greek","Health Factor ({0} v2)":["Health Factor (",["0"]," v2)"],"Health Factor ({0} v3)":["Health Factor (",["0"]," v3)"],"Health factor":"Health factor","Health factor is lesser than the liquidation threshold":"Health factor is lesser than the liquidation threshold","Health factor is not below the threshold":"Health factor is not below the threshold","Hide":"Hide","Holders of stkAAVE receive a discount on the GHO borrowing rate":"Holders of stkAAVE receive a discount on the GHO borrowing rate","I acknowledge the risks involved.":"I acknowledge the risks involved.","I fully understand the risks of migrating.":"I fully understand the risks of migrating.","I understand how cooldown ({0}) and unstaking ({1}) work":["I understand how cooldown (",["0"],") and unstaking (",["1"],") work"],"If the error continues to happen,<0/> you may report it to this":"If the error continues to happen,<0/> you may report it to this","If the health factor goes below 1, the liquidation of your collateral might be triggered.":"If the health factor goes below 1, the liquidation of your collateral might be triggered.","If you DO NOT unstake within {0} of unstake window, you will need to activate cooldown process again.":["If you DO NOT unstake within ",["0"]," of unstake window, you will need to activate cooldown process again."],"If your loan to value goes above the liquidation threshold your collateral supplied may be liquidated.":"If your loan to value goes above the liquidation threshold your collateral supplied may be liquidated.","In E-Mode some assets are not borrowable. Exit E-Mode to get access to all assets":"In E-Mode some assets are not borrowable. Exit E-Mode to get access to all assets","In Isolation mode, you cannot supply other assets as collateral. A global debt ceiling limits the borrowing power of the isolated asset. To exit isolation mode disable {0} as collateral before borrowing another asset. Read more in our <0>FAQ0>":["In Isolation mode, you cannot supply other assets as collateral. A global debt ceiling limits the borrowing power of the isolated asset. To exit isolation mode disable ",["0"]," as collateral before borrowing another asset. Read more in our <0>FAQ0>"],"Inconsistent flashloan parameters":"Inconsistent flashloan parameters","Insufficient collateral to cover new borrow position. Wallet must have borrowing power remaining to perform debt switch.":"Insufficient collateral to cover new borrow position. Wallet must have borrowing power remaining to perform debt switch.","Interest accrued":"Interest accrued","Interest rate rebalance conditions were not met":"Interest rate rebalance conditions were not met","Interest rate strategy":"Interest rate strategy","Interest rate that is determined by Aave Governance. This rate may be changed over time depending on the need for the GHO supply to contract/expand. <0>Learn more0>":"Interest rate that is determined by Aave Governance. This rate may be changed over time depending on the need for the GHO supply to contract/expand. <0>Learn more0>","Invalid amount to burn":"Invalid amount to burn","Invalid amount to mint":"Invalid amount to mint","Invalid bridge protocol fee":"Invalid bridge protocol fee","Invalid expiration":"Invalid expiration","Invalid flashloan premium":"Invalid flashloan premium","Invalid return value of the flashloan executor function":"Invalid return value of the flashloan executor function","Invalid signature":"Invalid signature","Isolated":"Isolated","Isolated Debt Ceiling":"Isolated Debt Ceiling","Isolated assets have limited borrowing power and other assets cannot be used as collateral.":"Isolated assets have limited borrowing power and other assets cannot be used as collateral.","Join the community discussion":"Join the community discussion","LEARN MORE":"LEARN MORE","Language":"Language","Learn more":"Learn more","Learn more about risks involved":"Learn more about risks involved","Learn more in our <0>FAQ guide0>":"Learn more in our <0>FAQ guide0>","Learn more.":"Learn more.","Links":"Links","Liqudation":"Liqudation","Liquidated collateral":"Liquidated collateral","Liquidation":"Liquidation","Liquidation <0/> threshold":"Liquidation <0/> threshold","Liquidation Threshold":"Liquidation Threshold","Liquidation at":"Liquidation at","Liquidation penalty":"Liquidation penalty","Liquidation risk":"Liquidation risk","Liquidation risk parameters":"Liquidation risk parameters","Liquidation threshold":"Liquidation threshold","Liquidation value":"Liquidation value","Loading data...":"Loading data...","Ltv validation failed":"Ltv validation failed","MAI has been paused due to a community decision. Supply, borrows and repays are impacted. <0>More details0>":"MAI has been paused due to a community decision. Supply, borrows and repays are impacted. <0>More details0>","MAX":"MAX","Manage analytics":"Manage analytics","Market":"Market","Markets":"Markets","Max":"Max","Max LTV":"Max LTV","Max slashing":"Max slashing","Max slippage":"Max slippage","Maximum amount available to borrow against this asset is limited because debt ceiling is at {0}%.":["Maximum amount available to borrow against this asset is limited because debt ceiling is at ",["0"],"%."],"Maximum amount available to borrow is <0/> {0} (<1/>).":["Maximum amount available to borrow is <0/> ",["0"]," (<1/>)."],"Maximum amount available to borrow is limited because protocol borrow cap is nearly reached.":"Maximum amount available to borrow is limited because protocol borrow cap is nearly reached.","Maximum amount available to supply is <0/> {0} (<1/>).":["Maximum amount available to supply is <0/> ",["0"]," (<1/>)."],"Maximum amount available to supply is limited because protocol supply cap is at {0}%.":["Maximum amount available to supply is limited because protocol supply cap is at ",["0"],"%."],"Maximum loan to value":"Maximum loan to value","Meet GHO":"Meet GHO","Menu":"Menu","Migrate":"Migrate","Migrate to V3":"Migrate to V3","Migrate to v3":"Migrate to v3","Migrate to {0} v3 Market":["Migrate to ",["0"]," v3 Market"],"Migrated":"Migrated","Migrating":"Migrating","Migrating multiple collaterals and borrowed assets at the same time can be an expensive operation and might fail in certain situations.<0>Therefore it’s not recommended to migrate positions with more than 5 assets (deposited + borrowed) at the same time.0>":"Migrating multiple collaterals and borrowed assets at the same time can be an expensive operation and might fail in certain situations.<0>Therefore it’s not recommended to migrate positions with more than 5 assets (deposited + borrowed) at the same time.0>","Migration risks":"Migration risks","Minimum GHO borrow amount":"Minimum GHO borrow amount","Minimum USD value received":"Minimum USD value received","Minimum staked Aave amount":"Minimum staked Aave amount","Minimum {0} received":["Minimum ",["0"]," received"],"More":"More","NAY":"NAY","Need help connecting a wallet? <0>Read our FAQ0>":"Need help connecting a wallet? <0>Read our FAQ0>","Net APR":"Net APR","Net APY":"Net APY","Net APY is the combined effect of all supply and borrow positions on net worth, including incentives. It is possible to have a negative net APY if debt APY is higher than supply APY.":"Net APY is the combined effect of all supply and borrow positions on net worth, including incentives. It is possible to have a negative net APY if debt APY is higher than supply APY.","Net worth":"Net worth","Network":"Network","Network not supported for this wallet":"Network not supported for this wallet","New APY":"New APY","No assets selected to migrate.":"No assets selected to migrate.","No rewards to claim":"No rewards to claim","No search results{0}":["No search results",["0"]],"No transactions yet.":"No transactions yet.","No voting power":"No voting power","None":"None","Not a valid address":"Not a valid address","Not enough balance on your wallet":"Not enough balance on your wallet","Not enough collateral to repay this amount of debt with":"Not enough collateral to repay this amount of debt with","Not enough staked balance":"Not enough staked balance","Not enough voting power to participate in this proposal":"Not enough voting power to participate in this proposal","Not reached":"Not reached","Nothing borrowed yet":"Nothing borrowed yet","Nothing found":"Nothing found","Nothing staked":"Nothing staked","Nothing supplied yet":"Nothing supplied yet","Notify":"Notify","Ok, Close":"Ok, Close","Ok, I got it":"Ok, I got it","Operation not supported":"Operation not supported","Oracle price":"Oracle price","Overview":"Overview","Page not found":"Page not found","Participating in this {symbol} reserve gives annualized rewards.":["Participating in this ",["symbol"]," reserve gives annualized rewards."],"Pending...":"Pending...","Per the community, the Fantom market has been frozen.":"Per the community, the Fantom market has been frozen.","Per the community, the V2 AMM market has been deprecated.":"Per the community, the V2 AMM market has been deprecated.","Please always be aware of your <0>Health Factor (HF)0> when partially migrating a position and that your rates will be updated to V3 rates.":"Please always be aware of your <0>Health Factor (HF)0> when partially migrating a position and that your rates will be updated to V3 rates.","Please connect a wallet to view your personal information here.":"Please connect a wallet to view your personal information here.","Please connect your wallet to be able to switch your tokens.":"Please connect your wallet to be able to switch your tokens.","Please connect your wallet to get free testnet assets.":"Please connect your wallet to get free testnet assets.","Please connect your wallet to see migration tool.":"Please connect your wallet to see migration tool.","Please connect your wallet to see your supplies, borrowings, and open positions.":"Please connect your wallet to see your supplies, borrowings, and open positions.","Please connect your wallet to view transaction history.":"Please connect your wallet to view transaction history.","Please enter a valid wallet address.":"Please enter a valid wallet address.","Please switch to {networkName}.":["Please switch to ",["networkName"],"."],"Please, connect your wallet":"Please, connect your wallet","Pool addresses provider is not registered":"Pool addresses provider is not registered","Powered by":"Powered by","Preview tx and migrate":"Preview tx and migrate","Price":"Price","Price data is not currently available for this reserve on the protocol subgraph":"Price data is not currently available for this reserve on the protocol subgraph","Price impact":"Price impact","Price impact is the spread between the total value of the entry tokens switched and the destination tokens obtained (in USD), which results from the limited liquidity of the trading pair.":"Price impact is the spread between the total value of the entry tokens switched and the destination tokens obtained (in USD), which results from the limited liquidity of the trading pair.","Price impact {0}%":["Price impact ",["0"],"%"],"Privacy":"Privacy","Proposal details":"Proposal details","Proposal overview":"Proposal overview","Proposals":"Proposals","Proposition":"Proposition","Protocol borrow cap at 100% for this asset. Further borrowing unavailable.":"Protocol borrow cap at 100% for this asset. Further borrowing unavailable.","Protocol borrow cap is at 100% for this asset. Further borrowing unavailable.":"Protocol borrow cap is at 100% for this asset. Further borrowing unavailable.","Protocol debt ceiling is at 100% for this asset. Further borrowing against this asset is unavailable.":"Protocol debt ceiling is at 100% for this asset. Further borrowing against this asset is unavailable.","Protocol debt ceiling is at 100% for this asset. Futher borrowing against this asset is unavailable.":"Protocol debt ceiling is at 100% for this asset. Futher borrowing against this asset is unavailable.","Protocol supply cap at 100% for this asset. Further supply unavailable.":"Protocol supply cap at 100% for this asset. Further supply unavailable.","Protocol supply cap is at 100% for this asset. Further supply unavailable.":"Protocol supply cap is at 100% for this asset. Further supply unavailable.","Quorum":"Quorum","Rate change":"Rate change","Raw-Ipfs":"Raw-Ipfs","Reached":"Reached","Reactivate cooldown period to unstake {0} {stakedToken}":["Reactivate cooldown period to unstake ",["0"]," ",["stakedToken"]],"Read more here.":"Read more here.","Read-only mode allows to see address positions in Aave, but you won't be able to perform transactions.":"Read-only mode allows to see address positions in Aave, but you won't be able to perform transactions.","Read-only mode.":"Read-only mode.","Read-only mode. Connect to a wallet to perform transactions.":"Read-only mode. Connect to a wallet to perform transactions.","Receive (est.)":"Receive (est.)","Received":"Received","Recipient address":"Recipient address","Rejected connection request":"Rejected connection request","Reload":"Reload","Reload the page":"Reload the page","Remaining debt":"Remaining debt","Remaining supply":"Remaining supply","Repaid":"Repaid","Repay":"Repay","Repay with":"Repay with","Repay {symbol}":["Repay ",["symbol"]],"Repaying {symbol}":["Repaying ",["symbol"]],"Repayment amount to reach {0}% utilization":["Repayment amount to reach ",["0"],"% utilization"],"Reserve Size":"Reserve Size","Reserve factor":"Reserve factor","Reserve factor is a percentage of interest which goes to a {0} that is controlled by Aave governance to promote ecosystem growth.":["Reserve factor is a percentage of interest which goes to a ",["0"]," that is controlled by Aave governance to promote ecosystem growth."],"Reserve status & configuration":"Reserve status & configuration","Reset":"Reset","Restake":"Restake","Restake {symbol}":["Restake ",["symbol"]],"Restaked":"Restaked","Restaking {symbol}":["Restaking ",["symbol"]],"Review approval tx details":"Review approval tx details","Review changes to continue":"Review changes to continue","Review tx":"Review tx","Review tx details":"Review tx details","Revoke power":"Revoke power","Reward(s) to claim":"Reward(s) to claim","Rewards APR":"Rewards APR","Risk details":"Risk details","SEE CHARTS":"SEE CHARTS","Safety of your deposited collateral against the borrowed assets and its underlying value.":"Safety of your deposited collateral against the borrowed assets and its underlying value.","Save and share":"Save and share","Seatbelt report":"Seatbelt report","Seems like we can't switch the network automatically. Please check if you can change it from the wallet.":"Seems like we can't switch the network automatically. Please check if you can change it from the wallet.","Select":"Select","Select APY type to switch":"Select APY type to switch","Select an asset":"Select an asset","Select language":"Select language","Select slippage tolerance":"Select slippage tolerance","Select v2 borrows to migrate":"Select v2 borrows to migrate","Select v2 supplies to migrate":"Select v2 supplies to migrate","Selected assets have successfully migrated. Visit the Market Dashboard to see them.":"Selected assets have successfully migrated. Visit the Market Dashboard to see them.","Selected borrow assets":"Selected borrow assets","Selected supply assets":"Selected supply assets","Send feedback":"Send feedback","Set up delegation":"Set up delegation","Setup notifications about your Health Factor using the Hal app.":"Setup notifications about your Health Factor using the Hal app.","Share on Lens":"Share on Lens","Share on twitter":"Share on twitter","Show":"Show","Show Frozen or paused assets":"Show Frozen or paused assets","Show assets with 0 balance":"Show assets with 0 balance","Sign to continue":"Sign to continue","Signatures ready":"Signatures ready","Signing":"Signing","Since this asset is frozen, the only available actions are withdraw and repay which can be accessed from the <0>Dashboard0>":"Since this asset is frozen, the only available actions are withdraw and repay which can be accessed from the <0>Dashboard0>","Since this is a test network, you can get any of the assets if you have ETH on your wallet":"Since this is a test network, you can get any of the assets if you have ETH on your wallet","Slippage":"Slippage","Slippage is the difference between the quoted and received amounts from changing market conditions between the moment the transaction is submitted and its verification.":"Slippage is the difference between the quoted and received amounts from changing market conditions between the moment the transaction is submitted and its verification.","Some migrated assets will not be used as collateral due to enabled isolation mode in {marketName} V3 Market. Visit <0>{marketName} V3 Dashboard0> to manage isolation mode.":["Some migrated assets will not be used as collateral due to enabled isolation mode in ",["marketName"]," V3 Market. Visit <0>",["marketName"]," V3 Dashboard0> to manage isolation mode."],"Something went wrong":"Something went wrong","Sorry, an unexpected error happened. In the meantime you may try reloading the page, or come back later.":"Sorry, an unexpected error happened. In the meantime you may try reloading the page, or come back later.","Sorry, we couldn't find the page you were looking for.":"Sorry, we couldn't find the page you were looking for.","Spanish":"Spanish","Stable":"Stable","Stable Interest Type is disabled for this currency":"Stable Interest Type is disabled for this currency","Stable borrowing is enabled":"Stable borrowing is enabled","Stable borrowing is not enabled":"Stable borrowing is not enabled","Stable debt supply is not zero":"Stable debt supply is not zero","Stable interest rate will <0>stay the same0> for the duration of your loan. Recommended for long-term loan periods and for users who prefer predictability.":"Stable interest rate will <0>stay the same0> for the duration of your loan. Recommended for long-term loan periods and for users who prefer predictability.","Stablecoin":"Stablecoin","Stake":"Stake","Stake AAVE":"Stake AAVE","Stake ABPT":"Stake ABPT","Stake cooldown activated":"Stake cooldown activated","Staked":"Staked","Staking":"Staking","Staking APR":"Staking APR","Staking Rewards":"Staking Rewards","Staking balance":"Staking balance","Staking discount":"Staking discount","Started":"Started","State":"State","Supplied":"Supplied","Supplied asset amount":"Supplied asset amount","Supply":"Supply","Supply APY":"Supply APY","Supply apy":"Supply apy","Supply balance":"Supply balance","Supply balance after switch":"Supply balance after switch","Supply cap is exceeded":"Supply cap is exceeded","Supply cap on target reserve reached. Try lowering the amount.":"Supply cap on target reserve reached. Try lowering the amount.","Supply {symbol}":["Supply ",["symbol"]],"Supplying your":"Supplying your","Supplying {symbol}":["Supplying ",["symbol"]],"Switch":"Switch","Switch APY type":"Switch APY type","Switch E-Mode":"Switch E-Mode","Switch E-Mode category":"Switch E-Mode category","Switch Network":"Switch Network","Switch borrow position":"Switch borrow position","Switch rate":"Switch rate","Switch to":"Switch to","Switched":"Switched","Switching":"Switching","Switching E-Mode":"Switching E-Mode","Switching rate":"Switching rate","Techpaper":"Techpaper","Terms":"Terms","Test Assets":"Test Assets","Testnet mode":"Testnet mode","Testnet mode is ON":"Testnet mode is ON","Thank you for voting!!":"Thank you for voting!!","The % of your total borrowing power used. This is based on the amount of your collateral supplied and the total amount that you can borrow.":"The % of your total borrowing power used. This is based on the amount of your collateral supplied and the total amount that you can borrow.","The Aave Balancer Pool Token (ABPT) is a liquidity pool token. You can receive ABPT by depositing a combination of AAVE + ETH in the Balancer liquidity pool. You can then stake your BPT in the Safety Module to secure the protocol and earn Safety Incentives.":"The Aave Balancer Pool Token (ABPT) is a liquidity pool token. You can receive ABPT by depositing a combination of AAVE + ETH in the Balancer liquidity pool. You can then stake your BPT in the Safety Module to secure the protocol and earn Safety Incentives.","The Aave Protocol is programmed to always use the price of 1 GHO = $1. This is different from using market pricing via oracles for other crypto assets. This creates stabilizing arbitrage opportunities when the price of GHO fluctuates.":"The Aave Protocol is programmed to always use the price of 1 GHO = $1. This is different from using market pricing via oracles for other crypto assets. This creates stabilizing arbitrage opportunities when the price of GHO fluctuates.","The Maximum LTV ratio represents the maximum borrowing power of a specific collateral. For example, if a collateral has an LTV of 75%, the user can borrow up to 0.75 worth of ETH in the principal currency for every 1 ETH worth of collateral.":"The Maximum LTV ratio represents the maximum borrowing power of a specific collateral. For example, if a collateral has an LTV of 75%, the user can borrow up to 0.75 worth of ETH in the principal currency for every 1 ETH worth of collateral.","The Stable Rate is not enabled for this currency":"The Stable Rate is not enabled for this currency","The address of the pool addresses provider is invalid":"The address of the pool addresses provider is invalid","The app is running in testnet mode. Learn how it works in":"The app is running in testnet mode. Learn how it works in","The caller of the function is not an AToken":"The caller of the function is not an AToken","The caller of this function must be a pool":"The caller of this function must be a pool","The collateral balance is 0":"The collateral balance is 0","The collateral chosen cannot be liquidated":"The collateral chosen cannot be liquidated","The cooldown period is the time required prior to unstaking your tokens (20 days). You can only withdraw your assets from the Security Module after the cooldown period and within the unstake window.<0>Learn more0>":"The cooldown period is the time required prior to unstaking your tokens (20 days). You can only withdraw your assets from the Security Module after the cooldown period and within the unstake window.<0>Learn more0>","The cooldown period is {0}. After {1} of cooldown, you will enter unstake window of {2}. You will continue receiving rewards during cooldown and unstake window.":["The cooldown period is ",["0"],". After ",["1"]," of cooldown, you will enter unstake window of ",["2"],". You will continue receiving rewards during cooldown and unstake window."],"The effects on the health factor would cause liquidation. Try lowering the amount.":"The effects on the health factor would cause liquidation. Try lowering the amount.","The loan to value of the migrated positions would cause liquidation. Increase migrated collateral or reduce migrated borrow to continue.":"The loan to value of the migrated positions would cause liquidation. Increase migrated collateral or reduce migrated borrow to continue.","The requested amount is greater than the max loan size in stable rate mode":"The requested amount is greater than the max loan size in stable rate mode","The total amount of your assets denominated in USD that can be used as collateral for borrowing assets.":"The total amount of your assets denominated in USD that can be used as collateral for borrowing assets.","The underlying asset cannot be rescued":"The underlying asset cannot be rescued","The underlying balance needs to be greater than 0":"The underlying balance needs to be greater than 0","The weighted average of APY for all borrowed assets, including incentives.":"The weighted average of APY for all borrowed assets, including incentives.","The weighted average of APY for all supplied assets, including incentives.":"The weighted average of APY for all supplied assets, including incentives.","There are not enough funds in the{0}reserve to borrow":["There are not enough funds in the",["0"],"reserve to borrow"],"There is not enough collateral to cover a new borrow":"There is not enough collateral to cover a new borrow","There is not enough liquidity for the target asset to perform the switch. Try lowering the amount.":"There is not enough liquidity for the target asset to perform the switch. Try lowering the amount.","There was some error. Please try changing the parameters or <0><1>copy the error1>0>":"There was some error. Please try changing the parameters or <0><1>copy the error1>0>","These assets are temporarily frozen or paused by Aave community decisions, meaning that further supply / borrow, or rate swap of these assets are unavailable. Withdrawals and debt repayments are allowed. Follow the <0>Aave governance forum0> for further updates.":"These assets are temporarily frozen or paused by Aave community decisions, meaning that further supply / borrow, or rate swap of these assets are unavailable. Withdrawals and debt repayments are allowed. Follow the <0>Aave governance forum0> for further updates.","These funds have been borrowed and are not available for withdrawal at this time.":"These funds have been borrowed and are not available for withdrawal at this time.","This action will reduce V2 health factor below liquidation threshold. retain collateral or migrate borrow position to continue.":"This action will reduce V2 health factor below liquidation threshold. retain collateral or migrate borrow position to continue.","This action will reduce health factor of V3 below liquidation threshold. Increase migrated collateral or reduce migrated borrow to continue.":"This action will reduce health factor of V3 below liquidation threshold. Increase migrated collateral or reduce migrated borrow to continue.","This action will reduce your health factor. Please be mindful of the increased risk of collateral liquidation.":"This action will reduce your health factor. Please be mindful of the increased risk of collateral liquidation.","This address is blocked on app.aave.com because it is associated with one or more":"This address is blocked on app.aave.com because it is associated with one or more","This asset has almost reached its borrow cap. There is only {messageValue} available to be borrowed from this market.":["This asset has almost reached its borrow cap. There is only ",["messageValue"]," available to be borrowed from this market."],"This asset has almost reached its supply cap. There can only be {messageValue} supplied to this market.":["This asset has almost reached its supply cap. There can only be ",["messageValue"]," supplied to this market."],"This asset has been paused due to a community decision. Supply, withdraw, borrows and repays are impacted.":"This asset has been paused due to a community decision. Supply, withdraw, borrows and repays are impacted.","This asset has reached its borrow cap. Nothing is available to be borrowed from this market.":"This asset has reached its borrow cap. Nothing is available to be borrowed from this market.","This asset has reached its supply cap. Nothing is available to be supplied from this market.":"This asset has reached its supply cap. Nothing is available to be supplied from this market.","This asset is frozen due to an Aave Protocol Governance decision. <0>More details0>":"This asset is frozen due to an Aave Protocol Governance decision. <0>More details0>","This asset is frozen due to an Aave Protocol Governance decision. On the 20th of December 2022, renFIL will no longer be supported and cannot be bridged back to its native network. It is recommended to withdraw supply positions and repay borrow positions so that renFIL can be bridged back to FIL before the deadline. After this date, it will no longer be possible to convert renFIL to FIL. <0>More details0>":"This asset is frozen due to an Aave Protocol Governance decision. On the 20th of December 2022, renFIL will no longer be supported and cannot be bridged back to its native network. It is recommended to withdraw supply positions and repay borrow positions so that renFIL can be bridged back to FIL before the deadline. After this date, it will no longer be possible to convert renFIL to FIL. <0>More details0>","This asset is frozen due to an Aave community decision. <0>More details0>":"This asset is frozen due to an Aave community decision. <0>More details0>","This asset is planned to be offboarded due to an Aave Protocol Governance decision. <0>More details0>":"This asset is planned to be offboarded due to an Aave Protocol Governance decision. <0>More details0>","This gas calculation is only an estimation. Your wallet will set the price of the transaction. You can modify the gas settings directly from your wallet provider.":"This gas calculation is only an estimation. Your wallet will set the price of the transaction. You can modify the gas settings directly from your wallet provider.","This integration was<0>proposed and approved0>by the community.":"This integration was<0>proposed and approved0>by the community.","This is the total amount available for you to borrow. You can borrow based on your collateral and until the borrow cap is reached.":"This is the total amount available for you to borrow. You can borrow based on your collateral and until the borrow cap is reached.","This is the total amount that you are able to supply to in this reserve. You are able to supply your wallet balance up until the supply cap is reached.":"This is the total amount that you are able to supply to in this reserve. You are able to supply your wallet balance up until the supply cap is reached.","This represents the threshold at which a borrow position will be considered undercollateralized and subject to liquidation for each collateral. For example, if a collateral has a liquidation threshold of 80%, it means that the position will be liquidated when the debt value is worth 80% of the collateral value.":"This represents the threshold at which a borrow position will be considered undercollateralized and subject to liquidation for each collateral. For example, if a collateral has a liquidation threshold of 80%, it means that the position will be liquidated when the debt value is worth 80% of the collateral value.","Time left to be able to withdraw your staked asset.":"Time left to be able to withdraw your staked asset.","Time left to unstake":"Time left to unstake","Time left until the withdrawal window closes.":"Time left until the withdrawal window closes.","Tip: Try increasing slippage or reduce input amount":"Tip: Try increasing slippage or reduce input amount","To borrow you need to supply any asset to be used as collateral.":"To borrow you need to supply any asset to be used as collateral.","To continue, you need to grant Aave smart contracts permission to move your funds from your wallet. Depending on the asset and wallet you use, it is done by signing the permission message (gas free), or by submitting an approval transaction (requires gas). <0>Learn more0>":"To continue, you need to grant Aave smart contracts permission to move your funds from your wallet. Depending on the asset and wallet you use, it is done by signing the permission message (gas free), or by submitting an approval transaction (requires gas). <0>Learn more0>","To enable E-mode for the {0} category, all borrow positions outside of this category must be closed.":["To enable E-mode for the ",["0"]," category, all borrow positions outside of this category must be closed."],"To repay on behalf of a user an explicit amount to repay is needed":"To repay on behalf of a user an explicit amount to repay is needed","To request access for this permissioned market, please visit: <0>Acces Provider Name0>":"To request access for this permissioned market, please visit: <0>Acces Provider Name0>","To submit a proposal for minor changes to the protocol, you'll need at least 80.00K power. If you want to change the core code base, you'll need 320k power.<0>Learn more.0>":"To submit a proposal for minor changes to the protocol, you'll need at least 80.00K power. If you want to change the core code base, you'll need 320k power.<0>Learn more.0>","Top 10 addresses":"Top 10 addresses","Total available":"Total available","Total borrowed":"Total borrowed","Total borrows":"Total borrows","Total emission per day":"Total emission per day","Total interest accrued":"Total interest accrued","Total market size":"Total market size","Total supplied":"Total supplied","Total voting power":"Total voting power","Total worth":"Total worth","Track wallet":"Track wallet","Track wallet balance in read-only mode":"Track wallet balance in read-only mode","Transaction failed":"Transaction failed","Transaction history":"Transaction history","Transaction history is not currently available for this market":"Transaction history is not currently available for this market","Transaction overview":"Transaction overview","Transactions":"Transactions","UNSTAKE {symbol}":["UNSTAKE ",["symbol"]],"Unavailable":"Unavailable","Unbacked":"Unbacked","Unbacked mint cap is exceeded":"Unbacked mint cap is exceeded","Underlying asset does not exist in {marketName} v3 Market, hence this position cannot be migrated.":["Underlying asset does not exist in ",["marketName"]," v3 Market, hence this position cannot be migrated."],"Underlying token":"Underlying token","Unstake now":"Unstake now","Unstake window":"Unstake window","Unstaked":"Unstaked","Unstaking {symbol}":["Unstaking ",["symbol"]],"Update: Disruptions reported for WETH, WBTC, WMATIC, and USDT. AIP 230 will resolve the disruptions and the market will be operating as normal on ~26th May 13h00 UTC.":"Update: Disruptions reported for WETH, WBTC, WMATIC, and USDT. AIP 230 will resolve the disruptions and the market will be operating as normal on ~26th May 13h00 UTC.","Use it to vote for or against active proposals.":"Use it to vote for or against active proposals.","Use your AAVE and stkAAVE balance to delegate your voting and proposition powers. You will not be sending any tokens, only the rights to vote and propose changes to the protocol. You can re-delegate or revoke power to self at any time.":"Use your AAVE and stkAAVE balance to delegate your voting and proposition powers. You will not be sending any tokens, only the rights to vote and propose changes to the protocol. You can re-delegate or revoke power to self at any time.","Used as collateral":"Used as collateral","User cannot withdraw more than the available balance":"User cannot withdraw more than the available balance","User did not borrow the specified currency":"User did not borrow the specified currency","User does not have outstanding stable rate debt on this reserve":"User does not have outstanding stable rate debt on this reserve","User does not have outstanding variable rate debt on this reserve":"User does not have outstanding variable rate debt on this reserve","User is in isolation mode":"User is in isolation mode","User is trying to borrow multiple assets including a siloed one":"User is trying to borrow multiple assets including a siloed one","Users who stake AAVE in Safety Module (i.e. stkAAVE holders) receive a discount on GHO borrow interest rate. The discount applies to 100 GHO for every 1 stkAAVE held. Use the calculator below to see GHO borrow rate with the discount applied.":"Users who stake AAVE in Safety Module (i.e. stkAAVE holders) receive a discount on GHO borrow interest rate. The discount applies to 100 GHO for every 1 stkAAVE held. Use the calculator below to see GHO borrow rate with the discount applied.","Utilization Rate":"Utilization Rate","VIEW TX":"VIEW TX","VOTE NAY":"VOTE NAY","VOTE YAE":"VOTE YAE","Variable":"Variable","Variable debt supply is not zero":"Variable debt supply is not zero","Variable interest rate will <0>fluctuate0> based on the market conditions. Recommended for short-term positions.":"Variable interest rate will <0>fluctuate0> based on the market conditions. Recommended for short-term positions.","Variable rate":"Variable rate","Version 2":"Version 2","Version 3":"Version 3","View":"View","View Transactions":"View Transactions","View all votes":"View all votes","View contract":"View contract","View details":"View details","View on Explorer":"View on Explorer","Vote NAY":"Vote NAY","Vote YAE":"Vote YAE","Voted NAY":"Voted NAY","Voted YAE":"Voted YAE","Votes":"Votes","Voting":"Voting","Voting power":"Voting power","Voting results":"Voting results","Wallet Balance":"Wallet Balance","Wallet balance":"Wallet balance","Wallet not detected. Connect or install wallet and retry":"Wallet not detected. Connect or install wallet and retry","Wallets are provided by External Providers and by selecting you agree to Terms of those Providers. Your access to the wallet might be reliant on the External Provider being operational.":"Wallets are provided by External Providers and by selecting you agree to Terms of those Providers. Your access to the wallet might be reliant on the External Provider being operational.","We couldn't find any assets related to your search. Try again with a different asset name, symbol, or address.":"We couldn't find any assets related to your search. Try again with a different asset name, symbol, or address.","We couldn't find any transactions related to your search. Try again with a different asset name, or reset filters.":"We couldn't find any transactions related to your search. Try again with a different asset name, or reset filters.","We couldn’t detect a wallet. Connect a wallet to stake and view your balance.":"We couldn’t detect a wallet. Connect a wallet to stake and view your balance.","We suggest you go back to the Dashboard.":"We suggest you go back to the Dashboard.","Website":"Website","When a liquidation occurs, liquidators repay up to 50% of the outstanding borrowed amount on behalf of the borrower. In return, they can buy the collateral at a discount and keep the difference (liquidation penalty) as a bonus.":"When a liquidation occurs, liquidators repay up to 50% of the outstanding borrowed amount on behalf of the borrower. In return, they can buy the collateral at a discount and keep the difference (liquidation penalty) as a bonus.","With a voting power of <0/>":"With a voting power of <0/>","With testnet Faucet you can get free assets to test the Aave Protocol. Make sure to switch your wallet provider to the appropriate testnet network, select desired asset, and click ‘Faucet’ to get tokens transferred to your wallet. The assets on a testnet are not “real,” meaning they have no monetary value. <0>Learn more0>":"With testnet Faucet you can get free assets to test the Aave Protocol. Make sure to switch your wallet provider to the appropriate testnet network, select desired asset, and click ‘Faucet’ to get tokens transferred to your wallet. The assets on a testnet are not “real,” meaning they have no monetary value. <0>Learn more0>","Withdraw":"Withdraw","Withdraw & Switch":"Withdraw & Switch","Withdraw and Switch":"Withdraw and Switch","Withdraw {symbol}":["Withdraw ",["symbol"]],"Withdrawing and Switching":"Withdrawing and Switching","Withdrawing this amount will reduce your health factor and increase risk of liquidation.":"Withdrawing this amount will reduce your health factor and increase risk of liquidation.","Withdrawing {symbol}":["Withdrawing ",["symbol"]],"Wrong Network":"Wrong Network","YAE":"YAE","You are entering Isolation mode":"You are entering Isolation mode","You can borrow this asset with a stable rate only if you borrow more than the amount you are supplying as collateral.":"You can borrow this asset with a stable rate only if you borrow more than the amount you are supplying as collateral.","You can not change Interest Type to stable as your borrowings are higher than your collateral":"You can not change Interest Type to stable as your borrowings are higher than your collateral","You can not disable E-Mode as your current collateralization level is above 80%, disabling E-Mode can cause liquidation. To exit E-Mode supply or repay borrowed positions.":"You can not disable E-Mode as your current collateralization level is above 80%, disabling E-Mode can cause liquidation. To exit E-Mode supply or repay borrowed positions.","You can not switch usage as collateral mode for this currency, because it will cause collateral call":"You can not switch usage as collateral mode for this currency, because it will cause collateral call","You can not use this currency as collateral":"You can not use this currency as collateral","You can not withdraw this amount because it will cause collateral call":"You can not withdraw this amount because it will cause collateral call","You can only switch to tokens with variable APY types. After this transaction, you may change the variable rate to a stable one if available.":"You can only switch to tokens with variable APY types. After this transaction, you may change the variable rate to a stable one if available.","You can only withdraw your assets from the Security Module after the cooldown period ends and the unstake window is active.":"You can only withdraw your assets from the Security Module after the cooldown period ends and the unstake window is active.","You can report incident to our <0>Discord0> or<1>Github1>.":"You can report incident to our <0>Discord0> or<1>Github1>.","You cancelled the transaction.":"You cancelled the transaction.","You did not participate in this proposal":"You did not participate in this proposal","You do not have supplies in this currency":"You do not have supplies in this currency","You don’t have enough funds in your wallet to repay the full amount. If you proceed to repay with your current amount of funds, you will still have a small borrowing position in your dashboard.":"You don’t have enough funds in your wallet to repay the full amount. If you proceed to repay with your current amount of funds, you will still have a small borrowing position in your dashboard.","You have no AAVE/stkAAVE balance to delegate.":"You have no AAVE/stkAAVE balance to delegate.","You have not borrow yet using this currency":"You have not borrow yet using this currency","You may borrow up to <0/> GHO at <1/> (max discount)":"You may borrow up to <0/> GHO at <1/> (max discount)","You may enter a custom amount in the field.":"You may enter a custom amount in the field.","You switched to {0} rate":["You switched to ",["0"]," rate"],"You unstake here":"You unstake here","You voted {0}":["You voted ",["0"]],"You will exit isolation mode and other tokens can now be used as collateral":"You will exit isolation mode and other tokens can now be used as collateral","You {action} <0/> {symbol}":["You ",["action"]," <0/> ",["symbol"]],"You've successfully switched borrow position.":"You've successfully switched borrow position.","You've successfully switched tokens.":"You've successfully switched tokens.","You've successfully withdrew & switched tokens.":"You've successfully withdrew & switched tokens.","Your balance is lower than the selected amount.":"Your balance is lower than the selected amount.","Your borrows":"Your borrows","Your current loan to value based on your collateral supplied.":"Your current loan to value based on your collateral supplied.","Your health factor and loan to value determine the assurance of your collateral. To avoid liquidations you can supply more collateral or repay borrow positions.":"Your health factor and loan to value determine the assurance of your collateral. To avoid liquidations you can supply more collateral or repay borrow positions.","Your info":"Your info","Your proposition power is based on your AAVE/stkAAVE balance and received delegations.":"Your proposition power is based on your AAVE/stkAAVE balance and received delegations.","Your reward balance is 0":"Your reward balance is 0","Your supplies":"Your supplies","Your voting info":"Your voting info","Your voting power is based on your AAVE/stkAAVE balance and received delegations.":"Your voting power is based on your AAVE/stkAAVE balance and received delegations.","Your {name} wallet is empty. Purchase or transfer assets or use <0>{0}0> to transfer your {network} assets.":["Your ",["name"]," wallet is empty. Purchase or transfer assets or use <0>",["0"],"0> to transfer your ",["network"]," assets."],"Your {name} wallet is empty. Purchase or transfer assets.":["Your ",["name"]," wallet is empty. Purchase or transfer assets."],"Your {networkName} wallet is empty. Get free test assets at":["Your ",["networkName"]," wallet is empty. Get free test assets at"],"Your {networkName} wallet is empty. Get free test {0} at":["Your ",["networkName"]," wallet is empty. Get free test ",["0"]," at"],"Zero address not valid":"Zero address not valid","assets":"assets","blocked activities":"blocked activities","copy the error":"copy the error","disabled":"disabled","documentation":"documentation","enabled":"enabled","ends":"ends","for":"for","of":"of","on":"on","please check that the amount you want to supply is not currently being used for staking. If it is being used for staking, your transaction might fail.":"please check that the amount you want to supply is not currently being used for staking. If it is being used for staking, your transaction might fail.","repaid":"repaid","stETH supplied as collateral will continue to accrue staking rewards provided by daily rebases.":"stETH supplied as collateral will continue to accrue staking rewards provided by daily rebases.","stETH tokens will be migrated to Wrapped stETH using Lido Protocol wrapper which leads to supply balance change after migration: {0}":["stETH tokens will be migrated to Wrapped stETH using Lido Protocol wrapper which leads to supply balance change after migration: ",["0"]],"staking view":"staking view","starts":"starts","stkAAVE holders get a discount on GHO borrow rate":"stkAAVE holders get a discount on GHO borrow rate","to":"to","tokens is not the same as staking them. If you wish to stake your":"tokens is not the same as staking them. If you wish to stake your","tokens, please go to the":"tokens, please go to the","withdrew":"withdrew","{0}":[["0"]],"{0} Balance":[["0"]," Balance"],"{0} Faucet":[["0"]," Faucet"],"{0} on-ramp service is provided by External Provider and by selecting you agree to Terms of the Provider. Your access to the service might be reliant on the External Provider being operational.":[["0"]," on-ramp service is provided by External Provider and by selecting you agree to Terms of the Provider. Your access to the service might be reliant on the External Provider being operational."],"{0}{name}":[["0"],["name"]],"{currentMethod}":[["currentMethod"]],"{d}d":[["d"],"d"],"{h}h":[["h"],"h"],"{m}m":[["m"],"m"],"{networkName} Faucet":[["networkName"]," Faucet"],"{notifyText}":[["notifyText"]],"{numSelected}/{numAvailable} assets selected":[["numSelected"],"/",["numAvailable"]," assets selected"],"{s}s":[["s"],"s"],"{title}":[["title"]],"{tooltipText}":[["tooltipText"]]}};
\ No newline at end of file
+/*eslint-disable*/module.exports={messages:{"...":"...",".CSV":".CSV",".JSON":".JSON","<0><1><2/>1>Add <3/> stkAAVE0> to borrow at <4/> (max discount)":"<0><1><2/>1>Add <3/> stkAAVE0> to borrow at <4/> (max discount)","<0><1><2/>1>Add stkAAVE0> to see borrow rate with discount":"<0><1><2/>1>Add stkAAVE0> to see borrow rate with discount","<0>Ampleforth0> is a rebasing asset. Visit the <1>documentation1> to learn more.":"<0>Ampleforth0> is a rebasing asset. Visit the <1>documentation1> to learn more.","<0>Attention:0> Parameter changes via governance can alter your account health factor and risk of liquidation. Follow the <1>Aave governance forum1> for updates.":"<0>Attention:0> Parameter changes via governance can alter your account health factor and risk of liquidation. Follow the <1>Aave governance forum1> for updates.","<0>Slippage tolerance 0><1>{selectedSlippage}% 1><2>{0}2>":["<0>Slippage tolerance 0><1>",["selectedSlippage"],"% 1><2>",["0"],"2>"],"AAVE holders (Ethereum network only) can stake their AAVE in the Safety Module to add more security to the protocol and earn Safety Incentives. In the case of a shortfall event, up to 30% of your stake can be slashed to cover the deficit, providing an additional layer of protection for the protocol.":"AAVE holders (Ethereum network only) can stake their AAVE in the Safety Module to add more security to the protocol and earn Safety Incentives. In the case of a shortfall event, up to 30% of your stake can be slashed to cover the deficit, providing an additional layer of protection for the protocol.","APR":"APR","APY":"APY","APY change":"APY change","APY type":"APY type","APY type change":"APY type change","APY with discount applied":"APY with discount applied","APY, borrow rate":"APY, borrow rate","APY, stable":"APY, stable","APY, variable":"APY, variable","AToken supply is not zero":"AToken supply is not zero","Aave Governance":"Aave Governance","Aave aToken":"Aave aToken","Aave debt token":"Aave debt token","Aave is a fully decentralized, community governed protocol by the AAVE token-holders. AAVE token-holders collectively discuss, propose, and vote on upgrades to the protocol. AAVE token-holders (Ethereum network only) can either vote themselves on new proposals or delagate to an address of choice. To learn more check out the Governance":"Aave is a fully decentralized, community governed protocol by the AAVE token-holders. AAVE token-holders collectively discuss, propose, and vote on upgrades to the protocol. AAVE token-holders (Ethereum network only) can either vote themselves on new proposals or delagate to an address of choice. To learn more check out the Governance","Aave per month":"Aave per month","About GHO":"About GHO","Account":"Account","Action cannot be performed because the reserve is frozen":"Action cannot be performed because the reserve is frozen","Action cannot be performed because the reserve is paused":"Action cannot be performed because the reserve is paused","Action requires an active reserve":"Action requires an active reserve","Activate Cooldown":"Activate Cooldown","Add stkAAVE to see borrow APY with the discount":"Add stkAAVE to see borrow APY with the discount","Add to wallet":"Add to wallet","Add {0} to wallet to track your balance.":["Add ",["0"]," to wallet to track your balance."],"Address is not a contract":"Address is not a contract","Addresses":"Addresses","Addresses ({0})":["Addresses (",["0"],")"],"All Assets":"All Assets","All done!":"All done!","All proposals":"All proposals","All transactions":"All transactions","Allowance required action":"Allowance required action","Allows you to decide whether to use a supplied asset as collateral. An asset used as collateral will affect your borrowing power and health factor.":"Allows you to decide whether to use a supplied asset as collateral. An asset used as collateral will affect your borrowing power and health factor.","Allows you to switch between <0>variable0> and <1>stable1> interest rates, where variable rate can increase and decrease depending on the amount of liquidity in the reserve, and stable rate will stay the same for the duration of your loan.":"Allows you to switch between <0>variable0> and <1>stable1> interest rates, where variable rate can increase and decrease depending on the amount of liquidity in the reserve, and stable rate will stay the same for the duration of your loan.","Amount":"Amount","Amount claimable":"Amount claimable","Amount in cooldown":"Amount in cooldown","Amount must be greater than 0":"Amount must be greater than 0","Amount to unstake":"Amount to unstake","An error has occurred fetching the proposal.":"An error has occurred fetching the proposal.","Approve Confirmed":"Approve Confirmed","Approve with":"Approve with","Approve {symbol} to continue":["Approve ",["symbol"]," to continue"],"Approving {symbol}...":["Approving ",["symbol"],"..."],"Array parameters that should be equal length are not":"Array parameters that should be equal length are not","Asset":"Asset","Asset can be only used as collateral in isolation mode with limited borrowing power. To enter isolation mode, disable all other collateral.":"Asset can be only used as collateral in isolation mode with limited borrowing power. To enter isolation mode, disable all other collateral.","Asset can only be used as collateral in isolation mode only.":"Asset can only be used as collateral in isolation mode only.","Asset cannot be migrated because you have isolated collateral in {marketName} v3 Market which limits borrowable assets. You can manage your collateral in <0>{marketName} V3 Dashboard0>":["Asset cannot be migrated because you have isolated collateral in ",["marketName"]," v3 Market which limits borrowable assets. You can manage your collateral in <0>",["marketName"]," V3 Dashboard0>"],"Asset cannot be migrated due to insufficient liquidity or borrow cap limitation in {marketName} v3 market.":["Asset cannot be migrated due to insufficient liquidity or borrow cap limitation in ",["marketName"]," v3 market."],"Asset cannot be migrated due to supply cap restriction in {marketName} v3 market.":["Asset cannot be migrated due to supply cap restriction in ",["marketName"]," v3 market."],"Asset cannot be migrated to {marketName} V3 Market due to E-mode restrictions. You can disable or manage E-mode categories in your <0>V3 Dashboard0>":["Asset cannot be migrated to ",["marketName"]," V3 Market due to E-mode restrictions. You can disable or manage E-mode categories in your <0>V3 Dashboard0>"],"Asset cannot be migrated to {marketName} v3 Market since collateral asset will enable isolation mode.":["Asset cannot be migrated to ",["marketName"]," v3 Market since collateral asset will enable isolation mode."],"Asset cannot be used as collateral.":"Asset cannot be used as collateral.","Asset category":"Asset category","Asset is frozen in {marketName} v3 market, hence this position cannot be migrated.":["Asset is frozen in ",["marketName"]," v3 market, hence this position cannot be migrated."],"Asset is not borrowable in isolation mode":"Asset is not borrowable in isolation mode","Asset is not listed":"Asset is not listed","Asset supply is limited to a certain amount to reduce protocol exposure to the asset and to help manage risks involved.":"Asset supply is limited to a certain amount to reduce protocol exposure to the asset and to help manage risks involved.","Assets":"Assets","Assets to borrow":"Assets to borrow","Assets to supply":"Assets to supply","Assets with zero LTV ({assetsBlockingWithdraw}) must be withdrawn or disabled as collateral to perform this action":["Assets with zero LTV (",["assetsBlockingWithdraw"],") must be withdrawn or disabled as collateral to perform this action"],"At a discount":"At a discount","Available":"Available","Available assets":"Available assets","Available liquidity":"Available liquidity","Available on":"Available on","Available rewards":"Available rewards","Available to borrow":"Available to borrow","Available to supply":"Available to supply","Back to Dashboard":"Back to Dashboard","Balance":"Balance","Balance to revoke":"Balance to revoke","Be careful - You are very close to liquidation. Consider depositing more collateral or paying down some of your borrowed positions":"Be careful - You are very close to liquidation. Consider depositing more collateral or paying down some of your borrowed positions","Be mindful of the network congestion and gas prices.":"Be mindful of the network congestion and gas prices.","Because this asset is paused, no actions can be taken until further notice":"Because this asset is paused, no actions can be taken until further notice","Before supplying":"Before supplying","Blocked Address":"Blocked Address","Borrow":"Borrow","Borrow APY":"Borrow APY","Borrow APY rate":"Borrow APY rate","Borrow APY, variable":"Borrow APY, variable","Borrow amount to reach {0}% utilization":["Borrow amount to reach ",["0"],"% utilization"],"Borrow and repay in same block is not allowed":"Borrow and repay in same block is not allowed","Borrow apy":"Borrow apy","Borrow balance":"Borrow balance","Borrow balance after repay":"Borrow balance after repay","Borrow balance after switch":"Borrow balance after switch","Borrow cap":"Borrow cap","Borrow cap is exceeded":"Borrow cap is exceeded","Borrow info":"Borrow info","Borrow power used":"Borrow power used","Borrow rate APY":"Borrow rate APY","Borrow rate change":"Borrow rate change","Borrow {symbol}":["Borrow ",["symbol"]],"Borrowed":"Borrowed","Borrowed asset amount":"Borrowed asset amount","Borrowing is currently unavailable for {0}.":["Borrowing is currently unavailable for ",["0"],"."],"Borrowing is disabled due to an Aave community decision. <0>More details0>":"Borrowing is disabled due to an Aave community decision. <0>More details0>","Borrowing is not enabled":"Borrowing is not enabled","Borrowing is unavailable because you’re using Isolation mode. To manage Isolation mode visit your <0>Dashboard0>.":"Borrowing is unavailable because you’re using Isolation mode. To manage Isolation mode visit your <0>Dashboard0>.","Borrowing is unavailable because you’ve enabled Efficiency Mode (E-Mode) and Isolation mode. To manage E-Mode and Isolation mode visit your <0>Dashboard0>.":"Borrowing is unavailable because you’ve enabled Efficiency Mode (E-Mode) and Isolation mode. To manage E-Mode and Isolation mode visit your <0>Dashboard0>.","Borrowing is unavailable because you’ve enabled Efficiency Mode (E-Mode) for {0} category. To manage E-Mode categories visit your <0>Dashboard0>.":["Borrowing is unavailable because you’ve enabled Efficiency Mode (E-Mode) for ",["0"]," category. To manage E-Mode categories visit your <0>Dashboard0>."],"Borrowing of this asset is limited to a certain amount to minimize liquidity pool insolvency.":"Borrowing of this asset is limited to a certain amount to minimize liquidity pool insolvency.","Borrowing power and assets are limited due to Isolation mode.":"Borrowing power and assets are limited due to Isolation mode.","Borrowing this amount will reduce your health factor and increase risk of liquidation.":"Borrowing this amount will reduce your health factor and increase risk of liquidation.","Borrowing {symbol}":["Borrowing ",["symbol"]],"Both":"Both","Buy Crypto With Fiat":"Buy Crypto With Fiat","Buy Crypto with Fiat":"Buy Crypto with Fiat","Buy {cryptoSymbol} with Fiat":["Buy ",["cryptoSymbol"]," with Fiat"],"COPIED!":"COPIED!","COPY IMAGE":"COPY IMAGE","Can be collateral":"Can be collateral","Can be executed":"Can be executed","Can't validate the wallet address. Try again.":"Can't validate the wallet address. Try again.","Cancel":"Cancel","Cannot disable E-Mode":"Cannot disable E-Mode","Choose how much voting/proposition power to give to someone else by delegating some of your AAVE, stkAAVE or aAave balance. Your tokens will remain in your account, but your delegate will be able to vote or propose on your behalf. If your AAVE, stkAAVE or aAave balance changes, your delegate's voting/proposition power will be automatically adjusted.":"Choose how much voting/proposition power to give to someone else by delegating some of your AAVE, stkAAVE or aAave balance. Your tokens will remain in your account, but your delegate will be able to vote or propose on your behalf. If your AAVE, stkAAVE or aAave balance changes, your delegate's voting/proposition power will be automatically adjusted.","Choose one of the on-ramp services":"Choose one of the on-ramp services","Claim":"Claim","Claim all":"Claim all","Claim all rewards":"Claim all rewards","Claim {0}":["Claim ",["0"]],"Claim {symbol}":["Claim ",["symbol"]],"Claimable AAVE":"Claimable AAVE","Claimed":"Claimed","Claiming":"Claiming","Claiming {symbol}":["Claiming ",["symbol"]],"Close":"Close","Collateral":"Collateral","Collateral balance after repay":"Collateral balance after repay","Collateral change":"Collateral change","Collateral is (mostly) the same currency that is being borrowed":"Collateral is (mostly) the same currency that is being borrowed","Collateral to repay with":"Collateral to repay with","Collateral usage":"Collateral usage","Collateral usage is limited because of Isolation mode.":"Collateral usage is limited because of Isolation mode.","Collateral usage is limited because of isolation mode.":"Collateral usage is limited because of isolation mode.","Collateral usage is limited because of isolation mode. <0>Learn More0>":"Collateral usage is limited because of isolation mode. <0>Learn More0>","Collateralization":"Collateralization","Collector Contract":"Collector Contract","Collector Info":"Collector Info","Confirm transaction":"Confirm transaction","Confirming transaction":"Confirming transaction","Connect":"Connect","Connect wallet":"Connect wallet","Cooldown period":"Cooldown period","Cooldown period warning":"Cooldown period warning","Cooldown time left":"Cooldown time left","Cooldown to unstake":"Cooldown to unstake","Cooling down...":"Cooling down...","Copy address":"Copy address","Copy error message":"Copy error message","Copy error text":"Copy error text","Covered debt":"Covered debt","Created":"Created","Current LTV":"Current LTV","Current differential":"Current differential","Current v2 Balance":"Current v2 Balance","Current v2 balance":"Current v2 balance","Current votes":"Current votes","Dark mode":"Dark mode","Dashboard":"Dashboard","Data couldn't be fetched, please reload graph.":"Data couldn't be fetched, please reload graph.","Debt":"Debt","Debt ceiling is exceeded":"Debt ceiling is exceeded","Debt ceiling is not zero":"Debt ceiling is not zero","Debt ceiling limits the amount possible to borrow against this asset by protocol users. Debt ceiling is specific to assets in isolation mode and is denoted in USD.":"Debt ceiling limits the amount possible to borrow against this asset by protocol users. Debt ceiling is specific to assets in isolation mode and is denoted in USD.","Delegated power":"Delegated power","Details":"Details","Developers":"Developers","Differential":"Differential","Disable E-Mode":"Disable E-Mode","Disable testnet":"Disable testnet","Disable {symbol} as collateral":["Disable ",["symbol"]," as collateral"],"Disabled":"Disabled","Disabling E-Mode":"Disabling E-Mode","Disabling this asset as collateral affects your borrowing power and Health Factor.":"Disabling this asset as collateral affects your borrowing power and Health Factor.","Disconnect Wallet":"Disconnect Wallet","Discord channel":"Discord channel","Discount":"Discount","Discount applied for <0/> staking AAVE":"Discount applied for <0/> staking AAVE","Discount model parameters":"Discount model parameters","Discount parameters are decided by the Aave community and may be changed over time. Check Governance for updates and vote to participate. <0>Learn more0>":"Discount parameters are decided by the Aave community and may be changed over time. Check Governance for updates and vote to participate. <0>Learn more0>","Discountable amount":"Discountable amount","Docs":"Docs","Download":"Download","Due to internal stETH mechanics required for rebasing support, it is not possible to perform a collateral switch where stETH is the source token.":"Due to internal stETH mechanics required for rebasing support, it is not possible to perform a collateral switch where stETH is the source token.","Due to the Horizon bridge exploit, certain assets on the Harmony network are not at parity with Ethereum, which affects the Aave V3 Harmony market.":"Due to the Horizon bridge exploit, certain assets on the Harmony network are not at parity with Ethereum, which affects the Aave V3 Harmony market.","E-Mode":"E-Mode","E-Mode Category":"E-Mode Category","E-Mode category":"E-Mode category","E-Mode increases your LTV for a selected category of assets up to 97%. <0>Learn more0>":"E-Mode increases your LTV for a selected category of assets up to 97%. <0>Learn more0>","E-Mode increases your LTV for a selected category of assets up to<0/>. <1>Learn more1>":"E-Mode increases your LTV for a selected category of assets up to<0/>. <1>Learn more1>","E-Mode increases your LTV for a selected category of assets, meaning that when E-mode is enabled, you will have higher borrowing power over assets of the same E-mode category which are defined by Aave Governance. You can enter E-Mode from your <0>Dashboard0>. To learn more about E-Mode and applied restrictions in <1>FAQ1> or <2>Aave V3 Technical Paper2>.":"E-Mode increases your LTV for a selected category of assets, meaning that when E-mode is enabled, you will have higher borrowing power over assets of the same E-mode category which are defined by Aave Governance. You can enter E-Mode from your <0>Dashboard0>. To learn more about E-Mode and applied restrictions in <1>FAQ1> or <2>Aave V3 Technical Paper2>.","Edit":"Edit","Effective interest rate":"Effective interest rate","Efficiency mode (E-Mode)":"Efficiency mode (E-Mode)","Emode":"Emode","Enable E-Mode":"Enable E-Mode","Enable {symbol} as collateral":["Enable ",["symbol"]," as collateral"],"Enabled":"Enabled","Enabling E-Mode":"Enabling E-Mode","Enabling E-Mode only allows you to borrow assets belonging to the selected category. Please visit our <0>FAQ guide0> to learn more about how it works and the applied restrictions.":"Enabling E-Mode only allows you to borrow assets belonging to the selected category. Please visit our <0>FAQ guide0> to learn more about how it works and the applied restrictions.","Enabling this asset as collateral increases your borrowing power and Health Factor. However, it can get liquidated if your health factor drops below 1.":"Enabling this asset as collateral increases your borrowing power and Health Factor. However, it can get liquidated if your health factor drops below 1.","English":"English","Enter ETH address":"Enter ETH address","Enter an amount":"Enter an amount","Error connecting. Try refreshing the page.":"Error connecting. Try refreshing the page.","Estimated compounding interest, including discount for Staking {0}AAVE in Safety Module.":["Estimated compounding interest, including discount for Staking ",["0"],"AAVE in Safety Module."],"Exceeds the discount":"Exceeds the discount","Expected amount to repay":"Expected amount to repay","Expires":"Expires","Export data to":"Export data to","FAQ":"FAQ","FAQS":"FAQS","Failed to load proposal voters. Please refresh the page.":"Failed to load proposal voters. Please refresh the page.","Faucet":"Faucet","Faucet {0}":["Faucet ",["0"]],"Fetching data...":"Fetching data...","Filter":"Filter","Fixed":"Fixed","Fixed rate":"Fixed rate","Flashloan is disabled for this asset, hence this position cannot be migrated.":"Flashloan is disabled for this asset, hence this position cannot be migrated.","For repayment of a specific type of debt, the user needs to have debt that type":"For repayment of a specific type of debt, the user needs to have debt that type","Forum discussion":"Forum discussion","French":"French","Funds in the Safety Module":"Funds in the Safety Module","GHO is a native decentralized, collateral-backed digital asset pegged to USD. It is created by users via borrowing against multiple collateral. When user repays their GHO borrow position, the protocol burns that user's GHO. All the interest payments accrued by minters of GHO would be directly transferred to the AaveDAO treasury.":"GHO is a native decentralized, collateral-backed digital asset pegged to USD. It is created by users via borrowing against multiple collateral. When user repays their GHO borrow position, the protocol burns that user's GHO. All the interest payments accrued by minters of GHO would be directly transferred to the AaveDAO treasury.","Get ABP Token":"Get ABP Token","Global settings":"Global settings","Go Back":"Go Back","Go to Balancer Pool":"Go to Balancer Pool","Go to V3 Dashboard":"Go to V3 Dashboard","Governance":"Governance","Greek":"Greek","Health Factor ({0} v2)":["Health Factor (",["0"]," v2)"],"Health Factor ({0} v3)":["Health Factor (",["0"]," v3)"],"Health factor":"Health factor","Health factor is lesser than the liquidation threshold":"Health factor is lesser than the liquidation threshold","Health factor is not below the threshold":"Health factor is not below the threshold","Hide":"Hide","Holders of stkAAVE receive a discount on the GHO borrowing rate":"Holders of stkAAVE receive a discount on the GHO borrowing rate","I acknowledge the risks involved.":"I acknowledge the risks involved.","I fully understand the risks of migrating.":"I fully understand the risks of migrating.","I understand how cooldown ({0}) and unstaking ({1}) work":["I understand how cooldown (",["0"],") and unstaking (",["1"],") work"],"If the error continues to happen,<0/> you may report it to this":"If the error continues to happen,<0/> you may report it to this","If the health factor goes below 1, the liquidation of your collateral might be triggered.":"If the health factor goes below 1, the liquidation of your collateral might be triggered.","If you DO NOT unstake within {0} of unstake window, you will need to activate cooldown process again.":["If you DO NOT unstake within ",["0"]," of unstake window, you will need to activate cooldown process again."],"If your loan to value goes above the liquidation threshold your collateral supplied may be liquidated.":"If your loan to value goes above the liquidation threshold your collateral supplied may be liquidated.","In E-Mode some assets are not borrowable. Exit E-Mode to get access to all assets":"In E-Mode some assets are not borrowable. Exit E-Mode to get access to all assets","In Isolation mode, you cannot supply other assets as collateral. A global debt ceiling limits the borrowing power of the isolated asset. To exit isolation mode disable {0} as collateral before borrowing another asset. Read more in our <0>FAQ0>":["In Isolation mode, you cannot supply other assets as collateral. A global debt ceiling limits the borrowing power of the isolated asset. To exit isolation mode disable ",["0"]," as collateral before borrowing another asset. Read more in our <0>FAQ0>"],"Inconsistent flashloan parameters":"Inconsistent flashloan parameters","Insufficient collateral to cover new borrow position. Wallet must have borrowing power remaining to perform debt switch.":"Insufficient collateral to cover new borrow position. Wallet must have borrowing power remaining to perform debt switch.","Interest accrued":"Interest accrued","Interest rate rebalance conditions were not met":"Interest rate rebalance conditions were not met","Interest rate strategy":"Interest rate strategy","Interest rate that is determined by Aave Governance. This rate may be changed over time depending on the need for the GHO supply to contract/expand. <0>Learn more0>":"Interest rate that is determined by Aave Governance. This rate may be changed over time depending on the need for the GHO supply to contract/expand. <0>Learn more0>","Invalid amount to burn":"Invalid amount to burn","Invalid amount to mint":"Invalid amount to mint","Invalid bridge protocol fee":"Invalid bridge protocol fee","Invalid expiration":"Invalid expiration","Invalid flashloan premium":"Invalid flashloan premium","Invalid return value of the flashloan executor function":"Invalid return value of the flashloan executor function","Invalid signature":"Invalid signature","Isolated":"Isolated","Isolated Debt Ceiling":"Isolated Debt Ceiling","Isolated assets have limited borrowing power and other assets cannot be used as collateral.":"Isolated assets have limited borrowing power and other assets cannot be used as collateral.","Join the community discussion":"Join the community discussion","LEARN MORE":"LEARN MORE","Language":"Language","Learn more":"Learn more","Learn more about risks involved":"Learn more about risks involved","Learn more in our <0>FAQ guide0>":"Learn more in our <0>FAQ guide0>","Learn more.":"Learn more.","Linked addresses":"Linked addresses","Links":"Links","Liqudation":"Liqudation","Liquidated collateral":"Liquidated collateral","Liquidation":"Liquidation","Liquidation <0/> threshold":"Liquidation <0/> threshold","Liquidation Threshold":"Liquidation Threshold","Liquidation at":"Liquidation at","Liquidation penalty":"Liquidation penalty","Liquidation risk":"Liquidation risk","Liquidation risk parameters":"Liquidation risk parameters","Liquidation threshold":"Liquidation threshold","Liquidation value":"Liquidation value","Loading data...":"Loading data...","Ltv validation failed":"Ltv validation failed","MAI has been paused due to a community decision. Supply, borrows and repays are impacted. <0>More details0>":"MAI has been paused due to a community decision. Supply, borrows and repays are impacted. <0>More details0>","MAX":"MAX","Manage analytics":"Manage analytics","Market":"Market","Markets":"Markets","Max":"Max","Max LTV":"Max LTV","Max slashing":"Max slashing","Max slippage":"Max slippage","Maximum amount available to borrow against this asset is limited because debt ceiling is at {0}%.":["Maximum amount available to borrow against this asset is limited because debt ceiling is at ",["0"],"%."],"Maximum amount available to borrow is <0/> {0} (<1/>).":["Maximum amount available to borrow is <0/> ",["0"]," (<1/>)."],"Maximum amount available to borrow is limited because protocol borrow cap is nearly reached.":"Maximum amount available to borrow is limited because protocol borrow cap is nearly reached.","Maximum amount available to supply is <0/> {0} (<1/>).":["Maximum amount available to supply is <0/> ",["0"]," (<1/>)."],"Maximum amount available to supply is limited because protocol supply cap is at {0}%.":["Maximum amount available to supply is limited because protocol supply cap is at ",["0"],"%."],"Maximum loan to value":"Maximum loan to value","Meet GHO":"Meet GHO","Menu":"Menu","Migrate":"Migrate","Migrate to V3":"Migrate to V3","Migrate to v3":"Migrate to v3","Migrate to {0} v3 Market":["Migrate to ",["0"]," v3 Market"],"Migrated":"Migrated","Migrating":"Migrating","Migrating multiple collaterals and borrowed assets at the same time can be an expensive operation and might fail in certain situations.<0>Therefore it’s not recommended to migrate positions with more than 5 assets (deposited + borrowed) at the same time.0>":"Migrating multiple collaterals and borrowed assets at the same time can be an expensive operation and might fail in certain situations.<0>Therefore it’s not recommended to migrate positions with more than 5 assets (deposited + borrowed) at the same time.0>","Migration risks":"Migration risks","Minimum GHO borrow amount":"Minimum GHO borrow amount","Minimum USD value received":"Minimum USD value received","Minimum staked Aave amount":"Minimum staked Aave amount","Minimum {0} received":["Minimum ",["0"]," received"],"More":"More","NAY":"NAY","Need help connecting a wallet? <0>Read our FAQ0>":"Need help connecting a wallet? <0>Read our FAQ0>","Net APR":"Net APR","Net APY":"Net APY","Net APY is the combined effect of all supply and borrow positions on net worth, including incentives. It is possible to have a negative net APY if debt APY is higher than supply APY.":"Net APY is the combined effect of all supply and borrow positions on net worth, including incentives. It is possible to have a negative net APY if debt APY is higher than supply APY.","Net worth":"Net worth","Network":"Network","Network not supported for this wallet":"Network not supported for this wallet","New APY":"New APY","No assets selected to migrate.":"No assets selected to migrate.","No rewards to claim":"No rewards to claim","No search results{0}":["No search results",["0"]],"No transactions yet.":"No transactions yet.","No voting power":"No voting power","None":"None","Not a valid address":"Not a valid address","Not enough balance on your wallet":"Not enough balance on your wallet","Not enough collateral to repay this amount of debt with":"Not enough collateral to repay this amount of debt with","Not enough staked balance":"Not enough staked balance","Not enough voting power to participate in this proposal":"Not enough voting power to participate in this proposal","Not reached":"Not reached","Nothing borrowed yet":"Nothing borrowed yet","Nothing found":"Nothing found","Nothing staked":"Nothing staked","Nothing supplied yet":"Nothing supplied yet","Notify":"Notify","Ok, Close":"Ok, Close","Ok, I got it":"Ok, I got it","Open for voting":"Open for voting","Operation not supported":"Operation not supported","Oracle price":"Oracle price","Overview":"Overview","Page not found":"Page not found","Participating in this {symbol} reserve gives annualized rewards.":["Participating in this ",["symbol"]," reserve gives annualized rewards."],"Payloads executed":"Payloads executed","Pending...":"Pending...","Per the community, the Fantom market has been frozen.":"Per the community, the Fantom market has been frozen.","Per the community, the V2 AMM market has been deprecated.":"Per the community, the V2 AMM market has been deprecated.","Please always be aware of your <0>Health Factor (HF)0> when partially migrating a position and that your rates will be updated to V3 rates.":"Please always be aware of your <0>Health Factor (HF)0> when partially migrating a position and that your rates will be updated to V3 rates.","Please connect a wallet to view your personal information here.":"Please connect a wallet to view your personal information here.","Please connect your wallet to be able to switch your tokens.":"Please connect your wallet to be able to switch your tokens.","Please connect your wallet to get free testnet assets.":"Please connect your wallet to get free testnet assets.","Please connect your wallet to see migration tool.":"Please connect your wallet to see migration tool.","Please connect your wallet to see your supplies, borrowings, and open positions.":"Please connect your wallet to see your supplies, borrowings, and open positions.","Please connect your wallet to view transaction history.":"Please connect your wallet to view transaction history.","Please enter a valid wallet address.":"Please enter a valid wallet address.","Please switch to {networkName}.":["Please switch to ",["networkName"],"."],"Please, connect your wallet":"Please, connect your wallet","Pool addresses provider is not registered":"Pool addresses provider is not registered","Powered by":"Powered by","Preview tx and migrate":"Preview tx and migrate","Price":"Price","Price data is not currently available for this reserve on the protocol subgraph":"Price data is not currently available for this reserve on the protocol subgraph","Price impact":"Price impact","Price impact is the spread between the total value of the entry tokens switched and the destination tokens obtained (in USD), which results from the limited liquidity of the trading pair.":"Price impact is the spread between the total value of the entry tokens switched and the destination tokens obtained (in USD), which results from the limited liquidity of the trading pair.","Price impact {0}%":["Price impact ",["0"],"%"],"Privacy":"Privacy","Proposal details":"Proposal details","Proposal overview":"Proposal overview","Proposals":"Proposals","Proposition":"Proposition","Protocol borrow cap at 100% for this asset. Further borrowing unavailable.":"Protocol borrow cap at 100% for this asset. Further borrowing unavailable.","Protocol borrow cap is at 100% for this asset. Further borrowing unavailable.":"Protocol borrow cap is at 100% for this asset. Further borrowing unavailable.","Protocol debt ceiling is at 100% for this asset. Further borrowing against this asset is unavailable.":"Protocol debt ceiling is at 100% for this asset. Further borrowing against this asset is unavailable.","Protocol debt ceiling is at 100% for this asset. Futher borrowing against this asset is unavailable.":"Protocol debt ceiling is at 100% for this asset. Futher borrowing against this asset is unavailable.","Protocol supply cap at 100% for this asset. Further supply unavailable.":"Protocol supply cap at 100% for this asset. Further supply unavailable.","Protocol supply cap is at 100% for this asset. Further supply unavailable.":"Protocol supply cap is at 100% for this asset. Further supply unavailable.","Quorum":"Quorum","Rate change":"Rate change","Raw-Ipfs":"Raw-Ipfs","Reached":"Reached","Reactivate cooldown period to unstake {0} {stakedToken}":["Reactivate cooldown period to unstake ",["0"]," ",["stakedToken"]],"Read more here.":"Read more here.","Read-only mode allows to see address positions in Aave, but you won't be able to perform transactions.":"Read-only mode allows to see address positions in Aave, but you won't be able to perform transactions.","Read-only mode.":"Read-only mode.","Read-only mode. Connect to a wallet to perform transactions.":"Read-only mode. Connect to a wallet to perform transactions.","Receive (est.)":"Receive (est.)","Received":"Received","Recipient address":"Recipient address","Rejected connection request":"Rejected connection request","Reload":"Reload","Reload the page":"Reload the page","Remaining debt":"Remaining debt","Remaining supply":"Remaining supply","Remove":"Remove","Repaid":"Repaid","Repay":"Repay","Repay with":"Repay with","Repay {symbol}":["Repay ",["symbol"]],"Repaying {symbol}":["Repaying ",["symbol"]],"Repayment amount to reach {0}% utilization":["Repayment amount to reach ",["0"],"% utilization"],"Representative smart contract wallet (ie. Safe) addresses on other chains.":"Representative smart contract wallet (ie. Safe) addresses on other chains.","Representing smart contract wallet (ie. Safe) addresses on other chains.":"Representing smart contract wallet (ie. Safe) addresses on other chains.","Reserve Size":"Reserve Size","Reserve factor":"Reserve factor","Reserve factor is a percentage of interest which goes to a {0} that is controlled by Aave governance to promote ecosystem growth.":["Reserve factor is a percentage of interest which goes to a ",["0"]," that is controlled by Aave governance to promote ecosystem growth."],"Reserve status & configuration":"Reserve status & configuration","Reset":"Reset","Restake":"Restake","Restake {symbol}":["Restake ",["symbol"]],"Restaked":"Restaked","Restaking {symbol}":["Restaking ",["symbol"]],"Review approval tx details":"Review approval tx details","Review changes to continue":"Review changes to continue","Review tx":"Review tx","Review tx details":"Review tx details","Revoke power":"Revoke power","Reward(s) to claim":"Reward(s) to claim","Rewards APR":"Rewards APR","Risk details":"Risk details","SEE CHARTS":"SEE CHARTS","Safety of your deposited collateral against the borrowed assets and its underlying value.":"Safety of your deposited collateral against the borrowed assets and its underlying value.","Save and share":"Save and share","Seems like we can't switch the network automatically. Please check if you can change it from the wallet.":"Seems like we can't switch the network automatically. Please check if you can change it from the wallet.","Select":"Select","Select APY type to switch":"Select APY type to switch","Select an asset":"Select an asset","Select language":"Select language","Select slippage tolerance":"Select slippage tolerance","Select v2 borrows to migrate":"Select v2 borrows to migrate","Select v2 supplies to migrate":"Select v2 supplies to migrate","Selected assets have successfully migrated. Visit the Market Dashboard to see them.":"Selected assets have successfully migrated. Visit the Market Dashboard to see them.","Selected borrow assets":"Selected borrow assets","Selected supply assets":"Selected supply assets","Send feedback":"Send feedback","Set up delegation":"Set up delegation","Setup notifications about your Health Factor using the Hal app.":"Setup notifications about your Health Factor using the Hal app.","Share on Lens":"Share on Lens","Share on twitter":"Share on twitter","Show":"Show","Show Frozen or paused assets":"Show Frozen or paused assets","Show assets with 0 balance":"Show assets with 0 balance","Sign to continue":"Sign to continue","Signatures ready":"Signatures ready","Signing":"Signing","Since this asset is frozen, the only available actions are withdraw and repay which can be accessed from the <0>Dashboard0>":"Since this asset is frozen, the only available actions are withdraw and repay which can be accessed from the <0>Dashboard0>","Since this is a test network, you can get any of the assets if you have ETH on your wallet":"Since this is a test network, you can get any of the assets if you have ETH on your wallet","Slippage":"Slippage","Slippage is the difference between the quoted and received amounts from changing market conditions between the moment the transaction is submitted and its verification.":"Slippage is the difference between the quoted and received amounts from changing market conditions between the moment the transaction is submitted and its verification.","Some migrated assets will not be used as collateral due to enabled isolation mode in {marketName} V3 Market. Visit <0>{marketName} V3 Dashboard0> to manage isolation mode.":["Some migrated assets will not be used as collateral due to enabled isolation mode in ",["marketName"]," V3 Market. Visit <0>",["marketName"]," V3 Dashboard0> to manage isolation mode."],"Something went wrong":"Something went wrong","Sorry, an unexpected error happened. In the meantime you may try reloading the page, or come back later.":"Sorry, an unexpected error happened. In the meantime you may try reloading the page, or come back later.","Sorry, we couldn't find the page you were looking for.":"Sorry, we couldn't find the page you were looking for.","Spanish":"Spanish","Stable":"Stable","Stable Interest Type is disabled for this currency":"Stable Interest Type is disabled for this currency","Stable borrowing is enabled":"Stable borrowing is enabled","Stable borrowing is not enabled":"Stable borrowing is not enabled","Stable debt supply is not zero":"Stable debt supply is not zero","Stable interest rate will <0>stay the same0> for the duration of your loan. Recommended for long-term loan periods and for users who prefer predictability.":"Stable interest rate will <0>stay the same0> for the duration of your loan. Recommended for long-term loan periods and for users who prefer predictability.","Stablecoin":"Stablecoin","Stake":"Stake","Stake AAVE":"Stake AAVE","Stake ABPT":"Stake ABPT","Stake cooldown activated":"Stake cooldown activated","Staked":"Staked","Staking":"Staking","Staking APR":"Staking APR","Staking Rewards":"Staking Rewards","Staking balance":"Staking balance","Staking discount":"Staking discount","State":"State","Supplied":"Supplied","Supplied asset amount":"Supplied asset amount","Supply":"Supply","Supply APY":"Supply APY","Supply apy":"Supply apy","Supply balance":"Supply balance","Supply balance after switch":"Supply balance after switch","Supply cap is exceeded":"Supply cap is exceeded","Supply cap on target reserve reached. Try lowering the amount.":"Supply cap on target reserve reached. Try lowering the amount.","Supply {symbol}":["Supply ",["symbol"]],"Supplying your":"Supplying your","Supplying {symbol}":["Supplying ",["symbol"]],"Switch":"Switch","Switch APY type":"Switch APY type","Switch E-Mode":"Switch E-Mode","Switch E-Mode category":"Switch E-Mode category","Switch Network":"Switch Network","Switch borrow position":"Switch borrow position","Switch rate":"Switch rate","Switch to":"Switch to","Switched":"Switched","Switching":"Switching","Switching E-Mode":"Switching E-Mode","Switching rate":"Switching rate","Techpaper":"Techpaper","Terms":"Terms","Test Assets":"Test Assets","Testnet mode":"Testnet mode","Testnet mode is ON":"Testnet mode is ON","Thank you for voting!!":"Thank you for voting!!","The % of your total borrowing power used. This is based on the amount of your collateral supplied and the total amount that you can borrow.":"The % of your total borrowing power used. This is based on the amount of your collateral supplied and the total amount that you can borrow.","The Aave Balancer Pool Token (ABPT) is a liquidity pool token. You can receive ABPT by depositing a combination of AAVE + ETH in the Balancer liquidity pool. You can then stake your BPT in the Safety Module to secure the protocol and earn Safety Incentives.":"The Aave Balancer Pool Token (ABPT) is a liquidity pool token. You can receive ABPT by depositing a combination of AAVE + ETH in the Balancer liquidity pool. You can then stake your BPT in the Safety Module to secure the protocol and earn Safety Incentives.","The Aave Protocol is programmed to always use the price of 1 GHO = $1. This is different from using market pricing via oracles for other crypto assets. This creates stabilizing arbitrage opportunities when the price of GHO fluctuates.":"The Aave Protocol is programmed to always use the price of 1 GHO = $1. This is different from using market pricing via oracles for other crypto assets. This creates stabilizing arbitrage opportunities when the price of GHO fluctuates.","The Maximum LTV ratio represents the maximum borrowing power of a specific collateral. For example, if a collateral has an LTV of 75%, the user can borrow up to 0.75 worth of ETH in the principal currency for every 1 ETH worth of collateral.":"The Maximum LTV ratio represents the maximum borrowing power of a specific collateral. For example, if a collateral has an LTV of 75%, the user can borrow up to 0.75 worth of ETH in the principal currency for every 1 ETH worth of collateral.","The Stable Rate is not enabled for this currency":"The Stable Rate is not enabled for this currency","The address of the pool addresses provider is invalid":"The address of the pool addresses provider is invalid","The app is running in testnet mode. Learn how it works in":"The app is running in testnet mode. Learn how it works in","The caller of the function is not an AToken":"The caller of the function is not an AToken","The caller of this function must be a pool":"The caller of this function must be a pool","The collateral balance is 0":"The collateral balance is 0","The collateral chosen cannot be liquidated":"The collateral chosen cannot be liquidated","The cooldown period is the time required prior to unstaking your tokens (20 days). You can only withdraw your assets from the Security Module after the cooldown period and within the unstake window.<0>Learn more0>":"The cooldown period is the time required prior to unstaking your tokens (20 days). You can only withdraw your assets from the Security Module after the cooldown period and within the unstake window.<0>Learn more0>","The cooldown period is {0}. After {1} of cooldown, you will enter unstake window of {2}. You will continue receiving rewards during cooldown and unstake window.":["The cooldown period is ",["0"],". After ",["1"]," of cooldown, you will enter unstake window of ",["2"],". You will continue receiving rewards during cooldown and unstake window."],"The effects on the health factor would cause liquidation. Try lowering the amount.":"The effects on the health factor would cause liquidation. Try lowering the amount.","The loan to value of the migrated positions would cause liquidation. Increase migrated collateral or reduce migrated borrow to continue.":"The loan to value of the migrated positions would cause liquidation. Increase migrated collateral or reduce migrated borrow to continue.","The requested amount is greater than the max loan size in stable rate mode":"The requested amount is greater than the max loan size in stable rate mode","The total amount of your assets denominated in USD that can be used as collateral for borrowing assets.":"The total amount of your assets denominated in USD that can be used as collateral for borrowing assets.","The underlying asset cannot be rescued":"The underlying asset cannot be rescued","The underlying balance needs to be greater than 0":"The underlying balance needs to be greater than 0","The weighted average of APY for all borrowed assets, including incentives.":"The weighted average of APY for all borrowed assets, including incentives.","The weighted average of APY for all supplied assets, including incentives.":"The weighted average of APY for all supplied assets, including incentives.","There are not enough funds in the{0}reserve to borrow":["There are not enough funds in the",["0"],"reserve to borrow"],"There is not enough collateral to cover a new borrow":"There is not enough collateral to cover a new borrow","There is not enough liquidity for the target asset to perform the switch. Try lowering the amount.":"There is not enough liquidity for the target asset to perform the switch. Try lowering the amount.","There was some error. Please try changing the parameters or <0><1>copy the error1>0>":"There was some error. Please try changing the parameters or <0><1>copy the error1>0>","These assets are temporarily frozen or paused by Aave community decisions, meaning that further supply / borrow, or rate swap of these assets are unavailable. Withdrawals and debt repayments are allowed. Follow the <0>Aave governance forum0> for further updates.":"These assets are temporarily frozen or paused by Aave community decisions, meaning that further supply / borrow, or rate swap of these assets are unavailable. Withdrawals and debt repayments are allowed. Follow the <0>Aave governance forum0> for further updates.","These funds have been borrowed and are not available for withdrawal at this time.":"These funds have been borrowed and are not available for withdrawal at this time.","This action will reduce V2 health factor below liquidation threshold. retain collateral or migrate borrow position to continue.":"This action will reduce V2 health factor below liquidation threshold. retain collateral or migrate borrow position to continue.","This action will reduce health factor of V3 below liquidation threshold. Increase migrated collateral or reduce migrated borrow to continue.":"This action will reduce health factor of V3 below liquidation threshold. Increase migrated collateral or reduce migrated borrow to continue.","This action will reduce your health factor. Please be mindful of the increased risk of collateral liquidation.":"This action will reduce your health factor. Please be mindful of the increased risk of collateral liquidation.","This address is blocked on app.aave.com because it is associated with one or more":"This address is blocked on app.aave.com because it is associated with one or more","This asset has almost reached its borrow cap. There is only {messageValue} available to be borrowed from this market.":["This asset has almost reached its borrow cap. There is only ",["messageValue"]," available to be borrowed from this market."],"This asset has almost reached its supply cap. There can only be {messageValue} supplied to this market.":["This asset has almost reached its supply cap. There can only be ",["messageValue"]," supplied to this market."],"This asset has been paused due to a community decision. Supply, withdraw, borrows and repays are impacted.":"This asset has been paused due to a community decision. Supply, withdraw, borrows and repays are impacted.","This asset has reached its borrow cap. Nothing is available to be borrowed from this market.":"This asset has reached its borrow cap. Nothing is available to be borrowed from this market.","This asset has reached its supply cap. Nothing is available to be supplied from this market.":"This asset has reached its supply cap. Nothing is available to be supplied from this market.","This asset is frozen due to an Aave Protocol Governance decision. <0>More details0>":"This asset is frozen due to an Aave Protocol Governance decision. <0>More details0>","This asset is frozen due to an Aave Protocol Governance decision. On the 20th of December 2022, renFIL will no longer be supported and cannot be bridged back to its native network. It is recommended to withdraw supply positions and repay borrow positions so that renFIL can be bridged back to FIL before the deadline. After this date, it will no longer be possible to convert renFIL to FIL. <0>More details0>":"This asset is frozen due to an Aave Protocol Governance decision. On the 20th of December 2022, renFIL will no longer be supported and cannot be bridged back to its native network. It is recommended to withdraw supply positions and repay borrow positions so that renFIL can be bridged back to FIL before the deadline. After this date, it will no longer be possible to convert renFIL to FIL. <0>More details0>","This asset is frozen due to an Aave community decision. <0>More details0>":"This asset is frozen due to an Aave community decision. <0>More details0>","This asset is planned to be offboarded due to an Aave Protocol Governance decision. <0>More details0>":"This asset is planned to be offboarded due to an Aave Protocol Governance decision. <0>More details0>","This gas calculation is only an estimation. Your wallet will set the price of the transaction. You can modify the gas settings directly from your wallet provider.":"This gas calculation is only an estimation. Your wallet will set the price of the transaction. You can modify the gas settings directly from your wallet provider.","This integration was<0>proposed and approved0>by the community.":"This integration was<0>proposed and approved0>by the community.","This is the total amount available for you to borrow. You can borrow based on your collateral and until the borrow cap is reached.":"This is the total amount available for you to borrow. You can borrow based on your collateral and until the borrow cap is reached.","This is the total amount that you are able to supply to in this reserve. You are able to supply your wallet balance up until the supply cap is reached.":"This is the total amount that you are able to supply to in this reserve. You are able to supply your wallet balance up until the supply cap is reached.","This represents the threshold at which a borrow position will be considered undercollateralized and subject to liquidation for each collateral. For example, if a collateral has a liquidation threshold of 80%, it means that the position will be liquidated when the debt value is worth 80% of the collateral value.":"This represents the threshold at which a borrow position will be considered undercollateralized and subject to liquidation for each collateral. For example, if a collateral has a liquidation threshold of 80%, it means that the position will be liquidated when the debt value is worth 80% of the collateral value.","Time left to be able to withdraw your staked asset.":"Time left to be able to withdraw your staked asset.","Time left to unstake":"Time left to unstake","Time left until the withdrawal window closes.":"Time left until the withdrawal window closes.","Tip: Try increasing slippage or reduce input amount":"Tip: Try increasing slippage or reduce input amount","To borrow you need to supply any asset to be used as collateral.":"To borrow you need to supply any asset to be used as collateral.","To continue, you need to grant Aave smart contracts permission to move your funds from your wallet. Depending on the asset and wallet you use, it is done by signing the permission message (gas free), or by submitting an approval transaction (requires gas). <0>Learn more0>":"To continue, you need to grant Aave smart contracts permission to move your funds from your wallet. Depending on the asset and wallet you use, it is done by signing the permission message (gas free), or by submitting an approval transaction (requires gas). <0>Learn more0>","To enable E-mode for the {0} category, all borrow positions outside of this category must be closed.":["To enable E-mode for the ",["0"]," category, all borrow positions outside of this category must be closed."],"To repay on behalf of a user an explicit amount to repay is needed":"To repay on behalf of a user an explicit amount to repay is needed","To request access for this permissioned market, please visit: <0>Acces Provider Name0>":"To request access for this permissioned market, please visit: <0>Acces Provider Name0>","To submit a proposal for minor changes to the protocol, you'll need at least 80.00K power. If you want to change the core code base, you'll need 320k power.<0>Learn more.0>":"To submit a proposal for minor changes to the protocol, you'll need at least 80.00K power. If you want to change the core code base, you'll need 320k power.<0>Learn more.0>","Top 10 addresses":"Top 10 addresses","Total available":"Total available","Total borrowed":"Total borrowed","Total borrows":"Total borrows","Total emission per day":"Total emission per day","Total interest accrued":"Total interest accrued","Total market size":"Total market size","Total supplied":"Total supplied","Total worth":"Total worth","Track wallet":"Track wallet","Track wallet balance in read-only mode":"Track wallet balance in read-only mode","Transaction failed":"Transaction failed","Transaction history":"Transaction history","Transaction history is not currently available for this market":"Transaction history is not currently available for this market","Transaction overview":"Transaction overview","Transactions":"Transactions","UNSTAKE {symbol}":["UNSTAKE ",["symbol"]],"Unavailable":"Unavailable","Unbacked":"Unbacked","Unbacked mint cap is exceeded":"Unbacked mint cap is exceeded","Underlying asset does not exist in {marketName} v3 Market, hence this position cannot be migrated.":["Underlying asset does not exist in ",["marketName"]," v3 Market, hence this position cannot be migrated."],"Underlying token":"Underlying token","Unstake now":"Unstake now","Unstake window":"Unstake window","Unstaked":"Unstaked","Unstaking {symbol}":["Unstaking ",["symbol"]],"Update: Disruptions reported for WETH, WBTC, WMATIC, and USDT. AIP 230 will resolve the disruptions and the market will be operating as normal on ~26th May 13h00 UTC.":"Update: Disruptions reported for WETH, WBTC, WMATIC, and USDT. AIP 230 will resolve the disruptions and the market will be operating as normal on ~26th May 13h00 UTC.","Use it to vote for or against active proposals.":"Use it to vote for or against active proposals.","Use your AAVE, stkAAVE, or aAave balance to delegate your voting and proposition powers. You will not be sending any tokens, only the rights to vote and propose changes to the protocol. You can re-delegate or revoke power to self at any time.":"Use your AAVE, stkAAVE, or aAave balance to delegate your voting and proposition powers. You will not be sending any tokens, only the rights to vote and propose changes to the protocol. You can re-delegate or revoke power to self at any time.","Used as collateral":"Used as collateral","User cannot withdraw more than the available balance":"User cannot withdraw more than the available balance","User did not borrow the specified currency":"User did not borrow the specified currency","User does not have outstanding stable rate debt on this reserve":"User does not have outstanding stable rate debt on this reserve","User does not have outstanding variable rate debt on this reserve":"User does not have outstanding variable rate debt on this reserve","User is in isolation mode":"User is in isolation mode","User is trying to borrow multiple assets including a siloed one":"User is trying to borrow multiple assets including a siloed one","Users who stake AAVE in Safety Module (i.e. stkAAVE holders) receive a discount on GHO borrow interest rate. The discount applies to 100 GHO for every 1 stkAAVE held. Use the calculator below to see GHO borrow rate with the discount applied.":"Users who stake AAVE in Safety Module (i.e. stkAAVE holders) receive a discount on GHO borrow interest rate. The discount applies to 100 GHO for every 1 stkAAVE held. Use the calculator below to see GHO borrow rate with the discount applied.","Utilization Rate":"Utilization Rate","VIEW TX":"VIEW TX","VOTE NAY":"VOTE NAY","VOTE YAE":"VOTE YAE","Variable":"Variable","Variable debt supply is not zero":"Variable debt supply is not zero","Variable interest rate will <0>fluctuate0> based on the market conditions. Recommended for short-term positions.":"Variable interest rate will <0>fluctuate0> based on the market conditions. Recommended for short-term positions.","Variable rate":"Variable rate","Version 2":"Version 2","Version 3":"Version 3","View":"View","View Transactions":"View Transactions","View all votes":"View all votes","View contract":"View contract","View details":"View details","View on Explorer":"View on Explorer","Vote NAY":"Vote NAY","Vote YAE":"Vote YAE","Voted NAY":"Voted NAY","Voted YAE":"Voted YAE","Votes":"Votes","Voting":"Voting","Voting closed":"Voting closed","Voting power":"Voting power","Voting results":"Voting results","Wallet Balance":"Wallet Balance","Wallet balance":"Wallet balance","Wallet not detected. Connect or install wallet and retry":"Wallet not detected. Connect or install wallet and retry","Wallets are provided by External Providers and by selecting you agree to Terms of those Providers. Your access to the wallet might be reliant on the External Provider being operational.":"Wallets are provided by External Providers and by selecting you agree to Terms of those Providers. Your access to the wallet might be reliant on the External Provider being operational.","We couldn't find any assets related to your search. Try again with a different asset name, symbol, or address.":"We couldn't find any assets related to your search. Try again with a different asset name, symbol, or address.","We couldn't find any transactions related to your search. Try again with a different asset name, or reset filters.":"We couldn't find any transactions related to your search. Try again with a different asset name, or reset filters.","We couldn’t detect a wallet. Connect a wallet to stake and view your balance.":"We couldn’t detect a wallet. Connect a wallet to stake and view your balance.","We suggest you go back to the Dashboard.":"We suggest you go back to the Dashboard.","Website":"Website","When a liquidation occurs, liquidators repay up to 50% of the outstanding borrowed amount on behalf of the borrower. In return, they can buy the collateral at a discount and keep the difference (liquidation penalty) as a bonus.":"When a liquidation occurs, liquidators repay up to 50% of the outstanding borrowed amount on behalf of the borrower. In return, they can buy the collateral at a discount and keep the difference (liquidation penalty) as a bonus.","With a voting power of <0/>":"With a voting power of <0/>","With testnet Faucet you can get free assets to test the Aave Protocol. Make sure to switch your wallet provider to the appropriate testnet network, select desired asset, and click ‘Faucet’ to get tokens transferred to your wallet. The assets on a testnet are not “real,” meaning they have no monetary value. <0>Learn more0>":"With testnet Faucet you can get free assets to test the Aave Protocol. Make sure to switch your wallet provider to the appropriate testnet network, select desired asset, and click ‘Faucet’ to get tokens transferred to your wallet. The assets on a testnet are not “real,” meaning they have no monetary value. <0>Learn more0>","Withdraw":"Withdraw","Withdraw & Switch":"Withdraw & Switch","Withdraw and Switch":"Withdraw and Switch","Withdraw {symbol}":["Withdraw ",["symbol"]],"Withdrawing and Switching":"Withdrawing and Switching","Withdrawing this amount will reduce your health factor and increase risk of liquidation.":"Withdrawing this amount will reduce your health factor and increase risk of liquidation.","Withdrawing {symbol}":["Withdrawing ",["symbol"]],"Wrong Network":"Wrong Network","YAE":"YAE","You are entering Isolation mode":"You are entering Isolation mode","You can borrow this asset with a stable rate only if you borrow more than the amount you are supplying as collateral.":"You can borrow this asset with a stable rate only if you borrow more than the amount you are supplying as collateral.","You can not change Interest Type to stable as your borrowings are higher than your collateral":"You can not change Interest Type to stable as your borrowings are higher than your collateral","You can not disable E-Mode as your current collateralization level is above 80%, disabling E-Mode can cause liquidation. To exit E-Mode supply or repay borrowed positions.":"You can not disable E-Mode as your current collateralization level is above 80%, disabling E-Mode can cause liquidation. To exit E-Mode supply or repay borrowed positions.","You can not switch usage as collateral mode for this currency, because it will cause collateral call":"You can not switch usage as collateral mode for this currency, because it will cause collateral call","You can not use this currency as collateral":"You can not use this currency as collateral","You can not withdraw this amount because it will cause collateral call":"You can not withdraw this amount because it will cause collateral call","You can only switch to tokens with variable APY types. After this transaction, you may change the variable rate to a stable one if available.":"You can only switch to tokens with variable APY types. After this transaction, you may change the variable rate to a stable one if available.","You can only withdraw your assets from the Security Module after the cooldown period ends and the unstake window is active.":"You can only withdraw your assets from the Security Module after the cooldown period ends and the unstake window is active.","You can report incident to our <0>Discord0> or<1>Github1>.":"You can report incident to our <0>Discord0> or<1>Github1>.","You cancelled the transaction.":"You cancelled the transaction.","You did not participate in this proposal":"You did not participate in this proposal","You do not have supplies in this currency":"You do not have supplies in this currency","You don’t have enough funds in your wallet to repay the full amount. If you proceed to repay with your current amount of funds, you will still have a small borrowing position in your dashboard.":"You don’t have enough funds in your wallet to repay the full amount. If you proceed to repay with your current amount of funds, you will still have a small borrowing position in your dashboard.","You have no AAVE/stkAAVE/aAave balance to delegate.":"You have no AAVE/stkAAVE/aAave balance to delegate.","You have not borrow yet using this currency":"You have not borrow yet using this currency","You may borrow up to <0/> GHO at <1/> (max discount)":"You may borrow up to <0/> GHO at <1/> (max discount)","You may enter a custom amount in the field.":"You may enter a custom amount in the field.","You switched to {0} rate":["You switched to ",["0"]," rate"],"You unstake here":"You unstake here","You voted {0}":["You voted ",["0"]],"You will exit isolation mode and other tokens can now be used as collateral":"You will exit isolation mode and other tokens can now be used as collateral","You {action} <0/> {symbol}":["You ",["action"]," <0/> ",["symbol"]],"You've successfully switched borrow position.":"You've successfully switched borrow position.","You've successfully switched tokens.":"You've successfully switched tokens.","You've successfully withdrew & switched tokens.":"You've successfully withdrew & switched tokens.","Your balance is lower than the selected amount.":"Your balance is lower than the selected amount.","Your borrows":"Your borrows","Your current loan to value based on your collateral supplied.":"Your current loan to value based on your collateral supplied.","Your health factor and loan to value determine the assurance of your collateral. To avoid liquidations you can supply more collateral or repay borrow positions.":"Your health factor and loan to value determine the assurance of your collateral. To avoid liquidations you can supply more collateral or repay borrow positions.","Your info":"Your info","Your proposition power is based on your AAVE/stkAAVE balance and received delegations.":"Your proposition power is based on your AAVE/stkAAVE balance and received delegations.","Your reward balance is 0":"Your reward balance is 0","Your supplies":"Your supplies","Your voting info":"Your voting info","Your voting power is based on your AAVE/stkAAVE balance and received delegations.":"Your voting power is based on your AAVE/stkAAVE balance and received delegations.","Your {name} wallet is empty. Purchase or transfer assets or use <0>{0}0> to transfer your {network} assets.":["Your ",["name"]," wallet is empty. Purchase or transfer assets or use <0>",["0"],"0> to transfer your ",["network"]," assets."],"Your {name} wallet is empty. Purchase or transfer assets.":["Your ",["name"]," wallet is empty. Purchase or transfer assets."],"Your {networkName} wallet is empty. Get free test assets at":["Your ",["networkName"]," wallet is empty. Get free test assets at"],"Your {networkName} wallet is empty. Get free test {0} at":["Your ",["networkName"]," wallet is empty. Get free test ",["0"]," at"],"Zero address not valid":"Zero address not valid","assets":"assets","blocked activities":"blocked activities","copy the error":"copy the error","disabled":"disabled","documentation":"documentation","enabled":"enabled","ends":"ends","for":"for","of":"of","on":"on","please check that the amount you want to supply is not currently being used for staking. If it is being used for staking, your transaction might fail.":"please check that the amount you want to supply is not currently being used for staking. If it is being used for staking, your transaction might fail.","repaid":"repaid","stETH supplied as collateral will continue to accrue staking rewards provided by daily rebases.":"stETH supplied as collateral will continue to accrue staking rewards provided by daily rebases.","stETH tokens will be migrated to Wrapped stETH using Lido Protocol wrapper which leads to supply balance change after migration: {0}":["stETH tokens will be migrated to Wrapped stETH using Lido Protocol wrapper which leads to supply balance change after migration: ",["0"]],"staking view":"staking view","starts":"starts","stkAAVE holders get a discount on GHO borrow rate":"stkAAVE holders get a discount on GHO borrow rate","to":"to","tokens is not the same as staking them. If you wish to stake your":"tokens is not the same as staking them. If you wish to stake your","tokens, please go to the":"tokens, please go to the","withdrew":"withdrew","{0}":[["0"]],"{0} Balance":[["0"]," Balance"],"{0} Faucet":[["0"]," Faucet"],"{0} on-ramp service is provided by External Provider and by selecting you agree to Terms of the Provider. Your access to the service might be reliant on the External Provider being operational.":[["0"]," on-ramp service is provided by External Provider and by selecting you agree to Terms of the Provider. Your access to the service might be reliant on the External Provider being operational."],"{0}{name}":[["0"],["name"]],"{currentMethod}":[["currentMethod"]],"{d}d":[["d"],"d"],"{h}h":[["h"],"h"],"{m}m":[["m"],"m"],"{networkName} Faucet":[["networkName"]," Faucet"],"{notifyText}":[["notifyText"]],"{numSelected}/{numAvailable} assets selected":[["numSelected"],"/",["numAvailable"]," assets selected"],"{s}s":[["s"],"s"],"{title}":[["title"]],"{tooltipText}":[["tooltipText"]]}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/locales/en/messages.po b/src/locales/en/messages.po
index 6547d47c47..376b1ce8ca 100644
--- a/src/locales/en/messages.po
+++ b/src/locales/en/messages.po
@@ -240,9 +240,9 @@ msgstr "Amount must be greater than 0"
msgid "Amount to unstake"
msgstr "Amount to unstake"
-#: pages/governance/proposal/[proposalId].governance.tsx
-msgid "An error has occurred fetching the proposal metadata from IPFS."
-msgstr "An error has occurred fetching the proposal metadata from IPFS."
+#: src/modules/governance/proposal/ProposalOverview.tsx
+msgid "An error has occurred fetching the proposal."
+msgstr "An error has occurred fetching the proposal."
#: src/components/transactions/TxActionsWrapper.tsx
msgid "Approve Confirmed"
@@ -351,10 +351,6 @@ msgstr "Assets with zero LTV ({assetsBlockingWithdraw}) must be withdrawn or dis
msgid "At a discount"
msgstr "At a discount"
-#: pages/governance/proposal/[proposalId].governance.tsx
-msgid "Author"
-msgstr "Author"
#: src/components/transactions/Borrow/BorrowModalContent.tsx
#: src/components/transactions/Borrow/GhoBorrowModalContent.tsx
#: src/components/transactions/Withdraw/WithdrawAndSwitchModalContent.tsx
@@ -598,6 +594,10 @@ msgstr "Can be collateral"
msgid "Can be executed"
msgstr "Can be executed"
+#: src/components/transactions/GovRepresentatives/GovRepresentativesModalContent.tsx
+msgid "Can't validate the wallet address. Try again."
+msgstr "Can't validate the wallet address. Try again."
#: src/components/TitleWithSearchBar.tsx
#: src/modules/history/HistoryWrapperMobile.tsx
msgid "Cancel"
@@ -608,8 +608,8 @@ msgid "Cannot disable E-Mode"
msgstr "Cannot disable E-Mode"
#: src/components/transactions/GovDelegation/GovDelegationModalContent.tsx
-msgid "Choose how much voting/proposition power to give to someone else by delegating some of your AAVE or stkAAVE balance. Your tokens will remain in your account, but your delegate will be able to vote or propose on your behalf. If your AAVE or stkAAVE balance changes, your delegate's voting/proposition power will be automatically adjusted."
-msgstr "Choose how much voting/proposition power to give to someone else by delegating some of your AAVE or stkAAVE balance. Your tokens will remain in your account, but your delegate will be able to vote or propose on your behalf. If your AAVE or stkAAVE balance changes, your delegate's voting/proposition power will be automatically adjusted."
+msgid "Choose how much voting/proposition power to give to someone else by delegating some of your AAVE, stkAAVE or aAave balance. Your tokens will remain in your account, but your delegate will be able to vote or propose on your behalf. If your AAVE, stkAAVE or aAave balance changes, your delegate's voting/proposition power will be automatically adjusted."
+msgstr "Choose how much voting/proposition power to give to someone else by delegating some of your AAVE, stkAAVE or aAave balance. Your tokens will remain in your account, but your delegate will be able to vote or propose on your behalf. If your AAVE, stkAAVE or aAave balance changes, your delegate's voting/proposition power will be automatically adjusted."
#: src/modules/staking/BuyWithFiatModal.tsx
msgid "Choose one of the on-ramp services"
@@ -716,6 +716,18 @@ msgstr "Collector Contract"
msgid "Collector Info"
msgstr "Collector Info"
+#: src/components/transactions/GovRepresentatives/GovRepresentativesActions.tsx
+msgid "Confirm transaction"
+msgstr "Confirm transaction"
+#: src/components/transactions/GovRepresentatives/GovRepresentativesActions.tsx
+msgid "Confirming transaction"
+msgstr "Confirming transaction"
+#: src/modules/governance/RepresentativesInfoPanel.tsx
+msgid "Connect"
+msgstr "Connect"
#: src/components/WalletConnection/ConnectWalletButton.tsx
#: src/layouts/WalletWidget.tsx
msgid "Connect wallet"
@@ -758,7 +770,7 @@ msgstr "Copy error text"
msgid "Covered debt"
msgstr "Covered debt"
-#: pages/governance/proposal/[proposalId].governance.tsx
+#: src/modules/governance/proposal/ProposalLifecycle.tsx
msgid "Created"
msgstr "Created"
@@ -766,7 +778,7 @@ msgstr "Created"
msgid "Current LTV"
msgstr "Current LTV"
-#: pages/governance/proposal/[proposalId].governance.tsx
+#: src/modules/governance/proposal/VotingResults.tsx
msgid "Current differential"
msgstr "Current differential"
@@ -779,7 +791,7 @@ msgstr "Current v2 Balance"
msgid "Current v2 balance"
msgstr "Current v2 balance"
-#: pages/governance/proposal/[proposalId].governance.tsx
+#: src/modules/governance/proposal/VotingResults.tsx
msgid "Current votes"
msgstr "Current votes"
@@ -831,8 +843,8 @@ msgstr "Details"
msgid "Developers"
msgstr "Developers"
-#: pages/governance/proposal/[proposalId].governance.tsx
#: src/modules/governance/ProposalListItem.tsx
+#: src/modules/governance/proposal/VotingResults.tsx
msgid "Differential"
msgstr "Differential"
@@ -930,6 +942,10 @@ msgstr "E-Mode increases your LTV for a selected category of assets up to<0/>. <
msgid "E-Mode increases your LTV for a selected category of assets, meaning that when E-mode is enabled, you will have higher borrowing power over assets of the same E-mode category which are defined by Aave Governance. You can enter E-Mode from your <0>Dashboard0>. To learn more about E-Mode and applied restrictions in <1>FAQ1> or <2>Aave V3 Technical Paper2>."
msgstr "E-Mode increases your LTV for a selected category of assets, meaning that when E-mode is enabled, you will have higher borrowing power over assets of the same E-mode category which are defined by Aave Governance. You can enter E-Mode from your <0>Dashboard0>. To learn more about E-Mode and applied restrictions in <1>FAQ1> or <2>Aave V3 Technical Paper2>."
+#: src/modules/governance/RepresentativesInfoPanel.tsx
+msgid "Edit"
+msgstr "Edit"
#: src/modules/reserve-overview/Gho/GhoInterestRateGraph.tsx
msgid "Effective interest rate"
msgstr "Effective interest rate"
@@ -968,19 +984,12 @@ msgstr "Enabling E-Mode only allows you to borrow assets belonging to the select
msgid "Enabling this asset as collateral increases your borrowing power and Health Factor. However, it can get liquidated if your health factor drops below 1."
msgstr "Enabling this asset as collateral increases your borrowing power and Health Factor. However, it can get liquidated if your health factor drops below 1."
-#: pages/governance/proposal/[proposalId].governance.tsx
-msgid "Ended"
-msgstr "Ended"
-#: pages/governance/proposal/[proposalId].governance.tsx
-msgid "Ends"
-msgstr "Ends"
#: src/layouts/components/LanguageSwitcher.tsx
msgid "English"
msgstr "English"
#: src/components/transactions/GovDelegation/GovDelegationModalContent.tsx
+#: src/components/transactions/GovRepresentatives/GovRepresentativesModalContent.tsx
msgid "Enter ETH address"
msgstr "Enter ETH address"
@@ -1000,10 +1009,6 @@ msgstr "Estimated compounding interest, including discount for Staking {0}AAVE i
msgid "Exceeds the discount"
msgstr "Exceeds the discount"
-#: pages/governance/proposal/[proposalId].governance.tsx
-msgid "Executed"
-msgstr "Executed"
#: src/components/transactions/Repay/CollateralRepayModalContent.tsx
msgid "Expected amount to repay"
msgstr "Expected amount to repay"
@@ -1068,7 +1073,7 @@ msgstr "Flashloan is disabled for this asset, hence this position cannot be migr
msgid "For repayment of a specific type of debt, the user needs to have debt that type"
msgstr "For repayment of a specific type of debt, the user needs to have debt that type"
-#: pages/governance/proposal/[proposalId].governance.tsx
+#: src/modules/governance/proposal/ProposalLifecycle.tsx
msgid "Forum discussion"
msgstr "Forum discussion"
@@ -1290,6 +1295,10 @@ msgstr "Learn more in our <0>FAQ guide0>"
msgid "Learn more."
msgstr "Learn more."
+#: src/modules/governance/RepresentativesInfoPanel.tsx
+msgid "Linked addresses"
+msgstr "Linked addresses"
#: src/layouts/MobileMenu.tsx
msgid "Links"
msgstr "Links"
@@ -1540,6 +1549,7 @@ msgstr "No voting power"
#: src/components/transactions/Emode/EmodeModalContent.tsx
#: src/components/transactions/Emode/EmodeModalContent.tsx
#: src/components/transactions/FlowCommons/TxModalDetails.tsx
+#: src/modules/governance/RepresentativesInfoPanel.tsx
msgid "None"
msgstr "None"
@@ -1563,8 +1573,8 @@ msgstr "Not enough staked balance"
msgid "Not enough voting power to participate in this proposal"
msgstr "Not enough voting power to participate in this proposal"
-#: pages/governance/proposal/[proposalId].governance.tsx
-#: pages/governance/proposal/[proposalId].governance.tsx
+#: src/modules/governance/proposal/VotingResults.tsx
+#: src/modules/governance/proposal/VotingResults.tsx
msgid "Not reached"
msgstr "Not reached"
@@ -1599,6 +1609,10 @@ msgstr "Ok, Close"
msgid "Ok, I got it"
msgstr "Ok, I got it"
+#: src/modules/governance/proposal/ProposalLifecycle.tsx
+msgid "Open for voting"
+msgstr "Open for voting"
#: src/ui-config/errorMapping.tsx
msgid "Operation not supported"
msgstr "Operation not supported"
@@ -1619,6 +1633,10 @@ msgstr "Page not found"
msgid "Participating in this {symbol} reserve gives annualized rewards."
msgstr "Participating in this {symbol} reserve gives annualized rewards."
+#: src/modules/governance/proposal/ProposalLifecycle.tsx
+msgid "Payloads executed"
+msgstr "Payloads executed"
#: src/components/transactions/CollateralChange/CollateralChangeActions.tsx
#: src/components/transactions/Faucet/FaucetActions.tsx
msgid "Pending..."
@@ -1711,17 +1729,20 @@ msgstr "Price impact {0}%"
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Privacy"
-#: pages/governance/proposal/[proposalId].governance.tsx
+#: src/modules/governance/proposal/ProposalDetails.tsx
+#: src/modules/governance/proposal/ProposalLifecycle.tsx
msgid "Proposal details"
msgstr "Proposal details"
-#: pages/governance/proposal/[proposalId].governance.tsx
+#: src/modules/governance/proposal/ProposalOverview.tsx
msgid "Proposal overview"
msgstr "Proposal overview"
#: pages/governance/index.governance.tsx
#: src/modules/governance/ProposalListHeader.tsx
#: src/modules/governance/ProposalListHeader.tsx
+#: src/modules/governance/ProposalListHeader.tsx
+#: src/modules/governance/ProposalListHeader.tsx
msgid "Proposals"
msgstr "Proposals"
@@ -1753,8 +1774,8 @@ msgstr "Protocol supply cap at 100% for this asset. Further supply unavailable."
msgid "Protocol supply cap is at 100% for this asset. Further supply unavailable."
msgstr "Protocol supply cap is at 100% for this asset. Further supply unavailable."
-#: pages/governance/proposal/[proposalId].governance.tsx
#: src/modules/governance/ProposalListItem.tsx
+#: src/modules/governance/proposal/VotingResults.tsx
msgid "Quorum"
msgstr "Quorum"
@@ -1762,12 +1783,12 @@ msgstr "Quorum"
msgid "Rate change"
msgstr "Rate change"
-#: pages/governance/proposal/[proposalId].governance.tsx
+#: src/modules/governance/proposal/ProposalOverview.tsx
msgid "Raw-Ipfs"
msgstr "Raw-Ipfs"
-#: pages/governance/proposal/[proposalId].governance.tsx
-#: pages/governance/proposal/[proposalId].governance.tsx
+#: src/modules/governance/proposal/VotingResults.tsx
+#: src/modules/governance/proposal/VotingResults.tsx
msgid "Reached"
msgstr "Reached"
@@ -1826,6 +1847,10 @@ msgstr "Remaining debt"
msgid "Remaining supply"
msgstr "Remaining supply"
+#: src/components/transactions/GovRepresentatives/GovRepresentativesModalContent.tsx
+msgid "Remove"
+msgstr "Remove"
#: src/components/transactions/Repay/CollateralRepayModalContent.tsx
msgid "Repaid"
msgstr "Repaid"
@@ -1859,6 +1884,14 @@ msgstr "Repaying {symbol}"
msgid "Repayment amount to reach {0}% utilization"
msgstr "Repayment amount to reach {0}% utilization"
+#: src/modules/governance/RepresentativesInfoPanel.tsx
+msgid "Representative smart contract wallet (ie. Safe) addresses on other chains."
+msgstr "Representative smart contract wallet (ie. Safe) addresses on other chains."
+#: src/modules/governance/RepresentativesInfoPanel.tsx
+msgid "Representing smart contract wallet (ie. Safe) addresses on other chains."
+msgstr "Representing smart contract wallet (ie. Safe) addresses on other chains."
#: src/modules/reserve-overview/ReserveTopDetails.tsx
msgid "Reserve Size"
msgstr "Reserve Size"
@@ -1940,10 +1973,6 @@ msgstr "Safety of your deposited collateral against the borrowed assets and its
msgid "Save and share"
msgstr "Save and share"
-#: pages/governance/proposal/[proposalId].governance.tsx
-msgid "Seatbelt report"
-msgstr "Seatbelt report"
#: src/components/transactions/Warnings/ChangeNetworkWarning.tsx
msgid "Seems like we can't switch the network automatically. Please check if you can change it from the wallet."
msgstr "Seems like we can't switch the network automatically. Please check if you can change it from the wallet."
@@ -2000,12 +2029,12 @@ msgstr "Set up delegation"
msgid "Setup notifications about your Health Factor using the Hal app."
msgstr "Setup notifications about your Health Factor using the Hal app."
-#: pages/governance/proposal/[proposalId].governance.tsx
#: src/components/transactions/GovVote/GovVoteModalContent.tsx
+#: src/modules/governance/proposal/ProposalOverview.tsx
msgid "Share on Lens"
msgstr "Share on Lens"
-#: pages/governance/proposal/[proposalId].governance.tsx
+#: src/modules/governance/proposal/ProposalOverview.tsx
msgid "Share on twitter"
msgstr "Share on twitter"
@@ -2151,11 +2180,7 @@ msgstr "Staking balance"
msgid "Staking discount"
msgstr "Staking discount"
-#: pages/governance/proposal/[proposalId].governance.tsx
-msgid "Started"
-msgstr "Started"
-#: pages/governance/proposal/[proposalId].governance.tsx
+#: src/modules/governance/proposal/VotingResults.tsx
msgid "State"
msgstr "State"
@@ -2578,10 +2603,6 @@ msgstr "Total market size"
msgid "Total supplied"
msgstr "Total supplied"
-#: pages/governance/proposal/[proposalId].governance.tsx
-msgid "Total voting power"
-msgstr "Total voting power"
#: src/components/transactions/ClaimRewards/ClaimRewardsModalContent.tsx
msgid "Total worth"
msgstr "Total worth"
@@ -2667,8 +2688,8 @@ msgid "Use it to vote for or against active proposals."
msgstr "Use it to vote for or against active proposals."
#: src/modules/governance/DelegatedInfoPanel.tsx
-msgid "Use your AAVE and stkAAVE balance to delegate your voting and proposition powers. You will not be sending any tokens, only the rights to vote and propose changes to the protocol. You can re-delegate or revoke power to self at any time."
-msgstr "Use your AAVE and stkAAVE balance to delegate your voting and proposition powers. You will not be sending any tokens, only the rights to vote and propose changes to the protocol. You can re-delegate or revoke power to self at any time."
+msgid "Use your AAVE, stkAAVE, or aAave balance to delegate your voting and proposition powers. You will not be sending any tokens, only the rights to vote and propose changes to the protocol. You can re-delegate or revoke power to self at any time."
+msgstr "Use your AAVE, stkAAVE, or aAave balance to delegate your voting and proposition powers. You will not be sending any tokens, only the rights to vote and propose changes to the protocol. You can re-delegate or revoke power to self at any time."
#: src/modules/dashboard/lists/SuppliedPositionsList/SuppliedPositionsListMobileItem.tsx
msgid "Used as collateral"
@@ -2805,12 +2826,16 @@ msgstr "Votes"
msgid "Voting"
msgstr "Voting"
+#: src/modules/governance/proposal/ProposalLifecycle.tsx
+msgid "Voting closed"
+msgstr "Voting closed"
#: src/components/transactions/GovVote/GovVoteModalContent.tsx
#: src/modules/governance/proposal/VoteInfo.tsx
msgid "Voting power"
msgstr "Voting power"
-#: pages/governance/proposal/[proposalId].governance.tsx
+#: src/modules/governance/proposal/VotingResults.tsx
msgid "Voting results"
msgstr "Voting results"
@@ -2971,8 +2996,8 @@ msgid "You don’t have enough funds in your wallet to repay the full amount. If
msgstr "You don’t have enough funds in your wallet to repay the full amount. If you proceed to repay with your current amount of funds, you will still have a small borrowing position in your dashboard."
#: src/modules/governance/DelegatedInfoPanel.tsx
-msgid "You have no AAVE/stkAAVE balance to delegate."
-msgstr "You have no AAVE/stkAAVE balance to delegate."
+msgid "You have no AAVE/stkAAVE/aAave balance to delegate."
+msgstr "You have no AAVE/stkAAVE/aAave balance to delegate."
#: src/components/transactions/RateSwitch/RateSwitchModalContent.tsx
msgid "You have not borrow yet using this currency"
@@ -3111,6 +3136,7 @@ msgid "enabled"
msgstr "enabled"
#: src/modules/governance/FormattedProposalTime.tsx
+#: src/modules/governance/ProposalV3ListItem.tsx
msgid "ends"
msgstr "ends"
@@ -3156,6 +3182,7 @@ msgid "staking view"
msgstr "staking view"
#: src/modules/governance/FormattedProposalTime.tsx
+#: src/modules/governance/ProposalV3ListItem.tsx
msgid "starts"
msgstr "starts"
diff --git a/src/meta-batch-helper.json b/src/meta-batch-helper.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fdd0d4fc02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/meta-batch-helper.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+[{"inputs":[{"components":[{"internalType":"contract IGovernancePowerDelegationToken","name":"underlyingAsset","type":"address"},{"internalType":"enum IMetaDelegateHelper.DelegationType","name":"delegationType","type":"uint8"},{"internalType":"address","name":"delegator","type":"address"},{"internalType":"address","name":"delegatee","type":"address"},{"internalType":"uint256","name":"deadline","type":"uint256"},{"internalType":"uint8","name":"v","type":"uint8"},{"internalType":"bytes32","name":"r","type":"bytes32"},{"internalType":"bytes32","name":"s","type":"bytes32"}],"internalType":"struct IMetaDelegateHelper.MetaDelegateParams[]","name":"delegateParams","type":"tuple[]"}],"name":"batchMetaDelegate","outputs":[],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"}]
diff --git a/src/modules/governance/DelegatedInfoPanel.tsx b/src/modules/governance/DelegatedInfoPanel.tsx
index 8d9c5cd87a..db89dd4ab2 100644
--- a/src/modules/governance/DelegatedInfoPanel.tsx
+++ b/src/modules/governance/DelegatedInfoPanel.tsx
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import { ExternalUserDisplay } from 'src/components/UserDisplay';
import { useGovernanceTokens } from 'src/hooks/governance/useGovernanceTokens';
import { usePowers } from 'src/hooks/governance/usePowers';
import { useModalContext } from 'src/hooks/useModal';
+import { ZERO_ADDRESS } from 'src/modules/governance/utils/formatProposal';
import { useRootStore } from 'src/store/root';
import { GENERAL } from 'src/utils/mixPanelEvents';
@@ -20,6 +21,8 @@ type DelegatedPowerProps = {
aaveDelegatee: string;
stkAaveDelegatee: string;
title: string;
+ aAavePower: string;
+ aAaveDelegatee: string;
const DelegatedPower: React.FC = ({
@@ -28,12 +31,15 @@ const DelegatedPower: React.FC = ({
+ aAaveDelegatee,
+ aAavePower,
}) => {
const isAaveSelfDelegated = !aaveDelegatee || user === aaveDelegatee;
const isStkAaveSelfDelegated = !stkAaveDelegatee || user === stkAaveDelegatee;
+ const isAAaveSelfDelegated = !aAaveDelegatee || user === aAaveDelegatee;
- if (isAaveSelfDelegated && isStkAaveSelfDelegated) return null;
+ if (isAaveSelfDelegated && isStkAaveSelfDelegated && isAAaveSelfDelegated) return null;
return (
@@ -41,7 +47,9 @@ const DelegatedPower: React.FC = ({
- {aaveDelegatee === stkAaveDelegatee ? (
+ {aaveDelegatee !== ZERO_ADDRESS &&
+ aaveDelegatee === stkAaveDelegatee &&
+ aaveDelegatee === aAaveDelegatee ? (
= ({
- AAVE + stkAAVE
+ AAVE + stkAAVE + aAAVE
@@ -98,6 +106,24 @@ const DelegatedPower: React.FC = ({
+ {!isAAaveSelfDelegated && (
+ }
+ >
+ )}
@@ -109,7 +135,7 @@ export const DelegatedInfoPanel = () => {
const address = useRootStore((store) => store.account);
const currentMarketData = useRootStore((store) => store.currentMarketData);
const {
- data: { aave, stkAave },
+ data: { aave, stkAave, aAave },
} = useGovernanceTokens();
const { data: powers } = usePowers(currentMarketData);
const { openGovDelegation, openRevokeGovDelegation } = useModalContext();
@@ -120,16 +146,21 @@ export const DelegatedInfoPanel = () => {
const disableButton =
Number(aave) <= 0 &&
Number(stkAave) <= 0 &&
+ Number(aAave) <= 0 &&
powers.aavePropositionDelegatee === '' &&
powers.aaveVotingDelegatee === '' &&
powers.stkAavePropositionDelegatee === '' &&
- powers.stkAaveVotingDelegatee === '';
+ powers.stkAaveVotingDelegatee === '' &&
+ powers.aAavePropositionDelegatee === '' &&
+ powers.aAaveVotingDelegatee === '';
const showRevokeButton =
powers.aavePropositionDelegatee !== '' ||
powers.aaveVotingDelegatee !== '' ||
powers.stkAavePropositionDelegatee !== '' ||
- powers.stkAaveVotingDelegatee !== '';
+ powers.stkAaveVotingDelegatee !== '' ||
+ powers.aAaveVotingDelegatee !== '' ||
+ powers.aAavePropositionDelegatee !== '';
return (
@@ -139,8 +170,8 @@ export const DelegatedInfoPanel = () => {
- Use your AAVE and stkAAVE balance to delegate your voting and proposition powers. You
- will not be sending any tokens, only the rights to vote and propose changes to the
+ Use your AAVE, stkAAVE, or aAave balance to delegate your voting and proposition powers.
+ You will not be sending any tokens, only the rights to vote and propose changes to the
protocol. You can re-delegate or revoke power to self at any time.
{disableButton ? (
- You have no AAVE/stkAAVE balance to delegate.
+ You have no AAVE/stkAAVE/aAave balance to delegate.
) : (
- handleSearchQueryChange: (value: string) => void;
+ proposalFilter?: string;
+ handleProposalFilterChange?: (value: string) => void;
+ handleSearchQueryChange?: (value: string) => void;
type ProposalListHeaderElementProps = {
@@ -93,19 +93,15 @@ export const ProposalListHeaderMobile: React.FC
-export const ProposalListHeader: React.FC = ({
- proposalFilter,
- handleProposalFilterChange,
- handleSearchQueryChange,
-}) => {
- const handleChange = (event: SelectChangeEvent) => {
- trackEvent(GOVERNANCE_PAGE.FILTER, { filter: event.target.value });
- handleProposalFilterChange(event.target.value as string);
- };
+export const ProposalListHeader: React.FC = () => {
+ // const handleChange = (event: SelectChangeEvent) => {
+ // trackEvent(GOVERNANCE_PAGE.FILTER, { filter: event.target.value });
+ // handleProposalFilterChange(event.target.value as string);
+ // };
const { breakpoints } = useTheme();
const md = useMediaQuery(breakpoints.up('md'));
- const trackEvent = useRootStore((store) => store.trackEvent);
+ // const trackEvent = useRootStore((store) => store.trackEvent);
return (
= ({
{!md ? (
+ Proposals
) : (
+ //
+ Proposals
+ //
diff --git a/src/modules/governance/ProposalListItem.tsx b/src/modules/governance/ProposalListItem.tsx
index 4710b6815f..835b7753ef 100644
--- a/src/modules/governance/ProposalListItem.tsx
+++ b/src/modules/governance/ProposalListItem.tsx
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import { useRootStore } from 'src/store/root';
import { GOVERNANCE_PAGE } from 'src/utils/mixPanelEvents';
import { FormattedProposalTime } from './FormattedProposalTime';
-import { StateBadge } from './StateBadge';
+// import { StateBadge } from './StateBadge';
import { formatProposal } from './utils/formatProposal';
import { isProposalStateImmutable } from './utils/immutableStates';
import { VoteBar } from './VoteBar';
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ export function ProposalListItem({
+ {/* */}
+ const trackEvent = useRootStore((store) => store.trackEvent);
+ const network = networkConfigs[votingChainId];
+ const timestamp = getProposalTimestamp(proposalData, votingMachineData, votingConfig);
+ return (
+ `1px solid ${theme.palette.divider}`,
+ }}
+ component={Link}
+ onClick={() => trackEvent(GOVERNANCE_PAGE.VIEW_AIP, { AIP: id })}
+ href={ROUTES.dynamicRenderedProposal(+id)}
+ >
+ {proposalState === ProposalV3State.Created && (
+ <>
+ starts {timestamp}
+ >
+ )}
+ {proposalState === ProposalV3State.Active && (
+ <>
+ ends {timestamp}
+ >
+ )}
+ {title}
+ {shortDescription}
+ );
+const getProposalTimestamp = (
+ proposalData: ProposalData,
+ votingMachineData: VotingMachineProposal,
+ votingConfig: VotingConfig
+) => {
+ const state = proposalData.proposalData.state;
+ const creationTime = proposalData.proposalData.creationTime;
+ const votingMachineStartTime = votingMachineData.proposalData.startTime;
+ if (state === ProposalV3State.Created || votingMachineStartTime === 0) {
+ const votingStartDelay = votingConfig.config.coolDownBeforeVotingStart;
+ return dayjs.unix(creationTime + Number(votingStartDelay)).fromNow();
+ }
+ if (state === ProposalV3State.Active) {
+ const votingDuration = votingConfig.config.votingDuration;
+ return dayjs.unix(votingMachineStartTime + Number(votingDuration)).fromNow();
+ }
+ // only showing timestamps for created/active proposals for now
+ return '';
diff --git a/src/modules/governance/ProposalsList.tsx b/src/modules/governance/ProposalsList.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b2800dac5..0000000000
--- a/src/modules/governance/ProposalsList.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-import { AaveGovernanceV2 } from '@bgd-labs/aave-address-book';
-import { LinearProgress, Paper } from '@mui/material';
-import Fuse from 'fuse.js';
-import { GovernancePageProps } from 'pages/governance/index.governance';
-import { useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react';
-import InfiniteScroll from 'react-infinite-scroller';
-import { NoSearchResults } from 'src/components/NoSearchResults';
-import { usePolling } from 'src/hooks/usePolling';
-import { getProposalMetadata } from 'src/modules/governance/utils/getProposalMetadata';
-import { governanceContract } from 'src/modules/governance/utils/governanceProvider';
-import { isProposalStateImmutable } from 'src/modules/governance/utils/immutableStates';
-import { governanceConfig } from 'src/ui-config/governanceConfig';
-import { ProposalListHeader } from './ProposalListHeader';
-import { ProposalListItem } from './ProposalListItem';
-import { enhanceProposalWithTimes } from './utils/formatProposal';
-export function ProposalsList({ proposals: initialProposals }: GovernancePageProps) {
- // will only initially be set to true, till the client is hydrated with new proposals
- const [loadingNewProposals, setLoadingNewProposals] = useState(true);
- const [updatingPendingProposals, setUpdatingPendingProposals] = useState(true);
- const [proposals, setProposals] = useState(initialProposals);
- const [proposalFilter, setProposalFilter] = useState('all');
- const [searchQuery, setSearchQuery] = useState('');
- const [loadedIndex, setLoadedIndex] = useState(1);
- const searchEngineRef = useRef(
- new Fuse(initialProposals, {
- keys: ['ipfs.title', 'ipfs.shortDescription'],
- threshold: 0.3,
- })
- );
- async function fetchNewProposals() {
- try {
- const count = await governanceContract.getProposalsCount();
- const nextProposals: GovernancePageProps['proposals'] = [];
- console.log(`fetching ${count - proposals.length} new proposals`);
- if (count - proposals.length) {
- for (let i = proposals.length; i < count; i++) {
- const { values, ...rest } = await governanceContract.getProposal({ proposalId: i });
- const proposal = await enhanceProposalWithTimes(rest);
- const proposalMetadata = await getProposalMetadata(
- proposal.ipfsHash,
- governanceConfig.ipfsGateway
- );
- nextProposals.unshift({
- ipfs: {
- id: i,
- originalHash: proposal.ipfsHash,
- ...proposalMetadata,
- },
- proposal: proposal,
- prerendered: false,
- });
- }
- nextProposals.map((elem) => searchEngineRef.current.add(elem));
- setProposals((p) => [...nextProposals, ...p]);
- }
- setLoadingNewProposals(false);
- } catch (e) {
- console.log('error fetching new proposals', e);
- }
- }
- async function updatePendingProposals() {
- const pendingProposals = proposals.filter(
- ({ proposal }) => !isProposalStateImmutable(proposal)
- );
- try {
- if (pendingProposals.length) {
- const updatedProposals = await Promise.all(
- pendingProposals.map(async ({ proposal }) => {
- const { values, ...rest } = await governanceContract.getProposal({
- proposalId: proposal.id,
- });
- return enhanceProposalWithTimes(rest);
- })
- );
- setProposals((proposals) => {
- updatedProposals.map((proposal) => {
- proposals[proposals.length - 1 - proposal.id].proposal = proposal;
- proposals[proposals.length - 1 - proposal.id].prerendered = false;
- });
- return proposals;
- });
- }
- setUpdatingPendingProposals(false);
- } catch (e) {
- console.log('error updating proposals', e);
- }
- }
- usePolling(fetchNewProposals, 60000, false, [proposals.length]);
- usePolling(updatePendingProposals, 30000, false, [proposals.length]);
- const filteredByState = useMemo(() => {
- // filters by proposal state and pins large executors at the top
- const filtered = proposals
- .filter((item) => proposalFilter === 'all' || item.proposal.state === proposalFilter)
- .reduce(
- (
- accumulator: GovernancePageProps['proposals'],
- current: GovernancePageProps['proposals'][0]
- ) =>
- current.proposal.state === 'Active' &&
- current.proposal.executor === AaveGovernanceV2.LONG_EXECUTOR
- ? [current, ...accumulator]
- : [...accumulator, current],
- []
- );
- searchEngineRef.current.setCollection(filtered);
- return filtered;
- }, [proposals, proposalFilter]);
- const filteredByQuery = useMemo(() => {
- if (!searchQuery) return filteredByState;
- const filteredByQuery = searchEngineRef.current.search(searchQuery);
- return filteredByQuery.map((elem) => elem.item);
- }, [searchQuery, filteredByState]);
- const loadedProposals = useMemo(
- () => filteredByQuery.slice(0, loadedIndex * 10),
- [filteredByQuery, loadedIndex]
- );
- const onSearchTermChange = (value: string) => {
- setLoadedIndex(1);
- setSearchQuery(value);
- };
- const handleLoadMore = () => {
- setLoadedIndex((loadedIndex) => loadedIndex + 1);
- };
- return (
- {(loadingNewProposals || updatingPendingProposals) && }
- {loadedProposals.length ? (
- {loadedProposals.map(({ proposal, prerendered, ipfs }) => (
- ))}
- ) : (
- )}
- );
diff --git a/src/modules/governance/ProposalsV3List.tsx b/src/modules/governance/ProposalsV3List.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2996906e70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/governance/ProposalsV3List.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+import { VotingConfig } from '@aave/contract-helpers';
+import { Box, Paper, Skeleton, Stack } from '@mui/material';
+import { Fragment, useState } from 'react';
+import InfiniteScroll from 'react-infinite-scroller';
+import {
+ useGetProposalCount,
+ useGetVotingConfig,
+ useProposals,
+} from 'src/hooks/governance/useProposals';
+import { ProposalListHeader } from './ProposalListHeader';
+import { ProposalV3ListItem } from './ProposalV3ListItem';
+import { formatProposalV3 } from './utils/formatProposal';
+import { VoteBar } from './VoteBar';
+export const ProposalsV3List = () => {
+ // TODO
+ const [proposalFilter, setProposalFilter] = useState('all');
+ const { data: totalCount, isFetching: fetchingProposalCount } = useGetProposalCount();
+ const { data, isFetching: fetchingProposals, fetchNextPage } = useProposals(totalCount);
+ const { data: config, isFetching: fetchingVotingConfig } = useGetVotingConfig();
+ const totalNumberOfProposalsLoaded = data?.pages.reduce(
+ (acc, page) => acc + page.proposals.length,
+ 0
+ );
+ const loading = fetchingProposalCount || fetchingProposals || fetchingVotingConfig;
+ return (
+ console.log(value)}
+ />
+ {data && config ? (
+ fetchNextPage()}
+ hasMore={
+ totalNumberOfProposalsLoaded === undefined || totalNumberOfProposalsLoaded < totalCount
+ }
+ >
+ {data?.pages.map((group, i) => (
+ {group.proposals.map((proposal, index) => (
+ c.accessLevel === group.proposalData[index].proposalData.accessLevel
+ ) as VotingConfig
+ }
+ {...formatProposalV3(
+ proposal,
+ group.proposalData[index],
+ config,
+ group.votingMachingData[index]
+ )}
+ />
+ ))}
+ ))}
+ {loading && Array.from({ length: 5 }).map((_, i) => )}
+ ) : (
+ Array.from({ length: 5 }).map((_, i) => )
+ )}
+ );
+const ProposalListSkeleton = () => {
+ return (
+ `1px solid ${theme.palette.divider}`,
+ }}
+ >
+ );
diff --git a/src/modules/governance/RepresentativesInfoPanel.tsx b/src/modules/governance/RepresentativesInfoPanel.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65741c6c6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/governance/RepresentativesInfoPanel.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+import { Representative, Rpresented } from '@aave/contract-helpers';
+import { PlusIcon } from '@heroicons/react/outline';
+import { ExternalLinkIcon } from '@heroicons/react/solid';
+import { Trans } from '@lingui/macro';
+import { Box, Button, IconButton, Paper, Stack, SvgIcon, Typography } from '@mui/material';
+import { CompactableTypography, CompactMode } from 'src/components/CompactableTypography';
+import { Link } from 'src/components/primitives/Link';
+import { useRepresentatives } from 'src/hooks/governance/useRepresentatives';
+import { useIsContractAddress } from 'src/hooks/useIsContractAddress';
+import { useModalContext } from 'src/hooks/useModal';
+import { useRootStore } from 'src/store/root';
+import { networkConfigs } from 'src/ui-config/networksConfig';
+import { ZERO_ADDRESS } from './utils/formatProposal';
+// Setting up a representative is only useful for smart contract wallets.
+// If connected account is an EOA, this section is hidden.
+// If an account has representatives, then we assume that there is no need to set up a representative,
+// and it will show the addresses that have selected the current account to represent them.
+export const RepresentativesInfoPanel = () => {
+ const { openGovRepresentatives } = useModalContext();
+ const account = useRootStore((state) => state.account);
+ const { data } = useRepresentatives(account);
+ const { data: isContractAddress, isFetching: fetchingIsContractAddress } =
+ useIsContractAddress(account);
+ console.log(isContractAddress, fetchingIsContractAddress);
+ const isAddressSelectedAsRepresentative = data?.Represented.some(
+ (r) => r.votersRepresented.length > 0
+ );
+ // if (!isContractAddress) {
+ // return null;
+ // }
+ return (
+ Linked addresses
+ {isAddressSelectedAsRepresentative ? null : (
+ openGovRepresentatives(data?.Representatives || [])}>
+ Edit
+ )}
+ {isAddressSelectedAsRepresentative ? (
+ Representing smart contract wallet (ie. Safe) addresses on other chains.
+ ) : (
+ Representative smart contract wallet (ie. Safe) addresses on other chains.
+ )}
+ {isAddressSelectedAsRepresentative ? (
+ ) : (
+ openGovRepresentatives(data?.Representatives || [])}
+ />
+ )}
+ );
+const Representatives = ({
+ representatives,
+ onOpenRepresentatives,
+}: {
+ representatives: Representative[];
+ onOpenRepresentatives: () => void;
+}) => {
+ return (
+ <>
+ {representatives.map((representative, i) => (
+ {representative.representative === ZERO_ADDRESS ? (
+ ({
+ height: '24px',
+ width: '24px',
+ background: theme.palette.background.disabled,
+ })}
+ onClick={onOpenRepresentatives}
+ >
+ Connect
+ ) : (
+ )}
+ ))}
+ >
+ );
+const Representing = ({ representing }: { representing: Rpresented[] }) => {
+ return (
+ <>
+ {representing.map((representing, i) => (
+ {representing.votersRepresented.length === 0 ? (
+ None
+ ) : (
+ representing.votersRepresented.map((voter, i) => (
+ ))
+ )}
+ ))}
+ >
+ );
+const Network = ({
+ networkLogoPath,
+ networkName,
+}: {
+ networkLogoPath: string;
+ networkName: string;
+}) => {
+ return (
+ {networkName}
+ );
+const AddressLink = ({ explorerLink, address }: { explorerLink: string; address: string }) => {
+ return (
+ {address}
+ ({
+ width: 14,
+ height: 14,
+ ml: 0.5,
+ color: theme.palette.text.muted,
+ })}
+ >
+ );
diff --git a/src/modules/governance/StateBadge.tsx b/src/modules/governance/StateBadge.tsx
index 157313f93b..30928380d7 100644
--- a/src/modules/governance/StateBadge.tsx
+++ b/src/modules/governance/StateBadge.tsx
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-import { ProposalState } from '@aave/contract-helpers';
+import { ProposalV3State } from '@aave/contract-helpers';
import { alpha, experimental_sx, Skeleton, styled } from '@mui/material';
interface StateBadgeProps {
- state: ProposalState;
+ state: ProposalV3State;
loading?: boolean;
const Badge = styled('span')(({ theme, state }) => {
const COLOR_MAP = {
- [ProposalState.Active]: theme.palette.secondary.main,
- [ProposalState.Queued]: theme.palette.warning.main,
- [ProposalState.Pending]: theme.palette.info.main,
- [ProposalState.Succeeded]: theme.palette.success.main,
- [ProposalState.Executed]: theme.palette.success.main,
- [ProposalState.Canceled]: theme.palette.primary.light,
- [ProposalState.Expired]: theme.palette.primary.light,
- [ProposalState.Failed]: theme.palette.error.main,
+ [ProposalV3State.Null]: theme.palette.secondary.main,
+ [ProposalV3State.Created]: theme.palette.primary.light,
+ [ProposalV3State.Active]: theme.palette.success.main,
+ [ProposalV3State.Queued]: theme.palette.primary.light,
+ [ProposalV3State.Executed]: theme.palette.success.main,
+ [ProposalV3State.Cancelled]: theme.palette.error.main,
+ [ProposalV3State.Expired]: theme.palette.error.main,
+ [ProposalV3State.Failed]: theme.palette.error.main,
const color = COLOR_MAP[state] || '#000';
return experimental_sx({
@@ -28,19 +28,32 @@ const Badge = styled('span')(({ theme, state }) => {
borderRadius: 1,
display: 'inline-flex',
alignItems: 'center',
- '&:before': {
- content: '""',
- width: '6px',
- height: '6px',
- borderRadius: '50%',
- marginRight: '7px',
- display: 'inline-block',
- backgroundColor: color,
- },
export function StateBadge({ state, loading }: StateBadgeProps) {
if (loading) return ;
- return {state} ;
+ return {stateToString(state)} ;
+// TODO: maybe move this to utils
+const stateToString = (state: ProposalV3State) => {
+ switch (state) {
+ case ProposalV3State.Null:
+ return 'Null';
+ case ProposalV3State.Created:
+ return 'Created';
+ case ProposalV3State.Active:
+ return 'Active';
+ case ProposalV3State.Queued:
+ return 'Queued';
+ case ProposalV3State.Executed:
+ return 'Executed';
+ case ProposalV3State.Cancelled:
+ return 'Cancelled';
+ case ProposalV3State.Expired:
+ return 'Expired';
+ case ProposalV3State.Failed:
+ return 'Failed';
+ }
diff --git a/src/modules/governance/UserGovernanceInfo.tsx b/src/modules/governance/UserGovernanceInfo.tsx
index 9676032692..60083d3b30 100644
--- a/src/modules/governance/UserGovernanceInfo.tsx
+++ b/src/modules/governance/UserGovernanceInfo.tsx
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { ConnectWalletButton } from 'src/components/WalletConnection/ConnectWall
import { useRootStore } from 'src/store/root';
import { DelegatedInfoPanel } from './DelegatedInfoPanel';
+import { RepresentativesInfoPanel } from './RepresentativesInfoPanel';
import { VotingPowerInfoPanel } from './VotingPowerInfoPanel';
export const UserGovernanceInfo = () => {
@@ -13,6 +14,7 @@ export const UserGovernanceInfo = () => {
) : (
diff --git a/src/modules/governance/VoteBar.tsx b/src/modules/governance/VoteBar.tsx
index 0e14530a70..a952e5967b 100644
--- a/src/modules/governance/VoteBar.tsx
+++ b/src/modules/governance/VoteBar.tsx
@@ -34,9 +34,10 @@ interface VoteBarProps extends BoxProps {
percent: number;
yae?: boolean;
loading?: boolean;
+ compact?: boolean;
-export function VoteBar({ percent, yae, votes, loading, ...rest }: VoteBarProps) {
+export function VoteBar({ percent, yae, votes, loading, compact, ...rest }: VoteBarProps) {
return (
@@ -55,11 +56,13 @@ export function VoteBar({ percent, yae, votes, loading, ...rest }: VoteBarProps)
sx={{ mr: 1 }}
- compact={false}
+ compact={compact}
+ {!compact && (
+ )}
{loading ? (
diff --git a/src/modules/governance/helpers.ts b/src/modules/governance/helpers.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d6b899b32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/governance/helpers.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import { valueToBigNumber } from '@aave/math-utils';
+export const isQuorumReached = (forVotes: string, quorum: string, precisionDivider: string) => {
+ return valueToBigNumber(forVotes).gte(valueToBigNumber(quorum).multipliedBy(precisionDivider));
+export const isDifferentialReached = (
+ forVotes: string,
+ againstVotes: string,
+ differential: string,
+ precisionDivider: string
+) => {
+ const forVotesBN = valueToBigNumber(forVotes);
+ const againstVotesBN = valueToBigNumber(againstVotes);
+ return (
+ forVotesBN.gte(againstVotesBN) &&
+ forVotesBN
+ .minus(againstVotesBN)
+ .gt(valueToBigNumber(differential).multipliedBy(precisionDivider))
+ );
diff --git a/src/modules/governance/proposal/ProposalDetails.tsx b/src/modules/governance/proposal/ProposalDetails.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..749b62e63c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/governance/proposal/ProposalDetails.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+import { Trans } from '@lingui/macro';
+import { Paper, Typography } from '@mui/material';
+// const formatTime = (timestamp: number): string =>
+// dayjs.unix(timestamp).format('D MMM YYYY, HH:mm UTC Z');
+export const ProposalDetails = () => {
+ // const proposalHasExpired: boolean = false;
+ /*
+ proposal
+ ? dayjs() > dayjs.unix(proposal.expirationTimestamp)
+ : false;
+ */
+ // const trackEvent = useRootStore((store) => store.trackEvent);
+ return (
+ Proposal details
+ {/* {proposal ? (
+ <>
+ Created
+ Block
+ >
+ }
+ sx={{ height: 48 }}
+ captionVariant="description"
+ >
+ {formatTime(proposal.proposalData.proposalData.creationTime)}
+ {proposal.proposalCreated}
+ Started
+ Block
+ >
+ }
+ sx={{ height: 48 }}
+ captionVariant="description"
+ >
+ {formatTime(proposal.startTimestamp)}
+ {proposal.startBlock}
+ {proposalHasExpired ? (
+ Ended
+ Block
+ >
+ }
+ sx={{ height: 48 }}
+ captionVariant="description"
+ >
+ {formatTime(proposal.expirationTimestamp)}
+ {proposal.endBlock}
+ ) : (
+ Ends
+ Block
+ >
+ }
+ sx={{ height: 48 }}
+ captionVariant="description"
+ >
+ {formatTime(proposal.expirationTimestamp)}
+ {proposal.endBlock}
+ )}
+ {proposal.executed && (
+ Executed} sx={{ height: 48 }} captionVariant="description">
+ {formatTime(proposal.executionTime)}
+ )}
+ {ipfs?.author && (
+ Author} sx={{ height: 48 }} captionVariant="description">
+ {ipfs.author}
+ )}
+ {ipfs?.discussions && (
+ AIP: proposal.id,
+ Link: 'Forum Discussion',
+ })
+ }
+ href={ipfs.discussions}
+ variant="outlined"
+ endIcon={
+ }
+ >
+ Forum discussion
+ )}
+ {prerendered && ( // only render the button for prerendered proposals as fro them we can be sure ci already ran
+ AIP: proposal.id,
+ Link: 'Seatbelt Report',
+ })
+ }
+ href={`https://github.com/bgd-labs/seatbelt-for-ghosts/tree/master/reports/Aave/0xEC568fffba86c094cf06b22134B23074DFE2252c/${String(
+ proposal.id
+ ).padStart(3, '0')}.md`}
+ variant="outlined"
+ endIcon={
+ }
+ >
+ Seatbelt report
+ )}
+ >
+ ) : (
+ <>
+ >
+ )} */}
+ );
diff --git a/src/modules/governance/proposal/ProposalLifecycle.tsx b/src/modules/governance/proposal/ProposalLifecycle.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..91dd577a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/governance/proposal/ProposalLifecycle.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+import {
+ Payload,
+ PayloadState,
+ ProposalV3State,
+ VotingConfig,
+ VotingMachineProposalState,
+} from '@aave/contract-helpers';
+import { ExternalLinkIcon } from '@heroicons/react/outline';
+import { Trans } from '@lingui/macro';
+import {
+ Timeline,
+ TimelineConnector,
+ TimelineContent,
+ TimelineDot,
+ TimelineItem,
+ timelineItemClasses,
+ TimelineSeparator,
+} from '@mui/lab';
+import { Button, Paper, SvgIcon, Typography, useTheme } from '@mui/material';
+import dayjs from 'dayjs';
+import { ReactNode } from 'react';
+import { Link } from 'src/components/primitives/Link';
+import { EnhancedProposal } from 'src/hooks/governance/useProposal';
+import { useRootStore } from 'src/store/root';
+import { GENERAL } from 'src/utils/mixPanelEvents';
+enum ProposalLifecycleStep {
+ Created,
+ OpenForVoting,
+ VotingClosed,
+ PayloadsExecuted,
+ Cancelled,
+ Expired,
+ Done,
+export const ProposalLifecycle = ({
+ proposal,
+ payloads,
+ votingConfig,
+}: {
+ proposal: EnhancedProposal | undefined;
+ payloads: Payload[] | undefined;
+ votingConfig: VotingConfig | undefined;
+}) => {
+ const trackEvent = useRootStore((store) => store.trackEvent);
+ if (payloads === undefined || proposal === undefined || votingConfig === undefined) {
+ return <>>; // TODO: skeleton
+ }
+ const proposalState = getLifecycleState(proposal, payloads);
+ const votingClosedStepLabel = Voting closed ;
+ // TODO: show if passed/failed
+ // if (proposalState >= ProposalLifecycleStep.VotingClosed) {
+ // proposal.votingMachineData.
+ // votingClosedStepLabel = (
+ // <>
+ // Voting closed
+ // {'Passed'}
+ // >
+ // );
+ // }
+ const urlRegex = /https?:\/\/[^\s"]+/g;
+ const discussionUrl = proposal.proposal.discussions.match(urlRegex);
+ return (
+ Proposal details
+ ProposalLifecycleStep.Created}
+ active={proposalState === ProposalLifecycleStep.Created}
+ stepName={Created }
+ timestamp={formatTime(proposal.proposalData.proposalData.creationTime)}
+ />
+ ProposalLifecycleStep.OpenForVoting}
+ active={proposalState === ProposalLifecycleStep.OpenForVoting}
+ stepName={Open for voting }
+ timestamp={formatTime(getOpenForVotingTimestamp(proposalState, proposal, votingConfig))}
+ />
+ ProposalLifecycleStep.VotingClosed}
+ active={proposalState === ProposalLifecycleStep.VotingClosed}
+ stepName={votingClosedStepLabel}
+ timestamp={formatTime(getVotingClosedTimestamp(proposalState, proposal, votingConfig))}
+ />
+ ProposalLifecycleStep.PayloadsExecuted}
+ active={proposalState === ProposalLifecycleStep.PayloadsExecuted}
+ stepName={Payloads executed }
+ timestamp={formatTime(
+ getPayloadsExecutedTimestamp(proposalState, proposal, votingConfig, payloads)
+ )}
+ lastStep
+ />
+ {discussionUrl && (
+ AIP: proposal.proposalData.id,
+ Link: 'Forum Discussion',
+ })
+ }
+ href={discussionUrl[0]}
+ variant="outlined"
+ endIcon={
+ }
+ >
+ Forum discussion
+ )}
+ );
+const getLifecycleState = (proposal: EnhancedProposal, payloads: Payload[]) => {
+ if (proposal.proposalData.proposalData.state === ProposalV3State.Created) {
+ return ProposalLifecycleStep.Created;
+ }
+ if (proposal.proposalData.proposalData.state === ProposalV3State.Active) {
+ return ProposalLifecycleStep.OpenForVoting;
+ }
+ if (
+ proposal.votingMachineData.state === VotingMachineProposalState.Finished ||
+ proposal.proposalData.proposalData.state === ProposalV3State.Queued
+ ) {
+ return ProposalLifecycleStep.VotingClosed;
+ }
+ if (proposal.proposalData.proposalData.state === ProposalV3State.Executed) {
+ const payloadsExecuted = payloads.every((payload) => payload.state === PayloadState.Executed);
+ if (payloadsExecuted) {
+ return ProposalLifecycleStep.Done;
+ } else {
+ return ProposalLifecycleStep.PayloadsExecuted;
+ }
+ }
+ if (proposal.proposalData.proposalData.state === ProposalV3State.Cancelled) {
+ return ProposalLifecycleStep.Cancelled;
+ }
+ if (proposal.proposalData.proposalData.state === ProposalV3State.Expired) {
+ return ProposalLifecycleStep.Expired;
+ }
+ return ProposalLifecycleStep.Done;
+const getOpenForVotingTimestamp = (
+ currentState: ProposalLifecycleStep,
+ proposal: EnhancedProposal,
+ votingConfig: VotingConfig
+) => {
+ const votingMachineStartTime = proposal.votingMachineData.proposalData.startTime;
+ if (currentState === ProposalLifecycleStep.Created || votingMachineStartTime === 0) {
+ const creationTime = proposal.proposalData.proposalData.creationTime;
+ const votingStartDelay = votingConfig.config.coolDownBeforeVotingStart;
+ return creationTime + Number(votingStartDelay);
+ }
+ return proposal.votingMachineData.proposalData.startTime;
+const getVotingClosedTimestamp = (
+ currentState: ProposalLifecycleStep,
+ proposal: EnhancedProposal,
+ votingConfig: VotingConfig
+) => {
+ const votingMachineEndTime = proposal.votingMachineData.proposalData.endTime;
+ if (currentState === ProposalLifecycleStep.Created || votingMachineEndTime === 0) {
+ const votingDuration = votingConfig.config.votingDuration;
+ return getOpenForVotingTimestamp(currentState, proposal, votingConfig) + Number(votingDuration);
+ }
+ return proposal.votingMachineData.proposalData.endTime;
+const getPayloadsExecutedTimestamp = (
+ currentState: ProposalLifecycleStep,
+ proposal: EnhancedProposal,
+ votingConfig: VotingConfig,
+ payloads: Payload[]
+) => {
+ const executedAt = payloads.map((p) => p.executedAt).sort((a, b) => b - a)[0];
+ if (currentState === ProposalLifecycleStep.Created || executedAt === 0) {
+ const executionDelay = payloads[0].delay;
+ return getVotingClosedTimestamp(currentState, proposal, votingConfig) + Number(executionDelay);
+ }
+ return executedAt;
+const formatTime = (timestamp: number) => {
+ return dayjs.unix(timestamp).format('MMM D, YYYY h:mm A');
+const ProposalStep = ({
+ stepName,
+ timestamp,
+ lastStep,
+ completed,
+ active,
+}: {
+ stepName: ReactNode;
+ timestamp: string;
+ lastStep?: boolean;
+ completed?: boolean;
+ active?: boolean;
+}) => {
+ const theme = useTheme();
+ return (
+ {!lastStep && (
+ )}
+ {stepName}
+ {timestamp}
+ );
diff --git a/src/modules/governance/proposal/ProposalOverview.tsx b/src/modules/governance/proposal/ProposalOverview.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e614d8a1fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/governance/proposal/ProposalOverview.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+import { DownloadIcon } from '@heroicons/react/solid';
+import { Trans } from '@lingui/macro';
+import { Twitter } from '@mui/icons-material';
+import {
+ Box,
+ Button,
+ Paper,
+ Skeleton,
+ styled,
+ SvgIcon,
+ Table,
+ TableBody,
+ TableCell,
+ TableContainer,
+ TableHead,
+ TableRow,
+ Typography,
+ useMediaQuery,
+ useTheme,
+} from '@mui/material';
+import ReactMarkdown from 'react-markdown';
+import remarkGfm from 'remark-gfm';
+import { LensIcon } from 'src/components/icons/LensIcon';
+import { Warning } from 'src/components/primitives/Warning';
+import { EnhancedProposal } from 'src/hooks/governance/useProposal';
+// import { FormattedProposalTime } from 'src/modules/governance/FormattedProposalTime';
+import { StateBadge } from 'src/modules/governance/StateBadge';
+// import { IpfsType } from 'src/static-build/ipfs';
+// import { CustomProposalType } from 'src/static-build/proposal';
+import { useRootStore } from 'src/store/root';
+import { governanceConfig } from 'src/ui-config/governanceConfig';
+import { GENERAL } from 'src/utils/mixPanelEvents';
+const CenterAlignedImage = styled('img')({
+ display: 'block',
+ margin: '0 auto',
+ maxWidth: '100%',
+const StyledLink = styled('a')({
+ color: 'inherit',
+interface ProposalOverviewProps {
+ error: boolean;
+ proposal?: EnhancedProposal;
+ loading: boolean;
+export const ProposalOverview = ({ proposal, loading, error }: ProposalOverviewProps) => {
+ const trackEvent = useRootStore((store) => store.trackEvent);
+ const { breakpoints, palette } = useTheme();
+ const lgUp = useMediaQuery(breakpoints.up('lg'));
+ return (
+ Proposal overview
+ {error ? (
+ An error has occurred fetching the proposal.
+ ) : (
+ {proposal ? (
+ <>
+ {proposal.proposal.title || }
+ {/*
+ !loading && (
+ )
+ */}
+ AIP: proposal.proposal.proposalId,
+ Link: 'Raw Ipfs',
+ })
+ }
+ href={`${governanceConfig.ipfsGateway}/${proposal.proposal.ipfsHash}`}
+ startIcon={
+ }
+ >
+ {lgUp && Raw-Ipfs }
+ AIP: proposal.proposal.proposalId,
+ Link: 'Share on twitter',
+ })
+ }
+ href={`https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=${encodeURIComponent(
+ proposal.proposal.title
+ )}&url=${window.location.href}`}
+ startIcon={ }
+ >
+ {lgUp && Share on twitter }
+ AIP: proposal.proposal.proposalId,
+ Link: 'Share on lens',
+ })
+ }
+ href={`https://hey.xyz/?url=${window.location.href}&text=Check out this proposal on aave governance 👻👻 - ${proposal.proposal.title}&hashtags=Aave&preview=true`}
+ startIcon={
+ }
+ >
+ {lgUp && Share on Lens }
+ >
+ ) : (
+ )}
+ {proposal ? (
+ );
+ },
+ tr({ node, ...props }) {
+ return (
+ );
+ },
+ td({ children, style }) {
+ return {children} ;
+ },
+ th({ children, style }) {
+ return {children} ;
+ },
+ tbody({ children }) {
+ return {children} ;
+ },
+ thead({ node, ...props }) {
+ return ;
+ },
+ img({ src: _src, alt }) {
+ if (!_src) return null;
+ const src = /^\.\.\//.test(_src)
+ ? _src.replace(
+ '../',
+ 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aave/aip/main/content/'
+ )
+ : _src;
+ return ;
+ },
+ a({ node, ...rest }) {
+ return ;
+ },
+ h2({ node, ...rest }) {
+ return ;
+ },
+ p({ node, ...rest }) {
+ return ;
+ },
+ }}
+ >
+ {proposal.proposal.description}
+ ) : (
+ <>
+ >
+ )}
+ )}
+ );
diff --git a/src/modules/governance/proposal/VoteInfo.tsx b/src/modules/governance/proposal/VoteInfo.tsx
index 3075338d83..515f0bcf56 100644
--- a/src/modules/governance/proposal/VoteInfo.tsx
+++ b/src/modules/governance/proposal/VoteInfo.tsx
@@ -1,35 +1,47 @@
-import { ProposalState } from '@aave/contract-helpers';
+import { VotingMachineProposalState } from '@aave/contract-helpers';
import { Trans } from '@lingui/macro';
-import { Button, Typography } from '@mui/material';
+import { Button, Paper, Typography } from '@mui/material';
+import { constants } from 'ethers';
+import { formatUnits } from 'ethers/lib/utils';
import { FormattedNumber } from 'src/components/primitives/FormattedNumber';
import { Row } from 'src/components/primitives/Row';
import { Warning } from 'src/components/primitives/Warning';
import { ConnectWalletButton } from 'src/components/WalletConnection/ConnectWalletButton';
-import { useVoteOnProposal } from 'src/hooks/governance/useVoteOnProposal';
+import { EnhancedProposal } from 'src/hooks/governance/useProposal';
import { useVotingPowerAt } from 'src/hooks/governance/useVotingPowerAt';
import { useModalContext } from 'src/hooks/useModal';
-import { CustomProposalType } from 'src/static-build/proposal';
import { useRootStore } from 'src/store/root';
-export function VoteInfo({ id, state, strategy, startBlock }: CustomProposalType) {
+interface VoteInfoProps {
+ proposal: EnhancedProposal;
+export function VoteInfo({ proposal }: VoteInfoProps) {
const { openGovVote } = useModalContext();
const user = useRootStore((state) => state.account);
- const currentMarketData = useRootStore((store) => store.currentMarketData);
+ const voteOnProposal = proposal.votingMachineData.votedInfo;
- const { data: voteOnProposal } = useVoteOnProposal(currentMarketData, id);
- const { data: powerAtProposalStart } = useVotingPowerAt(currentMarketData, strategy, startBlock);
+ const blockHash =
+ proposal.proposalData.proposalData.snapshotBlockHash === constants.HashZero
+ ? 'latest'
+ : proposal.proposalData.proposalData.snapshotBlockHash;
- const voteOngoing = state === ProposalState.Active;
+ const { data: powerAtProposalStart } = useVotingPowerAt(
+ blockHash,
+ proposal.votingMachineData.votingAssets
+ );
+ const voteOngoing = proposal.votingMachineData.state === VotingMachineProposalState.Active;
- // Messages
const didVote = powerAtProposalStart && voteOnProposal?.votingPower !== '0';
const showAlreadyVotedMsg = !!user && voteOnProposal && didVote;
const showCannotVoteMsg = !!user && voteOngoing && Number(powerAtProposalStart) === 0;
const showCanVoteMsg =
powerAtProposalStart && !didVote && !!user && voteOngoing && Number(powerAtProposalStart) !== 0;
return (
- <>
Your voting info
@@ -69,7 +81,7 @@ export function VoteInfo({ id, state, strategy, startBlock }: CustomProposalType
With a voting power of{' '}
@@ -88,7 +100,7 @@ export function VoteInfo({ id, state, strategy, startBlock }: CustomProposalType
- onClick={() => openGovVote(id, true, powerAtProposalStart)}
+ onClick={() => openGovVote(proposal, true, powerAtProposalStart)}
Vote YAE
@@ -96,7 +108,7 @@ export function VoteInfo({ id, state, strategy, startBlock }: CustomProposalType
- onClick={() => openGovVote(id, false, powerAtProposalStart)}
+ onClick={() => openGovVote(proposal, false, powerAtProposalStart)}
sx={{ mt: 2 }}
Vote NAY
@@ -107,6 +119,6 @@ export function VoteInfo({ id, state, strategy, startBlock }: CustomProposalType
) : (
- >
diff --git a/src/modules/governance/proposal/VotersList.tsx b/src/modules/governance/proposal/VotersList.tsx
index 1d274c3c18..0c3c14cc80 100644
--- a/src/modules/governance/proposal/VotersList.tsx
+++ b/src/modules/governance/proposal/VotersList.tsx
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
import { Box, Theme } from '@mui/material';
import { SxProps } from '@mui/system';
import { Fragment } from 'react';
+import { ProposalVote } from 'src/hooks/governance/useProposalVotes';
-import { GovernanceVoter } from './VotersListContainer';
import { VotersListItem } from './VotersListItem';
type VotersListProps = {
compact?: boolean;
- voters: GovernanceVoter[];
+ voters: ProposalVote[];
sx?: SxProps;
@@ -17,11 +17,13 @@ export const VotersList = ({ compact = false, voters, sx }: VotersListProps): JS
{voters.length === 0 ? (
) : (
- voters.map((voter) => (
- ))
+ voters
+ .sort((a, b) => Number(b.votingPower) - Number(a.votingPower))
+ .map((voter) => (
+ ))
diff --git a/src/modules/governance/proposal/VotersListContainer.tsx b/src/modules/governance/proposal/VotersListContainer.tsx
index db7564876f..2f396fcbfa 100644
--- a/src/modules/governance/proposal/VotersListContainer.tsx
+++ b/src/modules/governance/proposal/VotersListContainer.tsx
@@ -1,89 +1,46 @@
import { Trans } from '@lingui/macro';
import { Box, Button, CircularProgress, Typography, useMediaQuery, useTheme } from '@mui/material';
-import fetch from 'isomorphic-unfetch';
-import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
+import { useState } from 'react';
import { Row } from 'src/components/primitives/Row';
-import { CustomProposalType } from 'src/static-build/proposal';
+import { ProposalVotes } from 'src/hooks/governance/useProposalVotes';
import { useRootStore } from 'src/store/root';
import { AIP } from 'src/utils/mixPanelEvents';
-import { formatProposal } from '../utils/formatProposal';
+import { FormattedProposalV3 } from '../utils/formatProposal';
import { VotersList } from './VotersList';
import { VotersListModal } from './VotersListModal';
type VotersListProps = {
- proposal: CustomProposalType;
+ proposal: FormattedProposalV3;
+ proposalVotes: ProposalVotes;
export type GovernanceVoter = {
- address: string; //"0x8298a996a00835eedcc75763038b731fe617fd0d"
- ensName: string | null; //null
+ address: string;
+ ensName: string | null;
votingPower: number;
twitterAvatar: string | null;
support: boolean;
-type GovernanceProposalTopVotersResponse = [GovernanceVoter[], GovernanceVoter[]];
export type VotersData = {
yaes: GovernanceVoter[];
nays: GovernanceVoter[];
combined: GovernanceVoter[];
-const sortByVotingPower = (a: GovernanceVoter, b: GovernanceVoter) => {
- return a.votingPower < b.votingPower ? 1 : a.votingPower > b.votingPower ? -1 : 0;
-export const VotersListContainer = (props: VotersListProps): JSX.Element => {
- const { proposal } = props;
- const { id: proposalId, forVotes, againstVotes } = proposal;
- const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
- const [error, setError] = useState(false);
- const [voters, setVoters] = useState();
+export const VotersListContainer = ({ proposal, proposalVotes }: VotersListProps): JSX.Element => {
const [votersModalOpen, setVotersModalOpen] = useState(false);
const { breakpoints } = useTheme();
const mdScreen = useMediaQuery(breakpoints.only('md'));
- const votersUrl = `${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_BASEURL}/data/proposal-votes`;
- const queryParams = `?proposal=${proposalId}`;
const trackEvent = useRootStore((store) => store.trackEvent);
- const getVoterInfo = async () => {
- if (error) setError(false);
- try {
- // Get proposal voters data
- const resp = await fetch(votersUrl + queryParams);
- if (resp.ok) {
- const [yaes, nays]: GovernanceProposalTopVotersResponse = await resp.json();
- const votersData: VotersData = {
- yaes: yaes.sort(sortByVotingPower),
- nays: nays.sort(sortByVotingPower),
- combined: yaes.concat(nays).sort(sortByVotingPower),
- };
- setVoters(votersData);
- } else {
- setError(true);
- }
- } catch (e: unknown) {
- console.error(e);
- setError(true);
- }
- setLoading(false);
- };
- useEffect(() => {
- getVoterInfo();
- }, [forVotes, againstVotes]); /* eslint-disable-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps */
const handleOpenAllVotes = () => {
- if (loading)
+ if (false)
return (
@@ -97,7 +54,7 @@ export const VotersListContainer = (props: VotersListProps): JSX.Element => {
- if (error)
+ if (false)
return (
@@ -113,13 +70,17 @@ export const VotersListContainer = (props: VotersListProps): JSX.Element => {
- if (!voters || voters.combined.length === 0) return ;
+ if (!proposalVotes || proposalVotes.combinedVotes.length === 0) return ;
return (
- {voters.combined.length > 10 ? Top 10 addresses : Addresses }
+ {proposalVotes.combinedVotes.length > 10 ? (
+ Top 10 addresses
+ ) : (
+ Addresses
+ )}
@@ -127,10 +88,10 @@ export const VotersListContainer = (props: VotersListProps): JSX.Element => {
- {voters.combined.length > 10 && (
+ {proposalVotes.combinedVotes.length > 10 && (
View all votes
@@ -139,8 +100,8 @@ export const VotersListContainer = (props: VotersListProps): JSX.Element => {
- proposal={formatProposal(proposal)}
- voters={voters}
+ proposal={proposal}
+ voters={proposalVotes}
diff --git a/src/modules/governance/proposal/VotersListItem.tsx b/src/modules/governance/proposal/VotersListItem.tsx
index 10eb994557..d2f8a9cb33 100644
--- a/src/modules/governance/proposal/VotersListItem.tsx
+++ b/src/modules/governance/proposal/VotersListItem.tsx
@@ -3,19 +3,21 @@ import { Avatar, Box, SvgIcon, Typography } from '@mui/material';
import { blo } from 'blo';
import { FormattedNumber } from 'src/components/primitives/FormattedNumber';
import { Link } from 'src/components/primitives/Link';
+import { ProposalVote } from 'src/hooks/governance/useProposalVotes';
import { useRootStore } from 'src/store/root';
import { GENERAL } from 'src/utils/mixPanelEvents';
import { textCenterEllipsis } from '../../../helpers/text-center-ellipsis';
-import type { GovernanceVoter } from './VotersListContainer';
+// import type { GovernanceVoter } from './VotersListContainer';
type VotersListItemProps = {
compact: boolean;
- voter: GovernanceVoter;
+ voter: ProposalVote;
export const VotersListItem = ({ compact, voter }: VotersListItemProps): JSX.Element | null => {
- const { address, ensName, votingPower: proposalVotingPower, twitterAvatar } = voter;
+ // const { address, ensName, votingPower: proposalVotingPower, twitterAvatar } = voter;
+ const { voter: address } = voter;
const blockieAvatar = blo(address !== '' ? (address as `0x${string}`) : '0x');
const trackEvent = useRootStore((store) => store.trackEvent);
@@ -39,13 +41,13 @@ export const VotersListItem = ({ compact, voter }: VotersListItemProps): JSX.Ele
return name.length < 16 ? name : textCenterEllipsis(name, 12, 3);
- // Voting power - convert the bignumber for displaying. Adjust decimals based off of large and small values.
+ // Voting power - Adjust decimals based off of large and small values.
// Decimals increase in precision as values become lower:
// Four for 0
@@ -76,7 +78,7 @@ export const VotersListItem = ({ compact, voter }: VotersListItemProps): JSX.Ele
sx={{ display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center' }}
- {displayName(ensName ?? address)}
+ {displayName(address)}
diff --git a/src/modules/governance/proposal/VotersListModal.tsx b/src/modules/governance/proposal/VotersListModal.tsx
index 7f83aed55d..2f7054e7f9 100644
--- a/src/modules/governance/proposal/VotersListModal.tsx
+++ b/src/modules/governance/proposal/VotersListModal.tsx
@@ -4,18 +4,18 @@ import { useState } from 'react';
import { Row } from 'src/components/primitives/Row';
import StyledToggleButton from 'src/components/StyledToggleButton';
import StyledToggleButtonGroup from 'src/components/StyledToggleButtonGroup';
+import { ProposalVotes } from 'src/hooks/governance/useProposalVotes';
import { BasicModal } from '../../../components/primitives/BasicModal';
-import { FormattedProposal } from '../utils/formatProposal';
+import { FormattedProposalV3 } from '../utils/formatProposal';
import { VoteBar } from '../VoteBar';
import { VotersList } from './VotersList';
-import { VotersData } from './VotersListContainer';
type VotersListModalProps = {
open: boolean;
close: () => void;
- proposal: FormattedProposal;
- voters: VotersData;
+ proposal: FormattedProposalV3;
+ voters: ProposalVotes;
export const VotersListModal = ({
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ export const VotersListModal = ({
- Addresses ({voters.yaes.length})
+ Addresses ({voters.yaeVotes.length})
- Addresses ({voters.nays.length})
+ Addresses ({voters.nayVotes.length})
+ return (
+ Voting results
+ {proposal ? (
+ <>
+ {proposalVotes && (
+ )}
+ State} sx={{ height: 48 }} captionVariant="description">
+ {/*
+ */}
+ Quorum} sx={{ height: 48 }} captionVariant="description">
+ Reached : Not reached }
+ checked={proposal.quorumReached}
+ sx={{ height: 48 }}
+ variant="description"
+ />
+ Current votes
+ Required
+ >
+ }
+ sx={{ height: 48 }}
+ captionVariant="description"
+ >
+ Differential}
+ sx={{ height: 48 }}
+ captionVariant="description"
+ >
+ Reached : Not reached
+ }
+ checked={proposal.differentialReached}
+ sx={{ height: 48 }}
+ variant="description"
+ />
+ Current differential
+ Required
+ >
+ }
+ sx={{ height: 48 }}
+ captionVariant="description"
+ >
+ {/*
+ Total voting power}
+ sx={{ height: 48 }}
+ captionVariant="description"
+ >
+ >
+ ) : (
+ <>
+ >
+ )}
+ );
diff --git a/src/modules/governance/utils/formatProposal.ts b/src/modules/governance/utils/formatProposal.ts
index fdca5bba67..f196456c8d 100644
--- a/src/modules/governance/utils/formatProposal.ts
+++ b/src/modules/governance/utils/formatProposal.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,22 @@
-import { ChainId, Proposal, ProposalState } from '@aave/contract-helpers';
-import { normalizeBN } from '@aave/math-utils';
+import {
+ AccessLevel,
+ ChainId,
+ Constants,
+ Proposal,
+ ProposalData,
+ ProposalState,
+ ProposalV3State,
+ VotingMachineProposal,
+} from '@aave/contract-helpers';
+import { normalizeBN, valueToBigNumber } from '@aave/math-utils';
import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
+import { SubgraphProposal } from 'src/hooks/governance/useProposals';
import { getProvider } from 'src/utils/marketsAndNetworksConfig';
+import { isDifferentialReached, isQuorumReached } from '../helpers';
+export const ZERO_ADDRESS = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
export type FormattedProposal = {
id?: string;
totalVotes: number;
@@ -98,3 +112,113 @@ export async function enhanceProposalWithTimes(proposal: Omit {
+ const quorum = constants.votingConfigs[proposalData.proposalData.accessLevel].config.quorum;
+ const quorumReached = isQuorumReached(
+ votingMachineData.proposalData.forVotes,
+ quorum,
+ constants.precisionDivider
+ );
+ const forVotesBN = valueToBigNumber(votingMachineData.proposalData.forVotes);
+ const againstVotesBN = valueToBigNumber(votingMachineData.proposalData.againstVotes);
+ const currentDifferential = normalizeBN(forVotesBN.minus(againstVotesBN), 18).toString();
+ const requiredDifferential =
+ constants.votingConfigs[proposalData.proposalData.accessLevel].config.differential;
+ const differentialReached = isDifferentialReached(
+ votingMachineData.proposalData.forVotes,
+ votingMachineData.proposalData.againstVotes,
+ requiredDifferential,
+ constants.precisionDivider
+ );
+ const allVotes = new BigNumber(votingMachineData.proposalData.forVotes).plus(
+ votingMachineData.proposalData.againstVotes
+ );
+ const forPercent = allVotes.gt(0)
+ ? new BigNumber(votingMachineData.proposalData.forVotes).dividedBy(allVotes).toNumber()
+ : 0;
+ const forVotes = normalizeBN(votingMachineData.proposalData.forVotes, 18).toNumber();
+ const againstPercent = allVotes.gt(0)
+ ? new BigNumber(votingMachineData.proposalData.againstVotes).dividedBy(allVotes).toNumber()
+ : 0;
+ const againstVotes = normalizeBN(votingMachineData.proposalData.againstVotes, 18).toNumber();
+ // getProposalState(proposalData.proposalData, votingMachineData);
+ return {
+ id: proposalData.id,
+ title: proposal.title,
+ shortDescription: proposal.shortDescription,
+ proposalState: proposalData.proposalData.state,
+ forVotes,
+ againstVotes,
+ forPercent,
+ againstPercent,
+ quorum,
+ quorumReached,
+ currentDifferential,
+ requiredDifferential,
+ differentialReached,
+ accessLevel: proposalData.proposalData.accessLevel,
+ votingChainId: proposalData.votingChainId,
+ };
+export enum ProposalUIState {
+// const getProposalState = (proposal: ProposalV3, votingMachineData: VotingMachineProposal) => {
+// if (proposal.state === ProposalV3State.Created) {
+// // voting start on ...
+// }
+// if (proposal.state === ProposalV3State.Active) {
+// // voting ends on ...
+// }
+// if (proposal.state === ProposalV3State.Queued) {
+// // can be executed on ...
+// }
+// if (proposal.state === ProposalV3State.Executed) {
+// // executed on ...
+// }
+// if (proposal.state === ProposalV3State.Cancelled) {
+// // canceled on ...
+// }
+// if (proposal.state === ProposalV3State.Failed) {
+// // failed on ...
+// }
+// if (proposal.state === ProposalV3State.Expired) {
+// // expired on ...
+// }
+// };
diff --git a/src/modules/governance/utils/governanceProvider.tsx b/src/modules/governance/utils/governanceProvider.tsx
index 01cea568b8..b2cea744ef 100644
--- a/src/modules/governance/utils/governanceProvider.tsx
+++ b/src/modules/governance/utils/governanceProvider.tsx
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
import { AaveGovernanceService } from '@aave/contract-helpers';
-import { governanceConfig } from '../../../ui-config/governanceConfig';
+import { governanceConfig, governanceV3Config } from '../../../ui-config/governanceConfig';
import { getProvider } from '../../../utils/marketsAndNetworksConfig';
-export const governanceContract = new AaveGovernanceService(getProvider(governanceConfig.chainId), {
- GOVERNANCE_ADDRESS: governanceConfig.addresses.AAVE_GOVERNANCE_V2,
+export const governanceContract = new AaveGovernanceService(
+ getProvider(governanceV3Config.coreChainId),
+ {
+ GOVERNANCE_ADDRESS: governanceConfig.addresses.AAVE_GOVERNANCE_V2,
+ }
diff --git a/src/services/GovernanceService.ts b/src/services/GovernanceService.ts
index e292bdaf5b..db8ae7ff4b 100644
--- a/src/services/GovernanceService.ts
+++ b/src/services/GovernanceService.ts
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-import { AaveGovernanceService, Power, tEthereumAddress } from '@aave/contract-helpers';
+import { AaveGovernanceService, ChainId, Power, tEthereumAddress } from '@aave/contract-helpers';
import { normalize, valueToBigNumber } from '@aave/math-utils';
import { Provider } from '@ethersproject/providers';
-import { governanceConfig } from 'src/ui-config/governanceConfig';
-import { MarketDataType } from 'src/ui-config/marketsConfig';
+import { ZERO_ADDRESS } from 'src/modules/governance/utils/formatProposal';
+import { governanceConfig, governanceV3Config } from 'src/ui-config/governanceConfig';
+// import { MarketDataType } from 'src/ui-config/marketsConfig';
-interface Powers {
+export interface Powers {
votingPower: string;
aaveTokenPower: Power;
stkAaveTokenPower: Power;
@@ -13,21 +14,24 @@ interface Powers {
aavePropositionDelegatee: string;
stkAaveVotingDelegatee: string;
stkAavePropositionDelegatee: string;
+ aAaveVotingDelegatee: string;
+ aAavePropositionDelegatee: string;
-interface VoteOnProposalData {
- votingPower: string;
- support: boolean;
+// interface VoteOnProposalData {
+// votingPower: string;
+// support: boolean;
+// }
const checkIfDelegateeIsUser = (delegatee: tEthereumAddress, userAddress: tEthereumAddress) =>
- delegatee.toLocaleLowerCase() === userAddress.toLocaleLowerCase() ? '' : delegatee;
+ delegatee == ZERO_ADDRESS || delegatee.toLocaleLowerCase() === userAddress.toLocaleLowerCase()
+ ? ''
+ : delegatee;
export class GovernanceService {
constructor(private readonly getProvider: (chainId: number) => Provider) {}
- private getAaveGovernanceService(marketData: MarketDataType) {
- const provider = this.getProvider(marketData.chainId);
+ private getAaveGovernanceService(chainId: ChainId) {
+ const provider = this.getProvider(chainId);
return new AaveGovernanceService(provider, {
GOVERNANCE_ADDRESS: governanceConfig.addresses.AAVE_GOVERNANCE_V2,
@@ -35,56 +39,75 @@ export class GovernanceService {
- async getVotingPowerAt(
- marketData: MarketDataType,
- user: string,
- strategy: string,
- block: number
- ) {
- const aaveGovernanceService = this.getAaveGovernanceService(marketData);
- return aaveGovernanceService.getVotingPowerAt({
- user,
- strategy,
- block,
- });
- }
- async getVoteOnProposal(
- marketData: MarketDataType,
- user: string,
- proposalId: number
- ): Promise {
- const aaveGovernanceService = this.getAaveGovernanceService(marketData);
- const { votingPower, support } = await aaveGovernanceService.getVoteOnProposal({
- user,
- proposalId,
- });
- return {
- votingPower: normalize(votingPower.toString(), 18),
- support,
- };
- }
- async getPowers(marketData: MarketDataType, user: string): Promise {
- const { aaveTokenAddress, stkAaveTokenAddress } = governanceConfig;
- const aaveGovernanceService = this.getAaveGovernanceService(marketData);
- const [aaveTokenPower, stkAaveTokenPower] = await aaveGovernanceService.getTokensPower({
- user: user,
- tokens: [aaveTokenAddress, stkAaveTokenAddress],
- });
+ // async getVotingPowerAt(
+ // marketData: MarketDataType,
+ // user: string,
+ // strategy: string,
+ // block: number
+ // ) {
+ // const aaveGovernanceService = this.getAaveGovernanceService(marketData);
+ // return aaveGovernanceService.getVotingPowerAt({
+ // user,
+ // strategy,
+ // block,
+ // });
+ // }
+ // async getVoteOnProposal(
+ // marketData: MarketDataType,
+ // user: string,
+ // proposalId: number
+ // ): Promise {
+ // const aaveGovernanceService = this.getAaveGovernanceService(marketData);
+ // const { votingPower, support } = await aaveGovernanceService.getVoteOnProposal({
+ // user,
+ // proposalId,
+ // });
+ // return {
+ // votingPower: normalize(votingPower.toString(), 18),
+ // support,
+ // };
+ // }
+ async getPowers(govChainId: ChainId, user: string): Promise {
+ const { aaveTokenAddress, stkAaveTokenAddress, aAaveTokenAddress } =
+ governanceV3Config.votingAssets;
+ const aaveGovernanceService = this.getAaveGovernanceService(govChainId);
+ const [aaveTokenPower, stkAaveTokenPower, aAaveTokenPower] =
+ await aaveGovernanceService.getTokensPower({
+ user: user,
+ tokens: [aaveTokenAddress, stkAaveTokenAddress, aAaveTokenAddress],
+ });
+ // todo setup powers for aAaveToken
const powers = {
votingPower: normalize(
+ .plus(aAaveTokenPower.votingPower.toString())
+ aAaveTokenPower,
propositionPower: normalize(
+ .plus(aAaveTokenPower.votingPower.toString())
+ aAaveVotingDelegatee: checkIfDelegateeIsUser(
+ aAaveTokenPower.delegatedAddressVotingPower,
+ user
+ ),
+ aAavePropositionDelegatee: checkIfDelegateeIsUser(
+ aAaveTokenPower.delegatedAddressPropositionPower,
+ user
+ ),
aaveVotingDelegatee: checkIfDelegateeIsUser(aaveTokenPower.delegatedAddressVotingPower, user),
aavePropositionDelegatee: checkIfDelegateeIsUser(
@@ -99,6 +122,7 @@ export class GovernanceService {
+ console.log('powers', powers);
return powers;
diff --git a/src/services/GovernanceV3Service.ts b/src/services/GovernanceV3Service.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54fd7ea611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/services/GovernanceV3Service.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+import {
+ AaveTokenV3Service,
+ AccessLevel,
+ ChainId,
+ GovernanceCoreService,
+ GovernanceDataHelperService,
+ GovernancePowerType,
+ PayloadsDataHelperService,
+} from '@aave/contract-helpers';
+import { BigNumber } from 'ethers';
+import { formatUnits } from 'ethers/lib/utils';
+import { governanceV3Config } from 'src/ui-config/governanceConfig';
+import { getProvider } from 'src/utils/marketsAndNetworksConfig';
+export class GovernanceV3Service {
+ private getDataHelperService() {
+ const provider = getProvider(governanceV3Config.coreChainId);
+ return new GovernanceDataHelperService(
+ governanceV3Config.addresses.GOVERNANCE_DATA_HELPER,
+ provider
+ );
+ }
+ private getCoreService() {
+ const provider = getProvider(governanceV3Config.coreChainId);
+ return new GovernanceCoreService(governanceV3Config.addresses.GOVERNANCE_CORE, provider);
+ }
+ private getPayloadDataHelperService(chainId: ChainId) {
+ const provider = getProvider(governanceV3Config.coreChainId);
+ return new PayloadsDataHelperService(
+ governanceV3Config.payloadsControllerDataHelpers[chainId],
+ provider
+ );
+ }
+ async getProposalsData(from = 0, to = 0, limit = 10) {
+ const dataHelperService = this.getDataHelperService();
+ const proposals = await dataHelperService.getProposalsData(
+ governanceV3Config.addresses.GOVERNANCE_CORE,
+ from,
+ to,
+ limit
+ );
+ return proposals;
+ }
+ async getVotingConfig() {
+ const dataHelperService = this.getDataHelperService();
+ const votingConfig = await dataHelperService.getConstants(
+ governanceV3Config.addresses.GOVERNANCE_CORE,
+ [AccessLevel.Short_Executor, AccessLevel.Long_Executor]
+ );
+ return votingConfig;
+ }
+ async getProposalCount() {
+ const coreService = this.getCoreService();
+ return coreService.getProposalCount();
+ }
+ async getRepresentationData(user: string) {
+ const dataHelperService = this.getDataHelperService();
+ const representationData = await dataHelperService.getRepresentationData(
+ governanceV3Config.addresses.GOVERNANCE_CORE,
+ user,
+ [...governanceV3Config.votingChainIds]
+ );
+ return representationData;
+ }
+ updateRepresentativesForChain(
+ user: string,
+ representatives: Array<{ chainId: ChainId; representative: string }>
+ ) {
+ const coreService = this.getCoreService();
+ return coreService.updateRepresentativesForChain(user, representatives);
+ }
+ async getVotingPowerAt(blockHash: string, user: string, votingAssets: string[]) {
+ const provider = getProvider(governanceV3Config.coreChainId);
+ const block = await provider.getBlock(blockHash);
+ const tokenServices = votingAssets.map((token) => {
+ return {
+ asset: token,
+ service: new AaveTokenV3Service(token, provider),
+ };
+ });
+ const result = await Promise.all(
+ tokenServices.map(
+ async (s) => (await s.service.getPowerAt(block.number, user, GovernancePowerType.VOTING))[0]
+ )
+ );
+ console.log(result);
+ const totalPower = result.reduce((acum, elem) => acum.add(elem), BigNumber.from(0));
+ return formatUnits(totalPower, 18);
+ }
+ async getPayloadsData(payloadsControllerAddress: string, payloadIds: number[], chainId: ChainId) {
+ const dataHelperService = this.getPayloadDataHelperService(chainId);
+ const payloadsData = await dataHelperService.getPayloadsData(
+ payloadsControllerAddress,
+ payloadIds
+ );
+ return payloadsData;
+ }
diff --git a/src/services/VotingMachineService.ts b/src/services/VotingMachineService.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..24c3acc276
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/services/VotingMachineService.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+import {
+ ChainId,
+ VotingMachineDataHelperService,
+ VotingMachineProposal,
+} from '@aave/contract-helpers';
+import { ZERO_ADDRESS } from 'src/modules/governance/utils/formatProposal';
+import { governanceV3Config } from 'src/ui-config/governanceConfig';
+import { getProvider } from 'src/utils/marketsAndNetworksConfig';
+type VotingChainProposal = {
+ [chainId: number]: {
+ [votingPortalAddress: string]: Array<{
+ id: number;
+ snapshotBlockHash: string;
+ }>;
+ };
+export class VotingMachineService {
+ private getDataHelperService(chainId: ChainId) {
+ const provider = getProvider(chainId);
+ governanceV3Config.votingChainConfig;
+ return new VotingMachineDataHelperService(
+ governanceV3Config.votingChainConfig[chainId].votingPortalDataHelperAddress,
+ provider
+ );
+ }
+ async getProposalsData(
+ proposals: Array<{
+ id: number;
+ snapshotBlockHash: string;
+ chainId: number;
+ votingPortalAddress: string;
+ }>,
+ user?: string
+ ) {
+ const proposalsByVotingChainId: VotingChainProposal = proposals.reduce((acc, proposal) => {
+ const chainId = proposal.chainId;
+ const votingPortalAddress = proposal.votingPortalAddress;
+ if (!acc[chainId]) {
+ acc[chainId] = {};
+ }
+ if (!acc[chainId][votingPortalAddress]) {
+ acc[chainId][votingPortalAddress] = [];
+ }
+ acc[chainId][votingPortalAddress].push({
+ id: proposal.id,
+ snapshotBlockHash: proposal.snapshotBlockHash,
+ });
+ return acc;
+ }, {} as VotingChainProposal);
+ console.log('props by chain id', proposalsByVotingChainId);
+ const promises: Promise[] = [];
+ Object.entries(proposalsByVotingChainId).forEach(([chainId, proposals]) => {
+ const chainIdKey = +chainId;
+ const dataHelperService = this.getDataHelperService(chainIdKey);
+ Object.entries(proposals).forEach(([votingPortalAddress, proposals]) => {
+ promises.push(
+ dataHelperService.getProposalsData(
+ governanceV3Config.votingChainConfig[chainIdKey].portalToMachineMap[
+ votingPortalAddress
+ ],
+ proposals,
+ user || ZERO_ADDRESS
+ )
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ const data = await Promise.all(promises);
+ const merged = data.reduce((acc, proposals) => {
+ return [...acc, ...proposals];
+ }, [] as VotingMachineProposal[]);
+ return merged.sort((a, b) => +b.proposalData.id - +a.proposalData.id);
+ }
diff --git a/src/services/WalletBalanceService.ts b/src/services/WalletBalanceService.ts
index 3e84f364f8..40c8cc3c79 100644
--- a/src/services/WalletBalanceService.ts
+++ b/src/services/WalletBalanceService.ts
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-import { WalletBalanceProvider } from '@aave/contract-helpers';
+import { ChainId, WalletBalanceProvider } from '@aave/contract-helpers';
import { normalize } from '@aave/math-utils';
import { Provider } from '@ethersproject/providers';
-import { governanceConfig } from 'src/ui-config/governanceConfig';
+import { governanceV3Config } from 'src/ui-config/governanceConfig';
import { MarketDataType } from 'src/ui-config/marketsConfig';
-interface GovernanceTokensBalance {
+export interface GovernanceTokensBalance {
aave: string;
stkAave: string;
aAave: string;
@@ -18,25 +18,29 @@ export type UserPoolTokensBalances = {
export class WalletBalanceService {
constructor(private readonly getProvider: (chainId: number) => Provider) {}
- private getWalletBalanceService(marketData: MarketDataType) {
- const provider = this.getProvider(marketData.chainId);
+ private getWalletBalanceService(chainId: ChainId, walletBalanceProviderAddress: string) {
+ const provider = this.getProvider(chainId);
return new WalletBalanceProvider({
- walletBalanceProviderAddress: marketData.addresses.WALLET_BALANCE_PROVIDER,
+ walletBalanceProviderAddress,
async getGovernanceTokensBalance(
- marketData: MarketDataType,
+ chainId: ChainId,
+ walletBalanceProviderAddress: string,
user: string
): Promise {
- const walletBalanceService = this.getWalletBalanceService(marketData);
+ const walletBalanceService = this.getWalletBalanceService(
+ chainId,
+ walletBalanceProviderAddress
+ );
const balances = await walletBalanceService.batchBalanceOf(
- governanceConfig.aaveTokenAddress,
- governanceConfig.aAaveTokenAddress,
- governanceConfig.stkAaveTokenAddress,
+ governanceV3Config.votingAssets.aaveTokenAddress,
+ governanceV3Config.votingAssets.aAaveTokenAddress,
+ governanceV3Config.votingAssets.stkAaveTokenAddress,
return {
@@ -50,7 +54,10 @@ export class WalletBalanceService {
marketData: MarketDataType,
user: string
): Promise {
- const walletBalanceService = this.getWalletBalanceService(marketData);
+ const walletBalanceService = this.getWalletBalanceService(
+ marketData.chainId,
+ marketData.addresses.WALLET_BALANCE_PROVIDER
+ );
const { 0: tokenAddresses, 1: balances } =
await walletBalanceService.getUserWalletBalancesForLendingPoolProvider(
diff --git a/src/static-build/vote.ts b/src/static-build/vote.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index e0033e8a68..0000000000
--- a/src/static-build/vote.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-import lodash from 'lodash';
-import { JSONFileSync, LowSync } from 'lowdb';
-import { join } from 'path';
-import { getVotes, VoteType } from '../modules/governance/utils/getVotes';
-import { governanceConfig } from '../ui-config/governanceConfig';
-import { getProvider } from '../utils/marketsAndNetworksConfig';
-class LowWithLodash extends LowSync {
- chain: lodash.ExpChain = lodash.chain(this).get('data');
-// Use JSON file for storage
-const file = join(process.cwd(), 'src/static-build', 'votes.json');
-const adapter = new JSONFileSync<{ votes: VoteType[]; finished: boolean }[]>(file);
-const db = new LowWithLodash(adapter);
-export class Vote {
- async get(proposalId: number) {
- const cache = db.data?.[proposalId];
- if (!cache) throw new Error(`could not resolve votes cache for ${proposalId}`);
- return cache;
- }
- async populate(proposalId: number, startBlock: number, endBlock: number) {
- // fallback to empty array
- db.data ||= [];
- const isCached = db.data[proposalId];
- if (isCached && isCached.finished) {
- return isCached;
- } else if (!isCached) {
- db.data[proposalId] = { votes: [], finished: false };
- }
- const provider = getProvider(governanceConfig.chainId);
- const currentBlock = await provider.getBlockNumber();
- const { votes } = await getVotes(startBlock, endBlock, currentBlock);
- votes
- .filter((v) => v.proposalId === proposalId)
- .forEach((vote) => {
- const cache = isCached?.votes.find(
- (cacheVote) => vote.transactionHash === cacheVote.transactionHash
- );
- if (!cache) {
- db.data?.[proposalId].votes.push(vote);
- }
- });
- if (endBlock < currentBlock) {
- db.data[proposalId].finished = true;
- }
- await db.write();
- return votes;
- }
diff --git a/src/static-build/votes.json b/src/static-build/votes.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fd09481f1..0000000000
--- a/src/static-build/votes.json
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- "timestamp": 1658943594,
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- "support": true,
- "votingPower": 1,
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- "timestamp": 1658967693,
- "blockNumber": 15227715
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- {
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- "votingPower": 6.347576138619157,
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- "timestamp": 1658971378,
- "blockNumber": 15227995
- },
- {
- "proposalId": 91,
- "voter": "0x070341aA5Ed571f0FB2c4a5641409B1A46b4961b",
- "support": true,
- "votingPower": 10046.358349213082,
- "transactionHash": "0x177b68399dae3c0a661802f765f482d68eaa12a3f7400f48befcb734b510fef5",
- "timestamp": 1658981034,
- "blockNumber": 15228729
- },
- {
- "proposalId": 91,
- "voter": "0x60dd456273Cbb018C2222621d4c2Dc5016E870d3",
- "support": true,
- "votingPower": 0.13047043946417894,
- "transactionHash": "0x92f2c005aecf87f1f9fde7781652ba2426002a4e2ce5cc5b7313989d9b53e949",
- "timestamp": 1658987661,
- "blockNumber": 15229220
- }
- ],
- "finished": false
- }
diff --git a/src/store/governanceSlice.ts b/src/store/governanceSlice.ts
index 971ccd712c..91430a1f32 100644
--- a/src/store/governanceSlice.ts
+++ b/src/store/governanceSlice.ts
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import {
} from '@aave/contract-helpers';
-import { governanceConfig } from 'src/ui-config/governanceConfig';
+import { governanceConfig, governanceV3Config } from 'src/ui-config/governanceConfig';
import { getProvider } from 'src/utils/marketsAndNetworksConfig';
import { StateCreator } from 'zustand';
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ export const createGovernanceSlice: StateCreator<
const currentNetworkConfig = get().currentNetworkConfig;
const isStakeFork =
currentNetworkConfig.isFork &&
- currentNetworkConfig.underlyingChainId === governanceConfig?.chainId;
- return isStakeFork ? get().jsonRpcProvider() : getProvider(governanceConfig.chainId);
+ currentNetworkConfig.underlyingChainId === governanceV3Config.coreChainId;
+ return isStakeFork ? get().jsonRpcProvider() : getProvider(governanceV3Config.coreChainId);
return {
delegateByType: (args) => {
diff --git a/src/ui-config/SharedDependenciesProvider.tsx b/src/ui-config/SharedDependenciesProvider.tsx
index 522d287984..ab6b9a418d 100644
--- a/src/ui-config/SharedDependenciesProvider.tsx
+++ b/src/ui-config/SharedDependenciesProvider.tsx
@@ -1,18 +1,22 @@
import { createContext, useContext } from 'react';
import { ApprovedAmountService } from 'src/services/ApprovedAmountService';
import { GovernanceService } from 'src/services/GovernanceService';
+import { GovernanceV3Service } from 'src/services/GovernanceV3Service';
import { UiIncentivesService } from 'src/services/UIIncentivesService';
import { UiPoolService } from 'src/services/UIPoolService';
import { UiStakeDataService } from 'src/services/UiStakeDataService';
+import { VotingMachineService } from 'src/services/VotingMachineService';
import { WalletBalanceService } from 'src/services/WalletBalanceService';
import { getNetworkConfig, getProvider } from 'src/utils/marketsAndNetworksConfig';
import invariant from 'tiny-invariant';
-import { governanceConfig } from './governanceConfig';
+import { governanceV3Config } from './governanceConfig';
import { stakeConfig } from './stakeConfig';
interface SharedDependenciesContext {
governanceService: GovernanceService;
+ governanceV3Service: GovernanceV3Service;
+ votingMachineSerivce: VotingMachineService;
governanceWalletBalanceService: WalletBalanceService;
poolTokensBalanceService: WalletBalanceService;
uiStakeDataService: UiStakeDataService;
@@ -27,8 +31,8 @@ export const SharedDependenciesProvider: React.FC = ({ children }) => {
const getGovernanceProvider = (chainId: number) => {
const networkConfig = getNetworkConfig(chainId);
const isGovernanceFork =
- networkConfig.isFork && networkConfig.underlyingChainId === governanceConfig.chainId;
- return isGovernanceFork ? getProvider(chainId) : getProvider(governanceConfig.chainId);
+ networkConfig.isFork && networkConfig.underlyingChainId === governanceV3Config.coreChainId;
+ return isGovernanceFork ? getProvider(chainId) : getProvider(governanceV3Config.coreChainId);
const getStakeProvider = (chainId: number) => {
const networkConfig = getNetworkConfig(chainId);
@@ -39,7 +43,8 @@ export const SharedDependenciesProvider: React.FC = ({ children }) => {
// services
const governanceService = new GovernanceService(getGovernanceProvider);
+ const governanceV3Service = new GovernanceV3Service();
+ const votingMachineSerivce = new VotingMachineService();
const governanceWalletBalanceService = new WalletBalanceService(getGovernanceProvider);
const poolTokensBalanceService = new WalletBalanceService(getProvider);
const uiStakeDataService = new UiStakeDataService(getStakeProvider);
@@ -52,6 +57,8 @@ export const SharedDependenciesProvider: React.FC = ({ children }) => {
- process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_ENABLE_GOVERNANCE === 'true' &&
- process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_ENV === 'prod' &&
+ // isVisible: () =>
+ // process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_ENABLE_GOVERNANCE === 'true' &&
+ // process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_ENV === 'prod' &&
link: ROUTES.faucet,
diff --git a/src/ui-config/networksConfig.ts b/src/ui-config/networksConfig.ts
index c13337ba89..a857f9addd 100644
--- a/src/ui-config/networksConfig.ts
+++ b/src/ui-config/networksConfig.ts
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ export type BaseNetworkConfig = Omit;
export const networkConfigs: Record = {
[ChainId.sepolia]: {
name: 'Ethereum Sepolia',
+ privateJsonRPCUrl: 'https://eth-sepolia.g.alchemy.com/v2/VAfNJrTN-TopQjFDwcdLeeDOLDiFQcBP',
publicJsonRPCUrl: [
diff --git a/src/ui-config/queries.ts b/src/ui-config/queries.ts
index 0864baef1c..ecc3ad1737 100644
--- a/src/ui-config/queries.ts
+++ b/src/ui-config/queries.ts
@@ -25,19 +25,18 @@ export const queryKeysFactory = {
- votingPowerAt: (
- user: string,
- strategy: string,
- blockNumber: number,
- marketData: MarketDataType
- ) => [
+ votingPowerAt: (user: string, blockHash: string, votingAssets: string[]) => [
- ...queryKeysFactory.market(marketData),
- strategy,
- blockNumber,
+ ...votingAssets,
+ blockHash,
+ governanceRepresentatives: (user: string) => [
+ ...queryKeysFactory.governance,
+ ...queryKeysFactory.user(user),
+ 'representatives',
+ ],
governanceTokens: (user: string, marketData: MarketDataType) => [
diff --git a/src/utils/marketsAndNetworksConfig.ts b/src/utils/marketsAndNetworksConfig.ts
index 1634a39e25..4e41eebb3c 100644
--- a/src/utils/marketsAndNetworksConfig.ts
+++ b/src/utils/marketsAndNetworksConfig.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { ChainId, ChainIdToNetwork } from '@aave/contract-helpers';
import { StaticJsonRpcProvider } from '@ethersproject/providers';
-import { providers as ethersProviders } from 'ethers';
+import { ProviderWithSend } from 'src/components/transactions/GovVote/temporary/VotingMachineService';
import {
@@ -159,14 +159,14 @@ export const isFeatureEnabled = {
switch: (data: MarketDataType) => data.enabledFeatures?.switch,
-const providers: { [network: string]: ethersProviders.Provider } = {};
+const providers: { [network: string]: ProviderWithSend } = {};
* Created a fallback rpc provider in which providers are prioritized from private to public and in case there are multiple public ones, from top to bottom.
* @param chainId
* @returns provider or fallbackprovider in case multiple rpcs are configured
-export const getProvider = (chainId: ChainId): ethersProviders.Provider => {
+export const getProvider = (chainId: ChainId): ProviderWithSend => {
if (!providers[chainId]) {
const config = getNetworkConfig(chainId);
const chainProviders: string[] = [];
diff --git a/src/utils/rotationProvider.ts b/src/utils/rotationProvider.ts
index d272eec4d7..b25def07df 100644
--- a/src/utils/rotationProvider.ts
+++ b/src/utils/rotationProvider.ts
@@ -125,6 +125,18 @@ export class RotationProvider extends BaseProvider {
return checkNetworks(networks);
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+ async send(method: string, params: Array): Promise {
+ const index = this.currentProviderIndex;
+ try {
+ return await this.providers[index].send(method, params);
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(e.message);
+ await this.rotateUrl(index);
+ return this.send(method, params);
+ }
+ }
// eslint-disable-next-line
async perform(method: string, params: any): Promise {
const index = this.currentProviderIndex;
diff --git a/yarn.lock b/yarn.lock
index 90d5b9d150..6c1288b7f7 100644
--- a/yarn.lock
+++ b/yarn.lock
@@ -2,23 +2,28 @@
# yarn lockfile v1
- version "1.21.1"
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