HEAD-Ex Logistics and Transportation
HEAD-Ex Logistics and Transportation
.. activecode:: ac_l52_1a_en
:language: python3
:python3_interpreter: brython
from browser import document, html
def save_data(event):
# Add your save data logic here
print(f"Destination: {destination.value}, Description: {description.value}, Speak to: {address.value}")
app = html.DIV()
app <= html.H2('HEAD-Ex Logistics and Transport')
app <= html.LABEL('Destination: ')
destination = html.INPUT()
app <= destination
app <= html.LABEL('Description: ')
description = html.INPUT()
app <= description
app <= html.LABEL('Speak to: ')
address = html.INPUT()
app <= address
button = html.BUTTON('Save')
button.bind('click', save_data)
app <= button
document <= app
HEAD-Ex Logistics and Transportation
HEAD-Ex Logistics and Transportation
HEAD-Ex Logistics and Transportation
HEAD-Ex Logistics and Transportation
HEAD-Ex Logistics and Transportation
HEAD-Ex Logistics and Transportation
HEAD-Ex Logistics and Transportation
Model is the stored data
Vision is the featured radio button
Control is the tkinter code that manages all this
.. activecode:: ac_l52_1b_en
:language: python3
:python3_interpreter: brython
from browser import document, html
def on_change(event):
print(f"Destination: {event.target.value}")
app = html.DIV()
app <= html.LABEL('Destination: ')
destinations = ['Cambridge, MA', 'Cambridge, UK', 'Seattle, WA']
for destination in destinations:
radio = html.INPUT(Type="radio", name="destination", value=destination)
radio.bind('change', on_change)
app <= radio
app <= html.LABEL(destination)
app <= html.BR()
document <= app
HEAD-Ex Logistics and Transportation
HEAD-Ex Logistics and Transportation
HEAD-Ex Logistics and Transportation
.. activecode:: ac_l52_1c_en
:language: python3
:python3_interpreter: brython
from browser import document, html, window
def save_data(event):
window.localStorage['Destination'] = destination.value
window.localStorage['Description'] = description.value
window.localStorage['Address'] = address.value
destination.value = ''
description.value = ''
address.value = ''
def read_destinations():
destinations = []
for key in window.localStorage:
return destinations
app = html.DIV()
app <= html.LABEL('Destination: ')
destination = html.INPUT()
app <= destination
app <= html.LABEL('Description: ')
description = html.INPUT()
app <= description
app <= html.LABEL('Address: ')
address = html.TEXTAREA()
app <= address
button = html.BUTTON('Save')
button.bind('click', save_data)
app <= button
document <= app
HEAD-Ex Logistics and Transportation
.. activecode:: ac_l52_1d_en
:language: python3
:python3_interpreter: brython
from browser import document, html, window, console
def save_data(event):
window.localStorage['Destination'] = destination.value
window.localStorage['Description'] = description.value
window.localStorage['Address'] = address.value
console.log(f"Saved data: Destination - {destination.value}, Description - {description.value}, Address - {address.value}")
destination.value = ''
description.value = ''
address.value = ''
app = html.DIV()
app <= html.H2('HEAD-Ex Logistics and Transport')
app <= html.LABEL('Destination: ')
destination = html.SELECT()
options = ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"] # Replace with your options
for option in options:
destination <= html.OPTION(option)
app <= destination
app <= html.LABEL('Description: ')
description = html.INPUT()
app <= description
app <= html.LABEL('Speak to: ')
address = html.INPUT()
app <= address
button = html.BUTTON('Save')
button.bind('click', save_data)
app <= button
document <= app
HEAD-Ex Logistics and Transportation
MVC - Model, View, Control
.. disqus::
:shortname: pyzombis
:identifier: lecture19