Sharespots is a simple Django app that displays a curated list of cafes/co-working spaces to meetup and work in London.
- Backend: Python & Django
- Front-end: SASS/HTML5/JavaScript
- Hosting: Heroku
- Storage: AWS S3
- Terminal: iTerm2 (MacOSX), Terminator (Linux) or use your preferred one.
- Text Editor: Sublime Text or your preferred one.
- Docker Desktop
Open iTerm2 (or your preferred terminal.)
Clone the repo:
git clone [email protected]:PolyglotDevsLondon/sharespots.git
Change directory into the sharespots directory:
cd sharespots
Download and install Docker Desktop if you haven't already.
Build the docker container (included is django, postgres, pgadmin and jupyter notebook run from django_extensions):
docker-compose -f local.yml build
Fire up the docker container:
docker-compose -f local.yml up
Open project in your web browser at:
You should now see the Sharespots website (but no venue data will show yet.)
Open a new iTerm2 terminal tab by pressing ⌘T (or open an additional terminal window using your preferred terminal.)
Change to your sharespots directory:
cd [your/sharespot/directory]
Load seed data:
docker-compose -f local.yml run django python loaddata seed_data.json
Set up a super user for django admin:
docker-compose -f local.yml run django python createsuperuser
Reload your project in your web browser at
You should now see the Sharespots website with venues displaying.
(Optional) Open another browser tab/window and login using the superuser account you created in the django admin panel at
To install Sass
- You can install using node package manager
docker-compose -f local.yml run npm install -g sass
- Windows:
choco install sass
- Mac OS X:
brew install sass/sass/sass
- You can install using node package manager
To build everything Front end related run
npm run build
If the project doesn't work after pulling the latest changes by doing a git pull
, you may need to run new database migrations:
docker-compose -f local.yml run django python makemigrations