Key | Description |
W + h |
Toggle statusbar |
W + k |
Kill window |
W + q |
Quit |
W + r |
Dmenu |
W + # |
Switch to nth workspace |
W + Shift + # |
Move program to nth workspace |
W + Enter |
Spawn a terminal |
W + Print |
Take a scrot |
W + Down/Up |
Inc/Dec vertical layout |
W + Left/Right |
Inc/Dec horizonal layout |
W + Click Drag |
Move window |
W + Right Click Drag |
Resize window |
Key | Description |
C + k |
Kill tab |
C + n |
New tab |
C + t |
Name tab |
C + A + t |
Name session |
C + A + Left/Right |
Previous/Next session |
C + Left/Right |
Previous/Next tab |
C + S + Left/Right |
Move tab forwards/backwards |
C + Down/Up |
Horizontal/Veritcal pane |
C + S + Up/Down |
Previous/Next pane |