Create a connected thermostat able to pilot a boiler (on/off) and electronic heater (Pilot wire)
- Raspberry Pi
- 433 Mhz receiver
- LCD Screen 2x20 Characters PC2002LRS-A
- Arduino Uno
- Digital Thermometer : DS18B20
- 433 Mhz emetter
- OneWire Library
- VirtualWire Library
Package | Version |
Flask | 0.10.1 |
Jinja2 | 2.7.3 |
MarkupSafe | 0.23 |
SQLAlchemy | 0.9.8 |
Werkzeug | 0.9.6 |
argparse | 1.2.1 |
distribute | 0.6.24 |
itsdangerous | 0.24 |
wsgiref | 0.1.2 |
16 - 15 [-------------------------------------------]
14 - 13 [ ]
12 - 11 [ ]
10 - 9 [ ]
8 - 7 [ ]
6 - 5 [ ]
4 - 3 [ ]
2 - 1 [-------------------------------------------]
PC2002 | Signal | Couleur | Rasp |
1 | VSS | Marron | GND |
2 | VDD | Rouge | +5V |
3 | Vo | LCD Contrast | |
4 | RS | Orange | GPIO 7 |
5 | R/!W | GND | |
6 | Enable | Jaune | GPIO 8 |
7 | DB0 | - | |
8 | DB1 | - | |
9 | DB2 | - | |
10 | DB3 | - | |
11 | DB4 | Vert | GPIO 25 |
12 | DB5 | Bleu | GPIO 24 |
13 | DB6 | Violet | GPIO 23 |
14 | DB7 | Gris | GPIO 18 |
15 | Anode | Blanc | +30mA (3V) |
16 | Cathode | GND |
- Read temperature from remote sensor through RF
- Set hysteresis for Temperature regulation
- Display current temperature on LCD
- Pilot boiler through relay
- Pilot Electric heater through optotriac
- Set Temperature
- Define Schedule
- Graph logged T°
Download and upload the Arduino sektch into an Arduino board.
10k Pull-up resistor between +5V and Data
DS18B20 (data pin) : pin 2
RF Emetter : pin 12
On top of a vanilla version of Raspbian, install
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-sqlalchemy python-flask apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi git avahi-daemon
Download and Install PiGPIO :
sudo make install
cd ..
Get sweaty@home and install it:
git clone
cd sweaty_at_home
sudo cp init.d/pigpiod /etc/init.d/pigpiod
sudo update-rc.d pigpiod defaults
sudo service pigpiod start
sudo cp apache_config /etc/apache2/sites-available/sweaty_at_home
sudo a2ensite sweaty_at_home
sudo a2dissite default default_ssl
sudo service apache2 reload
Then connect to http://raspberrypi.local/.
If you use the one wire sensor directly connected to the pi, install the daemon:
sudo cp init.d/one_wire_sensor /etc/init.d/
sudo update-rc.d one_wire_sensor defaults
sudo service one_wire_sensor start
On a Linux system:
Install rpi-build (
sudo wget -O /usr/bin/rpi-build && sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/rpi-build
Prepare a working directory and configure the kernel:
mkdir rpi_mrf
cd rpi_mrf
rpi-build use[stdlib] rpi_linux menuconfig
Activate these options:
Networking support
Networking options
<M> IEEE Std 802.15.4
<M> 6lowpan support
<M> Generic IEEE
Device Drivers
Network device support
<M> IEE 802.15.4 drivers
<M> Microchip MRF24J40 tranceiver driver
Build the kernel:
rpi-build use[stdlib] rpi_linux build
Install it on your Raspberry Pi:
rpi-build use[stdlib] rpi_linux install SSHIP=<ip of the raspberry pi>
Reboot the Raspberry and you should be able to load the mrf24j40 module (and add it to /etc/modules).