Reading time: 12 minutes - Last Updated: 2020.11.27
Be welcome! Here is a hands-on introduction to Active Logic. This guide is suitable for the following distributions:
Features only available in Active Logic are marked with the [PRO] label; if you are upgrading from Active-LT, read here.
This guide assumes some familiarity with Behavior Trees. For a gentle introduction follow the Frogger tutorial. For a comprehensive introduction to behavior trees, we recommend this book.
Reading offline? You may be looking at an out of date version of the guide; for up to date, comprehensive documentation, visit
- Avail Active Logic
using Active.Core
- For keywords use either
static Active.Raw
orstatic Active.Status
using Active.Core;
using static Active.Raw; // using static Active.Status;
// ...
Throughout this guide we consider the example of a basic 'soldier' AI or agent. A soldier may attack, defend or retreat; in AL this is modeled using a status expression:
status s = Attack() || Defend() || Retreat();
The above realizes a fallback strategy (aka selector), reading:
If possible, attack;
otherwise, defend;
otherwise, retreat.
A status
may be complete
, failing
or running
(for 'continue'). a value of running causes execution to yield until the next iteration.
Status expressions are invoked frequently; below, status expresssions are used via MonoBehaviour
using UnityEngine;
using Active.Core;
using static Active.Raw;
public class Soldier : MonoBehaviour{
public status state;
void Update(){
state = Attack() || Defend() || Retreat();
enabled = false;
The above iterates frame by frame until state
changes to failing or complete.
Instead of MonoBehaviour
, we recommend using UGig
or UTask
public class Soldier : UGig{ // or `Gig`
override public status Step(){
return Attack() || Defend() || Retreat();
When assigning or returning a status, use done
, fail
or cont
status Attack() => hasWeapon ? Play("Strike") : fail;
AL does not restrict status expressions to sequences and selectors
(here we used the ternary conditional x ? y : z
NOTE: status does not convert to bool
; instead, query the running
, failing
and complete
status properties; booleans do convert to status (where true is done, false is failing ).
In a status expression, terms evaluating to a status are referred as tasks or subtasks:
A && B || (C && D)
Visual BT presentation:
| |
A ⍰
| |
B ⍈
| |
In the above diagram, C && D
realize a subtask. Following operator precedence, B || (C && D)
is also a task.
Initially, mixing &&
and ||
may be confusing. If so, write simple status expressions and define new C# functions for subtasks.
A key to understanding behavior trees is that a later task (such as Retreat
) - does not evaluate before ticking (traversing) prior tasks (in our example, Attack
and Defend
). For this reason, a dependable status function often requires guard conditions:
status DoSomething(){
if( CANNOT_DO ) return fail; // guard A
if( ALREADY_DONE ) return done; // guard B
Over-exercising (ticking a done task) and over-checking (ticking a failing task) are integral to BT, ensuring responsiveness.
Let's say a soldier dropped their sword. In BT, how would the following sequence handle this?
status Attack() => Strike() || EquipWeapon() || PickupWeapon();
Gotcha! They will pick up their sword again (or perhaps unsheath a dagger). This is neat and depends on correctly implemented guard conditions.
Guard conditions work best when you leverage agent/world state (is a weapon equiped? Is it in the inventory? Is there another weapon within a 3 meter range?).
Status expressions implement stateless control. In our toy model/example this approach is beneficial: depending on how Attack()
is implemented, a wounded agent may also receive healing and get back on the offense. Here is another possible implementation of the Attack()
status Attack(){
if(health < 25) return fail;
if(!threat) return fail;
return MoveTo(threat) && Strike(threat);
Notice the MoveTo(threat) && Strike(threat)
idiom. The conditional operator AND (&&
) behaves differently from the conditional OR (||
). In this case an attack will not complete until both MoveTo
and Strike
did succeed.
If correctly implemented (using guard conditions), ticking MoveTo
while within striking range will not interfere with the strike task.
Expressions of the form EXP_1 && ... && EXP_n
are known as sequences; use a sequence when each task is a prerequisite to the following task.
More generally, selectors and sequences are known as composites.
In all, status expressions and status functions combine to form behavior trees.
Status keywords include done
, cont
and fail
. Throughout documentation and examples you will see either of the following:
- The raw, unadornated form such as
- Logging calls, such as
ordone(log && "For no reason")
Raw constants are slightly faster, and require using Active.Raw. Logging calls are available via Active.Status, and capture useful debugging information, along with custom messages.
Within the same project, you may use either Active.Raw or Active.Status. Ordinarily, logging calls are recommended, unless one of the following is true:
- You are running AL in a physics loop and/or really need to maximise performance
- You are using a test oriented workflow (then perhaps you do not need the logging/visual history features)
In the above example we hinted at a Strike()
task. Effective control requires a variety of small 'utilities' used to modulate behavior. A staple of video game design, the cooldown is one such thing:
status Attack(){
// guards omitted for brevity ...
return Engage(threat) && Cooldown(1.0f)?[ Strike(threat) ];
AL magic lets you invoke stateful decorators without explicitly allocating storage (With a cooldown for instance, a date stamp is stored, so we know when the cooldown has expired).
With the above syntax, decorators are supported via Task
and UTask
(aka "stateful contexts"); if you are not using decorators, prefer Gig
and UGig
AL offers several built-in decorators and you may also craft your own.
Stateless control encourages you to leverage world/agent state as the primary drive for behavior. This works well, and often reduces bugs.
However some design problems do not fit this approach; consider this:
status s = Taunt(target) && Reach(target);
A taunt is air. It may instill fear in the enemy's heart, or could be a thing your game designer want for added emphasis. Either way your model may or may not be tracking state changes related to uttering warcries.
When an actor are intended to follow a sequence of steps by design, use an ordered composite:
status s = Seq()
+ @do?[ Taunt(target) ]
+ @do?[ Reach(target) ]
+ /* ... */ ;
The above syntax is available in stateful contexts (Task
or UTask
). Once again this is because ordered composites use control state (here, an integer tracks the currently running task)
By default, an ordered sequence runs until either a failure is encountered, or all tasks have succeeded, thereupon the ordered sequence resets.
If you do not wish an ordered sequence to reset, use Seq(repeat: false)
Above, the @do?[ EXP ]
node spans a unique function call. You may embed a stateless selector/sequence or indeed any other status expression.
Ordered selectors use a similar syntax:
status s = Sel()
- @do?[ Taunt(target) ]
- @do?[ Reach(target) ]
- /* ... */ ;
NOTE: decorators and ordered composites add control state to your logic. Overusing stateful control reduces the responsiveness and resilience of your agents, whereas responsive, environment-aware agents draw current information from world state.
We have already encountered UTask
. In Active Logic, UTask
is a handy base class derived from MonoBehaviour
. Let's define a task for the Soldier
using Active.Core;
using static Active.Raw;
public class Soldier : UTask{
float health = 100;
override public status Step()
=> Attack() || Defend() || Retreat();
status Attack() => threat && health > 25
? Engage(threat) && Cooldown(1.0f)?[ Strike(threat) ]
: fail;
// status Defend() => ...
// status Retreat() => ...
Because Soldier
inherits from UTask
, it is also a Unity component which may be added to the Unity inspector. In the same way that Update()
is present in many subclasses of MonoBehaviour
, Step()
is our entry point for BT-styled update loops.
A task does not run on its own.
To make the above runnable, add an Agent
. Then, in the agent inspector, add Soldier
as root (if you forget, this happens automatically).
Uses of task objects
in AL, task objects are used in several ways:
When writing a low level module (such as locomotion, or a collection of game actions), prefer Task
or Gig
to UTask
, UGig
(even when using Unity).
Then you do not override the Step()
function. Instead you provide a collection of status functions such as status Walk(...)
and status Jump(...)
; another task will then invoke these functions directly.
When designing high level behaviors, such as roles (say Farmer
or Soldier
), override status Step()
and perhaps expose the task in the inspector via UTask
(for parameterization). In such cases there is no need to explicitly invoke the step function:
class Citizen : UGig{
bool employed;
GateKeeper gateKeeper; // derived from Task or UTask
Thief thief; // derived from Task or UTask
// gateKeeper.Step(), thief.Step() via implicit conversion
override public status Step() => employed ? gateKeeper : thief;
In the above example, UGig
is used since neither decorators, nor any ordered composite(s) are needed.
The above example also suggests how you compose versatile agents by assembling ever larger BTs, combining OOP's delegation pattern with BT's modular control paradigm.
When using the stateless API (such as with Active-LT) you do not have access to the Wait
and After
decorators. However you can still make your BT sleep/wait:
// Inside any Stepper, including UGig and UTask
Pause(3.5f); // Pause and resume after 3.5 seconds (game time)
Suspend(); // Pause indefinitely
Resume(); // Resume after calling `Pause` or `Suspend`
There is a key difference between Pause
and Wait
is waiting on a specific subtask. For example you may insert a delay after delivering a blow. However if your BT navigates to another task, this delay will then be ignored.Pause
disable running the behavior tree. In this case your BT will only resume after the delay has expired, or code external to the BT has invokedResume
and Suspend
may be easier to understand than Wait
and After
. In general though, Wait
is appropriate when the agent delay further action 'on their own accord'.
TIP: if neither Pause
nor Wait
do exactly what you want them to, redesign around what the agent are waiting for and write a task that will wait until the relevant state change has occured.
Active Logic's logging features are helpful, in that the behavior of complex agents is not transparent, and tracing loops running at 10~60Hz in the console is not practical.
In Unity, access the Log-Tree window from the Window menu; then, enable logging from the Agent inspector.
For useful output, we annotate the soldier script:
using Active.Core;
using static Active.Status; // Active.Status for logging calls
public class Soldier : UTask{
float health = 100;
// Wrap status expressions with 'Eval'
override protected status Step() => Eval(
Attack() || Defend() || Retreat()
// (log && $"string") for custom messages
status Attack() => Eval(
!threat ? fail(log && "No enemy around") :
health < 25 ? fail(log && "Health too low") :
Engage(threat) && Cooldown(1.0f)?[ Strike(threat) ]
// (STATUS_EXP)[log && $"string"], also for custom messages
status Engage(Transform threat){
var dist = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, threat.position);
return Eval(
dist < 1f ? done(log && "In range") : Approach()
)[log && $"At {dist:0.#}meters from target"];
// status Defend() => ...
// status Retreat() => ...
// status Approach() => ...
With the above annotations, the log-tree window may look like this:
This example illustrates everything you need to know to get started with logging:
- Wherever a status is returned, use
. done()
may receive a custom log message as argument.- You may attach a custom message to any status, like so:
status[log && $"Custom"]
- String interpolation is preferred.
- The
log && message
idiom ensures logging does not decrease performance in production builds; as such, you may not need to remove log messages before shipping, and the logging annotations also help documenting your logic.
The quick start guide is intended as a short introduction to AL; to learn more, check the API reference at