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Active Logic quick start guide

Be welcome! Here is a hands-on introduction to Active Logic. Let's get started.

This introduction is engine agnostic. Unity users may prefer the Unity Quick Start Guide.

Setting the time

Before evaluating a behaviour tree, set the time:

// Set at game frame start or before invoking your ticker
SimTime.time = System.DateTime.Now.TotalMilliseconds/1000f;

Active Logic uses simulated time to evaluate certain decorators, such as intervals and cooldowns.

Status expressions and the update loop

Throughout this guide we consider the example of a basic 'soldier' AI or agent. A soldier may attack, defend or retreat; in AL this is modeled using a status expression:

status s = Attack() || Defend() || Retreat();

The above realizes a fallback strategy (aka selector), reading:

If possible, attack;
otherwise, defend;
otherwise, retreat.

A status, is either .complete, .failing or .running, with a running status causing execution to yield until the next iteration.

NOTE: While similar to coroutines in some ways, a yielding selector does not store the stack. BTs always evaluate top down and (to ensure responsiveness) there is no guarrantee that an interrupted sequence or selector will resume at the next iteration.

Status expressions are invoked frequently - usually, within update loops. As an example, the above may (for testing or simulation purposes) simply run within a while() loop:

using Active.Core;        // Core API
using static Active.Raw;  // Status constants

public static class Soldier{

    static status state = cont;

    static void Main(){
            state = Attack() || Defend() || Retreat();

    static status Attack(){
        // ... implementation details omitted.


The above iterates until state changes to failing or complete.

Unlike other BT libraries, the AL calculus fits right within your update loop; your engine/framework will provide its own update loop manager (not a while loop!) and as such a practical implementation may look like this:

using Active.Core;                
using static Active.Raw;  

public class Soldier{

    public status Step(){
        return Attack() || Defend() || Retreat();

    // ...


Your update manager should invoke Step() at every frame, perhaps with a policy to decide whether a failing/complete agent should either repeat execution or stop.

In AL, Gig and Task are engine-agnostic base classes you may use to implement this approach. Gig only provides basic logging support while Task benefits additional features covered later in the guide.

public class Soldier : Gig{

    override public status Step(){
        return Attack() || Defend() || Retreat();


When assigning or returning a status, use done, fail or cont:

status Attack() => hasWeapon ? fail : Play("Strike");

AL does not restrict status expressions to sequences and selectors (here we used the ternary conditional x ? y : z).

NOTE: status does not convert to bool; instead, query the .running, .failing and .complete status properties; booleans do convert to status (where true is done, false is failing ).

Within any expression, terms evaluating to status are referred as tasks or subtasks:

A && B || (C && D)  // a status expression

Visual BT presentation:

|        |
A        ⍰
     |       |   
     B       ⍈
         |       |
         C       D

As above, C && D is a subtask and (following operator precedence) B || (C && D) is yet another task/subtask.

NOTE: Initially, mixing && and || may be confusing; start with simple status expressions, defining new C# functions for each subtask

A key to understanding behavior trees is that a later task (such as Retreat) - does not evaluate before ticking (traversing) prior tasks (in our example, Attack and Defend); as such, well designed status functions use guard conditions:

status DoSomething(){
    if( CANNOT_DO    ) return fail;  // guard A
    if( ALREADY_DONE ) return done;  // guard B

While perhaps surprising, over-exercising (ticking a done task) and over-checking (ticking a failing task) are integral to BT, ensuring responsiveness.

Let's say a soldier dropped their sword. In BT, how would the following selector handle the situation?

status Attack() => Strike() || EquipWeapon() || PickupWeapon();

Gotcha! They will pick up their sword again (or perhaps unsheath a dagger).

If guard conditions are not correctly implemented, pseudo-concurrency may arise, with your BT agents doing several things at once.

TIP: If this seems like a lot of work, do notice that, provided the component tasks (strike, equip, pickup) are correctly implemented, the Attack() function itself does not require guard conditions.

Let's consider another, possible implementation of the Attack() function:

status Attack(){
    if(health < 25) return fail;
    if(!threat)     return fail;
    return MoveTo(threat) && Strike(threat);

Here, notice the MoveTo(threat) && Strike(threat) idiom. The conditional operator AND (&&) behaves differently from the conditional OR (||). In this case an attack will not complete until both MoveTo and Strike did succeed. If correctly implemented (using guard conditions), ticking MoveTo while within striking range will not interfere with the strike task.

Since AL allows mixing boolean and trilean (three-valued) logics, the Attack implementation may be represented concisely:

status Attack()
=> (health > 25) && threat && MoveTo(threat) && Strike(threat);

Expressions of the form EXP_1 && ... && EXP_n are known as sequences; use a sequence when each task is a prerequisite to the following task.

More generally, selectors and sequences are known as composites.

In AL, status expressions and the status calculus implement stateless control. Status expressions and status functions combine to form the behavior tree.

With regard to BT as an established paradigm, the AL calculus constitutes an orthodox, concise and correct implementation.

The recommendation here is to familiarize yourself with stateless BT and the AL calculus before diving into decorators and stateful/ordered composites.


In the above example, we have hinted at a Strike() task. Effective control does require a variety of small 'utilities' used to modulate behavior. A staple of video game design, the cooldown is one such thing:

status Attack()
    => Engage(threat) && Cooldown(1.0f)?[ Strike(threat) ];

This literally is AL magic. Whereas a cooldown should normally require a variable storing a time stamp and the target duration, AL manages this data (aka control state) on your behalf.

Gig does not support the above syntax. Decorators and other stateful constructs are availed via the Task base class:

public class Soldier : Task{

    // ...

    status Attack()
    => Engage(threat) && Cooldown(1.0f)?[ Strike(threat) ];


AL offers several built-in decorators and you may also craft your own.

IMPORTANT: do not invoke the same decorator several times on the same line of code:

// No good
status Attack()
    => Cooldown(0.5f)?[ Warmup() ] && Cooldown(1.0f)?[ Strike() ];

Under the hood, decorators leverage site binding and null-conditional operators. Site binding in AL is (conceptually) similar to lambdas (anon functions <> anon storage); the 'one per line' limitation is a language issue (upvote/discuss #2824 on csharplang).

Site bound decorators are optional. The alternative (declaring a field in your class) is documented here, and it is also useful if you wish to expose decorator parameters.

Ordered Composites

Stateless control encourages you to leverage world/agent state as the primary drive for agent behavior. This works well, and often reduces bugs. However some design problems do not fit this approach:

status Charge() => Taunt(target) && Attack(target);

A taunt is air. It may instill fear in the enemy's heart, or a thing your game designer want for added emphasis. Either way your model might not be tracking state changes related to uttering warcries.

When an actor are intended to follow a sequence of steps by design, use an ordered composite:

status Charge => Seq()
    + @do?[ Taunt(target) ]
    + @do?[ Reach(target) ];

By default an ordered sequence runs each task once and once only until either a failure is encountered, or all tasks have succeeded, thereupon the ordered sequence resets (if you do not wish to reset, use Seq(repeat: false) + ...).

Above, the @do?[ EXP ] node spans a unique function call. You may embed a stateless selector/sequence or indeed any other status expression.

Similar to decorators, ordered sequences store state, and are made available in a task context (extend Task).

Ordered selectors use a similar syntax:

status Fallback() => Sel()
    - @do?[ EXP_1 ]
    - @do?[ EXP_2 ]
    ... ;

NOTE: @do?[ ... ] nodes are not site-bound so the 'one per line' quirk does not apply, except perhaps for improved readability.

Tasks and Gigs

We have already encountered Task and Gig. In AL, task objects are used in several ways.

When writing a low level module (such as locomotion, or simple actions), you do not override the Step() function. Instead you provide a collection of status functions such as status Walk(...), status Jump(...) and so forth... another task will then invoke these functions directly.

When designing higher level behaviors, such as representing roles (say Farmer or Soldier), override status Step(). In such cases there is no need to explicitly invoke the step function:

class Citizen : Gig{  // just a gig since no decorators

    bool employed;
    GateKeeper gateKeeper;  // derived from Task or Gig
    Thief      thief;       // derived from Task or Gig

    // gateKeeper.Step(), thief.Step() via implicit conversion
    override public status Step() => employed ? gateKeeper : thief;


The above example illustrates designing complex agents by assembling ever larger BTs, combining OOP's delegation pattern with BT's modular control.


While the Active Logic logging/history tracing APIs are available in this repository, visual logging normally requires engine/editor integration. For an overview of how visual logging works in Unity, refer to the Unity Quick Start Guide.

NOTE: AL is debugger friendly. Getting productive without visual logging is possible, notably if you are using unit/functional tests.

Going further

The quick start guide is intended as a short introduction to AL; to learn more, check the API reference.