- Author: Adam Abed Abud
- Last update: September 9, 2021
Inspired and adapted from: https://github.com/victorsimrbt/chess_4096
Technology: Deep Learning, CNN, PyTorch
This is a first, crude implementation of a chess engine based on CNN and implemented with pytorch
The data used for the training is available from Kaggle: https://www.kaggle.com/datasnaek/chess
Install the python chess
sudo pip3 install python-chess
First process the dataset games.csv
by running
python generate_dataset.py
python process_dataset.py
Run the Jupyter-Notebook
jupyter-notebook pytorch_CNN_chess_engine.ipynb
- Define better accuracy function to the model
- Increase the input layers in the deep learning process
- Improve the loss function
Project Organization
├── README.md <- README file for developers using this project.
├── games.csv <- Input file containing the training data
├── generate_dataset.py <- Convert input data into chess language
├── process_dataset.py <- Process the input data and make train and label datasets for the model
├── board_conversion.py <- Set of utilities for converting chess language into chess board
└── pytorch_CNN_chess_engine.ipynb <- Main file responsible for the training, testing and visualization of the chess engine.
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