The program of the course is presented, and an initial test of programming is performed. The program is available on ucampus.
Linux and HPC for big data.
Course here :linuxupskill
The recommended contents are days: 1,2,5,6,8,11
Linux and HPC for big data II: Files Manipulation
Practice with the files under the data directory
Linux and HPC for big data II: awk, sed and regular expressions
Linux and HPC for big data III: awk and sed
To recover..
Fundamentos de Programación: Python
Fundamentos de Programación II
Programación paralela y distribuida: Hilos y procesos
Programación paralela y distribuida: OpenMP y MPI
Introduction to tidyverse
Tidyverse verbs
Practicar los verbos de tidyverse con los datos de data/worldcitiespop.csv.gz
Tidyverse ggplot2
Tidyverse ggplot2: hands on
Tidyverse ggplot2: hands on COVID data I
Tidyverse ggplot2: Hands on COVID data II
Tidyverse ggplot2: Hands on COVID data III
- Proposed exercise, Analyze the covid data with the tidyverse, make some plots and analysis (linear model, linear regresion, etc).
ggplot2: Autonomous work using "R Graphical Cookbook".
Machine Learning: Logistic Regression
Book: Machine Learning with R
Machine Learning: Linear Models
Machine Learning: PCA
Machine Learning: Computing, plotting, and analyzing PCA
Machine Learning: Random Forest
Machine Learning: Clustering
Q&A class
- Control 2
No class
- Control recuperativa