The Adobe Streaming Media for Edge Network extension has specific configuration requirements for including the Media Collection Details field group in the XDM schema and enabling Media Analytics in a datastream configuration. For more details, please refer to this guide to configure and set up Adobe Streaming Media for Edge Network.
The Adobe Streaming Media for Edge Network mobile extension has the following dependencies, which must be installed prior to installing the extension:
- In the Data Collection Tags, select the Extensions tab in your mobile property.
- On the Catalog tab, locate the Adobe Streaming Media for Edge Network extension, and select Install.
- Type the extension settings for Channel, Player Name, and Application Version.
- Select Save.
- Follow the publishing process to update your SDK configuration.
Optionally, the Media for Edge Network configuration may be set or changed programmatically.
Name | Key | Value | Required |
Channel | "" | String | Yes |
Player Name | "edgeMedia.playerName" | String | Yes |
Application Version | "edgeMedia.appVersion" | String | No |
let mediaConfiguration = [String: Any]()
mediaConfiguration [""] = "<YOUR_CHANNEL_NAME>"
mediaConfiguration ["edgeMedia.playerName"] = "<YOUR_PLAYER_NAME>"
mediaConfiguration ["edgeMedia.appVersion"] = "<YOUR_APP_VERSION>"
MobileCore.updateConfigurationWith(configDict: mediaConfiguration)
NSMutableDictionary* mediaConfiguration = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
config[""] = @"<YOUR_CHANNEL_NAME>";
config["edgeMedia.playerName"] = @"<YOUR_PLAYER_NAME>";
config["edgeMedia.appVersion"] = @"<YOUR_APP_VERSION>";
[AEPMobileCore updateConfiguration:mediaConfiguration];
Note The following instructions are for setting up an application using Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network mobile extensions. If an application will include both Edge Network and Adobe Solution extensions, both the Identity for Edge Network and Identity for Experience Cloud ID Service extensions are required. For more details, see the Frequently Asked Questions page.
Note Try to use the latest extension versions to have access to all our latest features and fixes.
- Add following pods in your
target 'YourTargetApp' do
pod 'AEPCore'
pod 'AEPEdge'
pod 'AEPEdgeIdentity'
pod 'AEPEdgeMedia'
Replace the target (
) with your actual app target name. -
Install the pod dependencies by typing the following command in your Podfile directory:
$ pod install
Using Swift Package Manager
To add the AEPEdgeMedia Package to your application, from the Xcode menu select:
File > Add Packages...
Note The menu options may vary depending on the version of Xcode being used.
Enter the URL for the AEPMedia package repository:
When prompted, input a specific version or a range of versions for Version rule.
Alternatively, if your project has a Package.swift
file, you can add AEPEdgeMedia directly to your dependencies:
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "5.0.0")),
.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "5.0.0")),
.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "5.0.0"))
Run make archive
from the root directory to generate .xcframeworks
for each module under the build
folder. Drag and drop all .xcframeworks
to your app target in Xcode.
// AppDelegate.swift
import AEPCore
import AEPEdge
import AEPEdgeIdentity
import AEPEdgeMedia
// AppDelegate.swift
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
MobileCore.registerExtensions([Edge.self, Identity.self, Media.self], {
MobileCore.configureWith(appId: "yourEnvironmentID")
// Configure EdgeMedia extension
let mediaConfiguration: [String: Any] = [
"edgeMedia.playerName": "<YOUR_PLAYER_NAME>",
"edgeMedia.appVersion": "<YOUR_APP_VERSION>"
MobileCore.updateConfigurationWith(configDict: mediaConfiguration)
// AppDelegate.h
@import AEPCore;
@import AEPEdge;
@import AEPEdgeIdentity;
@import AEPEdgeMedia;
// AppDelegate.m
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
[AEPMobileCore registerExtensions:@[AEPMobileEdge.class, AEPMobileEdgeIdentity.class, AEPMobileEdgeMedia.class] completion:^{
[AEPMobileCore configureWithAppId: @"yourEnvironmentID"];