Almost every iOS application has individual user preferences. Some apps also
use Apple's Settings app, some don't. If you develop many different
applications, as I do in my development consulting practice, it is tedious to
code up a custom preferences class for each app. My class, DDGPreferences
, is
an attempt to minimize the tedium by providing a very simple API to the
class for both settings and custom preferences. In addition to
, I have included a set of standard logging macros, DDGMacros
and an example single view iOS app tying all of the pieces together.
The DDGPreferences
project now supports syncing preferences through
iCloud via the NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore
. You can synchronize a subset
of your preferences to iCloud.
I like simple APIs. They are easy to use and easy to share. I wanted this API to be no more than a list of properties. As in:
@interface Preferences : DDGPreferences
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *nameSetting;
@property (nonatomic, assign, getter=isEnabledSetting) BOOL enabledSetting;
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat sliderSetting;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *namePref;
@property (nonatomic, assign, getter=isEnabledPref) BOOL enabledPref;
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat sliderPref;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSData *rectPrefData;
Furthermore, the only difference between whether a property was visible in
Apple's settings app should be if a key matching its exact name was present in
the Root.plist
in the Settings.bundle
. In other words, each setting has an
identifier/key which is identical to a property name. This post is not a
tutorial on how to build an app that uses Apple's Settings application. That
said the example app has only made minor changes to the fields created when
you add a Settings.bundle
to your app. (In particular, I changed the
Key/Identifier from using under bars, _, as word separators to using standard
Cocoa camel case.) In other words, I believe a beginner should be able to
follow the logic of using this class without too much difficulty.
Using DDGPreferences
is simple. Make your Preferences
class a subclass of
and then instantiate it. Really, that is all you have to do.
Your preferences are limited to those supported by Apple's .plist files. This
is not as restrictive as it might seem. Later, I'll show you how to convert an
arbitrary NSCoding compliant class to a preference.
If you have default preference values which are different from the state of a
freshly initialized object, then you must implement the DDGPreferences
protocol's single method, -setDefaultPreferences
. The example application has
this method.
What about synchronizing changes between Apple's Settings app and yours while
the app is in the background? When your app returns to the foreground, I
recommend you read/write the Settings managed values in response to
the UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification
notification pair. The example app
shows one way to do this. All other coordination with the Settings app is
handled by DDGPreferences
Using DDGCloudPreferences
is simple. Make your CloudPreferences
class a subclass of DDGCloudPreferences
. Then instatiate your subclass
using the -initWithPreferences:
designated initializer. This ties the
cloud preferences to your main preferences. Typically, you will copy the
statements you wish to synchronize via iCloud from your
class to your CloudPreferences
class. (You may not want
to synchronize all of your preferences between devices. For example, you
probably do not want to synchronize a property that controls whether you
synchronize your preferences across devices.)
manages synchronizing between the cloud and local
storage. You do, though, have to be aware when properties might have
changed while you are running. NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore
will provide
you a notification that this has occured with a
You will see in the DDGPreferences App
that I update the UI on the
next iteration of the main run loop.
I've included an app showing how to use DDGPreferences
. It is a single view
iPhone app with an array of identical controls for both Apple's Settings app
and the DDGPreferences
app. You can change the preferences for the settings in
both apps and they transfer bi-directionally. A simple CGRect
is also
initialized and stored. It is then displayed in a UILabel. How to store a
complex structure, such as a CGRect
, is described below. Traditionally, your
preferences are stored with your application singleton. In this example, for
pedagogical simplicity, I store them in the root view controller.
Synchronizing via iCloud requires that you create an entitlements file. Xcode v4.5.1 (4G1004) makes this a straightforward process and it is done for you in the included project. Apple's documentation is quite clear and readable. Hence, I don't repeat it here.
You can force a sync via iCloud by pressing the Push to iCloud
You will notice that the IBAction method doesn't actually do anything to
the CloudPreferences
. It forces the Preferences
to write themselves
to disk. If the preferences are dirty, they will then write to the
cloud. Here's the method:
- (IBAction) pushToCloud: (UIButton *) sender {
[self refreshPrefs];
[self.prefs writePreferences];
} // -pushToCloud:
This method reads the preferences from the UI and then writes them to
disk. DDGCloudPreferences
takes care of pushing them to the cloud. In
other words, other than instantiating the CloudPreferences
watching for the rare cloud update, using this class is even simpler
than DDGPreferences
In my prior version of this project, I used keyed archiving to save arbitrary strutures to my preferences. These are actually quite large (270+ bytes for a 16 byte CGRect). Hence, I revisted this decision and am now storing the structure directly as an NSData item. You can see the old way of doing this in the git archive and it is described in the initial blog post for this project.
UIKit has some additions to NSValue to more easily support passing
common structures around. As I was passing a CGRect between devices, I
chose to implement the same methods on NSData. These are defined in
. I also include a general method of creating an
NSData from any NSValue. (This method is based upon ideas and code
expressed on Stack Overflow by Steffen Itterheim.)
As DDGPreferences
uses the properties to determine what needs to be
persisted, you cannot just define a @property
for your class that is
not one of those supported by Apple's .plist format; you need to define
an NSData
typed instance variable to hold an archived instance of your
class/structure. In the example, rectPrefData
is that property. To
access this data as your preferred type, you need to define "old school"
Objective-C v1 style accessors. In the example, these are
. Somewhat obviously, these accessors will
use rectPrefData to store the value. A example implementation of these
methods is:
- (CGRect) rectPref {
NSData *rectData = self.rectPrefData;
// Guard against leftover archived data.
if (rectData.length > sizeof(CGRect)) {
return [[NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData: rectData] CGRectValue];
return rectData.CGRectValue;
} // -rectPref
- (void) setRectPref: (CGRect) rect {
self.rectPrefData = [NSData dataWithCGRect: rect];
} // -setRectPref:
The above methods, for pedagogical purposes, are not key-value coding compliant. As this app may be an upgrade of the older version, I guard against reading the old data incorrectly.
There is a downside of sending the structure directly -- byte endianness. The keyed archiver, as it was developed in a multi-architecture era, almost certainly handles this. Using the NSData variant, will restrict you to ARM and Intel based little endian machines.
is covered under a public attribution required version of the
new BSD license. Why do I require that you acknowledge me publicly in your
app? Similarly to many other developers, I make my code available under an
open source license as an advertisement for my development consulting
services. Hence, I need to be able to easily point to applications that use my
code. While it is not necessary, I would appreciate it if you also sent me an
email saying in which apps you use DDGPreferences
From my experience making other code available under an open source license, some folks will write asking to be relieved of my public recognition requirement. Unless the requestor is willing to compensate me to change the licensing terms, I will always decline to change my agreement. I have put some time and care into crafting this class, app and this blog post. That time deserves compensation and I have chosen to be compensated by using this class as a marketing mechanism. I hope you understand.
This code is available from GitHub at this URL:
<>. I will be tracking comments
at both GitHub and this post on my personal blog, <>.
I, of course, encourage you to send in bug fixes and make suggestions to
improve DDGPreferences
for all of us.
I hope you find DDGPreferences
In a future post for advanced programmers, I will describe how DDGPreferences
I would like to thank Scott Gustafson and Mason Weems for their suggestions and support. In particular, I would like to thank Pace Bonner for showing me how to support child panes in the settings app. Also, Austin's local Mac OS X/iOS developer group, Cocoa Coders, organized by Jim Hillhouse and Rajat Datta, has been extremely helpful in my return to software engineering.