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movitto edited this page Jan 14, 2013 · 4 revisions


Conductor provides the web-based user interface that allow the uses to manage Aeolus.


Use It - A simple guide to setting up and configuring Conductor for initial use. Includes instructions on how to set up an EC2 account and how to create and deploy an Application.


Conductor is built using the standard MVC model on the Ruby-on-Rails framework, using Postgres as the backend database.


These are the core models used within Conductor:

  • Applications - An Application (formerly known as a Deployment) consists of a group of images launched and controlled together. A sample Application might consist of a database server, an application server, and multiple front-end web servers.
  • Application Blueprints - An Application Blueprint (formerly known as a *Deployable) is a user-defined template that provides the blueprint for an Application; thus, multiple Applications using the same Application Blueprint can be launched.
  • Instances - An Instance is a single virtual machine running on a Cloud Resource Provider. Each image in an Application Blueprint is launched as its own instance.
  • Clouds - A Cloud is a grouping of Cloud Resource Providers, along with the Application Blueprints that can be deployed on them. Conductor provides tools for managing permissions and quotas for Clouds.
  • Cloud Resource Zones - Clouds consist of one or more Cloud Resource Zones (formerly known as a Pools). Each Cloud Resource Zone is associated with one or more Catalogs that contains the Application Blueprints that can be deployed in that Cloud Resource Zone. Cloud Resource Zones can be managed with their own set of permissions and quotas.
  • Cloud Resource Providers - A Cloud Resource Provider is an instance of a Cloud Provider Type - for instance, an EC2 region such as us-east-1. Supported Cloud Provider Types include EC2, RHEV-M, and VSphere. Each Cloud Resource Provider can be associated with one or more Provider Accounts.


Conductor uses HAML to create its web UI. It also utilizes Backbone to create dynamically changing pages.


Other APIs

  • Conductor_API
  • Conductor Image Management API - Initial Design Thoughts for providing Restful Image Management API through Conductor

Further Documentation

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