NOTE: This is only an example application that performs some basic operations. For a Tutorial on using the spark connector please see
An example app that makes use of aeroJoin. You must have a working spark installation (3.0.0) with the Aerospike Connect for Spark installed.
to the project root directoryspark-aerospike-example
- run following bash commands appropriately
export AerospikeSparkJarPath="absolute-path-to-aerospike-spark-assembly-3.0.1.jar" sbt package
Then submit a job to your spark installation. If not provided aerospike.seedhost
and aerospike.namespace
are assumed to be
and test
respectively. The script assumes that provided ports are TCP enabled.
spark-submit --jars $AerospikeSparkJarPath --class com.aerospike.spark.aeroJoinExample target/scala-2.12/spark-aerojoin-example_2.12-1.0.jar aerospike.seedhost IP:PORT aerospike.namespace test
This spark job will do a couple of things showing how aeroJoin can be used. It will take a list of ids and load the Aerospike records with those keys, filter those records, and write the filtered list back into Aerospike.
First we must add some configuration:
val conf: SparkConf = new SparkConf()
.set("aerospike.seedhost", allParams.getOrElse("aerospike.seedhost","localhost:3000") )
.set("aerospike.namespace", allParams.getOrElse("aerospike.namespace","test"))
This is for an Aerospike server running on the default port on this machine as well as defining which namespace we are using ( if you have defined a different namespace in your setup you can modify this to point there instead. ).
Next we are using a spark session so we will define that:
val session: SparkSession = SparkSession.builder()
.appName("Aerospike Example(II)")
.config("spark.ui.enabled", "false")
As a first step we must load some test data into the database.
def loadCustomerData(session: SparkSession): Unit = {
val schema: StructType = new StructType(Array(
StructField("key", StringType, nullable = true),
StructField("customer_id", StringType, nullable = false),
StructField("last", StringType, nullable = true),
StructField("first", StringType, nullable = true),
StructField("stars", IntegerType, nullable = true)
val rows = Seq(
Row("Fraser_Malcolm", "customer1", "Fraser", "Malcolm", 5),
Row("Hawke_Bob", "customer2", "Hawke", "Bob", 4),
Row("Keating_Paul", "customer3", "Keating", "Paul", 1),
Row("Im_Nothere", "secretcustomer", "Nothere", "Im", 5),
Row("Howard_John", "customer4", "Howard", "John", 1)
val customerRDD = session.sparkContext.parallelize(rows)
val customerDF = session.createDataFrame(customerRDD, schema)
option("aerospike.updateByKey", "customer_id").
option("aerospike.set", "Customers").
Here we are creating 5 customers with a 5 star rating system and saving them to the Customers set of the configured
namespace. The keys for these records will be the value in the customer_id
val ids = Seq("customer1", "customer2",
"customer3", "customer4", "IDontExist")
val customerIdsDF = ids.toDF("customer_id").as[CustomerID]
This creates a DataFrame holding just customer ids. This id list has 4 of the 5 customers we loaded into the DB and an additional one not in the DB.
val customerDS = customerIdsDF.aeroJoin[CustomerKV]("customer_id", "Customers")
Here aeroJoin used to load records with keys matching the "customer_id" column of the DataFrame we just created. The result will have 4 rows since there is no record in Aerospike with the key "IDontExist" and there is no customer_id in the DataFrame with the value "secretcustomer".
Next we filter the new DataSet to get the customers with 5 stars and save to a new set, BestCustomers
, in our namespace.
There should be only 1 even though there are two in the raw data from the database (because the other one was not in the id list)
val bestCustomers = customerDS.filter(customer => customer.stars > 4) => new Customer(c.key, c.customer_id, c.first, c.last, c.stars)).toDF("key", "customer_id", "last", "first", "stars").
option("aerospike.updateByKey", "customer_id").
option("aerospike.set", "BestCustomers").
Once the spark job is completed you can check the Aerospike database to verify what it did in the aql
aql> select * from Business.Customers
| customer_id | first | key | last | stars |
| "secretcustomer" | "Im" | "Im_Nothere" | "Nothere" | 5 |
| "customer4" | "John" | "Howard_John" | "Howard" | 1 |
| "customer2" | "Bob" | "Hawke_Bob" | "Hawke" | 4 |
| "customer3" | "Paul" | "Keating_Paul" | "Keating" | 1 |
| "customer1" | "Malcolm" | "Fraser_Malcolm" | "Fraser" | 5 |
5 rows in set (0.035 secs)
This was the test data we loaded in the first step
aql> select * from Business.BestCustomers
| customer_id | first | key | last | stars |
| "customer1" | "Fraser" | "Fraser_Malcolm" | "Malcolm" | 5 |
1 row in set (0.052 secs)
This is the filtered data of the one 5 star customer that was in the list of provided ids.