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Bundix makes it easy to package your Bundler-enabled applications with the Nix package manager.

Is it "Production Ready™"?


Nope. It's work-in-progress.


Just clone the repo, Nix can handle everything else.

git clone

How does it work?

Bundix builds a definition of your Ruby environment using Bundler and writes a Nix expression for it. The generated expression can then be loaded and all the Gem handling etc. will now be handled by Nix.


  1. Change to your project's directory.
  2. Generate your definition: nix-shell /path/to/bundix/repo --shell 'bundix expr'
  3. Load the definition using nixpkgs.loadRubyEnv ./.bundix/definition.nix {}.


  pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
  stdenv = pkgs.stdenv;
  ruby = pkgs.ruby21;
  rubyLibs = pkgs.ruby21Libs;
  buildRubyGem = rubyLibs.buildRubyGem;

  rubyEnv = pkgs.loadRubyEnv ./.bundix/definition.nix {
    inherit ruby;

in with pkgs; rec {
  inherit rubyEnv;

  test = stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
    name = "test";
    builder = ./;
    buildInputs = [ rubyEnv.ruby ];
    src = ./.;

    shellHook = ''
      export GEM_PATH=${lib.concatStringsSep ":" rubyEnv.gemPath}

Known issues

  • Git repositories that host multiple gems are not supported yet. A single gem per repository will work fine.
  • path sources are not supported.
  • The ruby version specified by your Gemfile is read but not used yet. Pass { ruby = yourRuby; } to loadRubyEnv instead.
  • Bundler.setup and friends still have to be stubbed out to do nothing.
  • There's no support for gem groups yet. All gems are installed.