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Releases: afollestad/material-dialogs

25 Feb 05:00
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  1. Added chooseButton() to the FileChooserDialog.Builder.
  2. Updated for AppCompat 23.2.0, updated the Gradle plugin.
  3. FileChooserDialog sorts folders to the top.
  4. The FileChooserDialog.Builder and FolderChooserDialog.Builder have an optional tag(String) setter. The dialog callbacks have been changed to pass the dialog instance, so you can retrieve this tag.
  5. Fixes for input dialog keyboard show/hide logic,
  6. Other fixes and improvements.

04 Feb 00:44
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  1. The ColorChooserDialog only accepts alpha numeric characters in the custom color input field.
  2. Added ID/tag values to MaterialSimpleListItem.
  3. The TintHelper can tint the cursor of EditText's.
  4. Bug fixes to permission requests in the FileChooserDialog.
  5. Added canceledOnTouchOutside() to the Builder.
  6. Lots of other misc bug fixes and tweaks.

18 Dec 19:03
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  1. Added a FileChooserDialog, which is like FolderChooserDialog but allows file selection. See the README and sample project for usage.
  2. You can now use icons with the Material preferences.
  3. Added app:useStockLayout option for the preference classes. Setting it to true will override using the custom Material preference layout provided by this library.
  4. Re-enabled JavaDoc generation.
  5. Other bug fixes and improvements, including a few for the preference classes.

01 Dec 16:35
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  1. Added getIconView() to MaterialDialog.
  2. Many, many fixes to all of the preference classes. If you use them, make sure you update! (if I were to go into detail, the amount of list items in these release notes would more than double)
  3. If no preselected color is set in the ColorChooserDialog, it will default to the presets view rather than the custom view.

16 Nov 04:12
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  1. Lots of bug fixes to the ColorChooserDialog.
    • Its state is maintained correctly though device orientation changes.
    • The RGB labels are updated initially in the custom color chooser.
    • A cancel button is shown in the custom chooser too, not only the preset chooser.
  2. Fixed an issue with permissions in the FolderChooserDialog below API 15.
  3. Updated Proguard rules to avoid issues with progress dialogs.
  4. Added linkColor() and associated variants to the dialog Builder. Added a md_link_color global theming attribute to go along with it.
  5. Items accepts varargs of Strings in addition to arrays like before. E.g., you can use .items("Hello", "Hi", "Hey") rather than .items(new String[] { "Hello", "Hi", "Hey" }).
  6. Enabled JavaDoc generation for JitPack.
  7. Other bug fixes and error avoidances.

29 Oct 02:41
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  1. Added an alpha chooser to the ColorChooserDialog (in custom color selection, not for presets). It can be disabled with allowUserColorInputAlpha(false).
  2. Long pressing preset colors in the ColorChooserDialog will show the color hex in a tooltip.
  3. Fixed a crash when allowUserColorInput() is set to false in a ColorChooserDialog in accent mode.
  4. inputRange() annotations are fixed, passing -1 or 0 for the max length indicates no max length.
  5. Fixed the RTL mode for the default Material preference layouts.
  6. Added getListView() method to MaterialListPreference.
  7. Fixed some issues with radio buttons having the wrong selection states in multi-select list dialogs.
  8. If you set a custom layout to a Material preference from XML (using android:layout), your layout won't be overridden with this library's preference layout.
  9. If you set a min length to an input dialog, but no max length, the counter label is hidden (so it doesn't display x/-1).
  10. Other bug and crash fixes/avoidance.

18 Oct 06:01
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  1. Lots of fixes to selection logic in the ColorChooserDialog.
  2. The ColorChooserDialog now by default allows users to specify colors using a hexadecimal string or RGB values, in addition to the preset values. This feature can be disabled; see User Color Input.
  3. Other misc bug fixes and improvements.



16 Oct 23:46
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This is mostly a visual update.

  1. @pluscubed found and confirmed the news of AppCompat 23.1.0's dialogs now having proper limitations on their width for tablets, so we removed our own custom logic for that. This will help with consistency. Note that everything done in this library tries to very closely mimic what the design guidelines display, which even stock dialogs do not do the best.
  2. Tweaked padding below the titles in list dialogs a little bit, there was too much before.
  3. A default custom layout is used for the Material preferences in preference screens, so that the text lines up with the content inset of your Activities (where the back arrow is in your toolbar). Try out the sample to see this in action!
    • If you copied how the sample project displayed preferences before, you should remove the android:layout attribute from your preference XML and let them use Material Dialogs' improved version.
  4. Google libs 23.1.0.
  5. Updated the art in the README!



12 Oct 19:49
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  1. colorControlHighlight is used for the default button ripple color instead of colorControlActivated.
  2. Renamed itemColor(int) to itemsColor(int), along with the resource and attribute variations for consistency with other method names. The original ones will still work for a while, they're just marked as deprecated.
  3. Added a new itemsIds() API (see Assigning IDs to List Item Views), which allows you to assign IDs to views in list dialogs.
  4. Each ColorChooserDialog variant (primary, accent, or custom colors) use a different Fragment tag, so you can differentiate between them. Added a static findVisible(Context, String) method to ColorChooserDialog which allows you to retrieve a visible color chooser dialog (see Finding Visible Dialogs).
  5. The ColorChooserDialog won't crash when using custom colors with no sub colors, only top level colors.
  6. Added headers and organization to the sample project's UI, making it easier to explore what this library can do. ButterKnife is also used to avoid the need to manually set click listeners to all the buttons, further improving readability of the sample code.
  7. Normal lists, single choice lists, and multi choice lists will look better when their items have multiple lines of text. Although it is discouraged from UX perspective.
  8. MaterialProgressBar is now a Gradle dependency instead of integrating its classes into the library code to make it easier to keep them up to date. These classes are only supported and used above API 14.
  9. Other fixes and tweaks throughout.


05 Oct 20:11
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  1. ButtonCallback has been deprecated. MaterialDialog.Builder now has onPositive(), onNeutral(), onNegative(), and onAny() methods that allow you to receive callbacks for all or specific action buttons. These methods all use an interface instead of an abstract class for the callback, so classes can now implement the interface.
  2. Lots of improvements and fixes to MaterialSimpleListAdapter and MaterialSimpleListItem. There's some new features and the layouts were much improved. See the Simple List Dialogs section in the README for details and examples.
  3. The ColorChooserDialog now allows you to specify custom colors. See the Color Chooser Dialogs section in the README for details and examples.
  4. The MaterialEditTextPreference will no longer receive two preference changed events when you press the positive action button.
  5. The FolderChooserDialog now respects the value specified for the choose button in the Builder.
  6. The library no longer forces the use of Support Library v23 in your apps, it will work with older versions.
  7. Simplified the sample, especially MainActivity, using ButterKnife.

The library has passed 4,000 stars, thanks everyone!