This repository provides a Vagrant box running Ubuntu with all the packages needed to build the KNoT Gateway.
Before running it, install Vagrant and VirtualBox.
Then, install a Vagrant plugin to resize disks in VirtualBox:
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-disksize
To create the box, run:
$ vagrant up
It will ask for administrator credentials, needed to setup a NFS map between the source folder in the host and the guest.
To enter the VM, run:
$ vagrant ssh
There are two folders in the home folder:
You'll find the ~/buildroot folder, which maps to the repository root in the host.
By default, Buildroot will put the build results in the output folder. If you want to put the results in a different folder, e.g. when running builds for multiple targets, you can pass the O option to make specifying the desired output folder. Mind that this has to be passed every time you execute make.
The complete build process would be:
Run KNoT defconfig
make O=/path/to/my/output/folder knot_<board>_defconfig
Note: Currently supported KNoT defconfigs:
Menu Configuration
You can access and select extra packages you wish to compile with KNoT Linux OS on Buildroot menuconfig. This is an optional step.
make O=/path/to/my/output/folder menuconfig
make O=/path/to/my/output/folder
Tip: This may take a while. Consider getting yourself a coffee ;-)
If you are running on Vagrant on Windows or Mac, this is a required configuration option, but it is suggested even if you are running Vagrant on Linux. The Mac and Windows file systems are case insensitive and due to it the build will fail if made in the ~/buildroot folder. Pass a folder inside the VM, e.g.:
Run KNoT defconfig
make O=../output knot_<board>_defconfig
Menu Configuration
make O=../output menuconfig
make O=../output
In order to do an offline-build (not connected to the net), fetch all selected source by issuing a before you disconnect.
$ make source
If your build-host is never connected, then you have to copy buildroot and your toplevel .config to a machine that has an internet-connection and issue make source there, then copy the content of your dl/ dir to the build-host.
If you need to debug the RabbitMQ message broker or just collect data about many aspects of the system, you can use the management plugin.
In order to enable it, access the gateway terminal and run this
command (logged in as rabbitmq
$ rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
Now, create a new user and set its permissions to allow remote connections:
$ rabbitmqctl add_user <username> <password>
$ rabbitmqctl set_user_tags <username> administrator
$ rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / <username> ".*" ".*" ".*"
The management UI can be accessed at http://knot.local:15672/, just use the created user and enjoy it.