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Docker VM Setup

This repository contains several Blueprints that will help you create docker machine on different Cloud Platforms.

If you're only now starting to work with Cloudify see our Getting Started Guide.

This document will guide you how to run the examples step by step.

Using the CLI

Prepering the environment

Download the archive.

curl -L -o

Extract the archive.

unzip && cd cloudify-docker-plugin-master/docker-vm

Install Cloudify plugins that you may need for the required Cloud Platform.

cfy plugin upload -y {URL_TO_YAML} {URL_TO_WAGON}

Creating secrets

Create secrets according to your IaaS provider.

Replace with actual values, without the <>


cfy secrets create aws_access_key_id --secret-string <value>
cfy secrets create aws_secret_access_key --secret-string <value>

For Azure

cfy secrets create azure_subscription_id --secret-string <value>
cfy secrets create azure_tenant_id --secret-string <value>
cfy secrets create azure_client_id --secret-string <value>
cfy secrets create azure_client_secret --secret-string <value>


gcp_credentials: A GCP service account key in JSON format. Hint: Create this secret from a file:

`cfy secrets create gcp_credentials -f ./path/to/JSON key`.

gcp_zone: A GCP Zone such as us-east1-b:

cfy secrets create gcp_zone --secret-string <zone>                                                                                                                                              

For Openstack

cfy secrets create openstack_username --secret-string <value>
cfy secrets create openstack_password --secret-string <value>
cfy secrets create openstack_tenant_name --secret-string <value>
cfy secrets create openstack_auth_url --secret-string <value>

Running the example

For AWS:

cfy install aws.yaml -i aws_region_name=<aws_region_name>

For Azure:

cfy install azure.yaml -i location=<location> -i agent_password=<agent_password>

For GCP:

cfy install gcp.yaml -i region=<region>

For Openstack:

cfy install openstack.yaml \
    -i region=RegionOne
    -i external_network=<external_network_name> \
    -i image=<you_linux_image_id> \
    -i flavor=<your_chosen_flavor_id>

###Get deployment id:

cfy deployments list         

###Get the URL of the webserver

cfy deployment outputs <deployment_id>

Using the Web UI

Open the Web UI

  1. Open the browser with the Cloudify Manager's public IP provided during installation
  2. Login with user 'admin', password can be either:
    • Using one of the images (AMI, QCOW, Docker), password is 'admin'
    • Password provided during installation (in config.yaml)
    • Password generated during installation and printed to screen

Install Cloudify plugins

  1. Go to 'Cloudify Catalog' on the left side menu
  2. In the 'Plugins Catalog' widget, select the plugin of the IaaS of your choice and click 'install' button on the right side

Creating secrets

  1. Go to 'System Resources on the left side menu'
  2. Scroll down to the 'Secret Store Management' widget
  3. Create secrets using the 'Create' button and according to your IaaS provider: ('Secret key' according to the list below and 'Secret value' with your specific values)
    • For AWS
      • aws_access_key_id
      • aws_secret_access_key
    • For Azure
      • subscription_id
      • tenant_id
      • client_id
      • client_secret
    • For GCP
      • gcp_client_x509_cert_url
      • gcp_client_email
      • gcp_client_id
      • gcp_project_id
      • gcp_private_key_id
      • gcp_private_key
      • gcp_project_id
      • gcp_zone
    • For Openstack
      • keystone_username
      • keystone_password
      • keystone_tenant_name
      • keystone_url

Running the example

  1. Go to 'Local Blueprints' menu and click 'Upload' button
  2. In the blueprint choose an archived version of docker-vm folder
  3. In the blueprint YAML file select one of the following
    • azure.yaml
    • openstack.yaml
    • aws.yaml
    • gcp.yaml
  4. Click 'upload'
  5. In the blueprints table, click the 'cloudify-hello-world-example-master' link
  6. Click 'Create Deployment' button
  7. Type 'cloudify-hello-world-example-master' in the deployment name field
  8. Complete the inputs' values:
    • For AWS
      • aws_region_name, for example 'eu-central-1'
    • For Azure
      • location, for example 'eastus'
      • agent_password, for example 'OpenS3sVm3'
    • For GCP
      • region, for example 'europe-west1'
    • For Openstack
      • region, for example 'RegionOne'
      • external_network, for example 'GATEWAY_NET'
      • image, for example '05bb3a46-ca32-4032-bedd-8d7ebd5c8100'
      • flavor, for example '4d798e17-3439-42e1-ad22-fb956ec22b54'
  9. Click 'Deploy'
  10. Scroll down to the deployments table, click the hanburger menu on the right and select 'Install'