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+++ b/docs/README.md
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- [Introduction](/README.md)
- [Guides](/docs/guides/README.md)
+ - [Getting Started](/docs/guides/getting-started.md)
- [Using `skpm` as a build system](/docs/guides/using-skpm.md)
+ - [Rendering](rendering.md)
- [Data Fetching](/docs/guides/data-fetching.md)
- [Universal Rendering](/docs/guides/universal-rendering.md)
- [Styling](/docs/guides/styling.md)
diff --git a/docs/guides/README.md b/docs/guides/README.md
index 5c936c95..36cbc07b 100644
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How to use `react-sketchapp` for fun and profit.
+- [Getting Started](getting-started.md)
- [Using `skpm` as a build system](using-skpm.md)
+- [Rendering](rendering.md)
- [Data Fetching](data-fetching.md)
- [Universal Rendering](universal-rendering.md)
- [Styling](styling.md)
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+# Getting Started
+You can create a `react-sketchapp` project with `skpm`, by cloning a ready-made [example](../examples.md), or by manually setting up the `package.json` and `manifest.json` scripts (advanced usage).
+## Environment Setup
+You will need npm, Node and Sketch.
+- Terminal (if you’re new to the command line, this [guide](https://medium.com/32pixels/the-designers-guide-to-the-osx-command-prompt-71b0016cac31) may help)
+ - You need to make sure `git` is installed – type `git --version` in your Terminal to check if it's installed, if it isn’t, you should be prompted to install via “command line developer tools”.
+- Code editor e.g. [VSCode](https://code.visualstudio.com/), [Atom](https://atom.io/)
+- Node.js & `npm` – [install with Homebrew](https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/#macos) (or install with [Node Version Manager](https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/#nvm))
+- [Sketch](https://www.sketch.com/)
+ - requires macOS
+## Creating a Project With Skpm
+**Replace** `my-app` with your desired project name:
+### Installation
+npm install --global skpm
+skpm create my-app --template=airbnb/react-sketchapp # template is a GitHub repo
+cd my-app
+### Setup
+You can now open `my-app` in your code editor of choice. You will see a `src` folder with a `manifest.json` file and Sketch entrypoint (e.g. `my-command.js`). If you wish to rename `my-command.js`, you can do so and update the file name in `script` in `manifest.json`
+Example modifications (assuming we want to rename the entrypoint file to `main.js` and don't want to have sub-commands):
+ "commands": [
+ {
+- "name": "my-command",
++ "name": "My App Name: Sketch Components"
+- "identifier": "my-command-identifier",
++ "identifier": "main",
+- "script": "./my-command.js"
++ "script": "./main.js"
+ }
+ ],
+ "menu": {
+- "title": "my-app",
+- "items": [
+- "my-command-identifier"
+- ]
++ "isRoot": true,
++ "items": [
++ "main"
++ ]
++ }
+ }
+### Rendering to Sketch
+To render your app to Sketch, open the Sketch application, create a new blank document, then go to your Terminal and run:
+# Make sure you've already done `cd my-app`
+npm run render
+You can pass the target Sketch container layer (i.e. document, group or page object) to the `render` function in your Sketch plugin entrypoint file, using the Sketch API: `render(, sketch.getSelectedDocument()`.
+For more info on rendering to Sketch, see the [rendering](./rendering.md) page.
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+# Rendering Guide
+You can use the Sketch API to select Sketch containers such as documents, pages or groups, to pass through to the `render` function.
+### Rendering to Multiple Pages or New Documents
+`src/my-command.js` (or whatever file your Sketch plugin entrypoint is).
+import React from 'react';
+import { render, Document, Page } from 'react-sketchapp';
+// wrapper is required if you want to use multiple pages
+const App = () => (
+ Hello World!
+ Hello World, again!
+export default () => {
+ const documents = sketch.getDocuments();
+ const document =
+ sketch.getSelectedDocument() || new sketch.Document(); // get the current document // or create a new document
+## Rendering to Selected Document
+This will render to the last active document. If there is no document open, document will be undefined and you will get an error, so you can add `|| new sketch.Document()` as a fallback to handle this.
+import sketch from 'sketch';
+import { render } from 'react-sketchapp';
+// const App = () => ... or import App from './App';
+export default () => {
+ const document = sketch.getSelectedDocument();
+ render(, document);
+## Rendering to Document by Name
+We can select a document by name, by looping through `sketch.getDocuments()` and checking `doc.path` inside the loop.
+import path from 'path';
+import sketch from 'sketch';
+import { render } from 'react-sketchapp';
+// const App = () => ... or import App from './App';
+const getDocumentByName = name => {
+ return (sketch.getDocuments() || []).find(doc => {
+ return doc.path && path.basename(doc.path, '.sketch') === name;
+ });
+export default () => {
+ const document = getDocumentByName('My App Design') || new sketch.Document(); // Fallback to new document if document not found
+ render(, document);
diff --git a/docs/guides/styling.md b/docs/guides/styling.md
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@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ Components use CSS styles + FlexBox layout.
| `textShadowOffset` | `{ width: number, height: number }` | ✅ |
| `textShadowRadius` | `number` | ✅ |
| `textShadowColor` | `Color` | ✅ |
+| `textTransform` | `none` | `uppercase` | `lowercase` | ✅ |
| `letterSpacing` | `number` | ✅ |
| `lineHeight` | `number` | ✅ |
| `textAlign` | `auto` | `left` | `right` | `center` | `justify` | ✅ |