Releases: ajayyy/DeArrow
Releases · ajayyy/DeArrow
- Add downvotes, and act as vip option
- Add new generated thumbnail for upcoming videos if "random thumbnails" are enabled
- Add support for generated random thumbnails on livestreams
- Better handle difference in random thumbnail timestamps
- Title formatter updates (thanks @SuperStormer )
- Add compatibility with Tube Archivist extension (needs changes on their end to be merged as well)
- Fix unsubmitted titles not being deleted when pressing reset on a title
- Add a way to import/export local storage
- Update title formatting word list
- When "Show original on hover" is enabled, the title text for the show original button changes to the title of the video to make it easier to see longer video title
- Fix age restricted videos sometimes not falling back to autogenerated thumbnails
- Improve performance for fallback to "random time" by using YouTube autogenerated thumbnails if the thumbnail cache is not available in these cases
- Most useful on older/unpopular videos
- Should fix issues where playback stutters on first load of these videos
- Title formatting changes
- Update word lists
- Fix hyphenated words counting as "custom capitalization"
- Remove force don't format from non-smart formatters
- Add option to use capital case for non english titles
- Speed up title fetching in certain cases
- Fix clip page breaking extension
- Fix transparent background for mixes creating weird look
- Fix duation of videos not appearing on mobile YouTube
- Fix empty thumbnails causing errors when failing to remove ab thumbnail
- Fix submit button not working when title is a zero width space
- Fix a special case where some YouTube featured videos are linked as playlists even though they display a normal video title
- Add warning about out of date browsers
- Add warning about when extension sync storage is disabled
- Make hover preview work for shorts on mobile
- Fixes for local thumbnail generation
- Add error message when license key invalid
- Fix invisible license key on light mode
- Add option to never use A/B tested thumbnails
- Add warning when voting for the original thumbnail during an a/b thumbnail test
- Allow Orion browser on iPad to bypass activation screen
- Fix video titles in playlist boxes in search being hidden
- They are unmodified though
- Title formatting changes:
- Add back 4 letter words to title case not capitalized
- Not part of APA, but still pretty standard
- Add another type of dash as delimiter
- Add acronym to allowlist
- Support preview when hovering the up next button
- Fix title not changing on Cytube and watchtogether
- Title formatter changes:
- Fix "vs." thinking it's at the end of a sentence
- Fix errored thumbnail images sometimes displaying when they should not be
- Remove unnecessary check related to incognito support