You can use the MQTT connector to receive messages from IoT devices connected to The Thing Network.
Basic approach:
- Create a TTN user
- Login
- Create a TTN application
- Authorize your user for your TTN application
- Register your devices
- Subscribe to the required topics in your Mendix application
You should Download ttnctl or use the TTN dashboard.
Create a TTN user:
λ .\ttnctl-windows-amd64.exe user create [email protected]
Confirm password:
INFO User created
λ ttnctl-windows-amd64.exe user login [email protected]
INFO Logged in as [email protected] and persisted token in C:\Users\ako/.ttnctl/auths.json
Create an TTN app:
λ ttnctl-windows-amd64.exe applications create "MxMqttClient"
INFO Application created successfully
List apps:
λ ttnctl-windows-amd64.exe applications
INFO Found 1 application(s)
EUI Name Owner Access Keys Valid
eui-xxxx MxMqttClient [email protected] xxxxxx true
Authorize user for app:
λ ttnctl-windows-amd64.exe applications authorize eui-xxx [email protected]
INFO User authorized successfully
Use app:
λ ttnctl-windows-amd64.exe applications use eui-xxx
WARN Could not read configuration file, will just create a new one
INFO You are now using application eui-xxx.
Register personalized device:
λ ttnctl-windows-amd64.exe devices register personalized 02020701
INFO Generating random NwkSKey and AppSKey...
INFO Registered personalized device AppSKey=XXX DevAddr=02020701 Flags=0 NwkSKey=XXXX
λ ttnctl-windows-amd64.exe devices register personalized 02020601
INFO Generating random NwkSKey and AppSKey...
INFO Registered personalized device AppSKey=XXX DevAddr=02020601 Flags=0 NwkSKey=XXX
List devices:
λ ttnctl-windows-amd64.exe devices
INFO Application does not activate new devices with default AppKey
INFO Found 1 personalized devices (ABP)
DevAddr FCntUp FCntDown Flags
02020701 0 0 -
INFO Found 0 dynamic devices (OTAA)
DevEUI DevAddr FCntUp FCntDown
INFO Run 'ttnctl devices info [DevAddr|DevEUI]' for more information about a specific device
Device details:
λ ttnctl-windows-amd64.exe devices info 02020701
Personalized device:
DevAddr: 02020701
{0x02, 0x02, 0x07, 0x01}
NwkSKey: XXX
AppSKey: XXX
FCntUp: 0
FCntDn: 0
Flags: -
Create a Microflow to receive messages from your devices:
Subscribe to receive all messages for your application:
Details for subcribe action:
You can test this setup by creating some dummy message with uplink:
λ .\ttnctl-windows-amd64 uplink false 02020601 XXXX XXXX --plain "HelloWorld2" 5
WARN Sending data as plain text is bad practice. We recommend to transmit data in a binary format.
INFO Sending packet: Packet{Version:1,Token:[50 153],Identifier:0,GatewayId:[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8],Payload:{,RXPK:[RXPK{Codr:4/5,Data:QAEGAgIABQABFA0mF7yU0kxPzJbAA42J,Datr:SF8BW125,Freq:869.9751,Lsnr:4.9,Modu:LoRa,Rssi:-4,Stat:1,Time:2016-12-11 11:51:41.7044895 +0000 UTC,Tmst:1,}]}}
INFO Received PullAck: Packet{Version:1,Token:[50 153],Identifier:1,GatewayId:[]}
INFO Received Ack: Packet{Version:1,Token:[1 2],Identifier:4,GatewayId:[]}
You should see the following in the Mendix console indicating that the message has been received: