is a scalar autograd engine for training neural networks.
It implements forward and backward passes over dynamic computional graphs of scalars in pure python.
is solely an educational project.
It should not be considered as an autograd engine to actually train any networks with.
It's just a playground to explore and better understand the machinery of backprogation for training neural networks.
This project is heavily inspired by micrograd by Andrej Karpathy.
- Linear function forward and backward passes
from scalargrad.scalar import Scalar
# define inputs and parameters.
x0 = Scalar(0.1, name='x0')
x1 = Scalar(0.2, name='x1')
w0 = Scalar(0.3, name='w0')
w1 = Scalar(0.4, name='w1')
b = Scalar(0.5, name='b')
# define linear function and execute forward pass.
f = (x0 * w0) + (x1 * w1) + b = 'linear'
# execute backward pass.
# display computational graph.
# print result and gradients of weights.
print(f'forward: {}')
print(f'df/dw0: {w0.grad}')
print(f'df/dw1: {w1.grad}')
>>> forward: 0.61
>>> df/dw0: 0.1
>>> df/dw1: 0.2
- Learning XOR with neural network
from scalargrad.nn import Linear, Sequential, CrossEntropyLoss, SGD, Softmax
# define dataset.
x = [
[1.0, 1.0],
[0.0, 1.0],
[1.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0],
y = [1, 0, 0, 1]
# define model, loss function and optimizer.
model = Sequential([
Linear(2, 4, activation='relu'),
Linear(4, 2, activation='identity'),
loss_fn = CrossEntropyLoss()
optim = SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.075)
# train for 1000 epochs with batch size of 1.
for _ in range(1000):
for xi, yi in zip(x, y):
output = model(xi)
target = yi
loss = loss_fn([output], [target])
# predict softmax probabilities for each sample.
softmax = Softmax()
for xi, yi in zip(x, y):
logits = model(xi)
pred = softmax(logits)
pred = [ for out in pred]
print(f'x: {xi}')
print(f'y: {yi}')
print(f'pred: {pred}')
>>> x: [1.0, 1.0]
>>> y: 1
>>> pred: [0.0023424001473020847, 0.997657599852698]
>>> x: [0.0, 1.0]
>>> y: 0
>>> pred: [0.9966527803688605, 0.003347219631139429]
>>> x: [1.0, 0.0]
>>> y: 0
>>> pred: [0.9965988144771889, 0.003401185522811088]
>>> x: [0.0, 0.0]
>>> y: 1
>>> pred: [0.014056726645726948, 0.9859432733542731]
builds and executes computational graphs of scalars.
In such graph each node is a scalar result of some mathematical operation.
Each operation is recorded for forward and backward passes.
Forward pass is executed on-the-fly as operations are called.
Backward pass is executed by propagating backwards from arbitrary leaf node.
Typically that node would be the value of your loss function.
- Training neural networks
- Backprogation through arbitrary computational graph
- PyTorch-like API
- Pure Python3 implementation without any dependencies
- Tested against PyTorch (requires third-party dependencies)
- Computational graph visualization (requires third-party dependencies)
implements common NN modules:
: linear layer with activation functionscalargrad.nn.Sequential
: a sequence of layersscalargrad.nn.Softmax
: softmax layerscalargrad.nn.CrossEntropyLoss
: cross-entropy loss with softmax over raw logitsscalargrad.nn.MSELoss
: mean squared error lossscalargrad.nn.SGD
: stochastic gradient descent with momentum optimizer
Basic training and evaluation routines are provided via scalargrad.train.Trainer
and scalargrad.train.Evaluator
- Training multiclass classification:
python -m examples.train_classification
- Training scalar regression:
python -m examples.train_regression
Built with Python3.8.
Core features such as executing forward and backward passes require no dependencies.
However, testing and graph visualization do require some.
Install them all via requirements.txt
if needed.
I also recommend installing cpu-only build of torch via pip install torch --index-url
forward and backward implementations are heavily tested against PyTorch.
As a consequence torch
, numpy
and parameterized
are required for testing.
- Test core ops and NN modules (fast):
python -m unittest discover -v tests/core
- Test training (very slow):
python -m unittest discover -v tests/train
Computational graphs may be visualized by calling .render()
on a leaf node.
This requires dependencies graphviz
and Pillow
Be careful when attempting to visualize large graphs, it's really easy to run out of memory.