This page lists alternatives to JabRef.
Please discuss with us at the forum list if you miss features in JabRef being available at the other tools
- A large list of possible reference managers is provided by WikiPedia.
- also provides a list of popular alternatives.
- An interactive table is provided at the ultimate reference management software comparision.
- An evaluation from the year 2007 of collaborative literature tools: Fachstudie Nr. 61.
In the list below, we pick interesting candidates. Some of them are not listed at the lists above.
- Bib-it
- BibTeX style generator (bst): Bib-it features an advanced GUI based bst generator
- Development discontinued
- Bibfilex
- Bibi
- Docear, successor of
- Friendly fork of JabRef. Source:
- seems to be another fork
- ebib, plugin für EMACS
- org-bibref, plugin for EMACS
- sixpack - development discontinued
There are also scripts for working in an automated way on BibTeX files:
- KBibTeX
- Pybliographer, a GNOME application
- Referencer, a GNOME application
- Bibus
- Also offers integration with MS Word and
- calibre for eBooks, Source Code
- EndNote
- Zotero
- Recommended plugin: Zotero: Better Bib(La)TeX (BBT)
- Integration with JabRef: JabFox Firefox Addon
- ReadCube
- Seems quite good to deal with pdf files
- Aigaion
- BibORB
- BibServer - unsure whether it is really collaborative or for single users only.
- CloudRef - prototype to show how collaboratively maintain bibtex entries.
- F1000 Workspace - 10$/month - see also
- Mendeley
- Papers
- Papyres
- refbase
- RefDB
- RefWorks
- Scientilla
See also for an overview and feature-comparison.