import {Arrow} from 'butterfly-dag';
key: 'yourArrow1',
type: 'svg',
width: 10, // (Optional), default `8px`
height: 10, // (Optional), default `8px`
content: require('/your_fold/your_arrow.svg') // reference external svg
}, {
key: 'yourArrow1',
type: 'pathString',
content: 'M5 0 L0 -2 Q 1.0 0 0 2 Z' // `d` attribute of path
// method 1: Set the default theme, all arrows will take effect
let canvas = new Canvas({
theme: {
edge: {
arrow: true,
arrowShapeType: 'yourArrow1'
// Method 2: Set the arrow style of a certain edge
id: '',
arrow: true,
arrowShapeType: 'yourArrow1',
User registered svg or arrow with custom path. In addition, we have supported the svg downloaded by Iconfont
to be used as the style of the arrow. Iconfont
is a good choice for you.