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File metadata and controls

159 lines (124 loc) · 5.02 KB


Store is a unit that connects to a Linkable and manage its states.

constructor and options

export class Store <Props extends Record<string, any>> {
	base: Linkable;
	constructor (base: Linkable, options?: Partial<StoreOptions>): void;
	options: StoreOptions;
	static defaults: StoreOptions;

export interface StoreOptions {
	static: boolean = false;
	addUndefined: boolean = false;
	baseProp: Prop<any>;
	updateOnDefine: boolean = true;
	updateOnSet: boolean = true;
	updateDispatcher: Partial<UDispatcherOptions>

constructor: take a base of type Linkable and optional StoreOptions.

base: is the Linkable the Store is attached to.

options: is the StoreOptions defined for this store.

defaults: is the default StoreOptions defined for all instances of the Store.


  • static: all properties are static by default, doesnt trigger updates. default, all properties are reactive.
  • addUndefined: allow the addition of undefined properties, through set not first by add, default is to disallow.
  • baseProp: the base definition for all properties.
  • updateOnDefine: trigger update on property define, default true.
  • updateOnSet: trigger update on property setting, default true.
  • updateDispatcher: the options passed to the update dispatcher.

state management

export class Store <Props> {
	add <P extends keyof Props> (name: P, propObj?: Partial<Prop<Props[P]>>): Prop<Props[P]>;
	has (name: keyof Props | symbol): boolean;
	remove (name: keyof Props | symbol): void;

	getProp <P extends keyof Props> (name: P | symbol): Prop<Props[P]>;
	getSymbolFor (name: keyof Props): symbol;

	onAdd: Event<(store: this, prop: Prop<any>) => void>;
	onRemove: Event<(store: this, prop: Prop<any>) => void>;

export interface Prop <T> {
	value: T;
	name: string;
	symbol: symbol;
	isStatic: boolean;
	meta: Record<keyof any, any>;
	init?: (this: this) => void;
	getter?: (this: this) => T;
	setter?: (this: this, value: T) => void;
	comparator: (old: T, New: T) => boolean;

see also get and set methods

add: add a given property, optionally take a Partial<Prop> as definition.

has: whether the Store has the given property defined.

remove: remove a property from the Store.

getProp: get the Prop definition of a given property.

getSymbolFor: get the symbol of a given property. if not defined, returns a future valid property symbol.

onAdd: an event triggered when adding a property.

onRemove: an event triggered when removing a property.


the definition of the property, it contains:

  • name: the property name.
  • symbol: the property symbol.
  • value: the property value.
  • isStatic: whether the property is static. if static, doesnt trigger updates.
  • init: a function that initialize the property.
  • getter: a function called to get the value of the property.
  • setter: a function called to set the value of the property.
  • comparator: a function that compares the old and new values of the property when setting. if true, trigger update.

see also Signal methods and addEffect


export class Store <Props> {
	forceUpdate (name: keyof Props | symbol): void;
	updateAll (withStatic: boolean = true): void;

	onChange: Event<(store: this, props: Prop<any>[]) => void>;

a property is updated on setting and on adding based on options, or by force.

forceUpdate: force trigger an update for a given property.

updateAll: trigger update for all properties.
can be with statics, by default true.

onChange: an event triggered on updates, passed with the updated properties.

bulk updating

export class Store <Props> {
	get bulkUpdating (): boolean;
	startBulkUpdate () : boolean;
	endBulkUpdate (): boolean;

when setting multiple properties one by one by set, each call to set triggers an independent update.
this can cause overupdates where the common effects between the changed properties is called by each update.

to solve this, the Store provide a mechanism called bulk updating where changes are collected and triggered once as a big update.

bulkUpdating: whether the Store is in a bulk update.

startBulkUpdate: starts bulk updating.

endBulkUpdate: ends bulk updating.

note: these methods inc/dec internal counter and only triggers the update when the counter returns to zero.
this is implemented to make overlapping batches a single batch.

setMultiple: triggers a bulk update internally.


export class Store <Props> {
	get asObject (): Props;
	get asMap (): Map<string, any>;
	*[Symbol.iterator] (): Iterator<Prop<any>>;
	get propsToBeAdded (): string[];

asObject: returns all the properties in an object.

asMap: returns all the properties in a Map.

*[Symbol.iterator]: allows iteration through the properties in for ... of loops.

propsToBeAdded: returns the properties used by getSymbolFor and had not been added.