👍🎉 First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! 🎉👍
This is a non-profitable, information sharing project. Any contribution towards improvement of the website by adding features or submission of a blog to be published to the website are more than welcome.
Here are a few things to keep in mind to follow a standard across the project :
- If reporting a bug
- Check if similar bug has already been reported here
- Create an issue with as much details as possible for helping in reproducing & fixing the bug
- If contributing towards website enhancement :
- Check if similar feature has already been requested here.
- The website is a static one created using jekyll. Please check on their documentation for understanding and adding custom features to the website based on their plugins.
- Apart from those, if anything else is to be improved, please go ahead for the proposal.
- In any of the cases, create an issue with required details.
- If contributing with a blog to be published :
- Read the README.md file for instructions for contribution to the project.
- Place the markdown file of blog in the /_posts/ folder of root directiry.
- Name of the file should be in the format
yyyy-mm-dd-< '-' seperated name of file>
- Any image or gif referenced in blog file to be placed in /assets/images/ folder.
- Name of the image or gif should be in the format
yyyy-mm-dd-< '-' caption for image >
. - Refer initial blog files for proper way of formating your blog file.
Note: Posts will appear on the dates mentioned in their markdown files.