- Fix Deprecated Functionality: Creation of dynamic property
- remove payment plan deferred_type and deferred_duration
- Change alma-monthlypayments-magento2 vendor name & version dependency
- Refactor helpers
- Change alma-monthlypayments-magento2 version dependency
- Restaure magento sale graph-ql dependency
- Add eligibility for guest cart
- remove magento sale graph-ql dependency
- remove composer.lock
- Change project name
- Change composer requirement
- Change param name to cart_id
- Set quote elibility by quoteId
- Add masked quote id resolution in graphQL for 2.2.8 compatibility
- Change composer requirement
- fix: typo alma_additional_data
- Feature: Get Alma quote eligibility in cart and customerCart
- Feature: Add Alma selectedPlan in payment_method
- Feature: Add payment_url in setPaymentMethodAndPlaceOrder/order return
- Init magento 2 graphQL repository.