- Pending changelog
- Change Anchore policy
- [EOS-3590] Fix Vault token renewal
- [EOS-3126] Fix PyJWT vulnerability
- [EOS-3126] Fix and activate Anchore tests
- [EOS-3031] Bump kms_utils to version 0.4.6
- [EOS-2970] Treat HAPROXY_RSYSLOG as a boolean parameter
- [EOS-2939] Update error message for Marathon-LB default certificate
- Improve exception handling and logging
- [EOS-2913] Replace healthchecking lua mechanism
- [EOS-2879] Bump HAproxy to 2.0.5 and enable metrics endpoint
- [EOS-2578] Fold all certifiates, keys and CAs to files with lines of length 64
- [EOS-2579] Download certs only when an app's backends increase from 0 and the cert is not already present
- [EOS-2425] Error when logging app id of not found Vault cert
- [EOS-2395] New label in marathon-lb to specify certs location
- Adapt repo to new versioning flow
- [EOS-1819] Download certificates only of new deployed apps
- [EOS-1817] Look for marathon-lb own cert following multitenant convention, fall back to "default" path if not found
- [EOS-1825] Fix logger in haproxy_wrapper.py
- [EOS-1816] Add new thread to renew vault token and fix token expire_time calculation
- [EOS-1810] Include checking vault token state in healthcheck
- Fix curl dependency and gpg keyserver in Dockerfile
- [EOS-1074] Fix to tcplog format in tcp backends
- Fix isolate failed backends when regenerating config
- [EOS-1074] Fix to tcplog format in tcp backends
- Fix isolate failed backends when regenerating config
- [EOS-987] Marathon-lb-sec logging format should comply with standard
- [EOS-987] Included b-log version 0.4.0
- [EOS-987] Python, bash, and HAproxy with standard centralized log format
- [EOS-1023] Bug fixing with dead connections to Vault
- [EOS-1038] Output marathon-lb-sec logs to stdout
- [EOS-1067] Ensure the default marathon-lb certificate to be present by SNI if there's no certificate for the concrete app
- [EOS-1068] Updated kms_utils version to 0.4.0
- [EOS-1069] Add CA-bundle to the container
- Add iptables rules in position 2 if a calico rule is present
- Updated Marathon-LB main version v1.11.3
- Bug fixing with race conditions
- [EOS-852] Expose certificates per app
- Python kms_utils wrapper
- Updated kms_utils version to 0.3.0
- [EOS-568] Implement dynamic authentication in Marathon-lb entrypoint
- Marathon-LB main version v1.10.3