This sample adds a direct link to the sign-up page. A relying party application can include a query string parameter option=signup
that takes the user directly to the sign-up page.
To add the direct link to the sign-up page:
At the begging of the sign-up and sign-in user journey, add an orchestration step that reads the
claim resolver. TheGet-sign-up-claim-resolver
technical profile also checks the value of the option claim, and set the value of the BooleansignUpFlow
claim.<OrchestrationStep Order="1" Type="ClaimsExchange"> <ClaimsExchanges> <ClaimsExchange Id="Get-sign-up-claim-resolver" TechnicalProfileReferenceId="Get-sign-up-claim-resolver" /> </ClaimsExchanges> </OrchestrationStep>
Then add a new orchestration step that invokes the
sign-up technical profile. This steps runs only if thesignUpFlow
.<OrchestrationStep Order="2" Type="ClaimsExchange"> <Preconditions> <Precondition Type="ClaimEquals" ExecuteActionsIf="true"> <Value>signUpFlow</Value> <Value>False</Value> <Action>SkipThisOrchestrationStep</Action> </Precondition> </Preconditions> <ClaimsExchanges> <ClaimsExchange Id="SignUpExchange" TechnicalProfileReferenceId="LocalAccountSignUpWithLogonEmail" /> </ClaimsExchanges> </OrchestrationStep>
Add a precondition to the the
orchestration step. Make is run only if thesignUpFlow
.<OrchestrationStep Order="3" Type="CombinedSignInAndSignUp" ContentDefinitionReferenceId="api.signuporsignin"> <Preconditions> <Precondition Type="ClaimEquals" ExecuteActionsIf="true"> <Value>signUpFlow</Value> <Value>True</Value> <Action>SkipThisOrchestrationStep</Action> </Precondition> </Preconditions> <ClaimsProviderSelections> <ClaimsProviderSelection TargetClaimsExchangeId="FacebookExchange" /> <ClaimsProviderSelection ValidationClaimsExchangeId="LocalAccountSigninEmailExchange" /> </ClaimsProviderSelections> <ClaimsExchanges> <ClaimsExchange Id="LocalAccountSigninEmailExchange" TechnicalProfileReferenceId="SelfAsserted-LocalAccountSignin-Email" /> </ClaimsExchanges> </OrchestrationStep>
To direct the user to the sign-up page, in the authorization request add the option=signup
query string parameter.
The following example takes the user to the landing page (sign-up or sign-in)
If you add the option=signup
parameter, the user is taken directly to the sign-up page.`
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This sample policy is based on SocialAndLocalAccounts starter pack. All changes are marked with Sample: comment inside the policy XML files. Make the necessary changes in the Sample action required sections.