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Prepare shut up thyself with this..."}, {"position": "middle", "signpost": "And now for the part where I stick my tongue out at you because you cannot recognize my genius..."}, {"position": "middle", "signpost": "The next step is complicated, so try not to be embarrassed by what I am about to show you..."}, {"position": "middle", "signpost": "Ask yourself, \"How might I get this flex tape?\" Let me show you..."}, {"position": "middle", "signpost": "With this next step, you will be closer to achieving everything you've ever wanted..."}, {"position": "end", "signpost": "Now for the grand finale, where I flex with my flextape..."}, {"position": "end", "signpost": "To cap this all off, you will recognize my power with this..."}, {"position": "end", "signpost": "With everything laid out in front of you dolts, I can now reveal the ultimate prize..."}], "id": "100038"}}, "100039": {"id": "100039", "values": {"game": "JackboxTalks", "content_type": "JackboxTalksTitle", "descriptor_text": "My Real Name Is Actually <BLANK>, And I'm Here To Promote My New Product Line.", "title": "My Real Name Is Actually <BLANK>, And I'm Here To Promote My New Product Line.", "safetyAnswers": ["Your Name Here", "Ryan Reynolds", "Pllblhhhbttt Bpbghhht III"], "signposts": [{"position": "middle", "signpost": "My favorite item has to be..."}, {"position": "middle", "signpost": "The product line's costs are of course significantly affected by..."}, {"position": "middle", "signpost": "The end goal of this is to raise money for this..."}, {"position": "middle", "signpost": "Why create a product line? I was inspired by this..."}, {"position": "end", "signpost": "In conclusion, please buy my products. Otherwise, this will happen..."}, {"position": "middle", "signpost": "You should trust me because my line has the full support of this..."}, {"position": "end", "signpost": "So please invest. If you do, you'll recieve this..."}, {"position": "end", "signpost": "I actually hate all of these products, but my hand was forced by this..."}], "x": false, "id": "100039"}}, "100040": {"id": "100040", "values": {"game": "JackboxTalks", "content_type": "JackboxTalksTitle", "descriptor_text": "I forgot the topic of this presentation. I think it had something to do with <BLANK>.", "title": "I forgot the topic of this presentation. I think it had something to do with <BLANK>.", "safetyAnswers": ["gamers", "the upcoming apocalypse", "me forgetting the topic of this presentation"], "signposts": [{"position": "middle", "signpost": "Now I have absolutely no idea what this next slide is about. I think it has something to do with this..."}, {"position": "middle", "signpost": "I think I forgot because of this..."}, {"position": "middle", "signpost": "Now, I need a little audience participation to make sense of this..."}, {"position": "middle", "signpost": "What may or may not be on this next slide will utterly shock you..."}, {"position": "end", "signpost": "Okay, after reviewing a few slides I think I know what this is about..."}, {"position": "end", "signpost": "I have no clue what I just witnessed. Maybe we can make sense of it with this..."}, {"position": "end", "signpost": "And so after all that, I think we managed to learn this..."}], "x": false, "id": "100040"}}, "100041": {"id": "100041", "values": {"game": "JackboxTalks", "content_type": "JackboxTalksTitle", "descriptor_text": "Instead of presenting something, I'm going to sing something. Can someone start playing <BLANK>?", "title": "Instead of presenting something, I'm going to sing something. Can someone start playing <BLANK>?", "safetyAnswers": ["Bohemian Rhapsody", "I Will Always Love You", "All Star", "any song by Wham!"], "signposts": [{"position": "middle", "signpost": "Feel free to sing along."}, {"position": "middle", "signpost": "I'M NOT SEEING ENOUGH MOVEMENT"}, {"position": "middle", "signpost": "Music to my earholes."}, {"position": "middle", "signpost": "Can I see some support for our presenter?"}, {"position": "middle", "signpost": "Keep it going!"}, {"position": "end", "signpost": "PITCH. PERFECT."}, {"position": "end", "signpost": "I think I'm gonna cry, that was beautiful."}, {"position": "end", "signpost": "I am very envious from what I just witnessed."}, {"position": "end", "signpost": "Time to end it on a high note if you haven't already."}, {"position": "end", "signpost": "Can we give a hand to our presenter?"}], "x": false, "id": "100041"}}, "100042": {"id": "100042", "values": {"game": "JackboxTalks", "content_type": "JackboxTalksTitle", "descriptor_text": "Stop the presentation. My archenemy, <BLANK> is in the room.", "title": "Stop the presentation. My archenemy, <BLANK> is in the room.", "safetyAnswers": ["that guy from across the street", "a single carpet stain", "Constantine the Great"], "signposts": [{"position": "middle", "signpost": "We have to be very careful with what I'm about to do next..."}, {"position": "middle", "signpost": "This next slide shows my archenemy in their most dangerous form..."}, {"position": "middle", "signpost": "You may be wondering what created my nemesis. The short version of it is this..."}, {"position": "middle", "signpost": "Watch me as I prepare to deal with my archenemy, using this..."}, {"position": "end", "signpost": "With everything done, I will now vanquish my nemesis using this..."}, {"position": "end", "signpost": "With everything done, we move onto this..."}, {"position": "end", "signpost": "NOW MY WRATH IS UNLEASHED, ESPECIALLY BY THIS..."}], "x": true, "id": "100042"}}, "100043": {"id": "100043", "values": {"game": "JackboxTalks", "content_type": "JackboxTalksPicture", "descriptor_text": "Someone being concerned for others' safety", "file_path": "./external content/Talking Points Pictures/Are you alright.jpg/", "photo_file_browse": "E:/Steam Games/steamapps/common/The Jackbox Party Pack 7/games/external content/Talking Points Pictures/Are you alright.jpg", "low_res_path": "./external content/Talking Points Pictures/Are you alright.jpg/", "low_res_file_browse": "", "name": "Someone being concerned for others' safety", "x": false, "custom_file_path": "./JackboxTalks/content/JackboxTalksPicture/", "id": "100043"}}, "100044": {"id": "100044", "values": {"game": "JackboxTalks", "content_type": "JackboxTalksPicture", "descriptor_text": "Up close face", "file_path": "./external content/Talking Points Pictures/face.jpg/", "photo_file_browse": "E:/Steam Games/steamapps/common/The Jackbox Party Pack 7/games/external content/Talking Points Pictures/face.jpg", "low_res_path": "./external content/Talking Points Pictures/face.jpg/", "low_res_file_browse": "E:/Steam Games/steamapps/common/The Jackbox Party Pack 7/games/external content/Talking Points Pictures/face.jpg", "name": "Up close face", "x": false, "custom_file_path": "./JackboxTalks/content/JackboxTalksPicture/", "id": "100044"}}, "100045": {"id": "100045", "values": {"game": "JackboxTalks", "content_type": "JackboxTalksPicture", "descriptor_text": "Guy meeting new people", "file_path": "./external content/Talking Points Pictures/job well done.jpg/", "photo_file_browse": "E:/Steam Games/steamapps/common/The Jackbox Party Pack 7/games/external content/Talking Points Pictures/job well done.jpg", "low_res_path": "./external content/Talking Points Pictures/job well done.jpg/", "low_res_file_browse": "E:/Steam Games/steamapps/common/The Jackbox Party Pack 7/games/external content/Talking Points Pictures/job well done.jpg", "name": "Guy meeting new people", "x": true, "custom_file_path": "./JackboxTalks/content/JackboxTalksPicture/", "id": "100045"}}, "100046": {"id": "100046", "values": {"game": "JackboxTalks", "content_type": "JackboxTalksPicture", "descriptor_text": "Not the Milky Way Galaxy", "file_path": "./external content/Talking Points Pictures/Not Milky Way.jpg/", "photo_file_browse": "E:/Steam Games/steamapps/common/The Jackbox Party Pack 7/games/external content/Talking Points Pictures/Not Milky Way.jpg", "low_res_path": "./external content/Talking Points Pictures/Not Milky Way.jpg/", "low_res_file_browse": "E:/Steam Games/steamapps/common/The Jackbox Party Pack 7/games/external content/Talking Points Pictures/Not Milky Way.jpg", "name": "Not the Milky Way Galaxy", "x": false, "custom_file_path": "./JackboxTalks/content/JackboxTalksPicture/", "id": "100046"}}, "100047": {"id": "100047", "values": {"game": "JackboxTalks", "content_type": "JackboxTalksPicture", "descriptor_text": "Hilarious Joke About The Younglings", "file_path": "./external content/Talking Points Pictures/younglings.jpg/", "photo_file_browse": "E:/Steam Games/steamapps/common/The Jackbox Party Pack 7/games/external content/Talking Points Pictures/younglings.jpg", "low_res_path": "./external content/Talking Points Pictures/younglings.jpg/", "low_res_file_browse": "E:/Steam Games/steamapps/common/The Jackbox Party Pack 7/games/external content/Talking Points Pictures/younglings.jpg", "name": "Hilarious Joke About The Younglings", "x": true, "custom_file_path": "./JackboxTalks/content/JackboxTalksPicture/", "id": "100047"}}, "100048": {"id": "100048", "values": {"game": "JackboxTalks", "content_type": "JackboxTalksSignpost", "descriptor_text": "My next slide will seem a little extreme, but it's something you have to see for yourself...", "signpost": "My next slide will seem a little extreme, but it's something you have to see for yourself...", "position": "middle", "x": false, "id": "100048"}}, "100049": {"id": "100049", "values": {"game": "JackboxTalks", "content_type": "JackboxTalksSignpost", "descriptor_text": "Let's dive into an analogy, between my current subject and this...", "signpost": "Let's dive into an analogy, between my current subject and this...", "position": "middle", "x": false, "select_position": ["middle"], "id": "100049"}}, "100050": {"id": "100050", "values": {"game": "JackboxTalks", "content_type": "JackboxTalksSignpost", "descriptor_text": "I am become this, destroyer of worlds...", "signpost": "I am become this, destroyer of worlds...", "position": "middle", "x": false, "select_position": ["middle"], "id": "100050"}}, "100051": {"id": "100051", "values": {"game": "JackboxTalks", "content_type": "JackboxTalksSignpost", "descriptor_text": "What you see next will become my catchphrase for the rest of this presentation...", "signpost": "What you see next will become my catchphrase for the rest of this presentation...", "position": "middle", "x": false, "select_position": ["middle"], "id": "100051"}}, "100052": {"id": "100052", "values": {"game": "JackboxTalks", "content_type": "JackboxTalksSignpost", "descriptor_text": "As for my conclusion slide, I hope this presents you with enough of a challenge...", "signpost": "As for my conclusion slide, I hope this presents you with enough of a challenge...", "position": "end", "x": false, "select_position": ["end"], "id": "100052"}}, "100053": {"id": "100053", "values": {"game": "JackboxTalks", "content_type": "JackboxTalksSignpost", "descriptor_text": "Boop boop I'm a scoop", "signpost": "Boop boop I'm a scoop", "position": "end", "x": false, "select_position": ["end"], "id": "100053"}}, "100054": {"id": "100054", "values": {"game": "Quiplash3", "content_type": "Quiplash3Round1Question", "descriptor_text": "The earth is flat? It's actually <BLANK>.", "prompt": "The earth is flat? It's actually <BLANK>.", "safetyQuips": ["a sphere", "not a moon", "a giant cookie"], "includesPlayerName": false, "x": false, "us": false, "prompt_sound": "./external content/Champd Up Sounds/completelyforgettable_response.ogg/", "prompt_file_browse": "E:/Steam Games/steamapps/common/The Jackbox Party Pack 7/games/external content/Champd Up Sounds/completelyforgettable_response.ogg", "response_sound": "./external content/Quiplash 3 Sounds/yeahobviously_response.ogg/", "response_file_browse": "E:/Steam Games/steamapps/common/The Jackbox Party Pack 7/games/external content/Quiplash 3 Sounds/yeahobviously_response.ogg", "response_filter": "flat", "response_transcript": "Yeah, obviously", "id": "100054"}}, "100055": {"id": "100055", "values": {"game": "Quiplash3", "content_type": "Quiplash3Round1Question", "descriptor_text": "Hi <BLANK>, I'm dad", "prompt": "Hi <BLANK>, I'm dad", "safetyQuips": ["malnourished", "idiot", "adopted"], "includesPlayerName": false, "x": false, "us": false, "prompt_sound": "", "prompt_file_browse": "", "response_sound": "", "response_file_browse": "", "response_filter": "", "response_transcript": "", "id": "100055"}}, "100056": {"id": "100056", "values": {"game": "Quiplash3", "content_type": "Quiplash3Round1Question", "descriptor_text": "The funniest thing <ANYPLAYER> could say right now is <BLANK>.", "prompt": "The funniest thing <ANYPLAYER> could say right now is <BLANK>.", "safetyQuips": ["nothing", "bazinga", "I am funny"], "includesPlayerName": true, "x": false, "us": false, "prompt_sound": "", "prompt_file_browse": "", "response_sound": "", "response_file_browse": "", "response_filter": "", "response_transcript": "", "id": "100056"}}, "100057": {"id": "100057", "values": {"game": "Quiplash3", "content_type": "Quiplash3Round1Question", "descriptor_text": "What the founding fathers would say if they were reanimated.", "prompt": "What the founding fathers would say if they were reanimated.", "safetyQuips": ["Brainssssssss", "\"Put me back, please\"", "\"WHAT KIND OF SORCERY IS THIS?\""], "includesPlayerName": false, "x": false, "us": false, "prompt_sound": "./external content/Quiplash 3 Sounds/zombie.ogg/", "prompt_file_browse": "E:/Steam Games/steamapps/common/The Jackbox Party Pack 7/games/external content/Quiplash 3 Sounds/zombie.ogg", "response_sound": "./external content/Quiplash 3 Sounds/igotnewsforya_response.ogg/", "response_file_browse": "E:/Steam Games/steamapps/common/The Jackbox Party Pack 7/games/external content/Quiplash 3 Sounds/igotnewsforya_response.ogg", "response_filter": "poop", "response_transcript": "You think that's funny? Well I got news for ya, poop.", "id": "100057"}}, "100058": {"id": "100058", "values": {"game": "Quiplash3", "content_type": "Quiplash3Round1Question", "descriptor_text": "Stop trying to make <BLANK> happen. It's not going to happen", "prompt": "Stop trying to make <BLANK> happen. It's not going to happen", "safetyQuips": ["a senate that actually does things", "r/prequelmemes", "fetch"], "includesPlayerName": false, "x": false, "us": false, "prompt_sound": "", "prompt_file_browse": "", "response_sound": "", "response_file_browse": "", "response_filter": "", "response_transcript": "", "id": "100058"}}, "100059": {"id": "100059", "values": {"game": "Quiplash3", "content_type": "Quiplash3Round2Question", "descriptor_text": "If you looked up the word <BLANK> in the dictionary, you would find a picture of <ANYPLAYER>.", "prompt": "If you looked up the word <BLANK> in the dictionary, you would find a picture of <ANYPLAYER>.", "safetyQuips": ["pulling a homer", "yep yep yep", "not funny, didn't laugh"], "includesPlayerName": true, "x": false, "us": false, "prompt_sound": "", "prompt_file_browse": "", "response_sound": "", "response_file_browse": "", "response_filter": "", "response_transcript": "", "id": "100059"}}, "100060": {"id": "100060", "values": {"game": "Quiplash3", "content_type": "Quiplash3Round2Question", "descriptor_text": "What the word \"Tyrotoxism\" means at a glance.", "prompt": "What the word \"Tyrotoxism\" means at a glance.", "safetyQuips": ["I have no idea", "Being toxic to Tyro", "The word to say when you don't know anything to say."], "includesPlayerName": false, "x": false, "us": false, "prompt_sound": "./external content/Quiplash 3 Sounds/Tyrotoxism.ogg//", "prompt_file_browse": "", "response_sound": "./external content/Quiplash 3 Sounds/yeahobviously_response.ogg//", "response_file_browse": "", "response_filter": "poisoning caused by microbes in stale cheese or milk|poisoned milk|poisoned cheese|poison milk|poison cheese", "response_transcript": "Yeah, obviously.", "id": "100060"}}, "100061": {"id": "100061", "values": {"game": "Quiplash3", "content_type": "Quiplash3Round2Question", "descriptor_text": "<ANYPLAYER> has the largest collection of <BLANK> that I have ever seen.", "prompt": "<ANYPLAYER> has the largest collection of <BLANK> that I have ever seen.", "safetyQuips": ["socks", "miscellaneous objects", "marshmallows"], "includesPlayerName": true, "x": false, "us": false, "prompt_sound": "", "prompt_file_browse": "", "response_sound": "", "response_file_browse": "", "response_filter": "", "response_transcript": "", "id": "100061"}}, "100062": {"id": "100062", "values": {"game": "Quiplash3", "content_type": "Quiplash3Round2Question", "descriptor_text": "\"I did not <BLANK>.\"", "prompt": "\"I did not <BLANK>.\"", "safetyQuips": ["do anything wrong", "hit her I did not, oh hi mark", "fill out this prompt. This is a safety quip, BAMBOOZLED.\""], "includesPlayerName": false, "x": false, "us": false, "prompt_sound": "./external content/Quiplash 3 Sounds/ididntblank.ogg/", "prompt_file_browse": "E:/Steam Games/steamapps/common/The Jackbox Party Pack 7/games/external content/Quiplash 3 Sounds/ididntblank.ogg", "response_sound": "./external content/Quiplash 3 Sounds/heallyeah_response.ogg/", "response_file_browse": "E:/Steam Games/steamapps/common/The Jackbox Party Pack 7/games/external content/Quiplash 3 Sounds/heallyeah_response.ogg", "response_filter": "like that|like this|think of anything to say", "response_transcript": "Hell Yeah!", "id": "100062"}}, "100063": {"id": "100063", "values": {"game": "Quiplash3", "content_type": "Quiplash3Round2Question", "descriptor_text": "The podcast no one has thought to think of yet: <BLANK>.", "prompt": "The podcast no one has thought to think of yet: <BLANK>.", "safetyQuips": ["The Podcast Podcast", "The Safety Quip Podcast", "Listen to Colors: 3D"], "includesPlayerName": false, "x": false, "us": false, "prompt_sound": "", "prompt_file_browse": "", "response_sound": "", "response_file_browse": "", "response_filter": "", "response_transcript": "", "id": "100063"}}, "100064": {"id": "100064", "values": {"game": "Quiplash3", "content_type": "Quiplash3FinalQuestion", "descriptor_text": "Three steps to making your own Frankenstein, guaranteed.", "prompt": "Three steps to making your own Frankenstein, guaranteed.", "safetyQuips": ["1. Get Some Lightning|2. Pull the switch|3. Actually, it's Frankenstein's Monster", "Dig|Up|Graves", "Give Up|You|Tryhard"], "includesPlayerName": false, "x": false, "us": false, "prompt_sound": "", "prompt_file_browse": "", "response_filter": "", "response_transcript": "", "id": "100064"}}, "100065": {"id": "100065", "values": {"game": "Quiplash3", "content_type": "Quiplash3FinalQuestion", "descriptor_text": "The only lyrics for one annoying song", "prompt": "The only lyrics for one annoying song", "safetyQuips": ["hit|stuff|hard", "buckle|your|pants", "beep|beep|Oh wait, that's my alarm clock."], "includesPlayerName": false, "x": false, "us": false, "prompt_sound": "", "prompt_file_browse": "", "response_filter": "", "response_transcript": "", "id": "100065"}}, "100066": {"id": "100066", "values": {"game": "Quiplash3", "content_type": "Quiplash3FinalQuestion", "descriptor_text": "Three things you can say to stop anything.", "prompt": "Three things you can say to stop anything.", "safetyQuips": ["stop|hammer|time", "you|are|adopted", "I never|loved|you"], "includesPlayerName": false, "x": false, "us": false, "prompt_sound": "", "prompt_file_browse": "", "response_filter": "", "response_transcript": "", "id": "100066"}}, "100067": {"id": "100067", "values": {"game": "Quiplash3", "content_type": "Quiplash3FinalQuestion", "descriptor_text": "Why your Smash main?", "prompt": "Why your Smash main?", "safetyQuips": ["what are|you|talking about", "kirbo|is the|besto", "I|spam|PK Fire"], "includesPlayerName": false, "x": false, "us": false, "prompt_sound": "./external content/Quiplash 3 Sounds/sexi_response.ogg/", "prompt_file_browse": "E:/Steam Games/steamapps/common/The Jackbox Party Pack 7/games/external content/Quiplash 3 Sounds/sexi_response.ogg", "response_filter": "", "response_transcript": "", "id": "100067"}}, "100068": {"id": "100068", "values": {"game": "Quiplash3", "content_type": "Quiplash3FinalQuestion", "descriptor_text": "Your Minecraft Block Tier List, in only three blocks.", "prompt": "Your Minecraft Block Tier List, in only three blocks.", "safetyQuips": ["diamond|soulstone|dirt", "what|is|minecraft", "bedrock|everything else is trash|except maybe emerald"], "includesPlayerName": false, "x": false, "us": false, "prompt_sound": "./external content/Quiplash 3 Sounds/shortodyssey.ogg/", "prompt_file_browse": "E:/Steam Games/steamapps/common/The Jackbox Party Pack 7/games/external content/Quiplash 3 Sounds/shortodyssey.ogg", "response_filter": "", "response_transcript": "", "id": "100068"}}, "100069": {"id": "100069", "values": {"game": "Quiplash3", "content_type": "Quiplash3SafetyQuips", "descriptor_text": "WAH", "value": "WAH", "id": "100069"}}, "100070": {"id": "100070", "values": {"game": "Quiplash3", "content_type": "Quiplash3SafetyQuips", "descriptor_text": "Nice.", "value": "Nice.", "id": "100070"}}, "100071": {"id": "100071", "values": {"game": "Quiplash3", "content_type": "Quiplash3SafetyQuips", "descriptor_text": "Wait, what are we doing again?", "value": "Wait, what are we doing again?", "id": "100071"}}, "100072": {"id": "100072", "values": {"game": "Quiplash3", "content_type": "Quiplash3SafetyQuips", "descriptor_text": "It wouldn't submit in time", "value": "It wouldn't submit in time", "id": "100072"}}, "100073": {"id": "100073", "values": {"game": "Quiplash3", "content_type": "Quiplash3SafetyQuips", "descriptor_text": "I am still cool", "value": "I am still cool", "id": "100073"}}}