- MS Visual Studio (2019 or greater)
- Clang 15.0 or above
- Cmake 3.21 or greater
- Git
- Ninja(Alternative to Visual Studio Build System)
- Install visual Studio with workload: Desktop development with c++
- Enable Clang/cl tools(required) & Address Santizer(if require)
- If using LLVM/Clang as external toolset:
- Install LLVM
- Install plugin: llvm2019.vsix :https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=MarekAniola.mangh-llvm2019
- Install VS19 version 16.10
Using Powershell:
- Checkout the latest code.
- Open the powershell.exe (as administrator)
- Set path to current working directory/cmake_source_directory
Run from source directory
PS > cmake -A [platform: x86/x64] -B [build_directory] [Enable features] -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[RELEASE] -G "[generator: Visual Studio 17 2022]" -T [toolset:ClangCl/LLVM]
Default set values:
- Generator:'Visual Studio Generator'
- platform: 'x64' if external LLVM toolset use: -T LLVM (otherwise,ClangCl)
PS > cmake -B [build_directory] [Enable features] -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[RELEASE/DEBUG] -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER:FILEPATH=[path to C compiler] -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:FILEPATH=[path_to_cxx_compiler] -G "Ninja"
* 1. cmake -A x64 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -B build -T ClangCl
`-Build binaries will be written to cmake_source_directory/build`
* 2. cmake --build .\build --config=release
- Enable Examples - To compile example/demo code.
- Enable AOCL-UTILS - To dispatch correct kernel with CPU identification.
- Enable DEBUG Build - To compile code in Debug Mode.
- Enable Address Sanitizer Support
- Enable Tests - To compile test code
- Enable Bench - To compile bench code.
- Enable Compat - To compare with compat libs.
- Disabling/Enabling Optional Features
After build, alcp & gtests dll's are not found by feature's *.exe. Run the batch file(Set_Env_Path.bat) to set the environment path required by examples, tests & bench.
PS> scripts\Set_Env_Path.bat
-Restart the powershell & run any feature .exe from build directory or directly.
PS> cmake --build .\build --config=release
Run from build directory after setting an environment path.
$ .\examples\{algorithm_type}\release\*.exe
PS> cmake -DENABLE_AOCL_UTILS=ON -DAOCL_UTILS_INSTALL_DIR=path/to/aocl/utils/source -B build
PS> cmake --build .\build --config=release
PS> cmake --build .\build --config=debug
PS> cmake -DALCP_SANITIZE=ON -B build
PS> cmake --build .\build --config=release
Running from build directory PS>cd build
$ Append the argument '-DALCP_ENABLE_TESTS=ON'
PS> cmake --build . --config=release
This will create test executable:
$ .\tests\{algorithm_type}\release\test_{algorithm_type}
For running all tests
PS> ctest -C release
$ Append the argument -DALCP_ENABLE_BENCH=ON
PS> cmake --build . --config=release
This will create bench executable into:
$ .\bench\{algorithm_type}\release\bench_{algorithm_type}
$ .\bench\{algorithm_type}\release\bench_{algorithm_type} --benchmark_filter=SHA2_<SHA SCHEME>_<Block Size>
$ .\bench\{algorithm_type}\release\bench_{algorithm_type} --benchmark_filter=SHA2_512 (runs SHA512 schemes for all block size)
$ .\bench\{algorithm_type}\release\bench_{algorithm_type} --benchmark_filter=SHA2 (runs for all SHA2 schemes and block sizes)
By default all of the below features are OFF and they can be enabled optionally by setting their corresponding flags to ON
- To enable multi update feature for all supported ciphers append
to build flags. - To Enable CCM multi update feature append flag
to build flags. - To Enable OFB multi update feature append flag
to build flags.
Enabling openSSL
PS> cd aocl-crypto/build
PS> cmake -DAOCL_COMPAT_LIBS=openssl ../
PS> cmake --build build --config=release
After running all the above commands you should see a openssl-compat.dll in \lib\compat\openssl\Release directory
To bench using provider path, use the following example assuming you are executing command from the openssl bin directory.
.\openssl.exe speed -provider-path {path_to_openssl-compat} -provider openssl-compat -evp aes-128-cbc
Enabling IPP-Crypto
PS> cd aocl-crypto/build
PS> cmake --DAOCL_COMPAT_LIBS=ipp ../
PS> cmake --build build --config=release
1. Use '-o' for OpenSSL & '-i' for IPPCP to run tests & bench for them. And also set bin path of compat libs in PATH variable.
2. Run *scripts\Set_Env_Path.bat* to set the path of binaries in environment variable.
3. To Enable examples, tests & bench:
4. Few non-critical warnings are expected in Windows build with Clang while integrating other libs.